2022年相交线与平行线知识点、练习、作业题 3

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2022年相交线与平行线知识点、练习、作业题 3_第1页
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《2022年相交线与平行线知识点、练习、作业题 3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年相交线与平行线知识点、练习、作业题 3(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、democracy, mai ntaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance , guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; se cond, strengthen democratic management of village affairs. Increased on village work

2、s public of supervision Gui de, led organization County financial , and agricultural, and sent modified, and JIU feng, and monitored, and livestock, village works public led gr oup members units, on County the Xiang (town) of village works public work for supervisi on, further specification has vill

3、ge works public of form, and time and basic program, promote has village works public regularization, a nd institutionali zed, effective guarantees farmers masses of four right; three is established sound village level affairs management of supervision mecha nism. Actively cooperate with the discipl

4、inary inspection and supervision departments to establishing and perfecting the system of villagers Supervisory Committee, give full play to its safeguard and promote the role of the rural grass-roots democracy. Innovation management, strengthening social services and social welfare work. Funeral se

5、rvices: promote reform of funeral and interment, strictly funeral law enforcement, standard funeral activities, improving funeral management level, sound development of the cemetery and meet the needs of funeral sites. Insurance covers basic, wide coverage, in accordance with the principles of susta

6、inable, further improve the burial policies, urban and rural subsistence allowances, rural five guarantees, key entitled groups and other spe cial groups, established funeral relief remedies, guarantees the funeral needs of poor people. T o increase the funeral renovation work, and actively organize

7、 consultations of stakeholders this year, pla ns to move its frontal bridge 120 tombs in Hena n province. Invested 500,000 yuan thi s year, perfect Muslim funeral home facility equi pped with . Turn off the unit, creating work. So far, 457 marriage registration and divorce registration this year, a

8、total of 78, replacement of registration 52 registered was 100%. Social organization: this year, continued to do well the social group annual review to further standardize the socio-organizational behavior, clean up activities, cancellation 1 not according to law organizations, completed a 6-level a

9、ssessment of social organizations. Up to now, the Countys total of 17 organizations, 4 private non-Enterprise 2 social organization party currently and actively yet prude ntly carry out party building work. (J) expand services, social worker role into full play. I County to community for basic posit

10、i ons, to social workers team construction for focus, based actual, t hrough various carrier put social workers service constantly to community, and to residents masses of daily extends, full play social work station of role, established community volunteers service team, according to service object

11、 of different features, integrated using variety social service method, free for difficult masses provides service, solution General grass-roots masses most care, and most dire ctly, and most reality of interests problem. Based on actual County ordered expanding the richness of community work, to en

12、hance the vitality of community work, community work more human, closer to the people, close to life.(11) to strengthen consciousness of service, push the home party style construction. Outside the grasp ofall services, I focus on strengthening self-construction, to tree quality, image outside. Coun

13、cil leadership unity a nd strong, exemplary implementation of democratic centralism, streng then the constr uction of party organizations, construction increased; the se cond is to strengthen learning and improve quality. Through a variety of learning activities, strengthen the education of the cadr

14、es and workers of political theory and professional knowl edge, to improve the overall quality of cadres and business capa city; the third is strengthening the bureaucracy in activities construction and bureaucracy had improved markedly. Construction of ideological style of cadres and workers have a

15、l so been stre ngthened, public servant, service is greatly enha nced, bureaucracy, spirit of cadres and workers with larger changes and improved four is to strengthen the party conduct clean government and disci pline inspection and supervision work, wind operations and risk control management of t

16、he ICAC. Leadership by example, leading party and low accountability, consciously working on self-disci pline and self-examination and self-correction, and made me clean a nd re organize bureaucracy in activities have been strengthened. Main difficulties and problems, and the second year, my County

17、home while some achi evements had been made, but there are still a lot of probl ems, mainly in: one is the County of frequent natural disasters, disaster ca used by disease s of poverty-returning of large populations, fail to achieve should be doing. Urban a nd rural minimum living standard security

18、, orphans, five, three-no home rescue objects such as per sons of more than 10,000 people, protection of disadvantaged groups the basic tasks of life more and more. In particular the County rural lowest living guarantee low base, many Lo-Fi edge disaster caused by diseases of poverty could not be in

19、cl uded in the scope of protection in a timely manner. Second, pensi on benefits institutional infrastructure. In recent year s, increasing social welfare projects in our County, but provinces of China welfare Lottery-funded projects only has proje ct construction fund, no management of funds necess

20、ary for later operation, resulting in the ex isting benefits of weak institutions, low service levels. Due to economic conditi ons restricted, I County of social welfare career guarantees rangealso compared narrow , started more late, plus pla ce financial tensi on, base d facilities construction la

21、g, medical, and rehabilitation, and health, auxiliary treatment facilities serious lack, life guarantees standard relative lower, only can maintained servi ce object minimum of living, guarantees content singl e, only looks at Yu most basic of life depende nt, also cannot meet rescue object of medic

22、al, and education, needs. In addition, the current staffing of welfare institutions less and a serious lack of professional nursi ng staff required. T hird, to improve the overall quality of cadres. Catch problems of peoples livelihoodFunctions, wide ns the field of work, clients i ncreased sta ndar

23、ds rising, difficulty in increa sing home the overall quality of cadres will determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the various policies. So home quality of the cadre s at the grassroots le vel of improvement, strengthening the quality of business still need to make great efforts to, i

24、n accordance with the strong political, professional, style is team-building goals, strong training and practicing strong soldiers. T hird, 2016 (a) continue to improve social assi stancesystem. With a focus on urban and rural subsistence allowances,相交线与平行线作业题一选择题:1. 如图,下面结论正确的是()A. 12和是同位角B. 23和是内错

25、角C. 24和是同旁内角D. 14和是内错角2. 如图,图中同旁内角的对数是()A. 2 对B. 3 对C. 4 对D. 5 对3. 如图,能与构成同位角的有()A. 1 个B. 2 个C. 3 个D. 4 个4. 如图,图中的内错角的对数是()A. 2 对B. 3 对C. 4 对D. 5 对5 如果两个角的两边分别平行,而其中一个角比另一个角的4 倍少30, 那么这两个角是 ()A. 42138、B. 都是10C. 42138、或1010、D. 以上都不对二填空1 已知:如图,AO BO,12。求证:CODO。证明:AOBO()AOB90()139012()2390CODO()2 已知:如图

26、, COD 是直线,13。求证: A、O、B 三点在同一条直线上。证明:COD 是一条直线()12_()13()_3_ _()三解答题1如图,已知:AB/CD ,求证:B+D+BED=360(至少用三种方法)E A B C D 2已知:如图, E、F 分别是 AB 和 CD 上的点, DE、AF 分别交 BC 于 G、H,A=D,1=2,求证:B=C。2 A B E C F D H G 1 1 2 3 4 B C D 2 3 1 O A A C 1 2 O 3 D B 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页democra

27、cy, mai ntaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance , guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; se cond, strengthen democratic management of village affairs. Increased on village works publi

28、c of supervision Gui de, led organization County financial , and agricultural, and sent modified, and JIU feng, and monitored, and livestock, village works public led gr oup members units, on County the Xiang (town) of village works public work for supervisi on, further specification has villge work

