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1、课件构成课件构成1-30 导入导入:八荣八耻八荣八耻阅读阅读: 1st & 2nd 阅读技巧阅读技巧: how to show strong feelings31-52readingLanguage pointsRevision:文章复述填空文章复述填空语言点语言点:since,fun,feel like,overlook,must have done,mean,stand,determine,cant help doing sth.设计思路l1. 程序的设计程序的设计(逻辑上的先后顺序逻辑上的先后顺序) l2. 内容的取舍内容的取舍 (内容丰富的资源库内容丰富的资源库)l3. 问题的解答问题

2、的解答 (针对性的提示和帮助针对性的提示和帮助)Unit1 Getting along with others Reading 1lDiscussion Do you have any important events or unforgettable experiences with your close friends? Please share something with us and tell us what to do when meeting with difficulties in friendship. l1. If your friend tells others abou

3、t your secrets, how will you feel and what will you react?lWe should keep our promise and keep friends secrets. Honesty is one of the most important factors in the friendship.l2. When your friendship is in trouble, will you stop talking with your friend and make a new friend? Friends should unite an

4、d help each other when meeting with some difficulties both in study or in other fields of life.Conclusion lIn other words, we are supposed to take honesty and union as glory(以为荣). But what are the shameful behaviors or the glorious? Next lets learn something about it. Love our motherland as glory;Je

5、opardise her as shame; Take the eight glorious merits against eight shameful behaviors以热爱祖国为荣以热爱祖国为荣 以危害祖国为耻以危害祖国为耻Serve for the people as glory; Err from themas shame以服务人民为荣以服务人民为荣 以背离人民为耻以背离人民为耻Advocate scienceas glory;The ignorant as shame以崇尚科学为荣以崇尚科学为荣 以愚昧无知为耻以愚昧无知为耻 The laborious as gloryLove e

6、ase and hate workas shame以辛勤劳动为荣以辛勤劳动为荣 以好逸恶劳为耻以好逸恶劳为耻Unite and help each otheras glory;Harm others to benefit oneselfas shame以团结互助为荣以团结互助为荣 以损人利己为耻以损人利己为耻Be honest to keep faithas gloryForget justice to seek for benefit as shame以诚实守信为荣以诚实守信为荣 以见利忘义为耻以见利忘义为耻Abide by the law and disciplineas gloryDis

7、obey the law and disciplineas shame以遵纪守法为荣以遵纪守法为荣 以违法乱纪为耻以违法乱纪为耻Fight against everything hard and bitter as glory The extravagant and dissipated as shame以艰苦奋斗为以艰苦奋斗为 以骄奢淫逸为耻以骄奢淫逸为耻Which rules can we use in making friends?l l以诚实守信为荣以诚实守信为荣Be honest to keep faith as gloryl l以诚实守信为荣以诚实守信为荣以团结互助为荣以团结互助为

8、荣Unite and help each other as gloryFirst readinglBy using these two rules, lets go over the two letters for the first time and try to answer questions below.1. What did Sarah think about the surprise maths test? She thought it was quite easy. 2. What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls toilet?She tol

9、d Hannah how badly she had done in the maths test. 3. Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they werent going to be friends any more?Because she thought that Hannah had told everyone how badly she had done in the maths test.4. Why did Andrew shout at Matthew after the match?He thought Matthew played badly

10、and did not try hard enough. As a result, they lost the game.5.What did Matthew think about losing the match?He thought it was his fault.l6. What kind of boy is Matthew? Is he usually a quiet boy? He is usually cheerful and outgoing.Second readinglRead the article again and finish part C2. Try to id

11、entify how Sarah and Andrew felt and why they felt like so.lMake sure you pick the relevant information within the given time.Sarahs letterHow Sarah feltWhy she felt so1. She thought her best friend Hannah didnt keep her secret1.betrayed2. She scored the lowest mark in her class2. ashamed3. She foun

12、d a piece of paper on her desk that said “stupid Sarah got a D!”3. upsetAndrews letterHow Andrew feltWhy he felt so.1. dilemma1. His best friend Matthew has stopped talking to him.2. He said some really cruel things to Matthew2. guilty3. angry3. They lost the game because of Matthews carelessnessMat

13、ch new words with their definitionsl1 academic l2 overlookl3 admitl4 deliberatelyl5 teaselA good at subjects which involved reading and studyinglB make fun of / laugh atlC on purposelD give little attention tolE to state or agree to the truthFind out the similar words in the 2nd letterldilemma lbril

14、liantlfocuslabsentmindedlyell atlperformancelhorriblela situation in which one has to choose between two thingslvery brightlpay attention tolnot focuslshout loudly atlachievement lterribleDefinitionWords in the textlcausing pain lnasty/viciouslhaving done wronglembarrassedlsay sorry tolphysically st

15、ronglcruellmeanlguiltylawkwardlapologize tolathleticDiscussion l1. Do you think Sarah and Hannah should try to be friends again or go their separate ways?l2. If you found out that your best friends had made friends with another person, what would you think about this and what would you do?Reading st

16、rategyl1.How do they show their strong feelings when meeting difficulties in friendship? Please underline the sentences which are obviously expressing feelings .l1. I must be really stupid. (line11)l2. How they must have laughed behind my back! (line22)l3. I was so angry that (line23)l4. It is reall

