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1、The Man in AsbestosStephen Leacock 12021/6/7R einforcementT ext AnalysisThe Man in AsbestosB ackgroundW arming upUnit 822021/6/7Questions / ActivitiesCheck-on PreviewObjectivesThe Man in AsbestosUnit 8Warming up32021/6/7Warming upQuestions / ActivitiesWhat do you think human life will be like in 400

2、 or 500 years? (In terms of life expectancy, clothing, food, housing, communication, education, entertainment)42021/6/7Check-on PreviewTrue(T)/False(F) statements on the text. 1.I fell into deep sleep by taking a special pill.2.I found myself in a museum on Broadway.3.The man in asbestos (MIA) looke

3、d surprised when I started asking him questions.4.There were no machines any more in MIAs world.5.Climate didnt change any more in MIAs world.6.People could still get killed in traffic accidents in MIAs world. 7.Education was no longer necessary in MIAs world.8.All women had changed into men in MIAs

4、 world.9.I was angry at the state of things in MIAs world.10.MIA sent back to my hotel in the end.Warming upFTFFTTFFTF52021/6/7Objectives1.Expand your vocabulary2.Expand your knowledge of English grammar3.Understand the structure and the general idea of the story4.Understand science fiction as a lit

5、erary genre5.Learn to appreciate and criticize a text in the framework of the time when it was written6.Solve your own questions about the storyWarming up62021/6/7BackgroundGenreAuthorThe Man in AsbestosUnit 872021/6/7BackgroundAuthorStephen Leacock 1869-1944born in England in 1869. born in England

6、in 1869. emigrated to Canada in 1876 with his family.emigrated to Canada in 1876 with his family.studied modern and classical languages and earned his studied modern and classical languages and earned his bachelors degree in the University of Toronto in 1891.bachelors degree in the University of Tor

7、onto in 1891.taught high school but did not quite like the job.taught high school but did not quite like the job.started graduate studies at the university of Chicago in 1899. started graduate studies at the university of Chicago in 1899. received a doctorate in political science and political recei

8、ved a doctorate in political science and political economy, in 1903 and went back to Canada to teach at the economy, in 1903 and went back to Canada to teach at the McGill University. McGill University. died in 1944 in Canada.died in 1944 in Canada.published over 40 books, more than half of which we

9、re on published over 40 books, more than half of which were on serious political matters but have mostly been forgotten.serious political matters but have mostly been forgotten.known as the best humorist in the English-speaking world in known as the best humorist in the English-speaking world in the

10、 early 20th century for his works of humor the early 20th century for his works of humor 82021/6/7BackgroundLeacock was a social conservative. He opposed giving women the right to vote, disliked non-Anglo-Saxon immigration and supported the introduction of social welfare legislation. He was a staunc

11、h champion of the British Empire and went on lecture tours to further the cause.The story in the text was originally entitled “The Man in AsbestosAn Allegory of the Future” and was first published in a collection of short stories entitled Nonsense Novels in 1911.Author92021/6/7BackgroundGenreA Short

12、 Sci-fi Story Science fiction:1) books, films or cartoons about an imagined future, especially about space travel or other planets (http:/dictionary.cambridge.org)2) abbreviation SF or sci-fi, a form of fiction that deals principally with the impact of actual or imagined science upon society or indi

13、viduals. The term science fiction was popularized, if not invented, in the 1920s by one of the genres principal advocates, the American publisher Hugo Gernsback. The Hugo Awards, given annually since 1953 by the World Science Fiction Society, are named after him. These achievement awards are given t

14、o the top SF writers, editors, illustrators, films, and “fanzines.” ()3) a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible (or at least non-supernatural) content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities. Exploring t

15、he consequences of scientific innovations is one purpose of science fiction, making it a literature of ideas. (www.wikipedia.org)102021/6/7BackgroundGenreGreatest authors of science fiction:Mary Shelley (1797-1851): Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus (1818)Jules Verne (1828-1905): Twenty Thousa

