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1、Unit 4 Problems and advice 1. online adj. 在线的;在网上 adv. 在线;在网上This online article is very interesting. 这篇在线文章很有趣。2. model n. 模特儿Sally is going to be a model because she thinks she is good-looking. Sally 自以为相貌出众,所以想当模特。提示: model还有以下的含义:a. (依照实物按比例制成的)模型。 a model plane b. 样式;设计;型。 The latest model will

2、 be on display at the car show. c. 模范;典型 a model student 3. diet n. 规定饮食(为健康或减肥等目的)I ve only lost two pounds since I started this diet.从这次节食开始到现在我只减了2 磅。4. though conj. 虽然;尽管Aunt Anna likes Tim though he often annoys her. 5. awful adj. 很坏的;极讨厌的 -awfully adv. 非常;极其The weather last summer was awful. 去

3、年夏季天气很糟糕。Theres an awful smell in here.6. regret v. 懊悔提示: regret的常见用法有:A. regret+名词/代词 eg: She immediately regretted her decision. B. regret+that/wh-从句 eg:I regret that I was unable to accept your kind invitation. I deeply regret what I said. C. regret +动词不定式, 表示“ 很遗憾地做某事 ” eg: I regret to say you f

4、ailed the exam. D. regret +动名词,意为 “ 后悔做了某事 ” ,表示对已经发生的事情感到后悔。eg: I regret taking his advice at that time. 7. shamed adj. 惭愧;羞愧近义词 embarrassed adj. 羞愧的;难为情的She was ashamed that she looked so shabby. 她因为自己的衣衫褴褛而感到无地自容。8. situation n. 情况;状况The situation was under the control. 局面得到了控制。Shes in a very dif

5、ficult situation.9. braces n.(pl.) 儿童牙箍Today more and more children wears braces. 10. hate v. 憎恶;厌恶近义词: dislike 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 20 页提示: hate的常见用法有:A. hate+名词/代词/动名词eg: I hate spinach. 我讨厌菠菜。She hates making mistakes. B.hate+不定式eg: He hated to be away from his fam

6、ily. 11. advantage n. 优势反义词 : disadvantage n. 缺点;劣势In his eyes, the schools only advantage was its location. 12. embarrassed adj. 窘迫的;尴尬的 embarrassment n. 窘迫;尴尬 embarrass v. 使窘迫;使尴尬 embarrassing adj. 令人害羞的;令人尴尬的I thought about shouting but I was embarrassed. 13. suggest v. 建议;提议 -suggestion n. 建议提示:

7、 suggest表示“ 建议;提议 ” 时,其主要用法有:A. 接名词作宾语。 eg: We suggested a visit to the museum the next day. B. 接动名词作宾语。 eg: I suggested putting off the sports meeting. C. 接 that引导的宾语从句,从句中用should+动词原形, that ,should 可省略。We suggested (that) he (should) go and apologize to his teacher. 此外, suggest还可意为 “ 暗示;表明 ”The si

8、mple house suggested a small income. 其后亦可接宾语从句,从句用陈述语气。The expression on his face suggested that he was very angry. 14. mad adj. 很生气;气愤 madly adv. 生气地;愤怒地 madness n. 疯狂;愤怒She was afraid of going mad. 她担心自己会疯掉。15. mess n. 杂乱;不整洁 -in a mess 一团糟;杂乱无章 -messy adj. 杂乱的Oh,m goodness!Your room is really a m

9、ess! 16. annoying adj. 使恼怒的;使生气的annoy v. 使生气;使不耐烦 annoyed adj. 生气的;恼怒的His attitude is annoying. 他的态度令人讨厌。The annoying thing about the plan is that its confusing.这项计划让人讨厌的地方是它让人一头雾水。Unit 4 Problems and advice (1)Date:_ name:_ 【知识要点】精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 20 页 必记单词diet n.

