八年级英语下册 Module 8 Time off周周清课件 (新版)外研版

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1、检测内容:检测内容:Module 8周周清周周清 8一、单项选择。一、单项选择。(101分分10分分)1Would you like to play_ basketball with us?Id love to. But my mum asked me to practise playing _ guitar.Aa;the B/;the Cthe;a Dthe;/2Wow!What a _ park!We can even hear the birds singing.Anoisy Bbusy Ccrowded Dquiet3_ is waiting for you at the gate.

2、He waits to say thanks to you.AEverybody BAnybody CSomebody DNobody4I like singing _ my sister likes dancing. We are very different.Awhile Bwhen Cor DsoABDC5I am going to Sydney for a trip next month._!AThats all right BWhat a pityCHave a good time DThats too bad6Some people think the film is exciti

3、ng,but _think its boring.Aother Banother Cothers Dthe other7He promised _ his grandfather next week.Asee Bseeing Csaw Dto seeCDC8It is fine today._ have a picnic at the top of the hill?Good idea!Lets go.AWould you like BWhy notCHow about DWhy dont9_,Mike,or youll be late.OK. Im coming.ACome to BCome

4、 out CCome on DCome in10Jack,I want to have a talk with your father today.Sorry. Hes gone to London and wont be _until next week.Aout Baway Cback DoffCBC二、完形填空。二、完形填空。(102分分20分分)Many people like cycling and they often go to work or school by bike. A British man named Mark Beaumont also loves_11_But

5、different from others,he would like to go _12_He has just finished his journey and _13_ the fastest person to cycle around the world.The 25yearold British man _14_ his journey in Paris last August. From then on he _15_ 195 days and 6 hours cycling 18,000 miles through 20 _16_Its not a(n) _17_ ride f

6、or Mark. During the journey,he has met floods(洪洪水水),robbers,traffic accidents and so on. But all thesedifficulties didnt_18_ Mark from going on. He made it at last. The journey not only made Mark become a new Guinness World Record holder,_19_helped him raise thousands of pounds for charity(慈善慈善)Mark

7、 was _20_ about his success and he planned to write a book about his journey. “I hope to encourage other young people to try their best to make their dreams come true,” he said.11A.cycling Bwalking Crunning Dskiing12A.nearer Bhigher Cfarther Dslower13A.done Bbecome Ctaken Dwritten14A.started Bfinish

8、ed Copened DclosedBACA15A.spent Btook Ccost Dpaid16A.cities Bvillages Ctowns Dcountries17A.hard Bunhappy Ceasy Ddifficult18A.stop BtakeCsupport Dencourage19A.as well Bbut alsoCso as Das well as20A.sad Bworried Cexcited DangryACDCAB三、阅读理解。三、阅读理解。(53分分15分分)Philip is 55 years old now. He has been blind

9、(瞎瞎的的)since he was born. However,he thinks he is missing nothing because he can imagine all the things. He can smell a flower and enjoys the beauty of the smell. People sometimes feel a pity about him,but he doesnt think so. He tells them that he loves life a lot.Life is difficult for him,however. A

10、t home,he cant look out of the window to see what the weather is like,and then decide what to wear. He cant look at the clock on the wall to see what time it is. He uses his special watch or a radio for that. He must put everything in the same place in his house after using it. “If I dont,Ill spend

11、a long time looking for it,” he laughs.Philip is a musician. He plays the saxophone(萨萨克克斯斯管管),but not in a band. He sometimes goes to The Cap,a hat store. On the sidewalk in front of The Cap he sits down. “I usually spend about four hours here. Ill earn from $10 to$30.One evening I made almost $100.

