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1、人教版七年级阅读理解与完型填空训练训练 I. A. What s a White lie Mary did not understand such sentences as “She is blue today,” “ He has a green thumb,” “ He has told a little white lie” and so on. And she went to her teacher for help. Mary: Mrs Smith, there is a colour in each of these sentences. What do they mean? Mr

2、s Smith: In everyday English, Mary, blue sometimes means sad. Yellow afraid. A person with a green thumb grows plants well. And a white lie is not a bad one. Mary: Would you give me an example for “a white lie? Mrs Smith: Certainly, now I give you some cakes. In fact you dont like it, but you won t

3、say it. Instead, you say, “No, thanks, Im not hungry.” That s a white lie. 1. Blue sometimes means sad in _English. A. good B. spoken C. usual D. poor 2. I don t have a green thumb, so all my plants_. A. die off B. grow well C. look nice D. are good 3. Tom is _to climb the tree. He is yellow. A. hap

4、py B. clever C. glad D. afraid 4. He didnt like me to know the _of the accident. He told me a white lie. A. reason B. true story C. meaning D. answer 5. He is _today because his father is ill. A. blue B. yellow C. green D. white 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 32 页B. What Is the

5、 Best Way? What is the best way to learn a foreign language? We all remember that we learnt _1_ language well when were children. If we can learn _2_ second language in the _3_ way, it wont seem so difficult. Think of what a small child _4_. It listens to what people say and it _5_ to imitate what i

6、t hears. When it wants something, it has to ask _6_ it. In _7_, it is using the language. It is talking in it _8_ the time. _9_ people use a second language like this, they will learn it more _10_ than before. 1. A. ourselves B. own C. our own D. ours 2. A. the B. a C. an D. / 3. A. other B. same C.

7、 different D. easy 4. A. does B. do C. did D. doing 5. A. want B. tries C. needed D. doing 6. A. for B. on C. about D. with 7. A. time B. trouble C. fact D. danger 8. A. in B. all C. for D. on 9. A. Whether B. Before C. If D. Until 10. A. best B. quickly C. slowly D. easy 训练 II. A. Eating Habits and

8、 Health Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body. There are times when most of us would rather eat sweets and ice-cream than meat and rice. Sweets and ice-cream are not bad for the stomach if we eat them at the end of 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共

9、 32 页the meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite. It is important for us to eat our meal at the same time each day. When we feel angry or excited, we may not want to eat. A long time ago, in England, some judges used to decide whether a man was telling truth by giving him

10、 some dry bread. If the man could not swallow the bread, it was sign that he wasnt telling the truth. He was telling lies. Although this seems very strange and foolish, it is indeed an excellent way of finding out the truth. A man who is worrying about something had difficulty in swallowing anything

11、 dry. Because when he is worrying, he loses his appetite and does not want to eat. 1. Why do you want to develop good eating habits? Because we want to _. A. be healthy B. be happy C. eat more D. save time 2. It is good to eat sweets and ice-cream _. A. after the meal B. before the meal C. when we w

12、ant to D. when we are hungry 3. We had better have our meals _. A. at any time each day B. at regular time each day C. when our work is over D. when the meal is ready 4. According to judges in old England, if a man tells lies he can _. A. drink milk or wine B. eat a lot of dry bread C. hardly eat dr

13、y bread D. swallow dry bread easily 5. A man who is angry has _. A. a better appetite B. a liking for ice-cream C. a poor appetite D. to drink some cold water 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 32 页B. About Air Air is all around us. It is around us _1_ we walk and play. From the ti

14、me we are born air is around us on every side. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live _2_ air. All _3_ things need air. We _4_ live without food or water for a few days, but we can t live for more than a few minutes _5_ air. We take in _6_. When we are w

15、orking or running we need _7_ air. When we are asleep, we need _8_ air. We live in air, but we cant see it. We can only feel it. We can feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air _9_? Here is one way. Hold an open book in front of your face. Close it quickly. What can

16、you feel? _10_ you feel is air. 1. A. as B. after C. because D. since 2. A. under B. in C. below D. with 3. A. live B. living C. alive D. with 4. A. can B. won t C. can t D. lively 5. A. out of B. with C. without D. out 6. A. water B. air C. food D. wind 7. A. more B. most C. many D. few 8. A. least