10、 规定饮食though conj. 虽然;尽管awful adj. 很坏的;极讨厌的regret v. 懊悔ashamed adj. 惭愧;羞愧situation n. 情况;状况hate v. 厌恶;憎恶advantage n. 优势embarrassed adj. 窘迫的;尴尬的suggest v. 建议;提议mad adj. 很生气;气氛annoying adj. 使恼怒的;使生气的fail v. 不及格careless adj. 粗心造成的polite adj. 有礼貌的none pron. 没有一个;毫无 常考短语(be) on a diet 节食laugh at 嘲笑;讥笑feel

11、 ashamed of 对感到惭愧drive sb. mad 让某人受不了shout at 对某人大叫be polite to 对无礼None of your business 不关你的事hear from 收到的来信keep doing sth. 不停地做某事give sth. back 归还某物 课文解析1. We saw a lady lying in the street. see sb. doing sth. “看见某人正在做某事”辨析: see sb. doing sth. 与 see sb. do sth. I saw him repairing his bike. 我看见他正在

12、修他的自行车。I saw him repair his bike. 我看见他修了他的自行车。2. Though I wanted to help her, my friends told me not to. thoughconj. 虽然;尽管,和 although 同义,一般可以换用,都引导让步状语从句,但不能与 but 连用。Aunt Anna likes Tim though he often annoys her. 3. It was awful of them to laugh at her, and I regret not saying anything. (1) awful a

13、dj. 很坏的;极讨厌的awfully adv. 非常;极其The weather last summer was awful. 去年夏季天气很糟糕。There s an awful smell in here. (2)辨析: regret doing sth. 与 regret to do sth. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事强调动作正在进行see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事强调看见动作的全过程,现在动作已结束regret doing sth. 后悔曾做过某事“做某事”在先,“后悔”在后regret to do sth. 遗憾要做某事对将要做的事感

14、到遗憾或抱歉,后面常接tell 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 20 页He regrets not learning English well before. I regret to tell you that you didn t pass the examination. 4. I feel ashamed of myself. feel ashamed (of) 意为“(对)感到羞愧”He felt ashamed of his mistakes. Don t you feel ashamed in front

15、of your children? 5. I ve just started wearing braces,but I hate them. start doing sth.=start to do sth. 开始做某事;着手做某事6. I have to share a room with my seven-year-old sister,and she s driving me mad. (1)seven-year-old是一个复合形容词,意为“七岁大的” ,用作定语,修饰名词。复合形容词是指由两个或两个以上的单词构成的形容词。复合形容词一般作定语,往往由连字符连接,复合形容词中若包含有名

16、词,则该名词一般有单数。This is a 30-metre-wide river. I have a three-year-old brother. (2)drive sb. mad 让某人受不了Whenever I chat with him, he always drives me mad. 7. I try to keep my room tidy,but she always makes a mess. (1)try to do sth. 尽力做某事,指想尽一切办法要把事情办成,但不一定会成功。try doing sth. 尝试做某事,指为了达到某种目的而去试着做某事。She tri

17、es to work out the problem. 她尽力做出这道题。She tried making a model plane by himself. 他尝试着自己制作一个飞机模型。(2)make a mess 弄得一团糟If you make a mess ,you will clean it up yourself. 如果你弄乱了,就得自己收拾。8. She used to be full of energy, but now she s always tired. used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事” ,它只有过去式,没有人称和数的变化,表示过去存在而现在已经停

18、止的情况或习惯。常与but now 连用。He used to listen to pop music but now he likes rock music. 【拓展】be used to do sth. 被用来做某事Knives are used to cut things. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事I m used to going for a walk after supper. 在 hate,like,love,begin,start等动词后面接不定式或动名词作宾语时,意义差别不大,常可以互换。I hate singing. = I hate to s

19、ing. 注意精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 20 页9. I told my parents about his behaviour, but they said it was none of my business. 辨析: none/ no one / nobody/ nothing none既可指人也可指物, none of作主语时, of 后为不可数名词时,谓语动词要用单数形式;是可数名词时,谓语动词用单、复数形式均可。no one/nobody常用来指人,作主语时谓语动词要用单数形式。nothing常用来指物

20、,作主语时谓语动词也要用单数形式。None of the work is done by Bob. /None of them has/have seen me before. No one likes a person with bad manners. Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it. 注意:A. none 与 of 连用表示范围,而no one/nobody和 nothing 则不可以。B. none用来回答 How many/much .?的特殊疑问句,而no one/nobody和 not

21、hing 则分别用来回答who.?和 What.?的特殊疑问句-How many birds are there in the tree? -None -Who is in the classroom? -No one./Nobody. -What is in the box? -Nothing. 10. Thanks for reading my email. thanks for 意为“因而感谢”,表示对别人做某事的谢意。for+n./doing sth. 辨析: thanks for 与 thanks to thanks for 因而感谢强调感谢的原因thanks相当于 thank yo

