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1、优秀学习资料欢迎下载中考英语阅读理解经典篇章完形填空一、 北京四中2009-20XX 年度初三第一学期期中试题(This is a true story)On a January morning Joel with the other fishermen got on a fishing boat. The first few hours on the sea were not _1_. Then there was a terrible storm. The storm lasted for 22 days. When it stopped, they found their fishing

2、 nets were _2_. The engine and the radio didn t work. There was no food, and there was no drinking water. The men talked to each other, “ How can we live on the sea?” Without their nets, the men couldn t fish. But they could _3_ out of the boat and catch big turtles( 海龟 ). They needed protection( 遮挡

3、 ) from the sun and rain, so they built a simple roof. The roof _4_ rainwater, too. The men could drink rainwater _5_ the roof.For the next five _6_ the men ate turtles when they caught them. They drank rainwater when it rained. _7_ there was no food and no water, and sometimes they thought they wer

4、e going to die soon.Joel wrote a letter to his wife, “ My dear Edith, ” Joel wrote, “ _8_ I die, I hope someone will send you this letter. Then you will know _9_ I died. I had the best in life a great woman and beautiful children. I love you really.”Ten days _10_, on June 15, a Japanese boat found t

5、hem._11_ sent Joel s letter to his wife. He showed it to her himself. Joel will always keep the letter. The letter, he says, _12_ him remember. “ On the sea I found that I love my wife and children very, very much. My family is everything to me. I don t want to forget that.”1. A. unusual B. unlucky

6、C. quiet D. safe2. A. brokenB. missed C. gone D. left3. A. leave B. work C. come D. reach4. A. saved B. held C. got D. carried 5. A. in B. from C. under D. below6. A. hours B. days C. weeks D. months7. A. Often B. Only C. Once D. Suddenly8. A. While B. Before C. If D. Since9. A. why B. how C. where

7、D. when10. A. later B. ago C. before D. past11. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Everyday D. Nobody12. A. lets B. has C. helps D. hopes中考英语阅读理解经典篇章二、08 浙江高考 DFor a while, my neighborhood was taken over by an army of joggers(慢跑者 ). They were there all the time: early morning, noon, and evening. There were l

8、ittle old ladies in gray sweats, young couples in Adidas shoes, middle-aged men with red faces. “ Come on! ” My friend Alex encouraged me to join him as he jogged by my house every evening. “ You ll feel great.”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载Well, I had nothing ag

9、ainst feeling great and if Alex could jog every day, anyone could. So I took up jogging seriously and gave it a good two months of my life, and not a day more. Based on my experience, jogging is the most overvalued form of exercise around, and judging from the number of the people who left our neigh

10、borhood jogging army. I m not alone in my opinion.First of all, jogging is very hard on the body. Your legs and feet a real pounding(重击) running down a road for two or three miles. I developed foot, leg, and back problems. Then I read about a nationally famous jogger who died of a heart attack while

11、 jogging, and I had something else to worry about. Jog ging doesn t kill hundreds of people, but if you have any physical weaknesses, jogging will surely bring them out, as they did with me.Secondly, I got no enjoyment out of jogging. Putting one foot in front of the other for forty-five minutes isn

12、 t my idea of fun. Jogging is also a lonely pastime. Some joggers say, “ I love being out there with just my thoughts.” Well, my thoughts began to bore me, and most of them were on how much my legs hurt.And how could I enjoy something that brought me pain? And that wasn t just the first week; it was

13、 practically every day for two months. I never got past the pain level, and pain isn t fun. What a cruel way to do it! So many other exercises, including walking, lead to almost the same results painlessly, so why jog?I don t jog any more, and I don t think I ever will. I m walking two miles three t

14、imes a week at a fast pace, and that feels good. I bicycle to work when the weather is good. I m getting exercise, and I m enjoying it at the same time. I could never say the same for jogging, and I ve found a lot of better ways to stay in shape.52. From the first paragraph, we learn that in the wri

15、ter s neighborhood _.A. jogging became very popular B. people jogged only during the daytimeC. Alex organized an army of joggers D. jogging provided a chance to get together53. The underlined word “ them” (Paragraph 3) most probably refers to _.A. heart attacks B. Back problems C. famous joggers D.

16、physical weaknesses54. What was the writer s attitude towards jogging in the beginning?A. He felt it was worth a try. B. He was very fond of it.C. He was strongly against it. D. He thought it must be painful.55. Why did the writer give up jogging two months later?A. He disliked doing exercise outsid

17、e. B. He found it neither healthy nor interesting.C. He was afraid of having a heart attack. D. He was worried about being left alone.56. From the writer s experience, we can conclude that_.A. not everyone enjoys joggingB. he is the only person who hates joggingC. nothing other than jogging can help

18、 people keep fitD. jogging makes people feel greater than any other sport.三、08 浙江高考 EA simple piece of clothesline hangs between some environmentally friendly Americans and their neighbors.On one side stand those who see clothes dryers(干衣机 ) as a waste of energy and a major polluter of the environme