12、Another evening,someone stole(偷偷)everything. I guess he needed it more than I did,” he says.21What does Philip think of his blindness?AIts a pity.BHe is happy about it.CIt doesnt matter to him.DHe thinks he can also smell the flowers.C22How does Philip know the time?AHe looks at the clock on the wal

13、l.BHe hears the bird singing.CHe feels the sun moving in the sky.DHe uses his special watch. 23Why does Philip put everything in the same place in his house? ABecause he can find them easily next time. BBecause he doesnt want to make a mess in the house. CBecause thats his family rule. DBecause he c

14、ant find other places to put things.AD24Where does Philip play the saxophone?AIn a band. BAt home.CIn front of a hat store.DAt The Cap.25Which of the following is TRUE about Philip?AHe cant go to any places.BHe loves life,although he is blind.CHe can play the violin.DHe often cant find his things in

15、 his house.CB四、词汇运用。四、词汇运用。(102分分20分分)A根据句意及首字母提示写单词。根据句意及首字母提示写单词。26Speak aloud,please!I can h_ hear you.27Mike,if you are t_,please drink this glass of water.28This province covers about 1.5 million s_ kilometres.29Id like to go to Lijiang to enjoy the beautiful s_ one day.30We should save water.

16、Do not w_ water.ardlyhirstyquareightsasteB根据句意用方框中单词的适当形式填空。根据句意用方框中单词的适当形式填空。 human,wake,path,pull,shape31 As we know, Zhangjiajie is famous for its different_ of mountains.32They walked along the _ through the forest.33Sometimes the clouds look like _,and sometimes they look like animals.34I dont

17、think it is right for us _ flowers and leaves in his garden.35Dick _ up very early this morning,so he feels a bit sleepy now.shapespathhumansto pullwoke五、按要求完成下列各题。五、按要求完成下列各题。(52分分10分分)36Mr Li went to work,but he didnt have breakfast.(改为同义句改为同义句)Mr Li went to work _ _ breakfast.37I think the childr

18、en had a wonderful time.(改为否定句改为否定句)I_ _the children _ a wonderful time.38I dont know how I can use the camera correctly.(改为同义句改为同义句)I dont know_ _use the camera correctly.39Dont eat too much meat. Mum told me.(合并为一个句子合并为一个句子)Mum told me_ _ _too much meat.40We will go back to our school in fifteen m

19、inutes.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ _will you go back to your school?withouthavingdontthinkhadhowtonottoeatHowsoon六、根据短文内容及首字母提示补全下列单词。六、根据短文内容及首字母提示补全下列单词。(101分分10分分)Every year Americans buy millions of bicycles. But some bikes never get much riding 41.a_ they are bought home. Mostly they gather dust. The bic

20、ycle recycling project 42.i_ Washington is to make the unwanted bikes from the United States be well used in developing 43c_It is organized by the Washington Area Bicyclist Association.Bikes for the World began nine years 44.a_Since then it has shipped(装装运运;用用船船运运)more than forty thousand bikes to t

21、he organization in Africa,Latin America and the Caribbean. The organizations gave the bicycles to those who 45.n_ them most.fternountriesgoeededBikes for the World collects and ships the bicycles at low cost to developing countries. It shipped more than five thousand bikes during the first eight 46.

22、m_ of the year. Last year it shipped about ten thousand three 47.h_Keith Oberg is the director of Bikes for the World. He said, “Everybody has an 48.o_ bicycle. It sits there in the garage going to waste.”Stephen Popick had offered two bikes to the project. He said,“I bought two mountain bikes that

23、my wife and I have used for the past ten 49.y_My bikes wouldnt sell a nice price and wouldnt be worth trying to sell,but they could be 50.u_ to somebody else.”onthsundredldearsseful七、书面表达。七、书面表达。(15分分)请你根据提示,以班委会的名义写一则通知。请你根据提示,以班委会的名义写一则通知。参加者全班师生活动内容 1.5月4日,星期日,去人民公园。2上午游览东湖,中午在湖3下午参观博物馆。集合时间和地点早晨

24、6:50在校门口集合;7:00出发。注意事项1.穿运动鞋。2.自带午餐和饮3准备相机。4.准时集合。要求:要求:1通知除包括表内所列内容外,可适当发挥;通知除包括表内所列内容外,可适当发挥;280词词左左右右,通通知知的的格格式式、开开头头与与结结尾尾已已给给出出,不不计计入总词数。入总词数。NoticeAttention,please. Our class will go to Peoples Park on Sunday,May 4.In the morning,we will visit the East Lake and have a picnic by the lake at noon. After lunch,well visit the museum. Please wear your sports shoes,and take your lunch and drinks with you. Remember to take cameras so that we can take some photos of the beautiful sights. Lets meet at the school gate at 6:50 am. The buses will go at 7:00 am. Dont be late.The Class Committee



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