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1、读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思ONE 1.The author thinks that Sunday seems to be the best day because it is a good day to catch up on back reading and assignments. 2.It is important that you re-plan your time on a weekly basis so that you can make certain change when necessary. 3.Anderson was very clever.He could

2、 put so much of everyday life into the wonder of his fairy tales. 4.If Anderson had learned a trade as the Prince told him,he could never have been the prince of fairy tales. 5.When his first book of fairy tales was published in 1835,Anderson didn t think it would be successful,but children read the

3、 stories and wanted more. 6.The Colin family three generations of them,had done a great contribution to Anderson. 7.Sidney owed a lot to the old Jewish man.He learned from him a way to study. 8.Happiest of all was the day he returned to the “ duck yard”.9.What was then in his full heart was expresse

4、d in his own words: “ to God and man,my thanks,my love. 10. Time is tricky and time is dangerous,but time is also valuable. TOW 1.The wrong Marine went to take care of the old man instead of his son because there had been tow Marines with the same name and similar members in the camp,and someone in

5、personnel offices had pulled out the wrong record. 2.The night noises of the hospital included the clanking of an oxygen tank,the laughter of night-staff members exchanging greetings,the cries and moans and snores of other patients. 3.The Marine proved,in a human way,that there are people who care w

6、hat happens to their fellow men. 4.Few people ask by what authority the writers of dictionaries say what they say. 5.The writing of a dictionary is not a task of setting up ruling statements about the “ true meanings ” of words,but a task of recording. 6.The dictionary can not be regarded as authori

7、ty because the writers can not see into the future. 7.The man thought that Bill would be waiting for him,but in fact,Bill was killed by animals. 8.The man crawled on hands and knees.At last he was saved by the men on the ship. 9.Even though the man was saved and had enough to eat,he still hid food b

8、ecause he was too fearfull of the hunger. 10. With the bearded man was a young fellow whose appearance told of many days in hiding. THREE 1.Many people think that when they become rich and successful, happiness will naturally follow. 2.If you wait for certain things to happen and depend on exteranal

9、 circumstances of life to make you happy,you will always feel unfulfilled. 3.How will you know how to be happy if you don t try it.4.Relatives who had not spoken for years smiled at each other and promised to stay in touch. 5.Do you remember the time he dressed up as a gypsy and went from door to do

10、or telling 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思people s fortunes.6.That is why everybody amazed when the youngset Ground ,Henry,turned out to be a lazy good-for-nothing. 7.Someone burst out laughing unable to hold it any longer. 8.The group fell silent.For the

11、first time that day,there was a feeling of sadness in the air. 9.So many slanders are written every day in the daily press against Negroes and Puerto Ricans. 10. This is what racism and prejudice and chauvinism and a divided society can do to the people and to a nation. FOUR 1.Sangstrom followed him

12、 around the counter and through the doorway to a back room ringed by shelves and bottles from floor to ceiling. 2.I must be convinced,that you deserve what I can give you. 3.My business plans have become known to others almost as soon as I have made them. 4.My biggest business competitor had already

13、 sent their salesmen out to demonstrate their products at a lower price. 5.Well,she hears of my plans only a few mintues or so before I give orders to carry them out. 6.It is not about violence, but about how television gives children a false sense of reality. 7.Not taxi driver wants to follow anoth

14、er car because that means he s going to get into trouble. 8.Kids have a false sense of what emergency wards of hospitals are really like. 9.She knew from the way the doctors talked that there was little hope. 10. When the time came,she and Bill signed the forms permitting his organs to be taken out.

15、 FIVE 1.Once a weekly study plan is prepared,follow the same pattern every week with small changes. 2.One day Hans went to ask a favor of the Prince of Denmark because he wanted to write plays in poetry and act at the Royal Theater. 3.Hans Anderson loved the Colin family very much because the Colin

16、family was the family that he was ever to have. 4.Young Sidney was told to get off the stage as he even couldn t read the part of “ John ”.5.From the story of “ Night Watch” we can conclude that the young Marine was very kind-hearted. 6.The greatest danger of television is that it presents a world t

17、o children,that doesn t exist,and leads thems to expect things that never happen. 7.From the talk with the Marshes we knew that David was a generous,good-hearted young man who loved the outdoor and was never happier than when he was working under the hood of his car. 8.Henry also loved eating,drinki