29、s public of form, and time and basic program, promote has village works public regularization, a nd i nstitutionali zed, effective guarantees farmers masses of four right; three is established sound village level affairs management of supervision mecha nism. Actively cooperate with the disciplinary

30、inspection and supervision departments to establishing and perfecting the system of villagers Supervisory Committee, give full play to its safeguard and promote the role of the rural grass-roots democracy. Innovation management, strengthening social servi ces and social welfare work. Funeral service

31、s: promote reform of funeral and interment, strictly funeral law enforcement, standard funeral activities, improving funeral management level, sound development of the cemetery and meet the needs of funeral sites. Insurance covers basic, wide coverage, in accorda nce with the principles of sustainab

32、le, further improve the burial policies, urban and rural subsistence allowances, rural five guarantees, key entitled groups and other spe cial groups, established funeral relief remedies, guarantees the funeral needs of poor people. T o increase the funeral renovation work, and actively organize con

33、sultations of stakeholders this year, pla ns to move its frontal bridge 120 tombs in Hena n province. Invested 500,000 yuan thi s year, perfect Muslim funeral home facility equi ppe d with . Turn off the unit, creating work. So far, 457 marriage registration and divorce registration this year, a tot

34、al of 78, replacement of registration 52 registered was 100%. Social organization: this year, continued to do well the social group annual review to further standardize the socio-organizational behavior, clean up activities, cancellation 1 not according to law organizations, completed a 6-level asse

35、ssment of social organizations. Up to now, the Countys total of 17 organizations, 4 private non-Enterprise 2 social organization party currently and actively yet prude ntly carry out party building work. (J) expand services, social worker role into full play. I County to community for basic positi o

36、ns, to social workers team construction for focus, based actual, t hrough various carrier put social workers service constantly to community, and to residents masses of daily extends, full play social work station of role, established community volunteers service team, according to service object of

37、 different features, integrated using variety social service method, free for difficult masses provides service, solution General grass-roots masses most care, and most dire ctly, and most reality of interests problem. Based on actual County ordered expanding the richness of community work, to enhan

38、ce the vitality of community work, community work more human, closer to the people, close to life.(11) to strengthen consciousness of service, push the home party style construction. Outside the grasp ofall services, I focus on strengthening self-construction, to tree quality, image outsi de. Counci

39、l leadership unity and strong, exemplary implementation of democratic centralism, strengthen the construction of party organizations, construction increased; the second is to strengthen learning and improve qualit y. Through a variety of learning activities, strengthen the education of the cadres an

40、d workers of political theory and professional knowl edge, to improve the overall quality of cadres and business capa city; the third is strengthening the burea ucracy in activities constructi on and bureaucracy had impr oved markedly. Constr uction of ideological style of cadres and w orkers have a

41、lso been strengthened, public servant, service is greatly enha nce d, bureaucracy, spirit of cadres and workers with larg er changes and improved four is to strengthen t he party conduct clean government and discipline i nspection and supervision work, wind operations and risk control management of

42、the ICAC. Leadership by example, leading party and low accountability, consciously working on self-discipline and self-examination and self-correction, and made me clean and reorganize bureaucracy in activities have been strengthened. Main difficulties and problems, and the second year, my County ho

43、me while some achi evements had been made, but there are still a lot of problems, mainly in: one is t he County of frequent natural di sasters, disaster caused by disea ses of poverty-returning of large populations, fail to achieve should be doing. Urban and rural minimum living standard security, o

44、rphans, five, three-no home rescue objects such as persons of more than 10,000 people, protection of disadvantaged groups the basic tasks of life more and more. In particular the County rural lowest living guarantee low base, many Lo-Fi edge disaster caused by di sease s of poverty could not be incl

45、ude d in the scope of protection i n a timely manner. Second, pension benefits instituti onal infrastructure. In recent years, increasing social welfare projects in our County, but provinces of China welfare Lottery-funded projects only has proje ct construction fund, no management of funds necessar

46、y for later operation, resulting in the existing be nefits of weak institutions, low service levels. Due to economic conditions restricted, I County of social welfare career guarantees range also compared narrow, started more late, plus place financial tensi on, based facilities construction lag, me

47、dical, and rehabilitation, and health, auxili ary treatment facilities serious lack, life guarantees standard relative lower, only can maintained servi ce object minimum of living, guarantees conte nt single, only looks at Yu m ost basic of life dependent, also cannot meet rescue object of medical,

48、and education, needs. In addition, the current staffing of welfare institutions less and a serious lack of professional nursing staff required. Third, to improve the overall quality of cadres. Catch problems of peoples livelihoodFunctions, widens the field of work, clients increased standards rising

49、, difficulty in increasing home the overall quality of cadres will determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the various policies. So home quality of the cadres at the grassroots level of improvement, strengthening the quality of business still need to make great efforts to, in accordance

50、 with the strong political, professional, style is team-building goals, strong training and practicing strong soldiers. Third, 2016 (a) continue to improve social assistance system. With a focus on urban and rural subsistence allowances,2 3已知:如图,123,BACDE/ /,且 B、 C、D 在一条直线上。求证:AEBD/ /4已知:如图,CDACBA,D

51、E 平分CDA,BF 平分CBA,且ADEAED。求证:DEFB/ /5已知:如图,BAPAPD18012,。求证:EF6已知:如图,123456,。求证:EDFB/ /A E 3 1 2 4 B C D D F C A E B A B 1 E F 2 C P D FE4AG 1B53 62CD精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页democracy, mai ntaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the sy

52、stem of self-governance , guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; se cond, strengthen democratic management of village affairs. Increased on village works public of supervision Gui de, led organization County financial , and agricultural, and sent m

53、odified, and JIU feng, and monitored, and livestock, village works public led gr oup members units, on County the Xiang (town) of village works public work for supervisi on, further specification has villge works public of form, and time and basic program, promote has village works public regulariza

54、tion, a nd institutionali zed, effective guarantees farmers masses of four right; three is established sound village level affairs management of supervision mecha nism. Actively cooperate with the disciplinary inspection and supervision departments to establishing and perfecting the system of villag

55、ers Supervisory Committee, give full play to its safeguard and promote the role of the rural grass-roots democracy. Innovation management, strengthening social servi ces and social welfare work. Funeral services: promote reform of funeral and interment, strictly funeral law enforcement, standard fun

56、eral activities, improving funeral management level, sound development of the cemetery and meet the needs of funeral sites. Insurance covers basic, wide coverage, in accordance with the principles of sustainable, further improve the burial policies, urban and rural subsistence allowances, rural five

57、 guarantees, key entitled groups and other spe cial groups, established funeral relief remedies, guarantees the funeral needs of poor people. T o increase the funeral renovation work, and actively organize consultations of stakeholders this year, pla ns to move its frontal bridge 120 tombs in Hena n

58、 province. Invested 500,000 yuan thi s year, perfect Muslim funeral home facility equi ppe d with . Turn off the unit, creating work. So far, 457 marriage registration and divorce registration this year, a total of 78, replacement of registration 52 registered was 100%. Social organization: this yea

59、r, continued to do well the social group annual review to further standardize the socio-organizational behavior, clean up activities, cancellation 1 not according to law organizations, completed a 6-level assessment of social organizations. Up to now, the Countys total of 17 organizations, 4 private