17、 B. much C. no D. less 9. A. more B. to move C. moving D. moved 10. A. What B. That C. Where D. Which 训练 III. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 32 页A. Bats Bats are the only flying mammals in the world. They cant see very well. It was long believed, and still is in many places, th

18、at all bats are blind. “Blind as a bat” is often heard. Yet they have no trouble flying on the darkest nights and finding their way around very well. How can bats fly and see at night? They fly by radar! The bat s radar system works the same way as the one that ships and planes use. As a bat flies t

19、hrough the air, he makes a sound that is too high for our ears to hear. If the sounds hit things they come back. The bat s ears receive the messages. In this way they are able to tell the bat where the things are. Bats go out to look for food at night. In the day-time they hang in some dark places.

20、Some people have the bats as bad animals. In fact, they are useful animals. 1. The article tells us about _. A. the bat like a mouse with wings B. the radar C. a blind man D. the bat used for playing table tennis 2. The bat is _. A. an animal B. a bird C. a fish D. a beast 3. “As blind as a bat” mea

21、ns a person who is _. A. blind in the lift eye B. able to see well C. not able to see well D. lame in the right foot 4. Bats have no trouble flying on the darkest night because _. A. they have very poor sight B. they have a kind of radar system to help them C. they have to look for food D. they can

22、see things in the dark nights 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 32 页5. Bats go out to look for food _. A. at noon B. in the afternoon C. during the day-time D. after sun sets and before the sun rises B. About Fire Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also _1_ suffering to

23、 people. Fire can heat water, warm your house, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things, _2_. Today people know how to make _3_ with matches. Children sometimes like _4_ them. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn _5_, and then it might burn a house. A small fire can _6_ a

24、big fire very fast. Fires kill _7_ people every year. So we must _8_ matches. We should also learn how to put out fires. Cover a fire _9_ water, sand or a wet quilt. This _10_ the air away from a fire and kills it. 1. A. take B. carry C. catch D. bring 2. A. also B. neither C. too D. either 3. A. a

25、fire B. a house C. clothes D. food 4. A. playing B. to play C. playing at D. to play with 5. A. a paper B. piece paper C. a piece of paper D. a paper of piece 6. A. become B. turn C. changes D. got 7. A. much B. plenty C. many D. lots 8. A. careful B. careful of C. be careful D. be careful with 9. A

26、. in B. with C. by D. use 10. A, keeps B. stops C. makes D. takes 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 32 页训练 IV. A. The Four Largest Cities New York has a larger population than any other American city. In 1970, its population was about 8 000 000. Chicago has the second largest popu

27、lation. More than 3 000 000 people lived in Chicago in 1970. The third largest city is Los Angeles with a population of 2 810 000. Philadelphia is the fourth largest city. More than 2 000 000 people live in Philadelphia, a first capital city of the United States. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and P

28、hiladelphia are all larger than the nations capital city, Washington,D.C. The population of Washington is more than 700 000, but several cities have a larger population than that. Washington is one of the most beautiful American cities, but it is only the ninth city in size. 1. New York has _ popula

29、tion in the United States. A. the second largest B. a larger C. the largest D. more 2. Los Angeles is the third largest American city in _. A. size B. population C. buildings D. shops 3. _ is the capital of the United States. A. New York B. Philadelphia C. Chicago D. Washington D. C. 4. Washington i

30、s more beautiful than _ American cities. A, most of the B. all C. some of the D. only a few 5. There were about _ people living in New York in 1970. A. eighty thousand B. eighty million 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 32 页C. eight million D. eighty hundred B. Why do People Drink

31、? Why do people drink? Often because they _1_, but this cant be the _2_ reason, there _3_ be other reasons, too. In many countries, when friends see _4_ they often drink while they sit and talk. Many English people dont need anyone else, they often _5_ a drink several times _6_ a day even if they ar