16、nd Leauges Under the Sea (1870), A journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), Around the World in Eighty Days (1873)H. G. Wells (1866-1946): The Time Machine (1895), The Invisible Man (1897)Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988): the Future History seriesArthur C. Clarke (1917-2008): 2001: A Space Odyssey (

17、1968)Isaac Asimov (1920-1992): The Foundation series112021/6/7BackgroundGenreA Short Story Plot: A mans visit to the future in sleep a hotel room Setting: Broadway in the dreamed future Main characters: “I” the man visiting the future in a dream, and the man in asbestos living in the dreamed future

18、Theme: what do you think?122021/6/7DetailedAnalysisStructureThemeUnit 8Text AnalysisThe Man in Asbestos132021/6/7Text AnalysisThemeThe “perfect” future or a nightmareUtopian ideas and disastersHumanity lost in the progress of human society142021/6/7Text AnalysisStructureIPara. 1-6Sleeping into the d

19、istant future IIPara. 7-78Experiencing the distant futureIIIPara. 79-81Waking up from the distant future7-28Astonished29-55Thrilled56-66Doubtful67-78Angry 1234152021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: Sentence ParaphraseTo begin with, let me admit that I did it partly from jealousy. (para.1)be

20、cause of, out of“From” is sometimes used to indicate reason. E.g.The dog died from the wound on its leg.The girl suffers from homesickness.(here) used to give the first important reason for sth.Or: at the start of a process, event or situation. E.g. There were six of us to begin with, but then two p

21、eople left.Paraphrasing: It is true that the first important reason for me to visit the distant future in sleep is that I as a writer am jealous of other writers that can do it.to agree that sth. is true, esp. unwillingApparently jealousy is not a thing one would be proud of.162021/6/7Text AnalysisD

22、etailed AnalysisPart I: Sentence ParaphraseIt seemed unfair that other writers should be able at will to drop into a sleep of four or five hundred years, and to plunge headfirst into a distant future and be a witness of its marvels.(para.2) a thing or person that is very surprising or causes a lot o

23、f admirationThis indicates that the narrator had some positive expectations for the futureParaphrasing: Surprisingly other writers are able to fall asleep and stay asleep for four or five hundred years whenever they like, and they can go right into a distant future in their sleep without heisitation

24、 to see all the wonders, while I havent done this yet. Im also a writer, so this unfair. to go right intowithout hesitationsee, experienceIndicating surpriseformal subject “it” in the place of a subject clause for balanced sentence structure172021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: Sentence Pa

25、raphraseIt was, in a way, clear, straight suicide, but I did it.(para.5) This is exaggeration of the risks involved in his plan for humorous effect. dropping into a sleep of four or five hundred years and plunge headfirst into the distant futureParaphrasing: Clearly there is to a certain extent grea

26、t risk in dropping into a sleep of four or five hundred years and plunge headfirst into the distant future, but I did it in spite of the risk.To a certain extent, with reservations, in some respects182021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: Sentence ParaphraseI could feel my senses leaving meth

27、e very existence of the outer world was hushed. Dimly I could feel the days go past, then years, and then the long passage of the centuries. (para.6)Do you know the difference in usage and meaning between “to feel sb. doing sth.” and “to feel sb. do sth.”silent and stillParaphrasing: I could feel th

28、at I was becoming more and more insensitive to the things around methe world around me had become silent and still(used to add emphasis to a noun) exact, particularHere it denotes the action of “to pass”, as in “the passage of time” and “the passage of the law”192021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed Analysi

29、sPart I: Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsadmit; should; passage Phrasesto begin with; do sth. from jealousy; at will; drop into a sleep; plunge into; make preparations for; feel sb. do/doing; fall into sleepSentence PatternGrammarthe formal subject “it”202021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPar

30、t I: Exercise 1Translate the following sentences into English, using Translate the following sentences into English, using words in the brackets.words in the brackets.1.要求文科学生修高级数学课程,太荒谬。(it)It is ridiculous that liberal arts students should be required to take advanced math courses. 2. 不应允许雇主随意解雇员工

31、。(will)Employers shouldnt be allowed to fire employees at will.3.欧洲遭遇经济危机时,许多欧盟国家债台高筑。(plunge)Many EU countries plunged into great debts when the economic crisis hit Europe. 青年男子承认他不明白夜莺在唱什么。(admit)The young man admitted that he did not understand what the nightingale was singing. 212021/6/7Text Ana

32、lysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: Exercise 2Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their appropriate forms.1. Did you hear somebody_ (cry) help just now?2. The mother watched her son _(walk) away from home for his fist day at school.3.The old man smelt something _(burn) in the house.4. I saw a little boy

33、_ (eat) three Big Macs at McDonalds today.5. She felt her little brothers hand _ (tremble) in hers and pull him behind her.cryingwalkburningeattrembling222021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-1(7-28): Sentence ParaphraseDont you keep track of them anymore? (para.15) Paraphrasing: Dont you re

34、cord time anymore? / Dont you care to know the time anymore?to keep a record of sth. or make certain that you know or remember what has happenedopposite: to lose track of sth.232021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-1: Sentence Paraphrase“Stop,” I said, my brain reeling. “Tell me one thing at

35、 a time.” (para.19)Paraphrasing: “Stop,” I said, and my head seemed to be moving round and round in a whirling motion so that I felt dizzy, bewildered, and completely puzzled. “Tell me these things one by one.”absolute construction as adverbial, more examples:He said yes, his eyes fixed on the floor

36、. (past participle)He said yes, his eyes shining with excitement. (present participle)He said yes, his cap in his hand. (preposition phrase)He said yes, his face red with shyness. (adjective)one by one, one after another242021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-1: Sentence ParaphraseI see, you

37、 must have been asleep a long time.(para.20)The pattern “must have done” is used here to show that sth. was very likely, probable, or certain to be true. Compare:He must have argued with her.He might have argued with her.He would have argued with her.He could have argued with herHe should have argue

38、d with her.He couldnt have argued with her.He shouldnt have argued with her.He neednt have argued with her.252021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-1: Sentence Paraphrase“But here,” he said. (para.25) but now, but listen, but look262021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-1: Sentence Par

39、aphraseBut the moment we came out upon the street, I stood riveted in astonishment. (para.26)Paraphrasing: When we went out of the museum and onto Broadway, I was so astonished that I stood still as if fastened to the ground with a rivet.adverbial clause introduced by a nounSimilarly:The first time

40、I drank, I got drunk.The winter left my hometown, it snowed often.The way I see it, you are getting cheated.272021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-1: Sentence ParaphraseIn place of the roaring thoroughfare that I had know, this silent, moss-grown desolation.(para.27)Instead ofa lively and b

41、usy main streetthis silent wasteland covered with moss282021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-1: Sentence ParaphraseAnd was this the era of the conquest that I had hoped to see?(para.28) It refers to mans conquest of nature. Up until very recently, people still believed that by relying on sc

42、ience and technology, we would be able to make nature serve our needs; we would conquer nature as its master. Note that the conquest might also be about the principles of nature, like aging. Human beings have always dreamed of beating disease and death, anyway.292021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed Analysi

43、sPart II-1: Sentence Paraphrase .humanity was destined to move forward.(para.28) Paraphrasing: Based on Darwinian theories of evolution, through struggle for survival and natural selection, people believe that humanity is sure/certain/bound to move forward, since the inevitable law is the survival o

44、f the fittest, progress is not only desirable, but also inevitable. 302021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-1: Sentence ParaphraseThis picture of desolation rendered me almost speechless.(para.28) to render: to cause to be or become, make312021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-1(7-28