60、 non-Enterprise 2 social organization party currently and actively yet prude ntly carry out party building work. (J) expand services, social worker role into full play. I County to community for basic positi ons, to social workers team construction for focus, based actual, t hrough vario us carrier

61、put social workers service constantly to community, and to residents masses of daily extends, full play social work station of role, established community volunteers service team, according to service object of different features, integrated using variety social service method, free for difficult ma

62、sses provides service, solution General grass-roots masses most care, and most dire ctly, and most reality of interests problem. Based on actual County ordered expanding the richness of community work, to enhance the vitality of community work, community work more human, closer to the people, close

63、to life.(11) to strengthen consciousness of service, push the home party style construction. Outside the grasp ofall services, I focus on strengthening self-construction, to tree quality, image outsi de. Council leadership unity and strong, exemplary implementation of democratic centralism, strength

64、en the construction of party organizations, construction increased; the second is to strengthen learning and improve qualit y. Through a variety of learning activities, strengthen the education of the cadres and workers of political theory and professional knowl edge, to improve the overall quality

65、of cadres and business capa city; the third is strengthening the burea ucracy in activities constructi on and bureaucracy had impr oved markedly. Constr uction of ideological style of cadres and w orkers have also been strengthened, public servant, service is greatly enha nce d, bureaucracy, spirit

66、of cadres and workers with larger changes and improved four is to strengthen t he party conduct clean government and discipline i nspection and supervision work, wind operations and risk control management of the ICAC. Leadership by example, leading party and low accountability, consciously working

67、on self-discipline and self-examination and self-correction, and made me clean and reorganize bureaucracy in activities have been strengthened. Main difficulties and problems, and the second year, my County home while some achi evements had been made, but there are still a lot of problems, mainly in

68、: one is t he County of frequent natural di sasters, disaster caused by disea ses of poverty-returning of large populations, fail to achieve should be doing. Urban and rural minimum living standard security, orphans, five, three-no home rescue objects such as persons of more than 10,000 people, prot

69、ection of disadvantaged groups the basic tasks of life more and more. In particular the County rural lowest living guarantee low base, many Lo-Fi edge disaster caused by di sease s of poverty could not be include d in the scope of protection i n a timely manner. Second, pension benefits instituti on

70、al infrastructure. In recent years, increasing social welfare projects in our County, but provinces of China welfare Lottery-funded projects only has proje ct construction fund, no management of funds necessary for later operation, resulting in the existi ng be nefits of weak institutions, low servi

71、ce levels. Due to economic conditions restricted, I County of social welfare career guarantees range also compared narrow, started more late, plus place financial tensi on, based facilities construction lag, medical, and rehabilitation, and health, auxili ary treatment facilities serious lack, life

72、guarantees standard relative lower, only can maintained servi ce object minimum of living, guarantees conte nt single, only looks at Yu m ost basic of life dependent, also cannot meet rescue object of medical, and education, needs. In addition, the current staffing of welfare institutions less and a

73、 serious lack of professional nursing staff required. Third, to improve the overall quality of cadres. Catch problems of peoples livelihoodFunctions, widens the field of work, clients increased standards rising, difficulty in increasing home the overall quality of cadres will determine the effective

74、ness of the implementation of the various policies. So home quality of the cadres at the grassroots level of improvement, strengthening the quality of business still need to make great efforts to, in accordance with the strong political, professional, style is team-building goals, strong training an

75、d practicing strong soldiers. Third, 2016 (a) continue to improve social assistance system. With a focus on urban and rural subsistence allowances,3 二相交线平行线检测题一、判断题 . 1.如果两个角是邻补角,那么一个角是锐角,另一个角是钝角 .( ) 2.平面内 ,一条直线不可能与两条相交直线都平行.( ) 3.两条直线被第三条直线所截,内错角的对顶角一定相等.( ) 4.互为补角的两个角的平行线互相垂直.( ) 5.两条直线都与同一条直线相交,

76、这两条直线必相交.( ) 6.如果乙船在甲船的北偏西35 的方向线上 , 那么从甲船看乙船的方向角是南偏东规定35 .( ) 二、填空题1.a、b、c 是直线 ,且 ab,bc,则 a 与 c 的位置关系是 _. 2.如图 (11),MN AB,垂足为 M 点,MN 交 CD 于 N,过 M 点作 MG CD,垂足为 G,EF 过点 N 点,且 EFAB, 交 MG 于 H 点,其中线段 GM 的长度是 _到_的距离 , 线段 MN 的长度是 _到_的距离 ,又是 _的距离 ,点 N到直线 MG 的距离是 _. GHNMFEDCBAFEODCBA(11) (12) 3.如图 (12),AD B

77、C,EFBC,BD 平分 ABC, 图中与 ADO 相等的角有 _ 个,分别是 _. 4.因为 AB CD,EFAB,根据 _,所以 _. 5.命题 “ 等角的补角相等 ” 的题设 _,结论是 _. 6.如图 (13),给出下列论断 :AD BC:AB CD; A= C. 以上其中两个作为题设,另一个作为结论,用“ 如果 ,那么 ” 形式,写出一个你认为正确的命题是_. DCBAFEODCBAclNMba21(13) (14) (15) 7.如图 (14),直线 AB 、CD、EF 相交于同一点O,而且 BOC=23AOC, DOF=13 AOD,那么 FOC=_度. 8.如图 (15),直线

78、 a、b 被 C 所截 ,aL 于 M,bL 于 N,1=66 ,则 2=_. 三、选择题 . 1.下列语句错误的是( ) A.连接两点的线段的长度叫做两点间的距离B.两条直线平行 ,同旁内角互补C.若两个角有公共顶点且有一条公共边,和等于平角 ,则这两个角为邻补角D.平移变换中 ,各组对应点连成两线段平行且相等2.如图 (16),如果 AB CD,那么图中相等的内错角是( ) A.1 与 5,2 与 6; B.3 与7,4 与 8; C.5 与 1,4 与 8; D.2 与 6,7 与3 (16) 3.下列语句 :三条直线只有两个交点,则其中两条直线互相平行; 如果两条平行线 被 第 三 条

79、截,同旁内角相等 ,那么这两条平行线都与第三条直线垂直; 过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行,其中 ( ) A.、是正确的命题B.、是正确命题C.、是正确命题D.以上结论皆错4.下列与垂直相交的洗法:平面内 ,垂直于同一条直线的两条直线互相平行; 一条直线如果它与两条平行线中的一条垂直,那么它与另一条也垂直;平行内 , 一条直线不可能与两条相交直线都垂直,其中说法错误个数有( ) A.3 个B.2 个C.1 个D.0 个四、解答题1.如图 (17),是一条河 ,C 河边 AB 外一点 : (1)过点 C 要修一条与河平行的绿化带,请作出正确的示意图. (2)现欲用水管从河边AB,将水引到 C

80、处,请在图上测量并计算出水管至少要多少?(本图比例尺为87654321DCBACBA精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页democracy, mai ntaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance , guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-govern

81、ment work; se cond, strengthen democratic management of village affairs. Increased on village works public of supervision Gui de, led organization County financial , and agricultural, and sent modified, and JIU feng, and monitored, and livestock, village works public led gr oup members units, on Cou