22、u, for+n./doing thanks to 多亏,由于强调感谢的对象thanks不能变为 thank you Thanks for inviting us to your birthday party. Thanks to the English language, we can learn a lot from other countries. 11. Next time in the same situation, you should make up your own mind. make up one s mind意为“下决心,打定主意”I am old enough to m

23、ake up my own mind. 我已经长大了,可以自己拿主意了。12. If you stop paying attention to your friends, they ll stop laughing at you. pay attention to意为“注意”,to 为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。Please pay attention to your pronounciation. 请注意你的发音。You should pay attention to practising spoken English. 你应该注意练习英语口语。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - -

24、 - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 20 页【能力提升】一、英汉互译。1.节食_ 2. 我七岁的妹妹 _ 3.让某人受不了 _ 4. 一条建议 _ 4. feel embarrassed_ 6. radio programme_ 5. lose weight_ 8. be annoyed with sb._ 6. be full of energy_ 10. wear braces_ 二、英英释义。1. Fangfang failed in the singing competition. She must be very sad. A. didn t pass B.

25、 didn t past C. didn t passed D. didn t pest 2. My friends make jokes about her and laughed. A. laugh B. laughs at C. makes fun of D. make fun of 3. Bob really hates coffee. He never drinks it. A. dislike B. dislikes C. like D. likes 4. It is so hot outside. The sun can damage your skin. A.dry B. hu

26、rt C. warm D. clear 5. Will you kindly obey the rules I am about to give? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 20 页A. listen to B. read C. follow D. remember 三、根据句意、首字母或汉语提示写出单词,补全句子。1. The cat should be on a d_. It s too fat. 2. She went m_after the death of her son. 3. It would be

27、a_ to see him in such pain. 4. Sam likes playing o_games. 5. If you don;t work hard, you may f_. 6. Everyone in the class didn t fail the maths e_. 7. It is not p_ to laugh at others when they are in trouble. 8. Many accidents happen because people are _(粗心的 ). 9. This method has many _( 优势). 10. Th

28、e weather is _( 极坏的) today. 四、用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。1. I want to give you some_(advice) on how to give up smoking . 2. I suggested _(go) for a walk. 3. She felt_(embarrass) when she fell down in public. 4. One of this car s_(advantage) is that it doesn t use much gasoline. 5. Samuel _(hate) his boss, buca

29、use he gives him so much work. 5. When I looked into the room, I found Philip himself_(lie) in bed. 6. I get _(annoy) when someone talk to me in the library. 7. She _(hear) from her Frech pen pal last month. 8. Thanks for _(lend) me the money. 9. He fell off the motorbike._(Lucky), he wasn t badly h

30、urt. 10. He sat there without_(say) a word. 五、单项选择。1. -How many students are there in the classroom? -_. They are all in the lab. A. Some B. None C. All D. Neither 2. The white couple look_when standing in the black neighborhoods. A. annoying B. out ot place C. out of date D. harmful 3. -Our teacher

31、 tells us that we will have a _holiday next week. -Really?_good news. A. four-day; What B. four-day; How C. four-days; What D. four-days; How 4. -Would you like to give me some_? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 20 页-Certainly. The _you read, the better you are. A. suggestion; mo

32、re B. suggestions; much C. advice; more D. advices; most 5. _it s difficult to make her dream come true, she never gives up. A. Though B. Unless C. Becuase D. If 6. I regret _you that all the rooms in our hotel are reserved for the meeting to be held in our town tomorrow. A. telling B. to tell C. be

33、ing told D. to have told 7. -Could you come to the party this weekend? -I m afraid I can t join you. I _ look after my grandmother. A. used to B. have to C. prefer to D. belong to 8. Her sister _ a taxi driver. Now she works for a charity. A. is used to be B. were used to be C. is used to being D. u

34、sed to be 9. -Why do you turn down the radio? -I m _ waking the baby up. A. afraid of B. busy with C. careful of D. angry with 10. Peter tried on three jackets, but _ of them fitted him. A. all B. both C. none D. neither 六、从方框内选择适当的词组完成下列句子。如有必要,须改变词组的形式。每个词组仅限使用一次。1. The Traijans celebrated in the

35、main square of the city and _their enemies-the stupid Greeks. 2. Although it seems that Alice is Judy s good friend, Judy always _her behind. 3. Simon_smoking just after dinner, I have told him many times to give it up but he always ignores my advice. 4. If you were me, what would you probably do_?

