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1、时速70英里 Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour1 wave 2 track 3 mile 4 overtake 5 speed 6 dream 7 sign8 driving licence 9 charge 10 darling v. 向挥手示意He smiled, waved, and said, Hi!他咧嘴笑笑,挥挥手,说道:“嗨!”waved-wavedwave to sb.和某人挥手n. 波The ship was riding the waves. 船正乘浪前进。1 wave weiv v.招手1)n. 轨道;足迹,踪迹;小道;铁道the athl

2、etics letiks track.那条运动员跑道 A cow stood on the tracks.一头奶牛站在铁轨上。The only evidence of pandas was their tracks in the snow.有熊猫活动的惟一证据就是它们在雪中的足迹。railway tracks 铁轨2 track trk n.跑道track and field 田径;田径赛田径;田径赛 keep track of记录;与记录;与保持联系保持联系 on the right track 正确地;走对路了;未离题的正确地;走对路了;未离题的 railway track 铁路轨道铁路轨

3、道 She lives just half a mile away.她就住在半英里之外。sea mile 海里 golden mile 黄金地带1英里(mi)=1.609344千米(km) 3 mile mail n.英里(overtook,overtaken )Never overtake on a curve.在转弯处千万不要超车!4 overtake uvteik v.从后面超越,超车speed limit最高车速;速度限制speed-limit sign限速标志at the/a speed of thirty miles an hour 以每小时三十公里的速度5 speed spi:d

4、 速度As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed of becoming an actress.当她是一名女学生的时候,她曾梦想过成为一名女演员。She dreamed about her baby.她梦见了她的小宝贝。He was dreaming when the teacher asked him to answer the question.One world ,one dream.(n.)同一个世界,同一个梦想。6 dream dri:m v.做梦,思想不集中Parents gave Peipei the thumbs-up sign.爸爸妈妈给佩佩做了一个竖起

5、大拇指的手势。traffic sign 交通指示牌 This sign means keeping quiet. v. 签; 签名于He signed his name on the cheque.他在支票上签了名。 7 sign sain n.标记,牌子vehicle licence 车辆牌照drivinglicence驾驶执照operating licence 运营许可import licence 进口许可证8 driving licence draivi laisns 驾驶执照v. 罚款;使承受经济负担He was charged by the policeman for speedin

6、g. 他因开车超速而被警察罚款。9 charge t:d v.罚款Have I your heart my darling?我得到你的心了吗? 亲爱的?Then he saw his darling daughter.然后他看见了他亲爱的女儿。10 darling d:li n.亲爱的(用作表示称呼)Exercise2 w_ve sp_ _d l_ m_t tr_ ck dr_ _m m_le s_gn ov_ _t_ke dr_ving l_c_nc_ ch_ _ge d_ _ling Listen to the tape then answer this question. What do

7、es Ann advise her husband to do next time?瞧,加里!那个警察正朝你挥手呢。瞧,加里!那个警察正朝你挥手呢。他要你停下来。他要你停下来。look打头的句子要用进行时态Look! The gril _ (cry).wave to sb.和某人挥手want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事My mother wants me_ (get) up. Look, Gary! That policemans waving to you. He wants you to stop.is cryingto get你认为你现在是在哪儿?你认为你现在是在哪儿?在

8、赛车道上吗?在赛车道上吗?你刚才一定是以每小时你刚才一定是以每小时7070英里的速度开车。英里的速度开车。do you think 是用在特殊疑问句中的插入语,用来征询见解或表达看法。因为句中插入语已经是疑问式,主谓倒装了,所以you are的位置不能再对调了。Where do you think you are? On a race track?You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.对过去正进行的事情的肯定推测:must have been doing sth.刚才一定是正在做某事对过去事情的肯定推测:must have do

9、ne刚才一定在做某事对过去事情的否定推测:cant have done刚才一定没在做某事对过去正在发生事情的否定推测:cant have been doing sth.刚才一定没正在做某事Where do you think you are? On a race track?You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.我不会开得那么快的。我不会开得那么快的。我是以第小时我是以第小时80英里的速度赶上你的。英里的速度赶上你的。cant have been 那时不可能.对过去事情的否定猜测,结构是cant have donewhen引导的

10、什么句:时间状语从句注意时态 I cant have been.I was doing eighty when I overtook you.难道你没看见限速牌吗?恐怕我没有看见,警官。我一定思想开小差了。Didnt you see the speed limit?Im afraid I didnt, officer.I must have been dreaming.警官,他思想没有开小差。我刚才正告诉他开慢点。He wasnt dreaming, officer. I was telling him to drive slowly.所以我才没看见那牌子。所以我才没看见那牌子。让我看一看你的

11、驾驶执照。让我看一看你的驾驶执照。这次我就不罚你款了。这次我就不罚你款了。但你最好不要再开得这样快。但你最好不要再开得这样快。why I didnt see the sign作is的表语从句,以why引导的从句用来解释事情的原因。Thats why I didnt see the sign. Let me see your driving license. I wont charge you this time.But youd better not do it again!谢谢您。我以后一定会多加注意。加里,我刚才叫你开慢点吧。careful adj.小心的,仔细的比较级 more care

12、ful最高级 the most carefulopposite: careless adj.粗心的Thank you. Ill certainly be more careful. I told you to drive slowly, Gary.你总是叫我开慢点,亲爱的。好啦,下次你最好还是听从我的劝告!take ones advice是“听从劝告”的意思。advice UYou always tell me to drive slowly, darling. Well, next time youd better take my advice! take a photographtake

13、a walktake a look take a resttake a taxi / traintake a planetake a bathtake an examtake a seat表示猜测和推断的情态助动词表示猜测和推断的情态助动词must和和cant1. 表示猜测和推断的情态助动词must与cant不仅能表达对现在和将来的猜测和推断,而且能表达对过去的猜测和推断。这时可用 must have been表示肯定的推断用cant have been来表示否定的推断 You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour. I didnt see it. I must have been dreaming. She cant have been 29.She must have been 36. He cant have been reading. He must have been sleeping. Thank you!27



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