19、nt. As a result, they are turning to clotheslines as part of the “ what-I can do environmentalism( 环境保护主义). ”On the other side are people who are against drying clothes outside, arguing that clotheslines are unpleasant to look at. They have persuaded Homeowners Associations (HOAs) across the U.S. to

20、 ban outdoor clotheslines, because clothesline drying also tends to lower home value in the neighborhood. This had led to a Right-to-Dry Movement that is calling for laws to be passed to protect people s right to use clotheslines.So far, only three states have laws to protect clothesline. Right-to-D

21、ry supporters argue that there should be move.Matt Reck, 37, is the kind of eco-conscious( 有生态意识的) person who feeds his trees with bathwater and reuses water drops from his air conditioners to water plants. His family also uses a clothesline. But on July 9, 2007, the HOA in Wake Forest, 精选学习资料 - - -

22、 - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载North Carolina, told him that a dissatisfied neighbor had telephoned them about him clothesline. The Recks paid no attention to the warning and still dried their clothes on a line in the yard. “ Many people say they are environmentally friendly

23、but they don t take matters in their own hands,” says Reck. The local HOA has decided not to take any action, unless more neighbors come to them.North Carolina lawmakers are saying that banning clotheslines is not the right thing to do. But HOAs and housing businesses believe that clothesline drying

24、 reminds people of poor neighborhoods. They worry that if buyers think their future neighbors can t even afford dryers, housing prices will fall.Environmentalists say such worries are not necessary, and in view of global warming, that idea needs to change. As they say, “ Theclothesline is beautiful”

25、 . Hanging clothes outside should be encouraged. We all have to do at least something to slow down the process of global warming.”57. One of the reasons why supporters of clothes dryers are trying to ban clothesline drying is that _.A. clothes dryers are more efficient B. clothesline drying reduces

26、home valueC. clothes dryers are energy-saving D. clothesline drying is not allowed in most U.S. states58. Which of the following best describes Matt Reck?A. He is a kind-hearted man. B. He is an impolite man.C. He is and experienced gardener. D. He is a man of social responsibility.59. Who are in fa

27、vor of clothesline drying?A. Housing businesses. B. Environmentalists.C. Homeowners Associations. D. Reck s dissatisfied neighbors.60. What is mainly discussed in the text?A. Clothesline drying: a way to save energy and money.B. Clothesline drying: a lost art rediscovered.C. Opposite opinions on clo

28、thesline drying.D. Different varieties of clotheslines.四、09 年房山二模Jenkins was a jeweler, who had made a large diamond ring worth 57,000 for the Silkstone Jewellery Shop. When it was ready, he made a copy of it which looked the same as the first one but was worth only 2,000. He took this to the shop,

29、which _1_ it without a question.Jenkins gave the real ring to his wife for her fortieth birthday. Then, the husband and wife _2_ to Paris for a weekend. As to the _3_ ring, the shop sold it for 60,000. Six months later the buyer _ 4_ it back to Silkstone s office. “ It s a faulty diamond, ” he said.

30、 “ It isn t worth the high price I paid.” Then he told them the _5_. His wife s car had caught fire in an accident. She was lucky to come out safely. _6_ the ring had fallen off and been damaged in the great heat of the fire.The shop had to _7_. They knew that no fire on earth can ever damage a perf

31、ect diamond. Someone had taken the real diamond and put a faulty one in its place. The question was: Who _ 8_ it?A picture of the ring appeared in the _ 9_. A reader thought he had seen the ring somewhere. The next day, another picture appeared in the papers which _10_ a famous dancer walking ou t t

32、o a plane for Paris. Behind the dancer there was 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载a woman _11_ a large diamond ring. “ Do you know the _12_ with the lovely diamond ring?” the papers asked their readers. Several months later, Jenkins was sentenced to seven years in p

33、rison.1. A. accepted B. returned C. refused D. received2. A. rode B. drove C. sailed D. flew3. A. first B. second C. last D. next4. A. sold B. posted C. brought D. returned 5. A. facts B. matters C. questions D. results 6. A. so B. or C. but D. and7. A. think B. agree C. answer D. promise 8. A. copi

34、ed B. made C. stole D. did9. A. notices B. magazines C. newspapers D. programmes 10. A. showed B. drew C. printed D. wrote11. A. carrying B. dressing C. wearing D. holding12. A. dancer B. woman C. reader D. jeweler 五、09 年怀柔二模Most teachers agree that the first lesson of a teacher is often unforgettab

35、le. I remember getting into the class with the _1_ of a beginner teacher: nervous, careful, excited ect. The school I _2_ my first lesson in was well-known to hold the most troublesome students in the city. With this in _3_ , I was more nervous than I should be. But I tried my best not to _4_ it out

36、 and went into the class. The first thing I did was taking a look at the whole class. My eyes _5_ on a big black student. He was sitting in the back _ 6_ of the class with no one in front of him. His body was much _7_ than mine. I thought it would be better to leave that boy untouchable. As soon as

37、I started my lesson writing on the blackboard, I heard some noise from the back. I _ 8_ the students to find out who did it, but the class looked very _9_. I went on writing and the noise went on. Then I stopped my lesson to _10_ this problem because I believed that if I lost control of the class fr