36、5. All his words early_.I couldn t stand him any longer. 6. I _now because I am going to wear bikini( 比基尼 ) on the beach in summer. be on a diet laugh at feel ashamed of drive sb.mad make a mess be worried about make jokes about say bad things about have a habit of in this situation 精选学习资料 - - - - -

37、 - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 20 页7. Pansy s parents _her future because she doesn t try her best at school. 8. I used to _him, but he never paid any attention. 9. His daughter _her old clothes and wanted to buy new ones. 10. The kids _in the bathroom.Their mother had to tidy it up again. 七、句

38、型转换1. I don t like travelling by plane.(改为同义句 ) I by plane. 2. Why not go there by bus?( 改为同义句 ) Why there by bus? 3. She s always on a diet because she wants to be a model.(对划线部分提问 ) she always on a diet? 4. He didn t pass his English exam.( 改为同义句 ) He his English exam. 5. I borrowed some interesti

39、ng books from my friend.(改为同义句 ) My friend some interesting books me. Unit 4 Problems and advice (2)Date:_ name:_ 【语法专项】句子成分一、句子成分句子是由词按照一定的语法结构组成的。构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。根据英语词汇在英语句子中的地位和作用,英语句子的成分可分为主语、谓语、宾语、补足语、状语等。(一)主语主语是全句所述说的主体, 谓语讲述的对象, 一般位于 句首。表示所说的“是什么 ”或“是谁” 。一般由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句等充当。如

40、:(1)The braces hurt my teeth. (名词作主语)(2)He reads newspapers every day. (代词作主语)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 20 页(3)One-third of the students in this class are girls. (数词作主语)(4)To swim in Kunming Lake is a great pleasure. (不定式作主语)(5)Smoking is harmful to the health. (动名词作主语)(6)

41、The rich should help the poor. (名词化的形容词作主语)(7)What we should do is not yet decided. (主语从句作主语)(二)谓语谓语说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态,它在主语后面 , 说明主语“做什么”“是什么” 或“怎么样”。谓语(谓语部分里主要的词)必须是动词 。谓语和主语在人称和数两方面必须一致。谓语的构成如下:1、简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:He practices running every morning. 2、复合谓语:(1)由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成。如:He can speak En

42、glish. (情态动词和行为动词一起作谓语)We don t finish reading the book. (助动词和行为动词一起作谓语)(2)由系动词加表语构成。如:We are students. (系动词和表语一起作谓语)(三)宾语宾语是 动作、行为的对象或目标, 一般位于 及物动词和介词后面 ,它和及物动词一起说明主语做什么。由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和宾语从句等来担任。She is doing her homework now. (名词作宾语)We often help him.(代词作宾语)How many dictionaries do you ha

43、ve? I have five.(数词作宾语)He likes to play basketball.(不定式作宾语)We enjoy listening to the music. (动名词短语作宾语)She says (that)she is ill.(宾语从句作宾语)说明 1:宾语是及物动词涉及到的人或物,宾语一般放在及物动词之后。介词后面的名词或代词或动名词,称为介词宾语。名词、代词、数词常在句中做动词宾语或介词宾语。另外,动词不定式可作动词宾语;动名词和宾语从句也可用作动词宾语。说明 2:及物动词作谓语时,后面要跟宾语。宾语分直接宾语 和间接宾语 。直接宾语是及物动词的直接对象, 直

44、接宾语 指物, 间接宾语通常是及物动词的动作所涉及的人,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 20 页间接宾语 指人。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语之前。不是所有的及物动词都可以用双宾语。有的动词可以跟。如:give, show(给看) ,bring,pass ,buy 等。如:(1)Our teacher tells us a story. (2)The sun gives us light. 间接宾语如果放在直接宾语之后,在表示“人”的间接宾语之前会出现介词“to ”或“for ” 。间接宾语前加“ to ”的有: give,

45、 show, send, bring, read, pass, lend, leave, hand, tell, return, write, throw, promise(答应) , refuse (拒绝)等。间接宾语前加“ for ”的有: make, buy, do, get, play, order (命令) , sing,pay等(1)I give him a book. 改成:(2)He passes me the book. 改成:(3)He writes me a letter. 改成:(4)He will buy me some books. 改成:(5)She is mak