45、): Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsrenderPhraseshave a way of doing; keep track of; used to do; one at a time; spring to ones lips; find out about; in astonishment; in place of; fall into ruin; to and fro; take for granted; be destined to doSentence PatternGrammarabsolute construction; adverbial

46、 clause introduced by a noun322021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-1: ExerciseTranslate the following sentences into English, using Translate the following sentences into English, using words in the words in the brackets.brackets.1. 她的丈夫在事故中去世,让她毫无希望。(render)The death of her husband in the

47、accident rendered her hopeless. 2. 任何作弊企图都必将失败。(destine)Any attempt to cheat in the exam is destined to fail. 3. 法律面前人人平等是理所当然的。(grant)It is taken for granted that everyone is equal before the law. 4. 应该鼓励人们购物时用纸袋子,换掉塑料袋。(place)People should be encouraged to use paper bags in place of plastic bags f

48、or shopping.332021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-1: ExerciseTranslate the following sentences into English, using Translate the following sentences into English, using words in the words in the brackets.brackets.5. 设计这个表格是为了帮助学生们了解他们的进步。(track)This table is designed to help the students k

49、eep track of their progress. 6. 她走进我办公室的那一刻我就知道麻烦来了。(adverbial clause)The moment she walked into my officer, I knew trouble came.7. 她满脸幸福地拆开了生日礼物。(absolute construction)She unwrapped the birthday gift, happiness on her face.342021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2(29-55): Sentence Paraphras

50、e“Oh, done away with long ago,” he said.(para.31) to do away with: to get rid of sth. or stop using sth., for example:Computerization has enabled us to do away with a lot paper work.These ridiculous regulations should be done away with immediately.Paraphrasing: The man in asbestos said, “Oh, we got

51、rid of the transportation vehicles a long time ago.”352021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2: Sentence ParaphraseIts just the same being here as being anywhere else.(para.33) The formal subject “it” is used here in the place of the gerund phrase “being here” for balance of sentence structur

52、e.Paraphrasing: There is no difference between being here and being anywhere else (so there is no need to move anywhere).362021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2: Sentence ParaphraseA thousand questions surged into my mind at once.(para.34)a lot of questions: “a thousand” is not used as an

53、exact number here; it is an exaggerated way of saying many.Paraphrasing: Immediately my head was full of questions. to surged: to rise, roll, move or swell forward in or like waves 372021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2: Sentence ParaphraseI looked at him a moment open-mouthed.(para.37)Pa

54、raphrasing: I looked at the man in asbestos for a moment with my mouth open because I was too surprised. adjective as subject complement, more examples:She went away ashamed.The student looked at the professor confused.382021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2: Sentence ParaphraseI tried to

55、pull my senses together.(para.38)to pull ones senses together: to calm down and thinkCompare: to pull oneself together (to recover ones self-control; to regain command of ones emotions)Paraphrasing: I tried to calm down and think clearly. 392021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2: Sentence P

56、araphrase.I must go at it systematically.(para.38)Paraphrasing: I must start finding out about this new and undreamed-of future in a well planned orderly way.to go at: to attack (sb.) or to start doing sth. with a lot of energy and enthusiasmCompare: to go about (to begin to do sth. or deal with sth

57、.)in a well planned, organized and orderly way402021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2: Sentence ParaphraseWhy,.it died out of itself. Machinery killed it.(para.40)Paraphrasing: Why, work for human beings disappeared without external interference. Machines did all the work so that human bei

58、ngs didnt have to work anymore. to die out: to stop existing completelyan assembly of machines or mechanical apparatusesMachinery is a collective noun but is uncountable, other similar nouns include: luggage, furniture, equipment, jewelry, stationary, etc.by itself, without external interference4120

59、21/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2: Sentence ParaphraseYou were all caught in the cogs of your own machines.(para.42)Paraphrasing: You could not escape the consequences of your industrialization. / You became the slave of your own machines.to be caught in: to be trapped or stuck in a plac

