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1、Unit-11-Job-HuntingUnit-11-Job-HuntingCareer PlanningUnit 11What do you need to do to get these things?How can we stand out(脱颖而出脱颖而出) from the crowd of job applicants(申请者申请者)?What do you think is the most important thing before an interview?Job ads in newspapers or on the internet Have a Great Resum

2、e!Your resume should include things like objective, education, working experience, and skills.RESUMEYour advantages /strengths are What do you think about our corporation?Your weakness ?Self-introduceworking individually or in a team atmospherePractice Interview Questions!The clothesblouse女衬衫 neckla

3、cedresshigh-heeled shoes handbag 手袋手袋coatTo the LOGO面试着装要注意的面试着装要注意的N个细节个细节 1、剪裁合适、简单剪裁合适、简单大方的套装,大方的套装,比两比两件式上下身搭配或件式上下身搭配或洋装更能体现洋装更能体现庄重庄重感与专业性感与专业性。而女。而女士下身应以裙装为士下身应以裙装为主,如穿长裤,应主,如穿长裤,应选择质料柔软、剪选择质料柔软、剪裁合宜的西装裤。裁合宜的西装裤。LOGO2、套装、西装、套装、西装颜色以颜色以中性为主中性为主,避免夸,避免夸张、刺眼的颜色。张、刺眼的颜色。以自己的以自己的“肤色属性肤色属性”为前提为前提(



6、容易给人凌乱、拿,容易给人凌乱、急燥、办事马虎的急燥、办事马虎的感觉感觉。过过于于幼幼稚稚和和花花俏俏LOGO8、眼镜眼镜。眼镜会使一些人。眼镜会使一些人外表增色,也可能使一外表增色,也可能使一些人显得不协调。尽量些人显得不协调。尽量选择适合自己的镜框,选择适合自己的镜框,式样宜新为好。另外,式样宜新为好。另外,千万不可戴太阳镜千万不可戴太阳镜(护(护目镜)去面试,当然更目镜)去面试,当然更不能戴反光镜。假如你不能戴反光镜。假如你非戴眼镜不可,可选择非戴眼镜不可,可选择隐形眼镜隐形眼镜。 LOGO9、发型、发型 头发在整个仪容中是十分重头发在整个仪容中是十分重要的组成部分。保证要的组成部分。保


8、你是什么都不干的大小姐。么都不干的大小姐。白衬衣白衬衣:朴实朴实 简单简单黑与灰:成熟黑与灰:成熟 稳重稳重小外套:知性气质小外套:知性气质及膝裙:温婉女人味及膝裙:温婉女人味To the boysAppropriate dress shirt 衬衣衬衣 tie 领带领带Belt 皮带皮带jacket pants shoes 鞋鞋 Suit Trousers 长裤长裤短上衣短上衣, 夹克夹克 stickpin 领带夹领带夹briefcasewatchlighter面试着装要注意的细节面试着装要注意的细节 男士面试着装以男士面试着装以西装为上西装为上选。选。推荐穿西装面试,推荐穿西装面试,颜颜色

9、的选择。应聘者最好穿色的选择。应聘者最好穿深色的西服,灰色、绿色深色的西服,灰色、绿色和深蓝色和深蓝色都是不错的选择,都是不错的选择,它们给人以它们给人以稳重、可靠,稳重、可靠,忠诚、朴实、干练忠诚、朴实、干练的印象。的印象。 LOGO衬衫要理想衬衫要理想如果说最保守的西装颜色是如果说最保守的西装颜色是深色,最保守的衬衫颜色则是深色,最保守的衬衫颜色则是白色。白色易脏、难以保持清白色。白色易脏、难以保持清洁,白色衬衫应该多买几件,洁,白色衬衫应该多买几件,经常换洗。挑选衬衫应该注意经常换洗。挑选衬衫应该注意领子不要太大,领口、袖口不领子不要太大,领口、袖口不要太宽,以刚好可以扣上并略要太宽,以


11、公文包要简单简单细长的公文包是最简单细长的公文包是最佳选择。如果适合你的职佳选择。如果适合你的职业,携带一个整洁的文件业,携带一个整洁的文件夹。避免带任何会使人想夹。避免带任何会使人想起推销员的皮包。还要注起推销员的皮包。还要注意看看包带或扣是否好使,意看看包带或扣是否好使,把包拉上,看看是否能开把包拉上,看看是否能开合自如。当然,别忘了把合自如。当然,别忘了把必备的简历等资料装进去。必备的简历等资料装进去。Keep calmBe on time!Tips for the Interview Smile regularly Remember “Please” and “Thank you” (

12、Good manner of speaking)Stand up to meet peopleKeep good eye contactBe confident and enthusiasticIf you feel nervous try breathing techniques. Dont answer with a simple “yes” or “no”. New WordsReadingLanguage points(P1-2)1.Lily is graduating from vocational school with a 2.diploma in accounting.3.丽丽

13、就要获得会计文凭,从职业学校毕业了。4.is graduating 是进行时态的形式,表示是进行时态的形式,表示“即即5.将发生将发生”的将来行为。的将来行为。6.类似动词:类似动词:come, go, leave, arrive等等7.He is leaving for Shanghai next week.他下周将动身去上海。The train is arriving.火车快到了。2. graduate from 从从毕业毕业Mary graduated from Oxford.玛丽毕业于牛津大学。玛丽毕业于牛津大学。3. She is surely concerned about job

14、 opportunities.她很关心就业机会。她很关心就业机会。be concerned about “关心,挂念关心,挂念”Please dont be concerned about me.请不要为我担心。请不要为我担心。4. Finding a suitable job is , but it is not easy to find a the world which is full of competition and challenges.finding a suitable job: 动名词做句子的主语Which is challenges. 定语从句be full of: 充满