46、ing me a cake. 改成:(四)宾语补足语在宾语后面 补充说明宾语的动作、状态、特征的成分,称为宾语补足语 。名词、形容词、副词、不定式、分词、介词短语和从句等可用作宾语补足语。宾语和宾语补足语统称为复合宾语。如:They elected him their monitor. (名词作宾语补足语)They make her happy. (形容词作宾语补足语)Please let him in.(副词作宾语补足语)You mustn t force him to lend his money to you. (不定式作宾语补足语)We heard her singing a song

47、. (现在分词短语作宾语补足语)We found everything in the lab in good order. (介词短语作宾语补足语)We will soon make our city what your city is now.(从句作宾语补足语)(五)状语修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子 ,说明动作或状态特征的句子成分,叫做状语。一般放在 句末,但有时可以放在句首、句中。一般表示行为发生的时间、地点、目的、方式、程度等意义,由副词、介词短语、不定式或状语从句等来表示。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共

48、20 页He did it carefully. (副词作状语)Her mother goes out to do some shopping on Sunday. (介词短语作状语)He is proud to pass the national college entrance examination.(不定式作状语)When I grow up, I am going to be a teacher. (从句作时间状语)状语种类如下:How about meeting again at six? (时间状语)Last night she didnt go to the dance par

49、ty because of the rain. (原因状语)I shall go there if it doesnt rain.(条件状语)Mr Smith lives on the third floor. (地点状语)She put the eggs into the basket with great care.(方式状语)She came in with a dictionary in her hand. (伴随状语)In order to catch up with the others, I must work harder. (目的状语)He was so tired that

50、 he fell asleep immediately. (结果状语)She works very hard though she is old. (让步状语)I am taller than he is.(比较状语)二、常用基本句型(一)五种基本句型基本句型一: S+V(主+谓)eg: Class begins. 基本句型二: S+V+O (主+谓+宾) eg: He plays the piano. 基本句型三: S+V+P (主+系+表) eg: We are students. 基本句型四: S+V+IO+DO ( 主+谓+间宾+直宾) eg: She gave me a pen. 基

51、本句型五: S+V+O+P (主+谓+宾+宾补) eg: He made the boy laugh.(二)其它句型句型一: S+V+A(主+谓+状)eg: He wrote with a red pencil. 句型二: S+V+O+A(主+谓+宾+状)eg: I saw a sick lady two days ago.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 20 页【语法专练】一、画出下列句中的主语We often speak English in class.To swim in the river is a grea

52、t pleasure.Smoking does harm to the health.It is necessary to master a foreign language.二、画出下列句中的谓语His parents are teachers. We study hard. We don t finish reading the book. He can speak English. 三、挑出下列句中的宾语1. My brother doesnt do his homework. A B C D 2. People all over the world speak English. A B

53、 C D 3. You must pay good attention to your pronunciation. A B C D 4. How many new words do you learn ? A B C D 5. Some of the students in the school want to go swimming, how about you? A B C D 四、挑出下列句中的宾语补足语1. She likes the children to read newspapers and books in the reading-room. 精选学习资料 - - - - -

54、 - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 20 页A B C D 2. He asks her to take the boy out of school. A B C D 3. She find it difficult to do the work. A B C D 4. They call me Lily sometimes. A B C D 5. I saw Mr. Wang get on the bus. A B C D 五、挑出下列句中的状语1. There is a big smile on her face. A B C D 2. Every

55、night he heard the noise upstairs. A B C D 3. He began to learn English when he was eleven. A B C D 4. The man on the motorbike is travelling so fast. A B C D 5. With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Li hurried off. A B C D 六、划出句中的直接宾语( )和间接宾语()1. Please tell us a story. 2. My father bought a ne

56、w bike for me last week. 3. Mr. Li is going to teach us history next term. 4. Here is a pen. Give it to Tom. 5. Does he leave any message for me? 七、把下列打乱的单词连成一个完整的句子。1. the desk is now Lily cleaning _ 2. do how many learn new words you 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 20 页_ 3. t

57、he girl blue sister the bike is on Jane s _ 4. she was didn t to my party she will come because _ 5. once go we the Children s Palace to a week _ 八、句型转换专练。1. I know the answer. ( 一般疑问句 ) _ _ know the answer? 2. We can see some birds. ( 一般疑问句 ) _ _ see _ birds? 3. There is a computer in my house. ( 一

58、般疑问句 ) _ _ a computer in house? 4. I think he is very old. (否定句) I _ think he _ very old. 5. Please colour it green. ( 否定句 ) _ _ colour it green. 6. We can speak good English. ( 变否定句 ) We _ _ speak good English. 7. Thank you for helping me. (同义句 ) Thank you for _ _ . 8. There arent any pears in theb