82、nty the Xiang (town) of village works public work for supervisi on, further specification has villge works public of form, and time and basic program, promote has village works public regularization, a nd i nstitutionali zed, effective guarantees farmers masses of four right; three is established so

83、und village level affairs management of supervision mecha nism. Actively cooperate with the disciplinary inspection and supervision departments to establishing and perfecting the system of villagers Supervisory Committee, give full play to its safeguard and promote the role of the rural grass-roots

84、democracy. Innovation management, strengthening social servi ces and social welfare work. Funeral services: promote reform of funeral and interment, strictly funeral law enforcement, standard funeral activities, improving funeral management level, sound development of the cemetery and meet the needs

85、 of funeral sites. Insurance covers basic, wide coverage, in accorda nce with the principles of sustainable, further improve the burial policies, urban and rural subsistence allowances, rural five guarantees, key entitled groups and other spe cial groups, established funeral relief remedies, guarant

86、ees the funeral needs of poor people. T o increase the funeral renovation work, and actively organize consultations of stakeholders this year, pla ns to move its frontal bridge 120 tombs in Hena n province. Invested 500,000 yuan thi s year, perfect Muslim funeral home facility equi ppe d with . Turn

87、 off the unit, creating work. So far, 457 marriage registration and divorce registration this year, a total of 78, replacement of registration 52 registered was 100%. Social organization: this year, continued to do well the social group annual review to further standardize the socio-organizational b

88、ehavior, clean up activities, cancellation 1 not according to law organizations, completed a 6-level assessment of social organizations. Up to now, the Countys total of 17 organizations, 4 private non-Enterprise 2 social organization party currently and actively yet prude ntly carry out party buildi

89、ng work. (J) expand services, social worker role into full play. I County to community for basic positi ons, to social workers team construction for focus, based actual, t hrough various carrier put social workers service constantly to community, and to residents masses of daily extends, full play s

90、ocial work station of role, established community volunteers service team, according to service object of different features, integrated using variety social service method, free for difficult masses provides service, solution General grass-roots masses most care, and most dire ctly, and most realit

91、y of interests problem. Based on actual County ordered expanding the richness of community work, to enhance the vitality of community work, community work more human, closer to the people, close to life.(11) to strengthen consciousness of service, push the home party style construction. Outside the

92、grasp ofall services, I focus on strengthening self-construction, to tree quality, image outsi de. Council leadership unity and strong, exemplary implementation of democratic centralism, strengthen the construction of party organizations, construction increased; the second is to strengthen learning

93、and improve qualit y. Through a variety of learning activities, strengthen the education of the cadres and workers of political theory and professional knowl edge, to improve the overall quality of cadres and business capa city; the third is strengthening the burea ucracy in activities constructi on

94、 and bureaucracy had impr oved markedly. Constr uction of ideological style of cadres and w orkers have also been strengthened, public servant, service is greatly enha nce d, bureaucracy, spirit of cadres and workers with larg er changes and improved four is to strengthen t he party conduct clean go

95、vernment and discipline i nspection and supervision work, wind operations and risk control management of the ICAC. Leadership by example, leading party and low accountability, consciously working on self-discipline and self-examination and self-correction, and made me clean and reorganize bureaucrac

96、y in activities have been strengthened. Main difficulties and problems, and the second year, my County home while some achi evements had been made, but there are still a lot of problems, mainly in: one is t he County of frequent natural di sasters, disaster caused by disea ses of poverty-returning o

97、f large populations, fail to achieve should be doing. Urban and rural minimum living standard security, orphans, five, three-no home rescue objects such as persons of more than 10,000 people, protection of disadvantaged groups the basic tasks of life more and more. In particular the County rural low

98、est living guarantee low base, many Lo-Fi edge disaster caused by di sease s of poverty could not be include d in the scope of protection i n a timely manner. Second, pension benefits instituti onal infrastructure. In recent years, increasing social welfare projects in our County, but provinces of C

99、hina welfare Lottery-funded projects only has proje ct construction fund, no management of funds necessary for later operation, resulting in the existing be nefits of weak institutions, low service levels. Due to economic conditions restricted, I County of social welfare career guarantees range also

100、 compared narrow, started more late, plus place financial tensi on, based facilities construction lag, medical, and rehabilitation, and health, auxili ary treatment facilities serious lack, life guarantees standard relative lower, only can maintained servi ce object minimum of living, guarantees con

101、te nt single, only looks at Yu m ost basic of life dependent, also cannot meet rescue object of medical, and education, needs. In addition, the current staffing of welfare institutions less and a serious lack of professional nursing staff required. Third, to improve the overall quality of cadres. Ca

102、tch problems of peoples livelihoodFunctions, widens the field of work, clients increased standards rising, difficulty in increasing home the overall quality of cadres will determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the various policies. So home quality of the cadres at the grassroots level

103、 of improvement, strengthening the quality of business still need to make great efforts to, in accordance with the strong political, professional, style is team-building goals, strong training and practicing strong soldiers. Third, 2016 (a) continue to improve social assistance system. With a focus

104、on urban and rural subsistence allowances,4 1:2000) 2.如图 (18),ABA BD,CD MN, 垂足分别是B、D 点,FDC= EBA. (1)判断 CD 与 AB 的位置关系 ; (2)BE 与 DE 平行吗 ?为什么 ? 3.如图 (19),1+2=180 ,DAE= BCF,DA 平分 BDF. (1)AE 与 FC 会平行吗 ?说明理由 . (2)AD 与 BC 的位置关系如何?为什么 ? (3)BC 平分 DBE 吗?为什么 . 4.在方格纸上 ,利用平移画出长方形ABCD 的立体图 ,其中点 D 是 D 的对应点 .(要求在立

105、体图中,看不到的线条用虚线表示) 相交线与平行线C 一、选择题: 1如图( 1)所示,同位角共有()A1 对 B2 对 C3 对D4 对 2下图中, 1 和 2 是同位角的是 ABCD 3一辆汽车在笔直的公路上行驶,两次拐弯后,仍在原来的方向上平行前进,则两次拐弯的角度可以是() A第一次向右拐40,第二次向左拐140B第一次向左拐40,第二次向右拐40C第一次向左拐40,第二次向右拐140D第一次向右拐40,第二次向右拐404如图( 2)所示,AB , ABC=130 ,那么 的度数为() A60B50C40D30FE21DCBADDCBANMFEDCBA精选学习资料 - - - - - -

106、 - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页democracy, mai ntaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance , guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; se cond, strengthen democratic management of vill

107、age affairs. Increased on village works public of supervision Gui de, led organization County financial , and agricultural, and sent modified, and JIU feng, and monitored, and livestock, village works public led gr oup members units, on County the Xiang (town) of village works public work for superv

108、isi on, further specification has villge works public of form, and time and basic program, promote has village works public regularization, a nd institutionali zed, effective guarantees farmers masses of four right; three is established sound village level affairs management of supervision mecha nis

109、m. Actively cooperate with the disciplinary inspection and supervision departments to establishing and perfecting the system of villagers Supervisory Committee, give full play to its safeguard and promote the role of the rural grass-roots democracy. Innovation management, strengthening social servi

110、ces and social welfare work. Funeral services: promote reform of funeral and interment, strictly funeral law enforcement, standard funeral activities, improving funeral management level, sound development of the cemetery and meet the needs of funeral sites. Insurance covers basic, wide coverage, in