38、om the _ 11_, I wouldn t be able to get it back. I thought the big boy made the noise. To my surprise, a small boy was the source of trouble. Days went _ 12_ and I discovered that the big boy was good and quiet and the great source of trouble came from a group of small-sized students who became unde

39、r control after some weeks. From then on, I realized that judging by appearance can often be wrong, not only with students.1. A. ideas B. feelings C. thoughts D. ways2. A. started B. found C. opened D. finished 3. A. head B. mind C. school D. hand 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共

40、 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载4. A. make B. bring C. work D. show 5. A. stopped B. noticed C. pointed D. warned6. A. line B. row C. room D. part7. A. higher B. lighter C. larger D. thicker8. A. faced B. turned C. discussed D. described 9. A. common B. confident C. quiet D. crowded10. A. decide B. solve C. improve

41、D. produce 11. A. beginning B. example C. matter D. end 12. A. out B. down C. away D. on六、完形填空(07 北京中考)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Jessie was driving home happily when a truck went past her car. The driver was moving much too fast. When Jessie neared her exit (出口), she _38_ somethin

42、g and stopped her car to the right of the highway(高速公路) . An accident had happened on the left side. The truck had _39_ a car, but the driver was gone. Jessie thought that the people inside must be badly _40_ and she should help them as much as she could.Not thinking of the _41_, Jessie hurried to t

43、he other side of the road, though few people dared (敢) cross such a busy road. Looking into the car, she saw five people two women and three children. Jessie was _42_ to see all of them moving.Jessie pulled one of the car doors. It wouldn t open. She went to the next door. _43_, she couldn t move it

44、. She almost thought that all was _44_ before she got one of the doors to open a little. “ Please get the children out,” one of the women called. Jessie _45_ a little boy from the car and moved him to a _46_ place. Then she went to bring the other children to safety.After the last child was out of t

45、he car, Jessie thought of the box in _47_ car. She had something in it that could help get that door open. So she got the box quickly. As Jessie was _4 8_ on the door, the driver said, “ Not many people would do what you re doing.” “ You just take it easy, and I ll have you _49_ soon,” said Jessie.

46、She was as good as her word. Assoon as she helped the women out of the car, it caught fire.38. A. did B. saw C. made D. forgot精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载39. A. hit B. met C. passed D. followed40. A. beaten B. treated C. needed D. hurt41. A. matter B. trouble C

47、. danger D. accident42. A. proud B. happy C. nervous D. worried43. A. Again B. Clearly C. Perhaps D. Exactly44. A. expected B. missed C. lost D. found45. A. picked B. dropped C. collected D. pulled46. A. quiet B. cool C. safe D. clean47. A. their B. her C. another D. this48. A. working B. turning C.

48、 knocking D. setting49. A. back B. past C. over D. out七、阅读理解(07 北京阅读理解C 篇)Matt Mason has seen the future and it s fun. Mason likes thinking about how machines can make our lives easier by doing the work we hate, such as cleaning. He shows a hard floor cleaning system (系统) that s built into the wall:

49、 it will blow dirt to a part of the room where it will be collected by a vacuum (吸尘器) . Then the system will drop some cleaner on the floor and an arm will mop (用拖把擦)it up. “ This may trouble you,” says Kara, an expert in Mason s company. “ But you can program it to come on at 3 a. m., and it will j

50、ust wet-mop the floor for you.”When it comes to the kitchen, Bruce Beihoff, another expert at Whirlpool, is sure that in a few years, robots will be doing most of the boring work, freeing us to relax. “ More than just fun, future kitchens will be environmentally friendly,” he says. “ A new system wi

51、ll be built in the house which can recycle energy (能量) lost from your kitchen to make the whole home warm.”“ The fridge will be the center of the home,” says Daniel Lee, a market expert. The fridge will have a touch screen (触摸屏幕) where you can watch TV, surf the Internet, check your e-mail, keep a s

52、hopping list and order vegetables. “Your fridge is the first place you go in the morning and the last place at night,” says Lee.Ever wonder why a 1.9-meter man and a 1.6-meter woman have to cook meals on counters (工作台) of the same height. “ The height was decided over 50 years ago, according to the

53、height of ordinary women,” says Jane Langmuir, an expert of 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载cooking machines. “ But times have changed. We have made a new counter where you press a button and it moves to whatever height you want.” At the same time, Ted Selker at MI

54、Ts Counter lab has made the Dishmaker which lets you make dishes and bowls out of plastics at home. After each meal, the dishes are changed straight back into plastics.57. How many inventions are mentioned in the passage?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.58. In future, if you want to clean your hou

55、se, you will _.A. have a recycling system built in the wallB. get up early to start your cleaning systemC. use your fridge to give orders to a cleanerD. leave the work to a kind of cleaning machine 59. What is future kitchen work like?A. Terrific and relaxing.B. Easy and interesting. C. Enjoyable an

56、d exciting.D. Funny and amazing.60. From the passage, we know _.A. people will have more and more time enjoying themselvesB. future kitchens can provide all the energy for our life every dayC. the fridge can be found in the center of a future houseD. people must be expert at computers to use these i

57、nventions八、 09 年密云二模It was the last day of the final examination in a large eastern university. On the steps of one building, a group of students were talking about the exam that was going to begin in a few _1_. On their faces was confidence. This was their last exam -then on to graduation and jobs.

