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1、中考英语复习中考英语复习 Unit 2 Grade 8语法梳理语法梳理一、正确运用情态动词should, shouldnt, had better (not) ,must ,mustnt ,need , neednt , have to 等来表建议。二、动名词作主语。二、动名词作主语。三、反身代词的用法。三、反身代词的用法。情态动词的用法 1.情态动词后跟动词原形。 2.没有人称和数的变化。 3.但有时态的变化。1.should,2.shouldnt, 3.had better (not) ,4must ,5.mustnt ,6.need , 7.neednt ,8 .have to 表建议表

2、建议 + 动词原形动词原形 do拓展知识如何用英语表示疾病?如何用英语表示疾病? 1. have a fever / cold / cough中的中的 a 不能省略不能省略 2. have the flu 得流感得流感 注意:注意:3. have sore eyes这里的这里的the 是表特指哪一种流感。是表特指哪一种流感。拓展知识 maymust 范例:范例: 2.表猜测“可能” 1.表许可 “可以”否定否定Mustnt禁止禁止不准不准不可以不可以否定否定May not/cant 1.“必须”否定否定Neednt / dont have to “不必不必” 2.表猜测 “一定”否定否定can

3、t区别区别 _ I finish my homework now? No you _ . You _ do it after supper .needntMustmay拓展知识 have tomust 范例:范例:客观上的“必须”、“不得不”。主观上的“必须” 。区别区别1.It is dark now . I _ go home now .2.We _ finish our homework every day .musthave to拓展知识 1.实义动词 2.情态动词 范例:范例: 2)need to do sth 1)need +名词 1)need +动原 2) need not +动

4、原need的的用法用法1.He _ to finish his homework now.2.He _ finish his homework now.needntdoesnt need 3)sth +need + doing = sth need to be done 4)dont/doesnt/didnt +need +其他(实义动词)(实义动词) (情态动词)(情态动词)拓展知识had better (not) +动词原形 do had better (not)中的中的had 没有人称、数以及时态没有人称、数以及时态的变化的变化动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。

5、注意:注意:范例:范例:Staying up late _ bad for our health.is反身代词的用法反身代词的用法主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词 I memy mine myself you you your yours yourself /yourselves hehimhis his himselfsheherself ititselfWe /theyOurselves/themselves拓展知识 1.主格作_ 。 2.宾格作_ 。 3.形容词性物主代词只能放在_ 的前面。 4.名词性物主代词可以充当_ 、 _ 、 _ 。它等于_ + _ 。 范例:范例:

6、人称代人称代词的用词的用法法1.My pen is at home. May I use _ ? ( you )2.This isnt my coat . It is _ . ( he ) _ ( I ) is on the line . 主语主语宾语宾语名词名词主语主语宾语宾语表语表语形容词性形容词性物主代词物主代词名词名词yours (作宾语)作宾语)his (作表语)作表语)Mine (作主语)作主语)拓展知识 1.自学_ 2.单独、独自_ 3.自助_ 4.自我照顾_ 5.伤着某人自己_ 反身代反身代词的用词的用法法teach oneselfby oneselfhelp oneself

7、(to)look after oneselfhurt oneself想一想,还有其他的短语、词组是用反身代词?想一想,还有其他的短语、词组是用反身代词?Finish the exercises1.用适当的反身代词填空。 I cooked _ a meal and then I watched TV. If you dont help him, hell have to do it all by _. I put the food on the table and asked them to help _. Jack and Peter, did you clean the room _? Be

8、 careful with that knife or youll cut _. John hurt _ when he was playing football. myselfhimselfthemselvesyourselvesyourselfhimself2.句型转换:(1) I have to go to school on foot today. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ to go to school on foot today?(2) Jim has to stay at home to look after his mother. (变为否定句) Jim _ _ to

9、 stay at home to look after his mother.(3) Do you have to cook for yourself? (否定回答) _, _ _.(4) Must I finish my homework now? (否定回答) _, _ _. 或 _, _ _ _ _.(5) Wed better go there by bike. (变为否定句) We _ _ _ go there by bike.DohaveNo I dontNo you needntNo you dont have tohad better notdoesnt haveHomework Work in pairs to make a conversation between a doctor and a patient. Choose one of the following illnesses: a cold, the flu, or a cough. Your conversation should include these two questions: (1) What causes the illness? (2) What should I do to get well?



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