Unit 8《How was your school trip》整单元课件(人教新目标八年级)-section a 1--初中英语

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1、Unit 8 Unit 8 How was your school trip? How was your school trip?Section A Period 1What do you usually do for your vacation? Do you often travel to some places of interests?Do you know them?-Where did you go last weekend?-I went to .-How was your trip?-It was interesting / I went to the zoo with my

2、friend.Where did you go last weekend?We had a good time at the zoo.We had a relaxing and exciting trip.1、四人一组,分别介绍自己的上周末活动。、四人一组,分别介绍自己的上周末活动。2、比一比谁的周末活动最精彩。、比一比谁的周末活动最精彩。A: What did you do last weekend?B: I played baseball.A: What did you do last weekend?B: I played basketball.A: What did you do la

3、st weekend?B: I played football.A: What did you do last weekend?B: I played table-tennis.Make a survey(问一问问一问)Where did you go?Were there any people?What did you do?Did you buy /see/watch/play/go/ ?How was the weather/your trip/?1bNew wordseat (ate, eaten) v.吃吃souvenir n. (纪念品纪念品) went to the aquari

4、umtook photoswent to the zoohad pizzaate some ice creamhung out with her friendssaw some sealsbought some souvenirsaw some sharksWhat did Tina do on her school trip?Listen and circle the expressions in the box. shark sealsea horse starfish octopus dolphinsealsharkaquariumTapescriptKevinKevin: Hi, Ti

5、na. How was your school : Hi, Tina. How was your school trip?trip?Tina: Tina: It was fantastic, really fantastic.It was fantastic, really fantastic.KevinKevin: : Did you go to the zoo?Did you go to the zoo?Tina: Tina: No, I didnt. I went to the No, I didnt. I went to the aquarium. Look, here are my

6、aquarium. Look, here are my photos.photos.KevinKevin: Were there any sharks?: Were there any sharks?Tina: No, there werent any sharks, but there were some really clever seals.Kevin: Wow, that sounds wonderful! What else did you do?Tina: Well, I hung out with my friends and I took lots of photos.1b动词

7、过去式动词过去式 动词原形动词原形 went took had ate hung sawgotakehaveeathangsee一般过去时一般过去时1、 定义定义: 一般过去时指在过去的一般过去时指在过去的某一时刻发生的事情或存在的状态某一时刻发生的事情或存在的状态2、主要时间状语主要时间状语:判断句子是否应使:判断句子是否应使用一般过去时主要看句中所包含的时用一般过去时主要看句中所包含的时间状语。典型的标示过去的时间状语间状语。典型的标示过去的时间状语有:有:yesterday, yesterday morning, last night, in 1995, three days ago1.

8、 陈述句:陈述句: sb. did sth. (主语主语 + 动词过去式动词过去式) Tina went to the aquarium.2.一般疑问句:一般疑问句: 助助v.Did + sb.(主语主语) + do(原形原形)? Did Tina go to the aquarium? Yes, she did./ No, she didnt. 一般过去时的句子结构一般过去时的句子结构3. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句: What +助助v.did + sb.(主语主语) +do(原形原形)? What did Tina do on her school trip?1cPair work: ask

9、 and answer1. A: Did Tina go to the aquarium? B: Yes, she did.2. A: Did Tina buy a souvenir? B: No, she didnt. Her friend Grace bought a souvenir._ Did you buy that hat? _ What else did you do?_ Did you see any sharks?_ Did you win that hat?_ Did you get his autograph?_ Were there any seals?_ Did yo

10、u take any photos?2aListen and check( )the questions you hear.else adv.其它其它get ( got, got ) v. 获得获得autograph n. 亲笔签名亲笔签名gift n. 礼物礼物win ( won, won ) v. 赢赢2bRead the new words2bListen again and circle “T (true) or “F (false).1.Tina met a famous actor. T F2.2. Tina got Jake Deans autograph. T F3.3. To

11、by won a prize. T F4.4. Tina won a hat. T F5.5. There were many actors at the T F6. aquarium.Tina took Jake Deans photo.Tina bought a hat.She only saw Jake.Kevin: So, Tina, what else did you do? Tina: You wont believe it, but I met Jake Dean!Kevin: Jake Dean, the famous actor? You really met him?Tin

12、a: Yes! Hes making a movie at the aquarium.Tapescript Kevin: Wow! Did you get his autograph?Tina: No, I didnt. Laura did. But I took his photo! Here it is.Kevin: Wow! Were there other actors there?Tina: No, we only saw Jake. Look, heres Toby. He won a prize in the Gift Shop.Kevin: Did you win that h

13、at?Tina: No, I didnt. I bought it!Group work: Make a survey! What did you do on your last trip? Did you ?nameActivitiesLi Pingwent to Guangzhou, went shoppingZhang Ming went to West Lake, went boatingLiu Meiwent to her aunts house, had pizzaIwent to the beach, went swimmingReport: In my group, Li Pi

14、ng went to Guangzhou. He went shopping Zhang Ming Liu Mei And I We all had a fun day! 上个星期六学生们去西山进行了一次野上个星期六学生们去西山进行了一次野餐餐, 请参考所给词语请参考所给词语, 描述此次活动。描述此次活动。go to West Hill, by bike, a short rest, after, at the foot of , sing, dance, climb, see, hear, take some photos, eat, happyHomework Thanks for Thanks for listening! listening!



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