58、 Some talked about jobs they had already had, others talked about jobs they would get. With the certainty of four years of college, they felt _2_ to take control of the world. The coming exam would be a(n) _3_ task, as the professor had said they could bring any books or notes they wanted, requestin

59、g only that they could not _4_ each other during the test. _5_ they entered the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. And smiles appeared on the students faces as they found there were only five questions. Three hours had passed then the professor began to collect papers. The students no l

60、onger looked confident. On their faces was a frightened expression. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载The professor looked at the _6_ faces before him, and then asked, “ How many completed all five questions? ” Not a hand was raised. “ How many answered four?” Still

61、no hand. “ Three? Two? ” The students moved restlessly in their seats. “ One, then? Certainly somebody finished _7_.” But the class remained silent. “ That is exactly what I _8_. ” he said. “ Remember, although you have completed four years of study, there are still many things about the subject you

62、 don t know. These questions you could not answer are relatively common in everyday _9_. ”Then, smiling, he added, “ You will all _10_ this course, but remember- even though you are now college graduates, your education has just _11_.”The years weakened the name of the professor, but not the _12_ he

63、 taught. 1. A. seconds B. minutes C. hours D. days 2. A. glad B. ready C. sorry D. nice 3. A. interesting B. necessary C. easy D. unusual 4. A. listen to B. look at C. care for D. talk to 5. A. Hardly B. Happily C. Quickly D. Carefully 6. A. pleased B. worried C. surprised D. moved 7. A. all B. none

64、 C. one D. it 8. A. wondered B. enjoyed C. hated D. expected 9. A. job B. class C. practice D. study 10. A. pass B. fail C. take D. start 11. A. begun B. completed C. failed D. succeeded 12. A. subjects B. things C. words D. lessons 九、 20XX年浙江省宁波市中考I ll never forget one summer day in 1975. On that d

65、ay my _36_ suddenly died because of an unexplained illness at the age of 36. Later that afternoon, a police officer _37_ to my house to ask for my father s permission (允许) for the hospital to _38_ Mother s valve (心脏瓣膜). I was greatly surprised. I ran into 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - -

66、-第 8 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载the house in tears. At 14 I just couldn t understand why people would take apart (分解) a person I _39_. _40_ my father told him, “ Yes.”“ How can you let them do that to her?”I _41_ him. “ Linda, ” he said _42_, putting his arms around me, “ the greatest present you can give is

67、 a part of _43_. Your mother and I decided long ago that if we can make a person s life _44_ after we died, our death will have meaning.”The lesson my father taught me that day became one of the most _45_ in my life. Years passed. I married and had a family _46_ my own. In 1996 my father became seri

68、ously ill. With a smile he told me that when he died, he wanted to donate(捐赠) _47_ was in good condition (状况) , especially his eyes.My father died and we donated _48_ as he had wanted. Three days later, my daughter said, “ Mum, I m so _49_ of what you did for Grandpa.” At that moment I realized that

69、 my father gave _50_ his eyes. What he left behind sparkled(闪烁) in my daughter s eyes-pride. 36. A. father B. mother C. grandma D. grandpa 37. A. shouted B. sent C. came D. reached 38. A. operate B. use C. make D. repair 39. A. loved B. lost C. forgot D. remembered 40. A. So B. As C. But D. And 41.

70、A. reported B. said to C. told D. cried at 42. A. quietly B. happily C. angrily D. loudly 43. A. yourself B. myself C. himself D. herself 44. A. worse B. poorer C. better D. more helpful 45. A. wonderful B. important C. warm-hearted D. beautiful 46. A. at B. with C. of D. for 47. A. however B. which

71、 C. whoever D. whatever 48. A. his heart B. his eyes C. his life D. his ears 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载 49. A. afraid B. tired C. full D. proud 50. A. much more than B. less than C. many more than D. as much as 十、 08 中考海淀二模The need to give up Two friends visi

72、ted a zoo together. The zoo was very _33_ and it was impossible to go everywhere. They had to _34_ where and which animal to visit as their time was limited. So _35_ of them agreed not to go back after choosing a road at every fork. A road sign at the first fork showed one way to the _36_ quarters a

73、nd the other to the tiger hill. They decided on the former after a _37_ discussion because lions are “ the kings of the forest.” The second _38_ a fork going separately to the panda and the peacock. The chose the panda as it is the nation s treasure, so they _39_ its way. Thus they made choices all

74、_40_ the way and each choice meant making a decision with some regret, but they had to make their choices quickly. If they couldn t, they would _41_ more. Only rapid decisions could offer more _42_ for sightseeing and reduce possible regret. Life is more or less like this - one often has to choose,