60、e or a situation not able to get out422021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2: Sentence ParaphraseAgriculture went overboard.(para.46) Paraphrasing: Agriculture was eliminated. / Agriculture died out.to go overboard: (here) to fall over the side of the boat into the waterNote: “To go overboa

61、rd” might also mean: to go to extremes; to do sth. too much or to be too excited or eager about sth., as in:I dont suppose therell be more than six people eating so I wouldnt go overboard with food.432021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2: Sentence ParaphraseEating and all that goes with it

62、.(para.46)Paraphrasing: Eating and everything related to it (such as cooking)to go with: to be related to, to have something to do with442021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2: Sentence ParaphraseThat, of course, could never have been if it hadnt been connected with the revolt of women and

63、the fall of Fashion.(para.47)“The revolt of women” refers to the first wave of feminist movement (also known as womens movement or womens liberation) of the 18th through early 20th centuries, mainly dealing with womens suffrage and geared towards white, middle class, educated women. The second wave

64、came in the 1960s and lasted through the late 1980s, and it was mainly concerned with gender inequality in politics, laws and culture. The third wave came in the 1990s. Fashion is a general term for a popular style of practice, especially in clothing, foot wear and accessories. Diversity and change

65、are important features of fashion which is not supposed to last long. Only the disappearance of fashion can dress people in the same unchangeable asbestos clothing.452021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2: Sentence ParaphraseI was about to launch into one of my old-time harangues about the

66、sheer vanity of decorative dress, when(para.48)dress not to keep one warm or cover the private parts of ones body but to make one look beautiful or different; fashionable clothesspeech of strong feeling, usually delivered before a gatheringObviously the narrator had some negative sentiments for fash

67、ion and used to make speech against it.upon or after which, and thenNote the sentence pattern:be about to do / be doingwhen462021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2(29-55): Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsPhrasesgasp out; do away with; get about; die out; go at; bit by bit; be caught in;

68、 pull ones senses together; beat out; turnto; go overboard; go with; be connected with; rest onSentence PatternThe betterthe harder; be about towhenGrammarformal subject “it”472021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-2: ExerciseTranslate the following into English, using words in the Translate

69、the following into English, using words in the brackets.brackets.1. 这个国家陷入一场似乎永无止境的内战之中不得脱身(catch)The country was caught in a civil war that seemed never to end. 2. 她掏出电话正要打给母亲,电话却响了。(when)She took out her cell phone and was about to call her mother when the phone rang. 3. 两位男子为了他们所爱的同一个女子扑向对方,拳脚相加。

70、(go)The two men went at each other with fists and kicks for a women they were both in love with. 4. 学生们不讲话了,把注意力转移到了记笔记上。(turn)The students stopped chatting turned their attention to taking notes. 5. 我们生产的车越多,它们的价格就会变得越低。The more cars we produce, the lower their prices become.482021/6/7Text Analysis

71、Detailed AnalysisPart II-3(56-66): Sentence Paraphrase.and how much of the texture of life had been bound up in the keen effort of it.(para.56)tied togetherParaphrasing: and to what extent the quality or essence of life lied in or depended on the great effort we made when we worked.the quality or es

72、sence of life“Texture” originally refers to the arrangement of the threads in a textile fabric. Here it means the distinctive character or quality of sth. or essence. 492021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-3: Sentence Paraphrase.I saw what seemed to be the remains of telephone lines.(para.5

73、7)any pieces, scraps, fragments, etc, that are left unused or still extant, as after use, consumption, the passage of time, etc.Note that some nouns almost always appear in the plural form, such as belongings, earnings, savings, fireworks, outskirts, bowels, headquarters, clothes, dregs, and valuabl

74、es.502021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-3: Sentence ParaphraseDisease and death were simply a matter of germs.(para.63)a problem/question/issue concerningParaphrasing: Since disease and death were caused by germs, to eliminate them we only needed to eliminate germs.512021/6/7Text Analysis