32、e alone. In most countries people say _7_ when they drink together. The English _8_ “Cheers ” . In every country there are many places where drinks can be _9_. Since there are so _10_ these places it seems that many people drink more often than they really need to. 1. A. have thirsty B. have thirst

33、C. are thirsty D. are thirst 2. A. lonely B. single C. only D. alone 3. A. shall B. must C. should D. ought 4. A. each other B. themselves C. them D. another 5. A. drink B. eat C. taste D. have 6. A. during B. a C. to D. by 7. A. something specially B. something special C. specially something D. spe

34、cial something 8. A. often say B. often says C. say often D. says often 9. A. bought B. given C. sell D. sent 10. A. much B. plenty of C. many D. many of 训练 V. A. Population 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 32 页There are about 56 million people in the United Kingdom. This is a bi

35、g population for such a small country. But large parts of the country have few people. Most of the population is crowded into the big cities and industrial areas. About 90% of the people live in cities and towns. Only about 10% live in the countryside. Today very few people less than 2% of the popul

36、ation - are farmers and farm workers. England has the most people. About 46 million live in England. Of these, about 14 million live in London and the south-east. London is now a city of about 7 million people. Most of Scotland s population of 5 million live in the middle part. Here are the cities a

37、nd towns of the industrial area. The mountains in the north and the south have a very small population. Fewer than 3 million people live in Wales. Like Scotland, most of the population live in the industrial area in the south. There are only about one and a half million people in Northern Ireland, a

38、nd one- third live in and around the big industrial city of Belfast. 1. The United Kingdom _. A. is a large country B. has many people C. has a small population D. is a small country without many people 2. Most of the people live _. A. in cities and towns B. in the countryside C. in every part of th

39、e country D. near rivers 3. London is a _ city. A. quiet B. small C. crowded D. new 4. Scotland is the _ largest in population in the United kingdom. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 32 页5. Northern Ireland is _. A. the name of a country B. a

40、 small city of the United Kingdom C. a country with a smaller population D. one part of the United Kingdom B. Why to learn English People in many countries are learning English. Some learn at school, others study by _1_. A _2_ learn English _3_ the radio. Why do all these people want to learn Englis

41、h? It s difficult _4_ that question. Many _5_ learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. _6_ people learn English because _7_ useful for their work. Many students often learn English for their _8_ studies because _9_ the college some of their books _10_ _11_ English. It is not _12_

42、 to learn a foreign language. But there is _13_ difficult _14_ the world if you _15_ your heart into it. 1. A. himself B. oneself C. themselves D. ourselves 2. A. few B. little C. few of D. little of 3. A. of B. with C. on D. in 4. A. answer B. answering C. answered D. to answer 5. A. workers B. boy

43、s and girls C. doctors D. scientists 6. A. Some B. Much C. A lot D. A little 7. A. it s B. its C. they re D. their 8. A. lower B. longer C. shorter D. higher 9. A. near B. at C. on D. in front of 10. A. write B. wrote C. are written D. is written 11. A. in B. with C. on D. from 12. A. free B. diffic

44、ult C. busy D. easy 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 32 页13. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. some 14. A. in B. on C. over D. of 15. A. keep B. put C. take D. bring 训练 VI. A. In Britain, cars, buses and bikes must keep to the left side of the street. If a person wants to c

45、ross a street, he must be very careful. Before he cresses a street, he has to stop and look to the right first and then the left. While in China, we look to the left instead. When visitors are in London, they should learn how to take buses and underground trains. The most important of all, they must

46、 know in which direction they are going and which bus and which understand train they should take. At the bus stop they should wait for their buses to come. As soon as they get on a bus, they must pay for their fares. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误( F)( ) 1. In England, people go alone the left side of the stre

47、et as we do in China. ( ) 2. When they want to cross a street, people in England do not look to the left first. ( ) 3. Visitors in London should learn to drive buses. ( ) 4. When they take a bus in England, visitors must make sure in which direction it is going. ( ) 5. After they get on a bus, visit

48、ors don t have to pay for their tickets at once. B. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 32 页One day Einstein _1_ in the street in New York. His friend _2_ him and says to him, “Einstein, you should buy a new coat. Look, how _3_ your coat is!”But Einstein answers, “It doesnt _4_. No