17、y awkward. (line 49)l5. I cant help wondering. (line52-53)Group work Work in groups and try to make a dialogue which is full of strong feelings.lSuppose you were in a quarrel with your best friends, and turn to another one for help. You need to tell him the causes and how you feel about it. And the

18、helper should give advice. Reading 2By NO.3 Middle School秦永法秦永法 赵瑞琦赵瑞琦Revision: A letter to SarahlDear Sarah; You have every right to feel_by your friend if she did tell your secrets to others, but it seems unlikely that she did. You say that you are best friends; well, best friends talk about their

19、 problems and try to solve them. If she is a good friend, you should_for blaming her. betrayedapologizeIf you still have doubts, you should think about why you dont believe her. Was it because you were ashamed of your_or your behavior?Did you feel jealous of your friends mark? If so,the problem lies

20、 with you, not her. Try not to sound too_of yourself when discussing yourmarks in front of others.However, if you feel that she is very bad at keeping_and likes to embarrass you inpublic, you had better find a new friend.markproudsecretsA letter to AndrewDear Andrew, It seems you need to apologize q

21、uickly to avoid losing a good friend! Dont forget that things are important to people, even when they dont shout about them. The _was probably very important to Matthew and he felt_about losing, and bad about not being as gifted at football as you are.matchguiltyA football team needs all the players

22、 to work together and help each other. Each player should play to their strengths. Shouting at yourteammate was unfair and just made him feelworse. Although you both said_things to each other, one of you has to be first to say sorry. Dont be stubborn.You say that your_is as important asfootball. Wel

23、l, then you should be_to get your friendship back. Dont delay. Talk to your friend and Im sure before long, youll be back playing football together.meanfriendshipdetermined1.We have been good friends since primary school.(line7)l(1).Unemployment in that country is now at its lowest level since WWII.

24、该国的失业率处于该国的失业率处于二战以来二战以来的最低水平的最低水平.(2).She left her hometown five years ago. We havent seen her since.自那以后自那以后=from then on (Prep.)adv.since(conj.)l(3).It is just three days since they arrived at the mountain. (4).Since you are so busy, perhaps we should ask someone else. 时间状语从句时间状语从句原因状语从句原因状语从句2.W

25、e are no fun.(un.) (line5)1.Her baby is great fun./ Sailing a boat is great fun. (有趣的人/事)2. I write not just for the pay, but for fun.(乐趣). We had a lot of fun at the party.3.They often make fun of me for this.lDont make_of the blind man.A fun B funs C funny D a fun fun 做名词时不可数,不能与a连用,也没有复数形式.3.must

26、 (when guessing, there seems to be no other possibilities) (line8-9)(1).I must have sounded very proud of myself.我当时的口气听上去肯定很自得.You must have left your wallet in the office.你肯定是把钱包落在办公室里了.(2).may have done (its not certain)Something may have happened to her.可能她发生了什么事. 4.feel like (have an inclinatio

27、n or desire for)(line11-12)l(1). I feel like I was overlooking my studies.l(2). I felt like crying. 我的父母晚饭之后总是想要出去散步. My parents always feel like going out for a walk after supper.feel like表示想要做某事,后可加doing sth.也可以加that clause.5.I was overlooking my studies. (line12)(1).forget/not see something impor

28、tantlWe should not overlook the difficulties.l当第一次读的时候,我忽略了这个错误.lI overlooked the mistake the first time I read it.(2). not be angry with a bad thing请原谅我的错.l Please overlook my fault.l(3). We want a room which can overlook the garden, not one which overlooks the car park. 我们想要一个能居高临下看到花园而不是停车场的房间.6.

29、I was determined to be cheerful.(line14)l(1)adj.a. He is determined to take part in the international speech competition.b.He is a determined supporter of President Bush.下了决心的下了决心的坚定的坚定的l (2)vi.He determined to take part in the international speech competition.他决定参加国际演讲比赛他决定参加国际演讲比赛. (3)vt.a.规定规定,确定

30、确定例:They determined the date for the party. lB. 使.下决心例:This determined him to act immediately.这使他立即下决心采取行动.7. He kept on saying really mean things to hurt me. (line44-45) (unkind/nasty)l(1).不要对她如此刻薄刻薄.lDont be so mean to her.l(2). He was very mean with his money.unwilling to share or give what one h

31、as吝啬的吝啬的l(3). It is a mean dog. Be careful it doesnt bite you. bad-temperedl(4). Running ten miles is no mean achievement. very good脾气暴躁的脾气暴躁的恶意的恶意的很好的很好的8.I cant stand seeing my team lose.(line45-46)l(1)stand sb./sth.例:I cant stand a lot of noise when I am reading.当我阅读时忍受忍受不了那么大的噪声 I cant stand thi

32、s cold weather.我忍受忍受不了那么冷的天气.l(2).standbearendureput up withHe cant bear that man. He talked too much.He cant endure that man. He talked too much.He cant put up with that man. He talked too much.9.I cant help wondering. (line52-53)l(1)cannot help doing sth.情不自禁做某事情不自禁做某事例例: He cannot help talking to his deskmate in class.上课时他忍不住要和同桌讲话. (2)cannot help it 没有办法例: He just cant help it. He has to obey orders. (3)cant help do sth.无法帮助做某事例:I cant help do the housework for my mum.



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