111、accordance with the principles of sustainable, further improve the burial policies, urban and rural subsistence allowances, rural five guarantees, key entitled groups and other spe cial groups, established funeral relief remedies, guarantees the funeral needs of poor people. T o increase the funeral

112、 renovation work, and actively organize consultations of stakeholders this year, pla ns to move its frontal bridge 120 tombs in Hena n province. Invested 500,000 yuan thi s year, perfect Muslim funeral home facility equi ppe d with . Turn off the unit, creating work. So far, 457 marriage registratio

113、n and divorce registration this year, a total of 78, replacement of registration 52 registered was 100%. Social organization: this year, continued to do well the social group annual review to further standardize the socio-organizational behavior, clean up activities, cancellation 1 not according to

114、law organizations, completed a 6-level assessment of social organizations. Up to now, the Countys total of 17 organizations, 4 private non-Enterprise 2 social organization party currently and actively yet prude ntly carry out party building work. (J) expand services, social worker role into full pla

115、y. I County to community for basic positi ons, to social workers team construction for focus, based actual, t hrough vario us carrier put social workers service constantly to community, and to residents masses of daily extends, full play social work station of role, established community volunteers

116、service team, according to service object of different features, integrated using variety social service method, free for difficult masses provides service, solution General grass-roots masses most care, and most dire ctly, and most reality of interests problem. Based on actual County ordered expand

117、ing the richness of community work, to enhance the vitality of community work, community work more human, closer to the people, close to life.(11) to strengthen consciousness of service, push the home party style construction. Outside the grasp ofall services, I focus on strengthening self-construct

118、ion, to tree quality, image outsi de. Council leadership unity and strong, exemplary implementation of democratic centralism, strengthen the construction of party organizations, construction increased; the second is to strengthen learning and improve qualit y. Through a variety of learning activitie

119、s, strengthen the education of the cadres and workers of political theory and professional knowl edge, to improve the overall quality of cadres and business capa city; the third is strengthening the burea ucracy in activities constructi on and bureaucracy had impr oved markedly. Constr uction of ide

120、ological style of cadres and w orkers have also been strengthened, public servant, service is greatly enha nce d, bureaucracy, spirit of cadres and workers with larger changes and improved four is to strengthen t he party conduct clean government and discipline i nspection and supervision work, wind

121、 operations and risk control management of the ICAC. Leadership by example, leading party and low accountability, consciously working on self-discipline and self-examination and self-correction, and made me clean and reorganize bureaucracy in activities have been strengthened. Main difficulties and

122、problems, and the second year, my County home while some achi evements had been made, but there are still a lot of problems, mainly in: one is t he County of frequent natural di sasters, disaster caused by disea ses of poverty-returning of large populations, fail to achieve should be doing. Urban an

123、d rural minimum living standard security, orphans, five, three-no home rescue objects such as persons of more than 10,000 people, protection of disadvantaged groups the basic tasks of life more and more. In particular the County rural lowest living guarantee low base, many Lo-Fi edge disaster caused

124、 by di sease s of poverty could not be include d in the scope of protection i n a timely manner. Second, pension benefits instituti onal infrastructure. In recent years, increasing social welfare projects in our County, but provinces of China welfare Lottery-funded projects only has proje ct constru

125、ction fund, no management of funds necessary for later operation, resulting in the existi ng be nefits of weak institutions, low service levels. Due to economic conditions restricted, I County of social welfare career guarantees range also compared narrow, started more late, plus place financial ten

126、si on, based facilities construction lag, medical, and rehabilitation, and health, auxili ary treatment facilities serious lack, life guarantees standard relative lower, only can maintained servi ce object minimum of living, guarantees conte nt single, only looks at Yu m ost basic of life dependent,

127、 also cannot meet rescue object of medical, and education, needs. In addition, the current staffing of welfare institutions less and a serious lack of professional nursing staff required. Third, to improve the overall quality of cadres. Catch problems of peoples livelihoodFunctions, widens the field

128、 of work, clients increased standards rising, difficulty in increasing home the overall quality of cadres will determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the various policies. So home quality of the cadres at the grassroots level of improvement, strengthening the quality of business still

129、need to make great efforts to, in accordance with the strong political, professional, style is team-building goals, strong training and practicing strong soldiers. Third, 2016 (a) continue to improve social assistance system. With a focus on urban and rural subsistence allowances,5 二、填空题:5如图( 3)所示,已

130、知 AOB=50 , PCOB,PD 平分 OPC,则 APC= _, PDO=_ 6平行四边形中有一内角为60,则其余各个内角的大小为_,_,_。7如图( 4)所示, OPQRST,若 2=110, 3=120,则 1=_。三解答题:8如图( 6) ,DEAB ,EFAC, A=35,求 DEF 的度数。9如图( 7) ,已知 AEC= A+C,试说明: AB CD。10.如图 (19),1+2=180 ,DAE= BCF,DA 平分 BDF. (1)AE 与 FC 会平行吗 ?说明理由;(2)AD 与 BC 的位置关系如何?为什么 ? (3)BC 平分 DBE 吗?为什么?本章总结本章主要

131、讲述的知识点有相交线与平行线。其中相交线当中,两线相交,共产生两对对顶角,还引入了邻补角的概念。相交的一种特殊情况是垂直,两条直线交角成90。经过直线外一点,作直线的垂线,有且只有一条;点到直线上各点的距离中,垂线段最短。两条直线的另外一种关系是平行,平行就是指两条直线永不相交。平行线之间的距离处处相等。过直线外一点, 作已知直线的平行线,有且只有一条。当同一平面内的三条直线相交时,有三种情况: 一种是只有一个交点;一种是有两个交点,即两条直线平行被第三条直线所截;还有一种是三个交点,即三条直线两两相交。两条直线被第三条直线所截,产生两个交点,形成了八个角(不可分的):同位角: 没有公共顶点的

132、两个角,它们在直线AB,CD的同侧,在第三条直线EF的同旁(即位置相同) ,这样的一对角叫做同位角;内错角: 没有公共顶点的两个角,它们在直线AB,CD之间,在第三条直线EF的两旁(即位置交错) ,这样的一对角叫做内错角;同旁内角: 没有公共顶点的两个角,它们在直线AB,CD之间,在第三条直线EF的同旁,这样的一对角叫做同旁内角;两条直线平行,被第三条直线所截,其同位角,内错角,同旁内角有如下关系:两直线平行,被第三条直线所截,同位角相等;两直线平行,被第三条直线所截,内错角相等两直线平行,被第三条直线所截,同旁内角互补。平行线判定定理:两条直线平行,被第三条直线所截,形成的角有如上所说的性质

133、;那么反过来,如果两条直线被第三条直线所截,形成的同位角相等,内错角相等,同旁内角互补,是否能证明这两条直线平行呢?答案是可以的。FE21DCBA精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页democracy, mai ntaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance , guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will c

134、arry out democratic self-government work; se cond, strengthen democratic management of village affairs. Increased on village works public of supervision Gui de, led organization County financial , and agricultural, and sent modified, and JIU feng, and monitored, and livestock, village works public l