49、body _5_ me here.”After a _6_ years Einstein becomes a famous scientist. But he still _7_ the old coat. His friend meets him again and asks him to buy a _8_ one. But Ensteins says, “I needn t buy a new one. _9_knows _10_ here.”1. A. is walking B. walk C. is reading D. read 2. A. is meeting B. meets

50、C. see D. looks at 3. A. clean B. long C. new D. old 4. A. thing B. meet C. matter D. well 5. A. know B. knows C. ask D. asks 6. A. lot B. litter C. few D. many 7. A. put on B. wear C, wears D. puts on 8. A. good B. new C. big D. old 9. A. Every B. Everybody C. Nobody D. Somebody 10. A. you B. I C.

51、me D. us 训练 VII. A. When you are learning English, you find it not clever to put an English sentence, word for word, into your own language. Take the sentence “How do you do?” as an example. If you look up each word in the dictionary, one at a time, what is your translation? It must be a wrong sente

52、nce in your own language. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 32 页Language do not just have different sounds, they are different in many ways. Its important to master the rules for word order in the study of English, too. If the speakers put words in a wrong order, the listener can

53、t understand the speakers sentence easily. Sometimes when the order of words in an English sentence is changed, the meaning of the sentence changes. But sometimes the order is changed, the meaning of the sentence doesnt change. Lets see the difference between the two sentences. “ She only likes appl

54、es.” “Only she likes apples.”“ I have seen the film already.” “I have already seen the film.”When you are learning English, you must do your best to get the spirit of the language and use it as the English speakers does. 1. From the passage, we know that _ when we are learning English. A. we shouldn

55、t put every word into own language B. we should look up every word in the dictionary C. we need to put every word into our own language D. we must read word by word 2. The writer thinks it is _ in learning English. A. difficult to understand different sounds B. possible to remember the word order C.

56、 important to master the rules in different ways D. easy to master the rules for word order 3. We can learn from the passage that _. A. the meaning of an English sentence always changes with the order of the words 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 32 页B. the order of words can ne

57、ver change the meaning of an English sentence C. Sometimes different order of words has a different meaning D. if the order of words is different, the meaning of the sentence must be different 4. “She only likes apples.” _. A. is the same as “Only she likes apples.”B. is different from “Only she lik

58、es apples.”C. means “She likes fruit except apples.”D. means “She doesnt like apples.”5. Which is the best title for this passage? A. Different Orders, Different Meanings B. How to Speak English C. How to Put English into Our Own Language D. How to learn English B. A frog is born _1_ a small river.

59、When he is young, the river is his _2_. He doesnt _3_ his parents, but he has many brothers and sisters. He swims here and there and plays _4_ them all day. At that time, he doesnt look _5_ his parents. He has _6_legs, but he has a long tail. So he looks like a _7_. Then his tail gets shorter and _8

60、_. And he has _9_ legs and a very short tail. Now he looks like his parents. Then he is going to _10_ a lot of insects a lot of bad insects. 1. A. in B. on C. near D. over 2. A. house B. home C. family D. school 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 32 页3. A. knows B. know C. see D.

61、like 4. A. in B. before C. with D. behind 5. A. likes B. as C. for D. like 6. A. no B. not C. not some D. no any 7. A. fish B. frog C. insect D. baby 8. A. short B. shorter C. shortest D. the shortest 9. A. two B. four C. six D. eight 10. A. eating B. have C. drink D. eat 训练 VIII. A. Some English an

62、d American people like to invite friends to a meal at home. You should not be upset if your English friends don t invite you home. It doesn t mean they dont like you. Dinner parties usually start between 7 and 8 p.m. and end at about 11 p.m. .Ask your hosts what time you should arrive. Its polite to

63、 bring flowers, chocolates, a book or a bottle of wine as a present. Do you want to be pretty polite? Say how much you like the room, or the pictures on the wall. But remember not to ask how much things cost. You ll probably start the meal with soup, or something small as a “starter ” , then you ll