75、Detailed AnalysisPart II-3: Sentence Paraphrase.nay, the very millennium of happiness.(para.66)A millennium is a period of 1,000 years. It also means a hope-for age of general joy, serenity, prosperity, peace, happiness and justice.In Christianity, the millennium refers to the period of a thousand y

76、ears of Christs awaited reign upon earth. 522021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-3(56-66): Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsremains Phrasesbind up; cut out; a matter of; hunt down;take steps to do; reflect uponSentence PatternGrammar532021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-3: Exer

77、ciseTranslate the following into English, using words in the Translate the following into English, using words in the brackets.brackets.1. 政府需要采取措施应对污染问题。(step)The government needs to take steps to deal with pollution. 2. 要享受健康生活,你先要把烟戒了。(cut)To enjoy a healthy life, you need to cut out smoking firs

78、t. 3. 有时候学习成绩的好坏并不仅仅是一个努不努力的问题。(matter)A students academic performance sometimes is more than a matter of efforts.4. 一个从不反思错误的人将会重蹈覆辙。(reflect)A person who never reflects upon his/her mistakes will make the same mistakes. 5. 狗沿着血迹找到了受伤的鹿。(hunt)The dog followed the traces of blood and hunted down the

79、 wounded deer.542021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-4(67-78): Sentence ParaphraseStrange that in your time nobody realized that.(para.72)It is strange that552021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-4: Sentence ParaphraseIve heard about your arrangement with the women.(para.74)Referrin

80、g to marriage here.Since the man in asbestos either did not know about love and marriage or did not care, he did not know how to describe this relationship.562021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-4: Sentence ParaphraseThen it sudden struck me that of the figures on the street, all had looked

81、 alike.(para.75)I suddenly realized thatAlso: It dawned on me that572021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-4: Sentence ParaphraseIts all came as part of their great revolt, their desire to be like men.(para.77)Apparently the man in asbestos distorted womens pursuit in their movement for equal

82、ity.Obviously women did not have the desire to be like men in very aspect.With Leacocks conservative political stand in consideration, this probably is meant to ridicule womens movement in his time.582021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-4: Sentence Paraphrase.I said, as I turned on him in a

83、nger.(para.78)turn on sb.: to attack or criticize sb. suddenly and unexpectedly.592021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-4(67-78): Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsoccupy Phrasesused to do; spendin doing.; engraft into; be devoted to; fall in love; turn on sb.Sentence PatternIt strikes/str

84、uck sb. thatGrammar602021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II-4: Exercise Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition or adverbs.1.He never turns before two oclock in the morning and of course can hardly stay awake in the morning classes.2.The factory turn thousands of bikes every month. 3.

85、I turned and walked out of the professors office.4.Lei Feng never turned his back _ people in need of help.5.Could you turn _ the sound? We can hardly hear it.6.The missing letter eventually turned _ inside a book.7.Why did you turn _ me earlier? I could have saved you a lot of trouble.8.It turned _

86、 that she had known him when they were children.9.I turned _ my partners suggestion in my head and decided not to take it.10.He asked Jane to marry him but was turned _. inout awayonupuptooutover down612021/6/7Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart III(79-81): Main Idea622021/6/7The Man in AsbestosUnit

87、8ReinforcementSummarizationSummarizationDiscussionDiscussion632021/6/7ReinforcementOral SummaryWork with a partner:Read the text again.While reading, outline on a piece of paper all the aspects of life in the world of the man in asbestos.Using your outline as a reminder, orally summarize the life in

88、 the world of the man in asbestos.Offer your opinion on such a life. 642021/6/7ReinforcementDiscussionWork in groups of four:Has the story made you think about anything? Share your thoughts.Do you think it is possible for us to eliminate death, disease, hunger, war, work, climate change, the difference between men and women in the future? Would there be negative side effects if any of these could be eliminated? 652021/6/7部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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