135、ed gr oup members units, on County the Xiang (town) of village works public work for supervisi on, further specification has villge works public of form, and time and basic program, promote has village works public regularization, a nd i nstitutionali zed, effective guarantees farmers masses of four

136、 right; three is established sound village level affairs management of supervision mecha nism. Actively cooperate with the disciplinary inspection and supervision departments to establishing and perfecting the system of villagers Supervisory Committee, give full play to its safeguard and promote the

137、 role of the rural grass-roots democracy. Innovation management, strengthening social servi ces and social welfare work. Funeral services: promote reform of funeral and interment, strictly funeral law enforcement, standard funeral activities, improving funeral management level, sound development of

138、the cemetery and meet the needs of funeral sites. Insurance covers basic, wide coverage, in accorda nce with the principles of sustainable, further improve the burial policies, urban and rural subsistence allowances, rural five guarantees, key entitled groups and other spe cial groups, established f

139、uneral relief remedies, guarantees the funeral needs of poor people. T o increase the funeral renovation work, and actively organize consultations of stakeholders this year, pla ns to move its frontal bridge 120 tombs in Hena n province. Invested 500,000 yuan thi s year, perfect Muslim funeral home

140、facility equi ppe d with . Turn off the unit, creating work. So far, 457 marriage registration and divorce registration this year, a total of 78, replacement of registration 52 registered was 100%. Social organization: this year, continued to do well the social group annual review to further standar

141、dize the socio-organizational behavior, clean up activities, cancellation 1 not according to law organizations, completed a 6-level assessment of social organizations. Up to now, the Countys total of 17 organizations, 4 private non-Enterprise 2 social organization party currently and actively yet pr

142、ude ntly carry out party building work. (J) expand services, social worker role into full play. I County to community for basic positi ons, to social workers team construction for focus, based actual, t hrough various carrier put social workers service constantly to community, and to residents masse

143、s of daily extends, full play social work station of role, established community volunteers service team, according to service object of different features, integrated using variety social service method, free for difficult masses provides service, solution General grass-roots masses most care, and

144、most dire ctly, and most reality of interests problem. Based on actual County ordered expanding the richness of community work, to enhance the vitality of community work, community work more human, closer to the people, close to life.(11) to strengthen consciousness of service, push the home party s

145、tyle construction. Outside the grasp ofall services, I focus on strengthening self-construction, to tree quality, image outsi de. Council leadership unity and strong, exemplary implementation of democratic centralism, strengthen the construction of party organizations, construction increased; the se

146、cond is to strengthen learning and improve qualit y. Through a variety of learning activities, strengthen the education of the cadres and workers of political theory and professional knowl edge, to improve the overall quality of cadres and business capa city; the third is strengthening the burea ucr

147、acy in activities constructi on and bureaucracy had impr oved markedly. Constr uction of ideological style of cadres and w orkers have also been strengthened, public servant, service is greatly enha nce d, bureaucracy, spirit of cadres and workers with larg er changes and improved four is to strengt

148、hen t he party conduct clean government and discipline i nspection and supervision work, wind operations and risk control management of the ICAC. Leadership by example, leading party and low accountability, consciously working on self-discipline and self-examination and self-correction, and made me

149、clean and reorganize bureaucracy in activities have been strengthened. Main difficulties and problems, and the second year, my County home while some achi evements had been made, but there are still a lot of problems, mainly in: one is t he County of frequent natural di sasters, disaster caused by d

150、isea ses of poverty-returning of large populations, fail to achieve should be doing. Urban and rural minimum living standard security, orphans, five, three-no home rescue objects such as persons of more than 10,000 people, protection of disadvantaged groups the basic tasks of life more and more. In

151、particular the County rural lowest living guarantee low base, many Lo-Fi edge disaster caused by di sease s of poverty could not be include d in the scope of protection i n a timely manner. Second, pension benefits instituti onal infrastructure. In recent years, increasing social welfare projects in

152、 our County, but provinces of China welfare Lottery-funded projects only has proje ct construction fund, no management of funds necessary for later operation, resulting in the existing be nefits of weak institutions, low service levels. Due to economic conditions restricted, I County of social welfa

153、re career guarantees range also compared narrow, started more late, plus place financial tensi on, based facilities construction lag, medical, and rehabilitation, and health, auxili ary treatment facilities serious lack, life guarantees standard relative lower, only can maintained servi ce object mi

154、nimum of living, guarantees conte nt single, only looks at Yu m ost basic of life dependent, also cannot meet rescue object of medical, and education, needs. In addition, the current staffing of welfare institutions less and a serious lack of professional nursing staff required. Third, to improve th

155、e overall quality of cadres. Catch problems of peoples livelihoodFunctions, widens the field of work, clients increased standards rising, difficulty in increasing home the overall quality of cadres will determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the various policies. So home quality of the

156、 cadres at the grassroots level of improvement, strengthening the quality of business still need to make great efforts to, in accordance with the strong political, professional, style is team-building goals, strong training and practicing strong soldiers. Third, 2016 (a) continue to improve social a

157、ssistance system. With a focus on urban and rural subsistence allowances,6 两条直线被第三条直线所截,以下几种情况可以判定这两条直线平行:平行线判定定理1:同位角相等,两直线平行如图所示,只要满足12(或者34;57;68) ,就可以说 AB/CD 平行线判定定理2:内错角相等,两直线平行如图所示,只要满足62(或者54) ,就可以说AB/CD 平行线判定定理3:同旁内角互补,两直线平行如图所示,只要满足5+2180(或者6+4180) ,就可以说AB/CD 平行线判定定理4:两条直线同时垂直于第三条直线,两条直线平行这

158、是两直线与第三条直线相交时的一种特殊情况,由上图中1290就可以得到。平行线判定定理5:两条直线同时平行于第三条直线,两条直线平行知识点1.相交线同一平面中,两条直线的位置有两种情况:相交: 如图所示,直线AB与直线 CD相交于点 O,其中以 O为顶点共有4 个角:1,2,3,4;邻补角: 其中1 和2 有一条公共边,且他们的另一边互为反向延长线。像1 和2 这样的角我们称他们互为邻补角;对顶角:1 和3 有一个公共的顶点O,并且1 的两边分别是3 两边的反向延长线,具有这种位置关系的两个角,互为对顶角;1 和2 互补,2 和3 互补,因为同角的补角相等,所以13。所以, 对顶角相等例题:1.