64、have meat or fish with vegetables, and then a dessert, followed by coffee. It s polite to finish everything on your plate and to take more if you want it. Some people eat bread with their meal, but not everyone does. Most people ask “ Do you mind if I smoke?” before they take out their 精选学习资料 - - -

65、- - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 32 页cigarettes after the meal. Did you enjoy the evening? Call your hosts the next day, or write them a short “thank you” letter. Perhaps it seems funny to you, but English and American people say “thank you, thank you, thank you.” all the time. 1. If your En

66、glish or American friends dont invite you to dinner t home, _. A. it shows they dont like you B. it shows they have no time to get together C. it shows they dont want to make friends with you D. it doesnt show they dont like you 2. When you are invited to go to your friend s home,_. A. you shouldnt

67、take anything with you B. you may go at any time C. you must take an expensive present with you D. you may take a small present with you 3. In England and America, its not polite to _. A. ask the price of thing B. eat all food on your plate C. talk to your hosts D. eat too fast 4. In the passage, th

68、e order of the serving of a meal is _. A. desert meat or fish with vegetables coffee soup B. coffee soup desert meat or fish with vegetables C. soup meat or fish with vegetable desert coffee D. meat or fish with vegetables dessert soup coffee 5. Which is not right? A. In England or America, it usual

69、ly takes more than three hours to have a dinner 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 32 页party at home. B. If you are invited to go to a dinner party, you cant arrive before the time. C. You mustnt smoke after a meal when you are with some English or American people. D. You d better

70、 write a short “thank you” letter to your hosts or give them a call if you want to be pretty polite. B. Joan and Kate are good _1_. They live _2_ the same floor. Every morning they go to _3_ together. Joan is fifteen years old, and Kate is one year _4_ than Joan. Sometimes they go to school by bus,

71、sometime on _5_. Joan liks _6_, but Kate doesn t like it, she likes Chinese. _7_ Joan wasnt at school. She was _8_ in bed. In the evening Mike _9_ at Joans home to help her. Now Joan _10_ better, she is at school again. 1. A. teachers B. friend C. friends D. boys 2. A. on B. at C. in D. to 3. A. par

72、k B. school C. here D. home 4. A. older B. old C. elder D. oldest 5. A. bike B. foot C. train D. bus 6. A. English B. sing C. draw D. flowers 7. A. Now B. Today C. Yesterday D. This time 8. A. bad B. ill C. good D. well 9. A, is B. are C. were D. was 10. A. feel B. to feel C. is feeling D. was 精选学习资

73、料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 32 页训练 IX. A. In almost every big university in the USA football is a favorite sport. American football is not like soccer. Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the fiel

74、d. They have four chances to move the ball ten yards. They can carry it or thro it. If they move it to the end of the field, they receive six points. This is called a touchown. It is difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the other team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does move t

75、he ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team. Each university wants its team to win. Thousands of people come to watch. They all yell for their favorite team. Young men and women called cheerleaders come on the field to help the people yell more. They dance and jump while they yell.

76、Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good. It may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January 1, the first day of the New Year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch

77、 them on television. 1. In American football players can _. A. only kick the ball B. only throw the ball C. only carry the ball D. kick, throw and carry the ball 2. If a team wants to get points, it has to move the ball _. A. 10 yards B. to the other end 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -

78、第 18 页,共 32 页C. 40 yards D. away from its own end 3. Who are dancing and jumping while they yell? A. The cheerleaders B. All those who are watching the game C. The winners D. The players of both sides 4. Most teams play games in _. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 5. When do the best team pla

79、y again? A. At Christmas B. Before the season ends C. On New Years Day D. On the last day of the season B. A: _1_ is your favourite month? B: My favourite month is _2_. A: Why? B: Because it often snows. I _3_ snow very much. We often make snowmen in the _4_ air. So I think its the _5_ month. What _

80、6_ you? A: I _7_ it. It s too _8_. I think the best month is _9_. I often go swimming _10_ my parents. We usually have a good time. 1. A. What B. When C. Which D. What time 2. A. December B. March C. May D. September 3. A. dont like B. to like C. liked D. like 4. A. out B. open C. close D. nice 精选学习