75、for example, between two desirable(合意的) jobs, two fascinating universities. To get one you have to give up the other - you can _43_ get half of it. If you spend time weighing the pros and cons and thinking about gains and losses, you will most likely _44_ with empty hands. Don t be sad about it. At

76、least you have got half of the desirable things in life - something that is hard to come by. 33. A. small B. large C. far D. dirty 34. A. know B. agree C. ask D. decide 35. A. both B. one C. all D. neither 36. A. panda B. bird C. food D. lion 37. A. long B. hard C. short D. serious 38. A. was B. gav

77、e C. formed D. moved 39. A. got B. went C. made D. moved 40. A. along B. across C. by D. in 41. A. fail B. lose C. miss D. waste 42. A. choices B. chances C. decisions D. discussions 43. A. also B. even C. still D. only 44. A. start B. stop C. end D. change 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

78、- -第 10 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载十一、阅读与表达( 20XX 年北京市中考崇文区二模)He is a young man who seems to have brains in his feet as well as his head.Brazilian football star Ricardo Dada s performances make the point well. He is one of the top scorers in the UEFA Champions League (欧洲冠军杯 ). Kaka helped AC Milan beat Manch

79、ester United 3-0. Kaka, in great form, scored a goal. The win took Kaka and AC Milan to the finals of the UEFA cup in 2007. Like many Brazilian football players, Kaka is now world famous. But he is not like most Brazilian players. Most of his pals were once poor. Football made them famous and rich.

80、The 26-year-old Kaka is a different kind of star. He was born to a rich family and enjoyed a comfortable early life. He joined Sao Paulo club at eight and signed as a professional player at 15. Three years later, he was the best player in the team. “ I plan my career (事业 ) by setting myself goals, ”

81、 he explained. “ My goals drive me, they are what I fight for.”And his next goal is to help the poor children. “ When I was with the national team, we went to play in some of the poorer areas.” He said. “ You see children who don t have enough to eat.”Kaka believes he can do something. Since Novembe

82、r 2004, Kaka has been an Ambassador (大使 ) Against Hunger for the UN World Food Progarm. 17. How old is Kaka? _ 18. Was Kaka born to a rich family or a poor family? _ 19. Was Kaka the best player in his team when he was 18? _ 20. What is Kaka s next goal? _ 21. What s Kaka like according to the passa

83、ge? _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载十二、阅读与表达(20XX 年北京市中考大纲卷)Americans love sports they love to play them, to watch them on television, and to talk about them. But this hobby sometimes has serious resultsat least to the players. For example, when people play tenn

84、is, sometimes they hurt their elbow(肘部) and in this way they develop “tennis elbow”. Also it is easy to hurt a knee in a football game. These injuries(损伤)happen while the player is having fun, but they still hurt.A few months ago, Kathleen Simmons, who loves playing volleyball, hurt her knee in a vo

85、lleyball game. Her doctor told her that she needed a very difficult operation (手术) or she might not be able to play again. She felt very sad and didn t know what to do.Then Simmons learned about “ video operation” . With the help of this new science in medicine, doctors can now repair many injuries

86、and get people back on the playing field and back to their jobs much faster. Simmons found a hospital that was using this new science and went to see the doctor there. The doctors told her the operation could help.For this operation, her doctor didn t have to open her knee. Instead he put a very sma

87、ll camera lens(镜头)inside her knee. The lens sent back pictures, which appeared on a television screen. As he worked, he could see the inside of her knee on the TV. With the help of the large pictures on the screen, the doctor knew exactly what to do when he was making the repairs.Simmons started wal

88、king five days after her operation. “ My knee hurt a lot the first few days,” she said. “ But I felt better very quickly.” Now, six months after her operation, Simmons can do everything she did before her injury. “ It feels like a newknee, ” she said. “ I can even play volleyball again.”54. Do Ameri

89、cans love sports?_55. What sport is Simmons interested in?_56. What did the doctor put inside Simmons knee?_精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载57. What problem may people have when they play sports?_58. What s the advantage(优点) of the new science?_十三、阅读理解(20XX 年高考湖南卷

90、D)One of our biggest fears nowadays is that our kids might some day get lost in a “ sea of technology”rather than experiencing the natural world. Fear-producing TV and computer games are leading to a serious disconnect between kids and the great outdoors, which will changes the wild places of the wo

91、rld, its creatures and human health for the worse, unless adults get working on child s play. Each of us has a place in nature we go sometimes, even if it was torn down. We cannot be the last generation to have that place. At this rate, kids who miss the sense of wonder outdoors will not grow up to

92、be protectors of natural landscapes. “ If the decline in parks use continues across North America, who will defend parks against encroachment (蚕食 )?” asks Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods. Without having a nature experience, kids, can turn out just fine, but they are missing out a hug

93、e enrichment of their lives. That applies to everything from their physical health and mental health, to stress levels, creativity and cognitive (认知的 ) skills. Experts predict modern kids will have poorer health than their parentsand they say a lack of outside play is surely part of it; research sug

94、gests that kids do better academically in schools with a nature component and that play in nature fosters ( 培养 ) leadership by the smartest, not by the toughest. Even a tiny outdoor experience can create wonder in a child. The three-year-old turning over his first rock realizes he is not alone in th