159、 如图, 3123,求1,2,3,4 的度数。2.如图,直线AB、CD、EF 相交于 O,且ABCD,127,则2_,FOB_。垂直:垂直是相交的一种特殊情况两条直线相互垂直,其中一条叫做另一条的垂线,它们的交点叫做垂足。如图所示,图中ABCD ,垂足为 O。垂直的两条直线共形成四个直角,每个直角都是90。例题:如图, ABCD ,垂足为O,EF经过点 O,126,求EOD ,2,3 的度数。 ( 思考:EOD可否用途中所示的4 表示? ) 垂线相关的基本性质:(1)经过一点有且只有一条直线垂直于已知直线;(2)连接直线外一点与直线上各点的所有线段中,垂线段最短;(3)从直线外一点到直线的垂线

160、段的长度,叫做点到直线的距离。例题: 假设你在游泳池中的P点游泳, AC是泳池的岸,如果此时你的腿抽筋了,你会选择那条路线游向岸边?为什么?CEA 2 O B1FD精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页democracy, mai ntaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance , guide the village (neighborhood) Committ

161、ee will carry out democratic self-government work; se cond, strengthen democratic management of village affairs. Increased on village works public of supervision Gui de, led organization County financial , and agricultural, and sent modified, and JIU feng, and monitored, and livestock, village works

162、 public led gr oup members units, on County the Xiang (town) of village works public work for supervisi on, further specification has villge works public of form, and time and basic program, promote has village works public regularization, a nd institutionali zed, effective guarantees farmers masses

163、 of four right; three is established sound village level affairs management of supervision mecha nism. Actively cooperate with the disciplinary inspection and supervision departments to establishing and perfecting the system of villagers Supervisory Committee, give full play to its safeguard and pro

164、mote the role of the rural grass-roots democracy. Innovation management, strengthening social servi ces and social welfare work. Funeral services: promote reform of funeral and interment, strictly funeral law enforcement, standard funeral activities, improving funeral management level, sound develop

165、ment of the cemetery and meet the needs of funeral sites. Insurance covers basic, wide coverage, in accordance with the principles of sustainable, further improve the burial policies, urban and rural subsistence allowances, rural five guarantees, key entitled groups and other spe cial groups, establ

166、ished funeral relief remedies, guarantees the funeral needs of poor people. T o increase the funeral renovation work, and actively organize consultations of stakeholders this year, pla ns to move its frontal bridge 120 tombs in Hena n province. Invested 500,000 yuan thi s year, perfect Muslim funera

167、l home facility equi ppe d with . Turn off the unit, creating work. So far, 457 marriage registration and divorce registration this year, a total of 78, replacement of registration 52 registered was 100%. Social organization: this year, continued to do well the social group annual review to further

168、standardize the socio-organizational behavior, clean up activities, cancellation 1 not according to law organizations, completed a 6-level assessment of social organizations. Up to now, the Countys total of 17 organizations, 4 private non-Enterprise 2 social organization party currently and actively

169、 yet prude ntly carry out party building work. (J) expand services, social worker role into full play. I County to community for basic positi ons, to social workers team construction for focus, based actual, t hrough vario us carrier put social workers service constantly to community, and to residen

170、ts masses of daily extends, full play social work station of role, established community volunteers service team, according to service object of different features, integrated using variety social service method, free for difficult masses provides service, solution General grass-roots masses most ca

171、re, and most dire ctly, and most reality of interests problem. Based on actual County ordered expanding the richness of community work, to enhance the vitality of community work, community work more human, closer to the people, close to life.(11) to strengthen consciousness of service, push the home

172、 party style construction. Outside the grasp ofall services, I focus on strengthening self-construction, to tree quality, image outsi de. Council leadership unity and strong, exemplary implementation of democratic centralism, strengthen the construction of party organizations, construction increased

173、; the second is to strengthen learning and improve qualit y. Through a variety of learning activities, strengthen the education of the cadres and workers of political theory and professional knowl edge, to improve the overall quality of cadres and business capa city; the third is strengthening the b

174、urea ucracy in activities constructi on and bureaucracy had impr oved markedly. Constr uction of ideological style of cadres and w orkers have also been strengthened, public servant, service is greatly enha nce d, bureaucracy, spirit of cadres and workers with larger changes and improved four is to

175、strengthen t he party conduct clean government and discipline i nspection and supervision work, wind operations and risk control management of the ICAC. Leadership by example, leading party and low accountability, consciously working on self-discipline and self-examination and self-correction, and m

176、ade me clean and reorganize bureaucracy in activities have been strengthened. Main difficulties and problems, and the second year, my County home while some achi evements had been made, but there are still a lot of problems, mainly in: one is t he County of frequent natural di sasters, disaster caus

177、ed by disea ses of poverty-returning of large populations, fail to achieve should be doing. Urban and rural minimum living standard security, orphans, five, three-no home rescue objects such as persons of more than 10,000 people, protection of disadvantaged groups the basic tasks of life more and mo

178、re. In particular the County rural lowest living guarantee low base, many Lo-Fi edge disaster caused by di sease s of poverty could not be include d in the scope of protection i n a timely manner. Second, pension benefits instituti onal infrastructure. In recent years, increasing social welfare proj

179、ects in our County, but provinces of China welfare Lottery-funded projects only has proje ct construction fund, no management of funds necessary for later operation, resulting in the existi ng be nefits of weak institutions, low service levels. Due to economic conditions restricted, I County of soci

180、al welfare career guarantees range also compared narrow, started more late, plus place financial tensi on, based facilities construction lag, medical, and rehabilitation, and health, auxili ary treatment facilities serious lack, life guarantees standard relative lower, only can maintained servi ce o

181、bject minimum of living, guarantees conte nt single, only looks at Yu m ost basic of life dependent, also cannot meet rescue object of medical, and education, needs. In addition, the current staffing of welfare institutions less and a serious lack of professional nursing staff required. Third, to im

182、prove the overall quality of cadres. Catch problems of peoples livelihoodFunctions, widens the field of work, clients increased standards rising, difficulty in increasing home the overall quality of cadres will determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the various policies. So home qualit

183、y of the cadres at the grassroots level of improvement, strengthening the quality of business still need to make great efforts to, in accordance with the strong political, professional, style is team-building goals, strong training and practicing strong soldiers. Third, 2016 (a) continue to improve

184、social assistance system. With a focus on urban and rural subsistence allowances,7 *线段的垂直平分线:垂直且平分一条线段的直线,叫做这条线段的垂直平分线。如何作下图线段的垂直平分线?2. 平行线:在同一个平面内永不相交的两条直线叫做平行线。平行线公理: 经过直线外一点,有且只有一条直线和已知直线平行。如上图,直线a 与直线 b 平行,记作a/b 3. 同一个平面中的三条直线关系:三条直线在一个平面中的位置关系有4 中情况:有一个交点,有两个交点,有三个交点,没有交点。(1)有一个交点: 三条直线相交于同一个点,

185、如图所示,以交点为顶点形成各个角,可以用角的相关知识解决;例题:如图,直线AB,CD,EF相交于 O点,DOB是它的余角的两倍,AOE 2DOF,且有 OGOA ,求EOG的度数。(2)有两个交点 : (这种情况必然是两条直线平行,被第三条直线所截。)如图所示,直线AB ,CD平行,被第三条直线EF所截。这三条直线形成了两个顶点,围绕两个顶点的8 个角之间有三种特殊关系:*同位角: 没有公共顶点的两个角,它们在直线AB,CD的同侧,在第三条直线EF的同旁(即位置相同) ,这样的一对角叫做同位角;*内错角: 没有公共顶点的两个角,它们在直线AB,CD之间,在第三条直线EF的两旁(即位置交错) ,

186、这样的一对角叫做内错角;*同旁内角: 没有公共顶点的两个角,它们在直线AB,CD之间,在第三条直线EF的同旁,这样的一对角叫做同旁内角;指出上图中的同位角,内错角,同旁内角。两条直线平行,被第三条直线所截,其同位角,内错角,同旁内角有如下关系:两直线平行,被第三条直线所截,同位角相等;两直线平行,被第三条直线所截,内错角相等两直线平行,被第三条直线所截,同旁内角互补。如上图,指出相等的各角和互补的角。例题:1. 如图,已知12180,3180,求4 的度数。2. 如图所示, AB/CD,A135,E80。求CDE的度数。平行线判定定理:两条直线平行,被第三条直线所截,形成的角有如上所说的性质;