18、ng,laughing,talking and a thousand other activitied which don t make money or improve the human life. 9.The traditional good manners that the most illustrate Puerto Rican passes on from father to son were struggling inside me. 10. The druggist plugged in an electric coffee pot,found tow cups and put

19、 them on a table that had a chair on either side of it. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思SIX 1.Sunday is a good day to make the plan for the following week. 2.The prince of Denmark tolk Hans Anderson to learn a useful trade like shoemaking because he thought

20、 that Anderson didn t have the ability of writing plays.3.Anderson s books were loved by many people because his books were full of every day truth,of wonder,of sad beauty,of humor. 4.Sidney Poitier was later successful as he had a strong determination. 5.The son that the dying old man held tightly

21、was not his own son. 6.Relatives who had nat spoken for years smiled at each other and promised to stay in touch. 7.One thing was sure:you couldn t help liking Henry Ground and his talent for making you laugh. 8.What is missing in both self-esteem and money is productive work and a read contribution

22、 towards the happiness of others. 9.Long-term happiness means continously creating values for others through your own honest,productive work. 10. His father,poor man,could never understand why Henry did such crazy things. SEVEN 1.In Copenhagen,Hans Christian lived in an attic in an old house,where h

23、e had a good view of the city. 2.The write of “ The Time Message” says as a first-year college student,time management will be the number one problem. 3.The write of “ Remember Tracy Bill” and her husband David could not know where and to whom and to whom to send their thanks because information abo

24、ut donors was kept secret. 4.Dr.Applebaum recently completed a study on the effects of television ondhildren.It is not about voilence,but about how television gives children a false sense of reality. 5.The writer of “ Little Things Are Big” felt uneasy because he didn t help the white lady when she

25、was in difficulty,so he was determined to offer his help regardless of how the offer was going to be received,if he was ever faced with a situation like that again. 6.In the story of “ Hobbyist” ,the druggist was a little man who could have been any age from fifty to a hundred. 7.The Thinking Machin

26、e knew that it was the girl secretary that leaked Mr.Grayson s secret from the silver box. 8.According to the writer of “ Happiness ” ,wealth achieved through dishonest means does not bring happiness. 9.In the story of “ The Joker” ,when Henry was invited to an exhibition of some abstract madern pai

27、nter s laster work,he managed somehow to get in the day before and turn all the paintings upside down . 10. In the United States anyone who is willing to quarrel with the dictionary is regarded as out of his mind . EIGHHT 1.In the story of Night Watch,there had been two Marines with the same name an

28、d similar numbers in the camp. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 7 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思2.In Remember Tracy Bill,Tracy s liver was transplanted into David,who was suffering from an incurable liver disease. 3.Dr.Applebaum said that the greatest danger of television was that it prese

29、nted a world to children that didn t exist,and led them to expect things that never happened. 4.One night,in a subway station,the writer of Small Things Are Big wanted to a white lady with three children,but he didn t because he was a Negro and Puerto Rican. 5.The druggist,in the story of Hobbist,ha

30、ve a completely undetectable poision . 6.Mr.Grayson lost ten million dollars because there was an information leak at his office. 7.According to the writer of Happiness,long-term happiness is based on honest,productive work,contribution,and self-esteem. 8.In the story of The Joker,Henry s four broth

31、ers all made a success of their lives. 9.In Night Watch, an emergency nurse found in a letter in the dying man s pocket that his son was a Marine stationed in North Carolina. 10. The task of witing of dictionary begins with reading huge amount of the literature of the period or subject that the dict

32、ionary is to cover. NINE 1.There was a train acciden .Louise s husband,Brently,was.Louise s sister,Josephine told the news. 2.According to the doctors,the cause of Louise s heart failure was joy that kills 3.Professor Agassiz forbade Scudder to use any artificial aids because. he thought Scudder sho

33、uld learn to observe the fish with his eyes and his hands. 4.While training the students in the methods of observing facts and their orderly arrangement,Professor Agassiz urged them not to be content with just facts. 5.Bob Sugg read only certain bits of the papers he sold.robberies,killing,and thing

34、s like that,And that was funny,too,because he didn t like crime and meant to stop it whatever he could. 6.Bob s favourite part of the newspaper was the page of personal advertisements. 7.The Inspector decided to go on watching the papers.If there would be another ad signed “ Cross ” ,they would trip