81、资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 32 页5. A. good B. better C. best D. bad 6. A. are B. about C. of D. for 7. A. like B. don t like C. have D. not like 8. A. good B. bad C. cold D. hot 9. A. January B. April C. February D. July 10. A. and B. with C. like D. to 训练 X. A. Most American s

82、chool students have a long summer holiday. It is usually from June to September. During this holiday, students often travel or have summer work. Some students take courses in summer schools. Mary spent her last summer in a summer school. She studied two courses and she traveled with her family. They

83、 saw interesting places near their home in Seattle. Marys friend, Peter, worked at a gasoline station during the summer. He sold gasoline and mended cars. He made a lot of money and saved nearly all of it. Peter is going to the university next year. He needs money for the university tuition. 1. In A

84、merica, from June to September _. A. most school students take courses in universities B. all school students are still at school C. more school students stay at home D. there are still lessons in summer schools 2. Peter, one of Marys friends, will be a _ next year. A. gasoline worker B. car mender

85、C. school students D. university student 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 32 页3. Seattle is the name of _. A. a summer school B. Mary s friend C. a gasoline station D. an American city 4. What did Peter do last summer? A. He worked at a gasoline station B. He traveled with his f

86、amily C. He studied in a summer school D. He visited some interesting places 5. Peter saved nearly all of his money because_. A. he didnt need to pay for anything B. his parents asked him to do so C. he needed money for his summer work D. he needed money for the university tuition B. Air is all _1_

87、us. Its around us _2_ we walk and play. From we were born, air is around us on _3_ side. When we sit down, its around us. When we _4_ to bed, air is also around us. We live in air. All living thing _5_ air. Living things can t live _6_ air. We can go without food or water for _7_ days, but we cant l

88、ive without air. When we are working or running, we need _8_ air. When we are asleep, we need less air. We live in air, but we cant _9_ it. We can only _10_ it. We can feel it when it is _11_. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air _12_? Here is one way. Hold an 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳

89、总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 32 页open book in your hands in front of your face. Close it _13_. What can you feel? What you feel is the air. 1. A. with B. by C. around D. over 2. A. because B. if C. when D. but 3. A. each B. both C. every D. all 4. A. go B. to go C. come D. to come 5. A. want B. need C.

90、get D. take 6. A. with B. no C. not D. without 7. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 8. A. less B. much C. many D. more 9. A. look B. see C. watch D. hear 10. A. feel B. see C. hear D. want 11. A. running B. walking C. going D. moving 12. A. move B. run C. walk D. go 13. A. quick B. fast C. quick

91、ly D. slowly 训练 XI. A. In English people can experience four seasons in one day. So they often talk about the weather. In the morning the weather is warm like in spring. After an hour black clouds come and then it rains heavily. The weather gets a litter cold. In the afternoon it will be sunny, the

92、sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of day. In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 32 页in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they need to wear warm clothes. Whe

93、n you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them. If you don t take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret later in the day. 1. In England people often talk about the _. A. weather B

94、. seasons C. spring D. summer 2. In English _ in winter. A. it is always very cold B. people always wear warm clothes C. people can swim sometimes D. the weather is very hot 3. English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them _. A. in a rainy morning B. in a sunny morning C. in a snow

95、y morning D. A,B and C 4. In England, which is not true? A. People can have four seasons in a day B. The weather is warm in the morning and soon it will be cold in the day C. People take an umbrella in the rainy morning D. If you don t take an umbrella or raincoat, you will regret later in the day 5

96、. From the story we know that when _come, there is a heavy rain. A. sun and snow B. black clouds C. spring and autumn D. summer and winter B. Welcome to Bridge Street. Bridge Street is a great place to enjoy _1_. There are _2_ stores and shops on it. It is a very _3_ street. If you want to _4_ you c

97、an go to 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 32 页the video arcade. It is _5_ from the big supermarket. There is also a new park _6_ the supermarket. It is _7_ and quiet. You can _8_ your lunch in it. If you want to see _9_ you can to go the movie house. It is _10_ the supermarket a

98、nd the park. 1. A. yourself B. yours C. your D. you 2. A. a lots of B. a lot of C. lot of D. a lot 3. A. dirty B. small C. busy D. quiet 4. A. play football B. buy clothes C. have lunch D. play games 5. A. with B. between C. next D. across 6. A. neighborhood B. on C. near D. to 7. A. dirty B. big C.

