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1、学习必备欢迎下载中考英语复习系列之:中考英语书面表达(段落编写一)段落编写训练One:提示词 :change,short,quiet,used,afraid Three-year middle school will be overj 将会结束 .In the past three years在过去的三年里,I have changed a lot.我的变化已经很大I was short three years ago,but now I m tall.I used to be quiet,but now I m outgoing,I used to be afraid of the dark

2、,but now I m brave勇敢的Two:提示词: school,activity,learn,thank,beautiful Our school is very beautiful,we have colourful activities 丰富多彩的活动 every term每个学期。 For example例如,our school gave away money捐钱 after the earthquake地震last year.Our teachers always try to make their lessons lively生动 and interesting.we h

3、ave learned a lot 已经学了很多and made great progress取得很大进步 during 在-期间 the last three years.we should thank our teachers for their teaching,our classmates for their help,I hope our school will be more beautiful and everyone will have a good time here. Three:提示词: oversleep睡过头 ,quick,bus,run,realize I had

4、a b ad morning.First of all 首先 I overslep t 睡过头 .I had to take a quick shower迅速洗了个澡 and get dressed 打扮。But by the time 到-时为止 I went outside,the bus had already left.So I ran all the way 一路上 to school.But when I got to school,I realized认识到 I had left my backpack at home,I was stressed ou t 压抑的。Four:提

5、示词: smile,happy,make,life,trouble Smiling 微笑 is like 就像 sunshine阳光 because it can not only不但 make us happy,bu t also而且 let us have more friends.Even 甚至 when we are in trouble遇上麻烦 ,it s necessary必要的 for us to smile at ourselves 对我们自己微笑 。If we smile at life 对生活微笑 ,life will smile at us.So I want to sm

6、ile at everyone and everything. Five:提示词: picture,hair,outgoing,hobby,grow up Look at the picture.Can you guess 猜 测who that girl is?Yes,It s me.I was a twelve-year-old girl with long straight hair 留着长发 then那时.I m outgoing and I have a lot of hobbies习惯.I m interested in teaching and communicating 交流

7、with little kids.so my dream is to be a teacher when I grow up长大. Six:提示词: environment,pollution,protect.earth,trees. With 随着 the developmen t 发展of economy 经济 and technology 技术,our life becomes 变 得better and better 越 来 越 好 .However 然而 ,there are serious 严 重 的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

8、 - -第 1 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载environment 环境 problems.Nowdays 现今 ,Human beings 人类are facing 正面临air pollution,water pollution and light pollution 光污染 ,.We should protect the environment保护环境 .We can plant more trees 多种树 to make our earth 地球 more beautiful. Seven :提示词 :reporter 记者,people,where,unusual 不同寻常的 ,

9、visit.My dream s job is to be a reporter.I think it s interesting to talk with people .I like to work and live in a beautiful city where I can see the sea.And I Want to make some goodfriends 交朋友.They might be funny and enjoy visiting some unusual places with me. Eight:difficult,subjects,spend,fail,h

10、elp This term学期 I have a problem.I find that English is more difficult before.There are more new words to remember记诵.Though 尽管 English is one of my favorite subjects .I think I also need to spend more time on it.If not,maybe I can t get good grades取得好成绩or even 甚至 fail the English exams英语考试不及格 .What

11、should I do我该怎么办 ?I think I need help. Nine:way,reach到达,thrilled 害怕,ride 骑车 ,describe描述Today I got up late because my alarm clock didn t go off 闹铃不响 .And the bus broke down 坏掉 on the way to school在上学的路上 .I met 遇上 Tom at the gate大门 when Ireached 到达 school.He was late too .To my surprise让我惊讶的是, He loo

12、ked excited兴奋.He told me he met E.T.when he rode to school.He even 甚至 described描述 what E.T.looked like.But I didn t believe him at all.一点也不Ten:dream,star,make,secret 秘密 ,everywhere到处I v dreamed of becoming 成为 a star.I thought原以为 it can make me famous and make much money赚许多钱 .And I thought I would be

13、 happy.But, in fact 事实上 ,I haven t realized 还没有认识到 the disadvantages 劣势,缺点 of being a famous star.I won t have any secrets秘密 as a star because reporters and fans 粉丝 will follow 跟随 me everywhere. So I prefer to be an ordinary 普通的 person 人 now. Eleven:relaxing 令人放松的 ,stay,visit,souvenirs 纪念品 ,wait. I

14、want to have a relaxing vacation this summer.I m going to Beijing with my parents.We will stay there for 3days.We re going to visit the Palace Museum 颐和园and the Great Wall 长城.And we ll hang out闲逛 in Beijing Hutong and buy some souvenirsfor my friends.What a great vacation!I can t wait 等不及了。Twelve:he

15、althy,sleep,energetic 精力充沛的 ,diet 节食,excrcise锻炼,运动Everyone wants to be healthy.But how to do it? Firstly,首先 we need eight hours sleep every night because it ll make us energetic during the day.Secondly, 第二 a balanced diet平衡饮食 is also important.Vegetables and fruit are good for us.And we shouldn t ea

16、t too much太多 junk food.At last最后 ,we should take some excrcise做运动 to keep fit保持健康,such as例如 running and playing ball games. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载中考英语复习系列之:中考英语书面表达(段落编写二)One:dollars,give away捐赠,poor贫苦的 ,save节约 ,world,If I had a million dollars,I would give