15、His eyes are full of eyes.他的眼睛蓄满泪水。5. at present: 目前; 现在Whats he doing at present?他现在做什么呢?6. Now Lily is facing this challenge.现在丽丽正面临着这样的挑战。face 动词动词 “面对,面临某种形势面对,面临某种形势”Turn round and face me.转过来,面对着我。Such was the situation we were facing.这就是我们面临的形势。face常见短语face to face 面对面地face up/ down 面朝上/ 下fac

16、e the truth 面对现实face with 面对7. The first consideration when looking for a job is not how much you can earn, but what you can do for the job.找工作时,首先要考虑的问题不是你能挣多少钱,而是你能为这项工作做些什么。look for“找,寻找”I looked for my watch everywhere, but Icouldnt find it. 我到处找我的手表,但是没找到。notbut: 不是而是He is not my brother but my

17、 teacher.他不是我哥哥,是我老师。how much you can earn 和 what you can do for the job是is的表语从句,问句做表语从句时,用陈述句语序。8. This requires a better understanding of who you are and what you want to do.宾语从句,陈述句语序9. What do you value most in your career?在你的职业生涯中你最看重什么?value 动词 “重视,尊重”I valued his advice.我尊重他的建议。I value our fr

18、iendship with John.我重视和约翰之间的友谊。Language points(P3-5)10. have decided to do: 现在完成时态decide to do sth: 决定做He decides to go alone.他决定自己去。11. apply for: 申请;申报Many people applied for the post.许多人申请该岗位。12. It usually begins with a short paragraph that summarizes the education you have received, listing the

19、 names of schools attended, specialties and graduation dates, first the most recent定语从句.简历开头一段通常概述你的学历,列出所上过的学校名称及专业和毕业时间,要先写最近期的。begin with /start with “用开头,以开始”He began his speech with a humorous story.他以一个幽默的故事开始了他的演讲。13. After that, you should list your work experience, starting with the most cu

20、rrent position, including job titles, names and addresses of the employers and the datesof employment.接下来应列出你的工作经历,以最近的工作岗位开头,包括工作名称、雇主的名称地址及雇用时间。start with = begin withA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。14. make a list of: 列出He made a list of things for the party.他列出了

21、聚会需要的东西。15. participate in: 参加Many old people participated in the activity.许多老人参加了这次活动。16. such as:例如17. special talents: 特长18. Finally, in a reference section, you should give a list of the names, addresses or phone numbers of those whohave agreed to supply information about you if requested. 最后,在证

22、明人栏目里,如果需要的话,应列出同推荐你的人的姓名、地址和电话号码。reference section “介绍栏,证明栏介绍栏,证明栏”give a list of: 列出列出agree to do: 同意做同意做Mike agreed to help us. 迈克同意帮助我们。 agree 常见短语常见短语agree on / upon 对达成协议,取得一致意见agree to sth. 赞同某事who have agreed to supply information about you定语从句19.Once your rsum is completed, you can send it

23、to prospective employers with a neat, brief “cover letter”.一旦写好了简历,你可以附上一份简明的“求职附函”一 起寄给你预期的雇主。once 连词 “一旦就”,引导时间状语从句。 Once you get there, you will love the beautiful place.一旦你到了那儿,你就会爱上那个美丽的地方。once 还可以作副词还可以作副词 “一次,一度,曾经一次,一度,曾经”The song was once very popular.这首歌曾经一度很流行。20. apply for:申请A few people

24、 applied for the post. 宾语从句有几个人申请该岗位。 21.But dont forget that the main purpose of a cover letteris to seek a job interview, because employers wont hire you unless they see you in person.但是不要忘记,附函的主要目的是寻求面试机会,因 为雇主没见到你本人是不会雇用你的。cover letter “邮寄申请资料的附函”unless conj. “除非,如果不” 引导条件状语从句Unless you take mor

25、e care, youll have an accident.如果不多加小心的话,你会出事故的。Read new words and text.Read new words and text.Do exercises on textbook Do exercises on textbook and workbook.and workbook.HomeworkLanguage Study on Textbook P101I. Useful words and phrases1.Summary2.are concerned about3.application4.apply for5.positi

26、on6.titleExercises on the workbook (P85)2.1) interview3.2) keys4.3) participate / join5.4) special6.5) supplies6) application7) list 8) decide9) received10) applyExercises on the workbook (P86)3. Translation.1) Our life is full of challenges and opportunities. 2) The whole society should be concerne

27、d about the growth and development of teenagers.3) She is looking for the key she lost yesterday. 4) He has decided to apply for the job. 5) We dont need it at present. 6) How many people participated in the opening ceremony?7) He will attend the meeting in person.8) The teacher asked the students t

28、o prepare for the exam. 9) Our teacher has much experience in teaching English. 10) She decided to leave here on Sunday insteadof Monday. II. Grammar Focus on Textbook P1011)are2)is3)is4)has5)is6)meet7)are8)Does9)are, are10) knows11) is12) has13) is14) hasExercises on the workbook (P86)4. 1)are2)2)

29、costs3) is4) is5) is6) are7) lies8) is 9) make10) are11) has12) were13) is14) are15) areExercises on the workbook (P87)5. 1) A2) D3) B4) B5) A6) B7) C8) B9) C10) C11) D12) DExercises on the workbook (P88)6. 1) D 2) A 3) A 4) D 5) C6) A 7) B8) D9) B10) BExercises on the workbook (P90)Reading 1) C 2) C 3) CExercises on the workbook (P92)Reading (选做题)(选做题) 1) B 2) C 3) D 4) B 5) B



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