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1、一、学科:小学英语二、课例名称:Unit 11 Green Berries Lesson 2 五、课型:新授课六、年级:四年级七、教材版本:北师大版小学英语 ( 三年级起点 ) 四年级下册八、教学设计:教学背景分析学生分析:学生从三年级开始学习英语, 学习兴趣浓厚,具备初步的英语听、读、说、写的能力, 学生已学过一些身体部位的单词,如:eye, ear,nose, hand等,为本课时的教学奠定了重要的基础。学生能听懂简单的课堂用语并在教师的引导下进行有效地学习,具有一定的自主探究学习能力。内容分析:本课教学重、 难点主要围绕身体部位单词教学展开,并在此基础上把新单词运用到日常对话当中。新单词

2、内容较多, 着重与句型结合学习,并拓展到对话。. Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aims: Enable the students to master the words and sentences:Words: hair tongue finger arm chest stomach shoulder leg knee toe Sentences: What s the matter?Myhurts.2. Ability aims: Enable the Ss to use the words of the part of body and some useful

3、expressions to communicate with others. Develop the Ss ability of listening, speaking and reading.3. Moral education aims: (1) Encourage the Ss to have good cooperation with others by means of group competition and group discussion. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页(2) Encoura

4、ge the students to be brave enough to speak English more. . The important and difficult points in this lesson: Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the words of the part of body:eye ear nose mouth face head hand foot hair tongue finger arm chest stomach shoulder knee toe 2.Learn how to care about oth

5、ers and make a dialog: Whats the matter?My hurts.Teaching Difficult Points: Enable the students to use the some useful sentences when you see a doctor. . Teaching Methods: Using individual, pair work and group work to let every student be an active part in class. . Teaching Aids: The multimedia, the

6、 blackboard and cards . Teaching procedures: Teaching steps Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesAimsStep1. Warm up and GreetingsSing an English song: Hello song Sing and do the actions. Stimulate the Ss interest and passion. Step2. Review and Lead in.1. Use the CAI to lead in the new lesson, Encou

7、rage the whole class to say more words of the part of body they have learnt before. Say more words of the part of body.Read out the words. Make an active English learning surrounding for the students by chant and doing some TPR. 2.Let s chant and encourage the students to read them aloud. Do some ac

8、tions while reading the chant. 1. Teach the new words “hair ” “tongue ”.2. Teach the new word “finger” by doing finger Learn the new words Learn the key words and sentences in the true situation. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页Step3. Presentation and Consolidationexercises.

9、3.Teach the new words “arm”“ chest ” “stomach” by different way. 4.Game:Clap,Clap,Clap 5.Use the CAI to teach the new words “leg ” “knee”“ toe ”“ shoulder ” .6.Touch and say. and sentences attentively. Use different ways to help the children to master the words and sentences. Train the students abil

10、ity of speaking. Review the sentences then practice. 1.Use body languages to make dialogs: Whats the matter? My hurts.2.Sentences game: Pingpong Listen and repeat the two sentences. Read out the sentences several times and practice in groups. Step4. Listen and number 1. Encourage the whole class to

11、read the listening exercise. Read the exercise for 10 seconds. Train the students ability of listening and speaking. 2. Play the tape then have the Ss to choose the correct answer. Listen carefully then answer the questions. 3. Check the answers. Use the sentence structures. Step5. Talk together.1.C

12、AI shows the short story and present the whole dialogue. Listen and watch the story. Develop the childrens ability of communication and co-operation, and train their ability of speaking. 2. Have the students to read the dialogue by themselves then practice in pairs. Practice in groups. 3.Choose seve

13、ral groups to make dialogs. Encourage more students to join this activity. Act in front of the class. Step6. Sum up.Review what we have learnt today by learning a new song:Head,shoulders,knees and toes. Sing and do the actions together. It is necessary for the pupils to have a review at the end of t

14、he class. Step7. homework 1. Make a survey after class. Complete the survey after class. Doing some extensive exercises after class is good for the pupils to 2. Homework: 1).Finish Read,Trace and Match in Unit 11. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页2).Make a dialogue with your p

15、artner. 3).Sing the song Head shoulders knees and toes to your parents. consolidate the knowledge in learning English. 听力材料听力材料Students notesListening Exercise Listen and number. 1.What s the matter?My eye hurts. 2.What s the matter?My arm hurts. 3.What s the matter?My leg hurts. 4.What s the matter

16、?My finger hurts. 5.What s the matter?My stomach hurts. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页Blackboard design: Unit 11 Green Berries Lesson2 九、教学反思 : Name(姓名):Class(班级):Learning Contents 学习内容Words: eye ear nose mouth face head hand foot hair tongue arm finger chest stomach leg sh

17、oulder knee toe Sentences: Whats the matter?My hurts.In Class 课堂表现I can get.After Class 课后表现Homework 1.Finish Read,Trace and Match in Unit 11. 2.Make a dialogue with your partner. 3.Sing the song Head shoulder knee toe to your parents.From my partner: You can get . From my parents: You can get. What