17、away half of them to charity so that 以便 I can help the poorpeople穷人,Then I would save some mone y 节约钱,存钱 for my future.After that,I would travel around the world 环游世界 with my family and eat different kinds of food.I think I would have a wonderful time. Two:water,save节约 ,many,turn off,after.Water is

18、very important to us so we should try our best 尽最大努力 to save 节约 it.I think saving water 节约用水 is not only不但 good for us but also而且 for our next generation下一代.In fact,we can do many things to save water. For example例如,turn off 打开 the tap水龙头 in time 及时,reuse重复利用 the water after we finish washing and us

19、e the rain water雨水 to do the washing洗刷Three:height高度,class,give,understand,popular. My physics 物理 teacher,Mr Zen,is the most funny teacher I have ever met.He is 28-year-old gentleman绅士 of medium height中等个头 .He is energeti c 精力充沛的 and humorous幽默.He always has special ways有独到的方法 to make his classes li

20、vely 让她的课生动 and interesting.All the lessons he gave are easy to understand .He is such a perso n这样一个人 ,who is popular with 受到-欢迎 all his students,We all love him. Four:lie 位于,weather,wet潮湿,taste品尝,island岛屿Taiwan lies in the southest 东南 of China.The weather there 那儿 is warm and wet.So many plants植物 g

21、row 成长 very well.The fruits there taste 尝起来 really delicious,like 像bananas,pears and so on 等等.Taiwan also has many places of interest 旅游胜地 ,such as例如 Mount Ali,the Sun Moon Lake 日月潭 and thousands of 数以千计的 people are attracted被吸引 to visit there every year.Taiwan is a rich富有 and beautiful island. Five

22、:manner 礼貌,习俗 ,life 生活,polite,trouble,supposed 被认为(应该)Good manners can help us to succeed成功 more easily容易地 in our life.Everything will go well 进展顺利 if we are polite to others对别人礼貌 ,on the other hand 另一方面 ,if we are rude to others对别人粗鲁 ,there will be将会有 a lot of trouble很多麻烦in our life.For example 例如,

23、we should not make much nois e 大声喧哗or smoke in public在公共场合,We are supposed to 被认为应该 help people in trouble. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载Six:internet,change,use,send,important. Now more and more越来越多 people surf the internet 上网 both at work 上班 and (-和-都)at their fre

24、e time在空闲时间 ,It has change d our life 改变我们的生活 ,We can use it to get more information 获取更多信心 around the world 全世界 .We can also use it tosend e-mails 发送电子邮件to friends who are far away 远处的朋友 .It can make our work and life easy.It has become one of the most important parts部分 in our daily life 在我们日常生活中。S

25、even:forget忘记,like,strict,allow,improve提高,改善The person人who I ll never forget is my English teacher.He is of medium height 中等个头 with thick 厚的 glasses 带厚眼镜 .He likes sports and often plays basketball with us.He s humorous 幽默 and always makes his classes lively and interesting.He is kind but strict wit

26、h us 对我们要求很严 .He never allows us to pretend 假装 that we know what we don t know.He often tells us that practicing more 多练习is helpful 对我们有益for us.My English has greatly improvedwith his help在他的帮助下 . 连词成段(八上)1.twin 双胞胎, way,have,however 然而, enjoy 享受Lucy and I are twins,in some ways 在一些方面we look the sam

27、e 看起来一样,and in some ways we look different 看起来不一样.We both 都 have black eyes and curly hair 留着卷发, but Lucy is more outgoing than me.However 然而 ,we both 我们都 enjoy telling jokes 喜欢讲玩笑话2.cut,tomato,boil 煮沸 ,ingredients佐料, eat Here let me tell you how to make tomato beef noodles. First,wash tomatoes and

28、cut them up 把它们切碎 .Next,pour two teaspoons of oil 倾倒入两茶勺油and some water into the pan 锅里。 Then put the noodles,eggs and some ingredients 佐料 in the pan,boil煮沸 the noodles.Finally ,mix them up 把他们搅和一下and you can eat them. 3.acquarium, get,ship,20minutes,Tom.Last weekend,I went to the a quarium 水族馆with

29、my best friend Tom.We rode a bike骑自行车 ,and then 然后 took the ship 坐轮船 ,it took us about 20 minutes to get there 到达那儿花了我们二十分钟。We saw an interesting dolphin show 看了一场有趣的海豚表演.What great fun we had !我们过的多开心啊!4.Gulang Island 鼓浪屿 ,wonderful 好极了,奇妙的,holiday 假期, visit,weather. One day 有一天 Last holiday,I visi

30、ted Gulang Island with my family.The weather was sunny.we went there by ship 坐船 .I saw a dolphin show 看了海豚表演and many other interesting animals.I heard 听到 lots of great music,I was very happy.I think it was really的确 a wonderful holiday 5.exercise,good,keep,help,gradeIm in good health.I exercise every

31、 day.I like eating vegetables and fruit.I never eat junk food.I sleep about ten hours every night.My healthy lifestyle我健康的生活方式helps me 有助于我to get good grades取得好成绩6.keep healthy,more less,eat,exercise. If you want to keep healthy,I think you should take more exercise,you should eat more vegetables and less junk food.you should sleep at least 至少 8 hours every night.Good eating habit,exercising and sleeping well can make you healthy. 好的饮食习惯,锻炼,和好好睡觉,能让你健康。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页



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