59、ox. ( 同义句) There are _ pears in the box. 9. Whose are these clothes? ( 同义句 ) _ _ are these? 10. Let me look at your book. (同义句 ) Let me _ _ _ _your book. 11. Her sweater is red. ( 对划线部分提问 ) _ _ is her sweater? 12. My pencils are in the pencil-box. (对划线部分提问 ) _ _ your pencils? 13. I get up at six eve

60、ry day.( 对划线部分提问 ) _ _ do you get up every day? 14.These are cars.( 用 buses改写成选择疑问句 ) Are these cars_ _ ? 15. The book is in my schoolbag.( 变否定疑问句 ) _ the book in your school-bag? 16.Two boys are in our house.( 改为 there be句型) _ _ two boys in our house. 17.Cant you find the map?( 作肯定回答 ) _,I_ . 18. T

61、here are some flowers on the teachersdesk.(一般疑问句 ) _ _ _ flowers on the teachersdesk? 19. There are some apples on the tree.(否定句) There _ _ _ apples on the tree. 20. There are fifty students in my class.( 对划线部分提问 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 20 页_ students are there in you

62、r class? 九年级 unit4problems and advice 第一课时:单词课文部分、选出与划线部分意思相近的同义词da failed in the singing competition. She must be very sad. A. didnt pass B. didnt past C. didnt passed D. didnt past naughty boys made jokes about her and laughed. gh B. laughs at C. makes fun of D. made fun of really hates coffee. He

63、 never drinks it. A. dislike B. dislikes C. like D. likes l you kindly obey the rules I am about to give? A. listen to B. read C. follow D. remember be on a diet, the fat girl eats little every day. A, lose some weight B, put on some weight C, become prettier D, become taller raining heavily. The we

64、ather is awful. A, pleasant B, terrible C, nice D, interesting el ashamed that I didn t give him a hand last time. A, sorry B, afraid C, angry D, happy o much noise makes everybody mad. A, bored B, interested C, angry D, happy 用括号中所给的单词的正确形式填空:mportant to ask for information or help _(polite). en I

65、looked into the room, I found Philip himself _(lie) in bed. t _(annoy) when someone talk to me in the library. ant to give you some _(advise) on how to give up smoking. felt _(embarrass)when she fell down in public. you have any other _(comment) on the film Frozen? of this cars _(advantage)is that i

66、t doesnt use much gasoline. muel_(hate)his boss, because he gives him so much work. om would you _(suggestion) for this job? 10.I regretted_(say) this at the meeting 单项选择as afraid in class, because I thought my classmates might laugh _me. A. to speak; at B. of speak; at C. of speaking; to D. to spea

67、k; to gret you that all the rooms in our hotel are reserved for the meeting to be held in our town tomorrow. A. telling B. to tell C. being told D. to have told English teacher our buying a good English-Chinese dictionary. A. asked B. ordered C. suggested D. required uld you like to give me some ? C

68、ertainly. The you read, the better you are. A. suggestion; more B. suggestions; much C. advice; more D. advices; most d difficult with him. A. its; communicate B. it; to communicate C. its; to communicate D. it; communication m sure our volleyball team will the team from No.3 Middle School. A.win B.

69、 fail C. lose D. beat uckily, Mr. Brown drove so that his car crashed into a tree yesterday evening. A.careless B. careful C. carefully D. carelessly uch cold weather I my overcoat all day. A. put on B. take on C. wear D. dress the teacher was very busy, he still helped me with my English. A. Though

70、, but B. Because, but C. Though, yet D. Because,/ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 20 页he traffic accident led to the of the college student. es, The driver drank too much and couldnt keep himself while he was driving. death; wake B.die; awake C. death; awake D.die; wake 九年级 uni

71、t4problems and advice 第二课时:句子成分专项练习题分析句子成分:knows a little English. old should be taken good care of. nning is good for health. hat they did makes me sad. tle Jack is reading books in the room now. ey can speak English very well. m doesnt go to school on foot.e boy with glasses is my younger brother.