95、e world. A clump of trees on the roadside can be the whole universe in his eyes. We really need to value that more. Kids are not to blame. They are over-protected and frightened. It is dangerous out there from time to time, but repetitive stress from computers is replacing breaking an arm as a child

96、hood rite(仪式)of passage. Everyone, from developers, to schools and outdoorsy citizens, should help regain for our kids some of the freedom and joy of exploring, taking friendship in fields and woods that cement (增强 ) love, respect and need for landscape. As parents, we should devote some of our ener

97、gies to taking our kids into nature. This could yet be our greatest cause. 69. The main idea of Paragraph 2 is that _. A. kids missing the sense of wonder outdoors B. parks are in danger of being gradually encroached C. Richard Louv is the author of Last Child in the Woods D. children are expected t

98、o develop into protectors of nature 70. According to the passage, children without experiencing nature will _. A. keep a high sense of wonder B. be over-protected by their parents C. be less healthy both physically and mentally D. change wild places and creatures for the better 71. According to the

99、author, children s breaking an arm is _. A. the fault on the part of their parents B. the natural experience in their growing up C. the result of their own carelessness in play D. the effect of their repetitive stress from computers 72. In writing this passage, the author mainly intends to _. 精选学习资料

100、 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载 A. blame children for getting lost in computer games B. encourage children to protect parks from encroachment C. show his concern about children s lack of experience in nature D. inspire children to keep the sense of wonder about things

101、around 十四、 09 年广州中考完形Peter and Paul passed by a small house on their way home late at night. They saw thick 64 coming out of its windows. Its on fire! said Peter. We must get help. The two brothers ran65 the road shouting Fire! Fire! They 66 on the door of the next house. They asked them to 67 the p

102、olice and the firemen. They ran back to the house. They saw 68 the window an old lady sitting in an arm-chair. It was 69 that she could not move. Peter and Paul tried hard to carry her out of the 70 and so they did! Some neighbors (邻居 ) came and helped take some things out. In no time the firemen 71

103、 as well as the policemen. The fire was put out. The old lady cried sadly 72 she was not hurt. She thanked Peter and Paul and her neighbors 73 . 64. A. snowB. clouds C. fireD. smoke65. A. overB. along C. atD. with66. A. knocked B. beatC. locked D. opened67. A. tellB. report C. telephone D. find68. A

104、. atB. through C. above D. on69. A. oldB. difficult C. freeD. clear70. A. arm-chair B. window C. house D. road71. A. arrived B. fought C. leftD. returned72. A. soB. forC. andD. but73. A. up and downB. again and again C. hour after hourD. from side to side十五、 09 年广州中考阅读理解A 篇On 26th January, the bigge

105、st earthquake (地震 ) in India took the lives of 25, 000 people. In the morning, when everybody was enjoying holiday, earthquake began. It was about 7. 5 on the Ritcher scale. There is nothing left between the sky and the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载earth any mo

106、re. Everything has been pulled down, said one of the villagers alive. There is no water, no food and no one has come to help. Nobody died in Pakistan, a country next to India. The City of Lahore was lucky. In Lahore American School, where I was studying, all of the students were safe. They were on t

107、he field, so most children didnt feel anything. The earthquake was felt by the teachers that were on the second floor. However, though Mrs . Young was also on the second floor, she didnt feel anything. She didnt know what happened until a teacher told her about it. Those teachers who were on the oth

108、er floors had different feelings. Mr . Emond, the maths teacher from Australia, said that when the earthquake started he thought there was something wrong with him, but then another teacher said that it was an earthquake. After those words Mr. Emond felt better. Mrs . Davis and Mr. Frost didnt feel

109、anything either.My mother didnt feel anything. She didnt even know that it was an earthquake till she saw a shaking (moving from side to side) light. My dad saw the computer shaking and then he looked out of the window and saw many people going out.74. People use Ritcher scale to tell .A. where the

110、earthquake takes placeB. when the earthquake takes placeC. how serious the earthquake isD. how long the earthquake lasts75. We learn that from the sentence There is nothing left between the sky and the earth any more. A. India is a large countryB. the Indian people had nothing after the earthquakeC.

111、 there is no tall building in IndiaD. the earthquake in India was serious76. The City of Lahore is .A. in IndiaB. in America C. in Pakistan D. in Australia77. Which is true?A. I was with my parents when the earthquake happened.B. The earthquake in the city of Lahore wasnt serious.C. People in the Ci

112、ty of Lahore were frightened when they knew it was an earthquake.D. The teachers in Lahore American School were afraid of the earthquake.十六、 09 年广州中考阅读理解B 篇When you cut your skin, you bleed( 流血 ). If a person loses a lot of blood, he will become ill and may die. Blood is very important. People have

113、always known that. At one time, some people even drank blood to make them strong!When doctors understand how blood goes around inside the body, they try ways of giving blood to people who need it. They take blood from the healthy people and give it to people who need it. This is called blood transfu