35、 hin up. 8.According to Dr.Coleman,most people treat garbage collectors unequally 9.According to Steve,if he said hello,people would stare at him in surprise.They don t know they are human. 10. Steve feels that he is doing a service that people need,like being a police officer or a fire fighter. TEN

36、 1.According to the writer of The Day I Was Fat,she reshaped her attitude,lifestyle and self-image.She feels energetic,healthy,confident,strong,and pretty. 2.The author of The Day I Was Fat hoped that the kid from the pool had had his teeth fixed because she is sure they are one source of his misery

37、. 3.Most of these resources,both technical and spiritual,are stored in books. 4.We all think of ourselves as citizens of a great civilization.Civilization can exist,however,as long as they remain intellectually alive 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 7 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思5.If you

38、 have no time for Shakespeare,foe a basic look at philosophy,for the fine arts,for that reason of man s development we call history-then you have no business being in college 6.The author of Lesson Six says that a university has no real existence and no real purpose except as it succeeds in putting

39、you in touch,both as specialists and as humans,with those human minds your human mind needs to include 7.The Eveving Messenger has decided to offer the reward to any person who gives information which results in the arrest of Willianm Strickand,who is wanted by the police in connection with the murd

40、er of Emma Strickland in Manchester. 8.Mr.Budd was a barber.He was particularly skilled at the art of 9.Mr.Budd had not wasted the years which be had spent studying the behaviour of dyes. Knowledge is Power .The Knowledge of Mr.Budd had given him the power to put a mark on his man which made him dif

41、ferent from every other person in the world. 10. Mr.Budd experienced a strange feeling of freedom and confidence. He made light conversation as he skillfully dyed the man s hair dark brown.ELEVEN 1.This reluctance to communicate with others is an unfortunate quality in some ways since it tends to gi

42、ve the impression of coldness,and it is true that the English are noted for generosity and hospitality. 2.To other Europeans,the best known quality of the British ,and in particular of the English,is “ reserved.” A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers,does not show much em

43、otion,and seldom gets excited. 3.Within their hearts,the English are perhaps no less conceited than anybody eles,but in their relations with others they value at least a show of modesty. 4.In Thank You,Ma ma,what happened to the big woman one night when she was walking alone? A boy ran up hehind her

44、 and tried to snatch her purse. 5.In Thank You,Ma ma,why do you think the woman treated the boy as she did? Because when the woman was young,she had the same experience with boy.The woman wanted to help and change the boy. 6.When they had finished eating,the woman gave the boy ten dollars.She said t

45、hat he could use the money to buy some bule suede shoes. 7.The man at the police headquarters didn t take Mr.Budd seriously at first when he demanded to see “ somebody very important”.8.The Emotional Bank Account is like a financial bank account in one way:you can make “ deposits”-actions that build

46、 trust- or you can make “ withdrawls” that decrease it.9.Next to apologizing,one of the most important deposits a person can make is to be loyal to family members when they are not present. 10. In “I Got My B.A.by. Sheer Luck, ” the Prof.Kolb wrote a note saying,”Thank goodness for one good scholar

47、in all years of teaching .But he didn t know what luck I had,and I never told him. TWELVE 1.In Freedom in Dying ,Jim is showing us that his style of dying will be no different from his style of living.By his example and by his words,Jim has taught us how to evaluate our own 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - -

48、名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思life. 2.In Freedom in Dying, Jim s mother has been truly great.She has shown how much she loves him without depriving him of his free spirit and independence. 3.According to the author,what can a people do for a dying friend or relative? According ot

49、 the author,a person doesn t have to do much for a dying friend or relative,because one can do nothing but learn to share the sadness with the friend or the relative. 4.It s a funny thing about money.If you haven t got it,you think it s the most important thing in a world. 5.In The Outside Chance,ho

50、w did his father s death changed the young man s attitude towards money? Throuhg his father s death,the young man changed his attitude toward money:money is not the most important thing in life;money alone can t bring happiness.6.According to Lesson15,what do you learn about Chris birth? Chris brith

51、 was a difficult one.Both mother and son almost died. 7.Four years rolled by and Chris was now five,and still as helpless as a newly-born baby.While his father was out at bricklaying,earning the bread and butter for them,Mother was slowly,patiently pulling down the wall,brick by brick,that seemed to