99、 busy D. clean 8. A. eating B. enjoy C. make D. buy 9. A. movies B. doctors C. books D. games 10. A. between B. through C. down D. in 训练 XII. A. All around the world, people drink tea. But tea does not mean the same thing to everyone. In different countries people have very different ideas about dri

100、nking tea. In China, for example, tea is always served when people get together. The Chinese drink it at any time of the day at homes or in teahouses. They prefer their tea plain, win nothing else in it. Tea is also important in Japan. The Japanese have a special way of serving tea called a tea cere

101、mony. It is very old and full of meaning. Everything must be done 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 32 页in a special way in the ceremony. There is even a special room for it in Japanesehomes. Another tea-drinking country is England. In England, the late afternoon is “teatime ” .

102、Almost everyone has a cup of tea then. The English usually make tea in a teapot and drink it with milk and sugar. They also eat cakes, cookies and little sandwiches at teatime. In the United States people drink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals. Americans usually use tea bags to make their tea

103、. Tea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapots. In summer, many Americans drink cold tea “iced tea ” . Sometimes they drink iced tea from cans, like soda. 1. Iced tea is popular _. A. in winter B. for breakfast C. in England D. in the USA 2. The English like to _. A. drink their tea pla

104、in B. eat cakes and cookies with their tea C. have tea with dinner D. drink their tea in a special room 3. The Chinese drink tea _. A. in a special ceremony B. only in teahouses C. when they get together D. for breakfast 4. Tea is popular _. A. in Asian countries B. only in English-speaking countrie

105、s C. only in the USA D. all around the world 5. The passage is about _. A. Chinese tea B. different ways of drinking tea C. the teatime in England D. why tea is important 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 32 页B. Do you like Dolphins? Dolphins live _1_ water, but they are not fish

106、. They are mammals that live in water. It has to breathe air to the top of the water very often. A dolphin s nose isn t _2_ to see. It s just a very small hole _3_ top of the dolphins head. This hole is called a blowhole. A dolphine _4_ up every minute or so to breathe. It opens blowhole and takes a

107、ir in, and then goes back into the water again. It can stay _5_ the water for six or seven minutes if it has to. A dolphin s ears are very small, _6_ its mouth is very_7_. It has almost one hundred teeth. A dolphin _8_ very fast. Scientist are studying ways to _9_ boat go faster though the _10_. 1.

108、A. under B. above C. on D. in 2. A. fast B. good C. difficult D. easy 3. A. above B. at C. on the D. on 4. A. runs B. walks C. comes D. goes 5. A. under B. on C. up D. at 6. A. so B. but C. or D. if 7. A. nice B. good C. big D. small 8. A. walks B. runs C. swims D. goes 9. A. talk to B. tell C. ask

109、D. make 10. A. water B. land C. room D. air 训练 XIII. A. American boys and girls love to watch TV. Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV set. Some even watch TV for 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 32 页eight hours or more on

110、Saturdays. TVs are like books or films. A child can learn bad things and good things from them. Some programmers help children to understand the news, others show people and places from other countries or other time in history. With TV a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the

111、ocean to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a concert or a game at home. TV brings many places and events into our homes. Some programmers show crime and other things that are bad for children, so parents sometimes help then to find other interesting things to do. 1. Some children spend eigh

112、t hours or more _. A. studying B. playing games C. watching TV D. helping their parents 2. On TV children can see _. A. games B. big animals C. oceans D. almost everything 3. Children usually spend _ a day in school. A. six hours B. more than eight hours C. only a few hours D. four hours 4. “TV brin

113、gs places and events into our homes” means “_ ”. A. TV makes things happen in homes B. We can know places and events without going to see them C. We can see houses and building on TV D. We can find them easily 5. Parents sometimes help their children find other things to do when there is _ for child

114、ren. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 32 页A. a bad program B. an animal C. a game D. a play B. Good morning, boys and girls. _1_ is todays school news on TV. An international group is our school this week. There are _3_ teachers and two students in the group. _4_! This is Mr Whi

115、te and he is from the UK. The woman _5_him is Miss Green. She is from _6_. The old man _7_ our students is Mr Brown and he is from Canada. The beautiful girl is from Japan. Her name is Judy. _8_ that boy. He _9_ shy. Is he a _10_, too? No, he is from Chinatown in New York. He is an overseas Chinese!