18、 s the matter? My_ hurts. hair leg tongue chest shoulder finger stomach knee arm toe 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页1.课堂中我尽量用英语和来组织教学,有些常用课堂指令要求学生听懂理解并做出相应的反映。本节课是身体部位英语名称教学,所以在课堂上我也运用了肢体语言来辅助教学, 开展多种活动和游戏,注重语言的操作与运用, 采用多种形式的活动和不断变化教学形式,让学生时时产生新鲜好奇感,让学生在活动中学,在学习中交际,在交际中创造 ,从

19、中体验学英语的快乐,提高学英语的兴趣。比如在单词新授的过程中 , 为了避免单词学习的枯燥, 我设计了抢拍单词的游戏 , 极大地激发了生的求知欲望, 借助“ touch and say ”这一全身反应活动回顾和巩固新学的单词。句型操练中的乒乓球对打游戏同样符合了低年级学生的学习特点。2. 强化教学情感, 建立以人为本的学生主体观,在课堂教学中充分营造一种能够发挥学生主体性和自主性的条件,创设小组活动, 学生都非常喜欢福娃, 我设计了五组福娃爬楼梯小组竞赛,鼓励学生个体之间的融洽合作和有序竞争, 把激励和竞争带进课堂, 形成了较开放的教学模式。3. 为了让课堂教学生活化,我在Talk togeth

20、er对话练习环节设计了与学生生活相联系的教学情境,先播放一段看医生的生活小短片,让学生感知和模仿这一语言情境, 然后通过自己练习和小组练习达到教学目标。学生在对话交际过程中愉悦了身心,满足了成就感,从而极大激发学生的学习热情。总之,本课从始至终的设计是为了让学生在生活中能够使学过的知识重现,能够想起英语,最理想的效果是能够主动去表达英语。但精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页在教学中也留下了些遗憾, 在单词新授环节中, 教学形式还是过于单一,没有能最大程度上调动学生的积极性。小组教学评价的操作和落实不是非常到位, 生生

21、互评没有很好地体现出来,养成教育应在以后的课堂教学实践中应予以加强。 教学需要艺术, 需要机智,需要创新,基于教材又不拘泥于教材, 只有这样, 我们才能实现课堂教学的有效性。十、课例点评:郑晓云老师执教的是北师大版小学英语(三年级起点) 四年级下册第 11 单元第二课时的内容,在本教学案例中,教师努力倡导学生实践、参与、合作与交流,让教学活动化,活动趣味化,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,创设了一个人人乐学,个个好学的课堂,从而较好体现英语课程改革所强调的“从学生的学习兴趣、 生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维

22、和大胆实践的过程” 。1. 郑老师在本节课的教学中,针对身体部位教学的需要,结合四年级学生的学习特点,巧妙地对教材内容进行整合,如让学生自由说出已知身体部位英语单词导入新课,由此找到新旧知识的结合点,并以节奏欢快的Chant:nose nose 进行知识回顾。激发学生主动思维,积极进行语言交际,为新知识的学习做好铺垫。2. 教师以自然亲切的教态,丰富的肢体语言,直观地为学生创设了情境,精心设计的多媒体课件也营造了良好的语言交流氛围。新精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页词呈现环节,教师能运用不同形式来呈现、操练单词,在

23、单词的学习过程中渗透语音教学,培养学生良好的语感,并注重对学生听、说、读等能力的培养。3. 本堂课中,教师针对小学低年级学生好胜心强的心理特征,以小组间的竞赛贯穿始终,大大激发学生团队意识,增强了学生学习兴趣,营造了争先恐后,竞相开口说英文的浓厚学习氛围。郑老师在每个教学步骤,以示范合作练习合作展示的模式,让学生以两人小组的学习方式在合作中交流,在合作中自行发现问题,研究问题并解决问题,如在presentation环节过后,教师紧扣本课主题,引导学生进行pair work,以乒乓球对打游戏的形式互相问答: What s the matter?My_hurts. 4. 本课中既有单一的全班活动形

24、式,又有点兵点将的个人活动,既有师生对话,又有生生交流,学生参与意识增强,参与面广。教师在课堂教学过程中秉承新课程理念,以形成性评价贯穿整个教学过程,利用匠心独特的课堂评价方式及积极正面的评价手段激活学生思维,如运用五福娃作为评价工具。当然,教学中仍有遗憾,教师对多方面进行评价的环节没有做足,未能放手让学生自己对本课的学习进行评价,如能给学生自己或给伙伴评一评的机会,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,让学生之间进行互评,较之于教师的主导性评价会更能体现本课的教学效果。小结:这堂课教学目标都能达到,用多种教学方法有机结合,教学效果显著, 教师注重语境的创设, 并注重培养学生的合作意识和合作能力,关注学生情感,合理利用评价,激励学生的学习兴趣。整个精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页课堂,轻松愉快,充分发挥了学生的主体地位。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页



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