72、 ont know the boy who is giving the speech.am is always the first to arrive at school. ould you tell me where they are? he boy with a dog looks happy. lthough he got up late, he got to school on time. he boy is writing down the name on the book. my s job is looking after the old. 单项选择ily, the best s

73、tudent in my class, _ the most important exam. _! Did your teacher have a talk with her? ssed; What a pity B, failed; What a pity ssed; Bad luck D, failed; Good luck _ are you late again? _my broken alarm clock. hy; Because B, How; Because of C, How; Because D, Why; Because of ohn is seldom polite _

74、 others. _. Neither is Lucy B, to; So is Lucy C, with; Neither is Lucy D, with; So Lucy is _ are _ more popular at our school.They usually have enough patience with students. oman teachers; very B, Women teachers; very C, Women teachers; much D, Woman teachers; much m not _ to play with my friends a

75、t night. s not safe to stay outside too late, and your parents will _ you. ken; help with B, decided; laugh at C, trusted; take care of D, allowed; worry about 6.Nobody wants to _ly lives. _ you re right.ntrol; Maybe B, be controlled; May be ntrol; May be D, be controlled; Maybe s very cold outside.

76、 Please _ your coat._. Thanks for reminding me. ar; OK, I will B, put on; Sorry, I wontC, put on; OK, I will D, wear; No, I wontWhats the matter with you? I _ full of energy, _ now I always feel tired. ed to be; but B, am used to be; but ed to being; though D, am used to being; though 精选学习资料 - - - -

77、 - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 20 页he young mother tries to keep her little son _. my opinion, as a mother, she should make her son _ to be independent(独立的 ). ppy; to learn B, happily; to learn C, happily; learn D, happy; learn Unit4 总测试一、完型填空ome inventions are very important. For example,

78、the telephone allows people to communicate all over the world. The eople travel long distance in a short time. Life is much easier with these 2 inventions. ome inventions are just fun. A company in Japan has invented 3 flowers. You can listen to music that comes through rers. Customers in restaurant

79、s can smell the beautiful roses 4 listen to pleasant music while eating. People in the dentis can look at pretty lilies and listen to Mozart with having their 5 examined! here is now a vehicle that gets you around with almost no effort 6 . In fact, you drive this invention while standing on vehicle

80、runs by electricity. It 7 quite easily. When you lean forward, it moves forward, and when you learn 8 ,s backward. A new kind of bubble liquid has been invented. If you blow bubbles 9 this liquid, they can last for several minutes. ry strong. You can even pick them up and throw them around. . A. bik

81、e B. bus C. ship D. plane . A. important B. useless C. boring D. strange . A. dancing B. talking C. singing D. walking . A. but B. so C. nor D. and . A. ears B. eyes C. teeth D. nose . A. in all B. at all C. after all D. for all . A. carries B. makes C. works D. plays . A. forward B. backward C. tow

82、ards D. afterwards . A. about B. at C. with D. for 0. A. They B. We C. You D. None 、阅读理解(A ) The 2014 FIFA World Cup, held from 12 June to 13 July in Brazil, is the 20th World Cup. It is the second time that Brazil helld Cup. The first one was in 1950. For the first one, Uruguay won in the end. And

83、Germany was the winner in 2014. Brazil is the world s 5th largest country. The biggest ones are Russia, Canada, China and the US. Most e in Brazil speak Portuguese. Brazil has the world s largest rainforest, the Amazon Rainforest. It makes % of the countr ys land area. Besides, the Amazon River is t

84、he second longest river in the world but it has the largest water flBrazil has a good tradition of playing football. People who play football in the country can be commonly . More importantly, Brazil has won the World Cup five times. Therefore, Brazil is considered Football dom. Do you want to enjoy

85、 the fantastic samba(桑巴舞)? If you want to have adventures in a primeval forest( 原始welcome to Brazil! w long did the 20th World Cup last? For half a month. B.For twenty days. C.For about one month. D.For two months. ch of the following is not larger than Brazil? A.America. B.Russia. C.China. D.Austra

86、lia. y is Brazil considered Football Kingdom? ecause there are many football matches in Brazil. B.Because Brazil has a tradition of playing football. ause it has won the World Cup five times. D.Both B and C 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 20 页According to the passage, we know _

87、. zil is one of the largest countries in the world zil won all the matches in the 2014 FIFA World Cup ee fifths of Brazils land area is rainforest e Amazon River is the largest river in the world best title for the passage is “_”.e Football Kingdom B.Brazil is calling 2014 FIFA World Cup D.A country

88、 with rainforests (B) Uncle Tom, ast Friday evening, after I finished my piano lesson, I took the underground home. As soon as I got on the four big boys got on my carriage, too. They sat down next to a young girl who was travelling on her own. began to ask her for money. The girl was so frightened