114、sion. The blood goes from the arm of the healthy person into the arm of the sick person.But there are two problems. First, it does not always work. Sometimes people die when they have blood transfusion. Later, doctors find that we do not all have the same kind of blood. There are four groupsO, A, B

115、and AB. We all have blood of one of these groups. They also find that they can give any kind of blood to people of group AB. But they find that they must give A-group blood to A-group people and B-group blood to B-group people. I have O-group blood and the doctor told me that I could give blood to a

116、nyone else safely.There is another problem. To give blood of the right kind, doctors have to find a person of the right blood group. Often they can not find a person in time. If they have a way to keep the blood until someone needs it, they can always have the right 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 -

117、 - - - - - -第 15 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载kind of blood. At first they find they can keep it in bottles for fifteen to twenty days. They do this by making it very cold. Then they find how to keep it longer. In the end they find a way of keeping blood for a very long time.We call a place where we keep money

118、 a bank. We call a place where we keep blood a blood bank. One day, when you grow up, you may decide to give blood to a blood bank. In this way you may stop someone from dying. Or perhaps one day you may become ill. You may need blood. The blood ban will give it to you. 78.From the passage, we learn

119、 that sometimes people die when they have blood transfusions because they .A. are unhealthy people B. have lost a lot of bloodC. are not given the right kind of bloodD. are AB-group people79. Which of the following is true?A. Doctors can give any kind of blood to the writer.B. The writer can give bl

120、ood to B-group people.C. The writer has never had a blood transfusion.D. The writer has the same kind of blood as his father.80. People set up the blood bank so that they can .A. give the right kind of blood to the people who need it in timeB. keep different groups of blood as much as possibleC. mak

121、e it easier to sell or buy bloodD. keep blood for more than twenty hundred years81. From the last paragraph (段落 ) of the passage, we learn that .A. the writer thinks its good to give blood to a blood bankB. we may become ill if we give blood to a blood bankC. many people died because they lost a lot

122、 of bloodD. blood is more important than money82. The writer doesnt talk about in the passage.A. how important blood is to usB. the four groups of bloodC. where the blood bank isD. what blood transfusion is十七、 09 年广州中考阅读理解C 篇I dont like my parents. They always tell me I should do this, and should no

123、t do that. It sometimes makes me angry, said Zhang Hua , a middle school student in Guangzhou. Do you have the same problem? Perhaps your parents had the same problem when they were your age long ago. Why does it seem that some parents are not so friendly in their childrens eyes?One of the biggest t

124、hings is when someone becomes a parent, he/she likes worrying things. They worry about everything about you, from the time you were born. They do a lot for you, though something would make you angry, because they care about you and worry about you. They worry about your choice of friends, the food y

125、ou eat, your work at school, how much sleep you get, etc. All these things are part of your life. They want you to grow up healthily and happily. So how can you make things easier on yourself? Its easier than you think. Just make sure your parents know what youre doing. Get them to know your friends

126、. Phone if you stay somewhere else so that your parents dont call every hospital in the phone book looking for your body. Say sorry to them when you make mistakes. Take responsibility(责任 ) for what you have done. Talk about your ideas with them. They may talk about theirs with you. Most of all, try

127、to think about why your parents do this or do that. They are still practising being parents and need help you can give them. Someday, when you become a parent, they may be able to help you how to get on with your children. 83. The writer thinks we should if we go back home later than usual. 精选学习资料 -

128、 - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载A. tell our friendsB. tell the teacherC. say sorry to our parents D. make a telephone call to our parents84. The writer thinks .A. its wrong of parents to worry about their children too muchB. some parents are unfriendly, which makes their

129、children angryC. children should do everything as their parents sayD. parents love their children very much and the children should understand them85. Which is the best title( 标题 ) for the passage?A. Parents ResponsibilityB. How to get on with parents?C. Zhang Huas ProblemD. what blood transfusion i

130、s十八、 09 年石景山区一模B 篇After I had finished my university studies, I decided to work for Asia Hope, a charity institution(慈善机构)that helps children. I did a business course when I was at university and during my four years there, I was active in raising money for charity. I worked on several big charity p

131、rojects(方案)at university and one year, my team and I managed to raise over $ 200,000 for Oxfam and Asia Hope.I decided to work with Asia Hope because it offers many different kinds of work and it allows people to choose the projects they want to work on. Since my university course was in business, I

132、 decided that I would be best at helping the institution to raise money. On joining the Donations and Fundraising Department, I met many people and I learnt a lot in a short time. The work was hard and the hours were long. We had to get to the office by 7:30 every morning and we usually worked until

133、 late at night. Asia Hope is quite a new institution; many people have not heard of it yet. Asking people to give money to an institution they have not heard of is hard work, and quite often, people are very unfriendly when I speak to them on the phone.However, there are still some good points about

134、 the job. For example, I enjoy going out to meet people, especially important business people. I like talking to them and telling them about the good work done by Asia Hope. I explain how their money is used, and they are usually very kind and give a lot.I am not sure if I will still be doing this t