52、 stand between Chris and the other children. 8.Mother tells me how one day she had been sitting with me for hours,showing me the pictures and telling me the names of the different animals and flowers that were in them,trying without success to get me to repeat them. 9.In The Letter “ A” (II) ,sudden

53、ly everything was changed.Chris future life took a definite shape,his mother s faith in him rewarded,and her secret fear changed into open triumph. 10. In The Letter “ A” (II),that one letter,scrawled on the slate with a broken bit of yellow chalk gripped between Chris toes,was his road to a new wor

54、ld,his key to mental freedom. THRITEEN 1.In The Story of an Hour ,They knew that Louise Mallard had a weak heart. 2.What do you learn from the next about the Mallards marriage?Was their marriage a happy one?How do you know?What was wrong with Brently Mallard? From the text we learn that the Mallard

55、s marriage is not a happy one.No.Because she had loved her husbandsometimes.Often she had not.Brently Mallard did not give enough freedomto Louise and always had a powerful will bending hers. 3.In Lesson2,In the Laborary, Scudder entered Professor Agassiz s laboratory,and told him he had enrolled hi

56、s name in the Scientific School as a student of natural history. 4.Why did Scudder look upon this observation the best lesson he ever had?What did he learn? In influenced the way he had studied,so Scudder looked upon this observation the best lesson he ever had.He learnt that in studying the method

57、of observing facts and their orderly arrangement students should try to find the connections with some general law. 5.In Lesson3, Detective on the trail ,where did the event in the story take place?Who was Bob Sugg? The events in the story took place in Britain.Bob Sugg was a little boy. 6.In Lesson

58、3,after hearing the report from Bob,what did the police decide to do?What did the Inspector tell Bob to do? The police decided to be on the trail of Mr.Cross.The inspector told Bob to return to his job and read about what was going to happen in the newspaper. 7.How garbage is collected in the United

59、 States,according to the text? The trashman collects the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思garbage at people s backyards and then carries it to the dump by car.8.How would you describe a garbage collector s job?Do you think garbage collecting is dirty?Respect

60、able?Honorable?Or what? A garbage collector s job is hard.I think that though garbage collecting is dirty,it is respectable and honorable,because our society needs it,and our people need it. 9.In The Day I Was Fat,what would you say about the author s shape when she was a child and all through high

61、school?Would you call her fat then? She was never in great shape.As a child,she was always called “ plump ” and she maintained a respectable weight through high school.Yes. 10. In The Day I Was Fat ,what did the author mean when she said, “ My body looks good,but my mind feels great?” Shen meant tha

62、t abuse she endured in the parking lot had helped her regain her self-esteem,not just her figure. FOURTEEN 1.According to Lesson6,if you are to much in a hurry,or too proud od your own limitations,to accept as a gift to your humanity some pieces of the minds of Aristole or Einstein,then you are neit

63、her a developed human nor a useful citizen of a civilization. 2.According to the author in lesson6,what is the basic difference between a technical training school and a university? In a university students enroll for both training and education. 3.In Lesson7,why was William Strickland wanted by the

64、 police? Because he was in connection with the murder of Emma Strickland in Manchester. 4.In Lesson7,why did the man want to have his hair dyed and his heard shaved?What did he tell Mr.Budd? Because he wanted not to be recognized.He told Mr.Budd that his young lady did not like the colour of his hai

65、r and his beard. 5.Mr.Budd d “ Great Idea” was first to dye the man s hair dark brown,and then let it change into bright green. 6.According to the text,what sort of people do the English dislike?Why? They dislike the more excitable nations because they think of themselves as more reliable. 7.In Than

66、k You,Ma am,on the way,why did the boy try to get away?Where did he think of the woman was tasking him? Because he was afraid.He thought the woman was taking him to jail. 8.What are the “ deposits” in the Emotional Bank Account according to the writer of the Lesson11? They are “ cultivate kindness,”

67、 “ apologize,” “ make and keep promise,” and “ forgive.”9.In Lesson12,I Got My B.A.by Sheer Luck ,how much the time did the writer spend reading the assigned chapter before the lecture?How did other students deal with the textbook? He worked on each chapter for hours while other students just “ flip

68、ped the pages ” of the textbook. 10. In Lesson13,Freedom in Dying ,Jim has never denied the fact that he is dying,has he?How do you know? No,he didn t.We can see this from his behavior:he made it a point to gather his family and tell them his wishes.He also made contact with all his friends and said everything he wanted to say to them. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页



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