89、that she had to move to another seat. However, the igger boys just followed her and went on asking for money. hen the train stopped at my station. I got off and walked home quickly. I felt very sorry for the girl, but I did now how I could give her a hand. I m not strong enough even though I hate th

90、at bad behaviour. What can I do if I face the samext time? truly, passage is probably a(n) _. A.duty report B.poster C.email D.speech e story happened _. A.in the morning B.on Saturday C.on the bus D.on the train China, we can dial _ for help when we meet the problem above. A.110 B.120 C.119 D.114 a

91、t did James do before he went home last Friday evening? A.He went to the park. B.He saw a film with his friends. C.He took his piano lesson. D.He took a trip with his family. can know that _ from the passage. he four big boys asked the girl for presents B.James helped the girl in trouble in the end

92、he girl went back home alone D.the girl was brave and gave nothing to the bad boys (C ) 26 April 2005, about 7,400 American bankers went back to school. This time they did not go to learnthey o teach. The bankers wanted to make the students understand the importance of handling money properly elp th

93、em make smart decisions about their money. They said, “The key to a better life is to receive further tion and to learn about money management skills.”re are some of the tips and skills that the bankers shared with the students. every dollar you earn or have, spend 25% of the money on what you want

94、or need now; put 25% away for a bigger item( 项目) later; ave or invest( 投资) the rest. he key to a better life is to _ according to the passage. A.study hard at school B.get further education C learn about managing money well D.Both B and C underlined word “handling ” means “_” in Chinese A.管理 B.借用C.供

95、需D.破坏m has 1,000 dollars, the bankers will advise him to _. ave or invest 250 dollars B.spend 25 dollars on what he wants or needs ut 250 dollars away for a bigger item later D.afford a fashion with the money following advice is mentioned in the passage except _. A.to form a habit of saving when one

96、 is young B.to form a habit of saving when one is old 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 20 页C.to build up the savings in a piggy bank D.to make sure part of the money goes into the saving main idea of the passage is about _. ankers teaching students at school B.how to manage mone

97、y well aving money in the bank D.the importance of receiving further education ( D ) any people believe that sugar is not healthy for us. Others say that sugar is the best source of energy. me people eat meat while others are vegetarians(素食者 ). Who is right and what is your opinion? It is clear that

98、 we need to have a variety of foods in our diet. A balanced diet includes food from each ofgroups: grains,vegetables, fruit,milk products and meat. Scientists warn us that a lack of certain kinds of foodis dangerous, eshildren. Children have to receive a balanced diet in order to grow properly. e ot

99、her hand, it is equally dangerous to have too much of anything, including ones favourite food. They say, for example, chat lots of cheeseburgers and milkshakes will increase their risk of heart attack. erefore, we cannot decide what to eat without learning about the human body and food. Scientific i

100、nformationabout the bodyts, proteins, minerals and vitamins can help us decide on the right choice and the right amount. And it can also help us separacts from mistaken opinions. m the passage, which of the following can form the healthiest recipe? A Apples, rice, milk, sugar and beef. B.Rice, snack

101、s, potatoes, cola and bananas. C Noodles, milk, pork, cabbages and pears. DJiaozi, appples, candies, hamburgers and fried chicken. dren should have a balanced diet in order to _. Agrow well B.study well C.become strong D.become tall dren should have a balanced diet in order to _. A.grow well B.study

102、 well C.become strong D.become tall can infer from the last paragraph that _. A.we should eat according to scientists B.people should eat the same food as each other C.learning about the human body and food is important D.scientists can help us decide on the right choice to eat underlined word “it ”

103、 in the last paragraph refers to _. A.the right choice B.the right amount C.scientific information about the bodys needs D.the human body 语法填空nce there lived a rich man,1 wanted to do something for the people of his town.2 first he wanted to find out deserved his help. n the centre of the main road

104、into the town, he placed 3 very large stone. Then he 4 (hide ) behind a td. Soon an old man came along with his cow. “Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some dssed around the stone and continued on his way. 5 man cam

105、e along and did the same thing; then another camer. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove 6 . Late in the afternoon a young man came along.one and 7 (say) to himself: “The night8 (be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dall against the stone.” hen he began to 9 the stone. He pushed and 10 with all his strength to move it. How great was his surUnder the stone, he found a bag of money. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 20 页



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