187、那么反过来,如果两条直线被第三条直线所截,形成的同位角相等,内错角相等,同旁内角互补,是否能证明这两条直线平行呢?答案是可以的。两条直线被第三条直线所截,以下几种情况可以判定这两条直线平行:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页democracy, mai ntaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance , guide the village (neighbor

188、hood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; se cond, strengthen democratic management of village affairs. Increased on village works public of supervision Gui de, led organization County financial , and agricultural, and sent modified, and JIU feng, and monitored, and livestock,

189、village works public led gr oup members units, on County the Xiang (town) of village works public work for supervisi on, further specification has villge works public of form, and time and basic program, promote has village works public regularization, a nd i nstitutionali zed, effective guarantees

190、farmers masses of four right; three is established sound village level affairs management of supervision mecha nism. Actively cooperate with the disciplinary inspection and supervision departments to establishing and perfecting the system of villagers Supervisory Committee, give full play to its saf

191、eguard and promote the role of the rural grass-roots democracy. Innovation management, strengthening social servi ces and social welfare work. Funeral services: promote reform of funeral and interment, strictly funeral law enforcement, standard funeral activities, improving funeral management level,

192、 sound development of the cemetery and meet the needs of funeral sites. Insurance covers basic, wide coverage, in accorda nce with the principles of sustainable, further improve the burial policies, urban and rural subsistence allowances, rural five guarantees, key entitled groups and other spe cial

193、 groups, established funeral relief remedies, guarantees the funeral needs of poor people. T o increase the funeral renovation work, and actively organize consultations of stakeholders this year, pla ns to move its frontal bridge 120 tombs in Hena n province. Invested 500,000 yuan thi s year, perfec

194、t Muslim funeral home facility equi ppe d with . Turn off the unit, creating work. So far, 457 marriage registration and divorce registration this year, a total of 78, replacement of registration 52 registered was 100%. Social organization: this year, continued to do well the social group annual rev

195、iew to further standardize the socio-organizational behavior, clean up activities, cancellation 1 not according to law organizations, completed a 6-level assessment of social organizations. Up to now, the Countys total of 17 organizations, 4 private non-Enterprise 2 social organization party current

196、ly and actively yet prude ntly carry out party building work. (J) expand services, social worker role into full play. I County to community for basic positi ons, to social workers team construction for focus, based actual, t hrough various carrier put social workers service constantly to community,

197、and to residents masses of daily extends, full play social work station of role, established community volunteers service team, according to service object of different features, integrated using variety social service method, free for difficult masses provides service, solution General grass-roots

198、masses most care, and most dire ctly, and most reality of interests problem. Based on actual County ordered expanding the richness of community work, to enhance the vitality of community work, community work more human, closer to the people, close to life.(11) to strengthen consciousness of service,

199、 push the home party style construction. Outside the grasp ofall services, I focus on strengthening self-construction, to tree quality, image outsi de. Council leadership unity and strong, exemplary implementation of democratic centralism, strengthen the construction of party organizations, construc

200、tion increased; the second is to strengthen learning and improve qualit y. Through a variety of learning activities, strengthen the education of the cadres and workers of political theory and professional knowl edge, to improve the overall quality of cadres and business capa city; the third is stren

201、gthening the burea ucracy in activities constructi on and bureaucracy had impr oved markedly. Constr uction of ideological style of cadres and w orkers have also been strengthened, public servant, service is greatly enha nce d, bureaucracy, spirit of cadres and workers with larg er changes and impro

202、ved four is to strengthen t he party conduct clean government and discipline i nspection and supervision work, wind operations and risk control management of the ICAC. Leadership by example, leading party and low accountability, consciously working on self-discipline and self-examination and self-co

203、rrection, and made me clean and reorganize bureaucracy in activities have been strengthened. Main difficulties and problems, and the second year, my County home while some achi evements had been made, but there are still a lot of problems, mainly in: one is t he County of frequent natural di sasters

204、, disaster caused by disea ses of poverty-returning of large populations, fail to achieve should be doing. Urban and rural minimum living standard security, orphans, five, three-no home rescue objects such as persons of more than 10,000 people, protection of disadvantaged groups the basic tasks of l

205、ife more and more. In particular the County rural lowest living guarantee low base, many Lo-Fi edge disaster caused by di sease s of poverty could not be include d in the scope of protection i n a timely manner. Second, pension benefits instituti onal infrastructure. In recent years, increasing soci

206、al welfare projects in our County, but provinces of China welfare Lottery-funded projects only has proje ct construction fund, no management of funds necessary for later operation, resulting in the existing be nefits of weak institutions, low service levels. Due to economic conditions restricted, I

207、County of social welfare career guarantees range also compared narrow, started more late, plus place financial tensi on, based facilities construction lag, medical, and rehabilitation, and health, auxili ary treatment facilities serious lack, life guarantees standard relative lower, only can maintai

208、ned servi ce object minimum of living, guarantees conte nt single, only looks at Yu m ost basic of life dependent, also cannot meet rescue object of medical, and education, needs. In addition, the current staffing of welfare institutions less and a serious lack of professional nursing staff required

209、. Third, to improve the overall quality of cadres. Catch problems of peoples livelihoodFunctions, widens the field of work, clients increased standards rising, difficulty in increasing home the overall quality of cadres will determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the various policies.

210、So home quality of the cadres at the grassroots level of improvement, strengthening the quality of business still need to make great efforts to, in accordance with the strong political, professional, style is team-building goals, strong training and practicing strong soldiers. Third, 2016 (a) contin

211、ue to improve social assistance system. With a focus on urban and rural subsistence allowances,8 平行线判定定理1:同位角相等,两直线平行如图所示,只要满足12(或者34;57;68) ,就可以说AB/CD 平行线判定定理2:内错角相等,两直线平行如图所示,只要满足62(或者54) ,就可以说AB/CD 平行线判定定理3:同旁内角互补,两直线平行如图所示,只要满足5+2180(或者6+4180) ,就可以说AB/CD 平行线判定定理4:两条直线同时垂直于第三条直线,两条直线平行这是两直线与第三条直线

212、相交时的一种特殊情况,由上图中1290就可以得到。例题:1.已知: AB/CD ,BD 平分ABC,DB 平分ADC,求证: DA/BC 2.已知: AF、BD、CE 都为直线, B 在直线 AC 上, E 在直线 DF 上,且12,CD ,求证:AF。DEF3124ABC(3)有三个交点当三条直线两两相交时,共形成三个交点,12 个角,这是三条直线相交的一般情况。如下图所示:你能指出其中的同位角,内错角和同旁内角吗?三个交点可以看成一个三角形的三个顶点,三个交点直线的线段可以看成是三角形的三条边。(4)没有交点:这种情况下,三条直线都平行,如下图所示:即 a/b/c。这也是同一平面内三条直线位置关系的一种特殊情况。例题:如图, CDAB , DCB=70 , CBF=20, EFB=130,问直线EF 与 CD 有怎样的位置关系,为什么?AB12DC34精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页



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