116、 1. A. There B. These C. Those D. Here 2. A. visit B. visiting C. seeing D. see 3. A. three B. five C. four D. two 4. A. See B. Watch C. Look at D. Look 5. A. front B. near C. next D. back 6. A. American B. France C. French D. English 7. A. talk with B. talking C. talking with D. talk 8. A. See B. L

117、ook at C. Listen D. Listen to 9. A. looking B. look C. be D. looks 10. A. Chinese B. Japan C. Japanese D. China 训练 XIV. A. Hong Kong has about forty public beaches. Some of the beaches are among the best in the world. People can go there for a swim. You can go to most of them by 精选学习资料 - - - - - - -

118、 - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 32 页bus. To go to some beaches you must take a boat. There are toilets, changing rooms and places to buy food and drink on most of the beaches. You will swim there without danger if you remember these instructions: 1. Never swim alone. 2. Never swim after a meal or

119、when you feel hungry or tired. 3. Do not stay in the water too long. 4. Never go out in a boat if you cannot swim. Remember: A red flag means that it is dangerous for anybody to go into the water. A blue flag means that it is dangerous for children. 1. There are _ public beaches in Hong Kong. A. for

120、ty B. less than forty C. more than forty D. a little more or less than forty 2. We can reach _ by bus. A. all the public beaches B. any public beaches C. only a few public beaches D. all the public beaches except some 3. When you see a blue flag, you know that _ there. A. women should not swim B. ch

121、ildren should not swim C. nobody should swim D. anybody can swim 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage? A. You can always swim when you see a red flag. B. You should not swim with other people. C. You should not swim after lunch. D. You can t swim for a short time. 5. This pass

122、age mainly tells us _. A. something about Hong Kongs beaches B. that swimming in Hong Kong is dangerous 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 32 页C. that Hong Kong has many best beaches in the world D. it is not easy to go swimming in Hong Kong B. In England, people dont like _1_ ver

123、y much. You can go on a bus, _2_ on a train, and people just sit looking _3_ the window. Often they read. They read books and newspapers. But they dont talk _4_. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing, _5_. So when you meet _6_ in England, you should say, “Nice weather _7_ the

124、 time of year!”“But it was _8_ cold yesterday.” Someone may answer. “Well, it will get a bit warmer later!” You can say and talk _9_ this and the English will think, “ How _10_ you are! ”1. A. lauging B. going about C. talking D. playing 2. A. or B. and C.either D. but 3. A. from B. through C. at D.

125、 out of 4. A. much B. a bit C. a little D. sometimes 5. A. the food B. the work C. the time D. the weather 6. A. a man B.a woman C. everyone D. someone 7. A. at B. in C. on D. for 8. A. much B. not C. a bit D. more 9. A. with B. in C. like D. for 10. A. happy B. funny C. friendly D. careful 人教版七年级阅读

126、理解与完型填空训练参考答案精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 32 页训练 IA). 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A B). 1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.B 训练 II. A). 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C B) 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.A 训练 III. A). 1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D B). 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A 训练 I

127、V . A). 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C B) 1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.C 训练 V.A) 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B B) 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.B 训练 VI . A) 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F B) 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.C 训练 VII . A) 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D B) 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.D 6

128、.A 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.D 训练 VIII.A) 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C B) 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.C 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 32 页训练 IX.A) 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C B) 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B 训练 X. A) 1.D 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.D B) 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.A 1

129、1.D 12.A 13.C 训练 XI. A) 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B B) 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.A 训练 XII.A) 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B B) 1.D 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.A 训练 XIII.A) 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A B) 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.C 训练 XIV. A) 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A B) 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.C 训练 XV.A) 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D B) 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.A精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 32 页,共 32 页



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