135、en years from now but what I do know is that I love my work at the moment, and I know that I am doing my bit to help the world.51. What does Asia Hope do?A. Help children. B. Help businessmen.C. Develop business course. D. Do university research.52. Why did the writer want to work for Asia Hope?A. B

136、ecause she liked children very much. B. Because it could improve her business.C. Because she raised money for it at university. D. Because she could choose the projects she wanted.53. According to the writer, which of the following is the good point about the job?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - -

137、- - - - -第 17 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载A. She can start work early. B. She can go out to meet people.C. Asia Hope is a new institution. D. She doesn t have to work for long hours.54. What can we infer from the passage?A. People are unfriendly to the writer.B. The writer is not happy with her work now.C. Th

138、e writer may not work for Asia Hope in ten years.D. The writer raised $ 200,000 after the university studies.十九、 09 年石景山区一模C 篇In North America if you are 16 or 17, living away from home without money, you may be able to get social assistance under the OW program . This kind of assistance is short-te

139、rm help for your day-to-day needs . It helps pay for things like food, clothing and medicine . You may have to show that your parents will not let you live at home, or that, it is harmful for you to live there. The OW worker must be sure that your parents can not or will not take care of you financi

140、ally(在经济上). You must also be going to school or training program provided by OW(unless a serious medical condition or other problem makes this impossible ). Even if you are a single parent of 16 or 17 years old, these requirements are necessary when you ask for this social assistance . If you are un

141、der 16 years of age, you are not allowed to get social assistance on your own . Keep in touch with the OW office near where you live . You have the right to ask for the assistance even if you are told that you may not be allowed. An OW worker will plan to meet with you. If possible, take at least on

142、e piece of identification (身份证明) to show the worker, and a report that shows you are in school or a training program . The OW worker will probably meet with your parents. If your parents have hurt your body, like head or arms, they should not be visited. Tell the worker that you have reason to fear

143、your parents, and why . If your parents say they are willing to let you live with them, you have to show why this is not a good idea. If you can, get a letter from a social worker explaining why you should not live at home . The OW worker may require a family assessment (评估) before deciding whether

144、you can get the assistance. If you are afraid that meeting with your parents will place you in danger, tell the worker. If you have reason to be afraid, the OW worker may meet you and your parents in different times . If the worker wants to see where you live, you will not get the assistance if you

145、refuse his or her visit . 55. What does the underlined word “assistance” mean in Paragraph 1 ?A. help B. money C. education D. advice56. Which of the following might get social assistance from OW program?A. A 15-year-old boy, whose parents never give him money. B. An 18-year-old girl, who left home

146、because her parents drank too much. C. A 17-year- old girl, whose parents wont let her in because she has a baby. D. A 16-year-old boy, who left home because his parents wanted him to be in school. 57. What can decide if you can get the OW social assistance ?A. The bad situation in your family. B. Y

147、our family assessment and living place . C. Your medical condition and identification. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载D. Your school record and fear of your parents . 58. What s the passage mainly about?A. What is the OW Program . B. Why the social assistance is

148、set. C. Who can get the social assistance. D. What the social assistance is and how to get it . 二十、 08 中考延庆一模完型As darkness fell, hundreds of people in the Swiss village left their houses. They were staring ( 注视 ) forward at the mountain top in the distance. It was covered with ice and snow - beautif

149、ul and dangerous.The huge mountain is called Matterhorn. Mountain climbers had 3 3the top through the southern route (路线). But no one had ever dared to try a winter climbing up the northern side. But now one man was daring to try the 34 route. He was Walter Bonatti, a great mountain climber 35 Italy

150、.For two days he had climbed. The village people had watched him anxiously. Now they were waiting to see his signal. If he planned to 36 the next day, he would light (点燃 )a green signal. A red light would mean that he was turning back.A tiny green light 37 high on the mountain side. Bonatti was not

151、giving up! Thepeople 38 .The next day he continued his way upward. He was so lonely and so 39 ! But he would not give up. Again that night he lit the green light.In the morning, Bonatti 40 . He could not see the top, he knew he was 41 there. Though the climb was painful, he moved up. Bonatti had spe

152、nt months 42 for the climb. Was the training enough? Did hehave the strength and skill to climb to the top?He was finally at the top! News about his 43 was radioed to the world.The trip down the southern route was easy. He was warmly welcomed in the village. He had done the “ 44 ” and would be well

153、remembered as a climber of alltime.33. A. reached B. passed C. watched D. followed34. A. comfortableB. importantC. difficult D. nervous 35. A. withB. fromC. inD. at 36. A. turn backB. come downC. go onD. get back 37. A. placedB. appeared C. pulledD. found 38. A. crie d B. laughed C. jumped D. cheere

154、d39. A. sleepy B. excited C. tired D. happy40. A. woke up B. turned up C. got up D. looked up41. A. already B. almost C. hardlyD. surely42. A. training B. preparing C. planning D. asking43. A. importanceB. successC. climb D. courage44. A. necessary B. dangerous C. perhapsD. impossible二十一、 08中考延庆一模阅读

155、理解B篇精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载What will man be like in the future in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make a guess, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all the time.Let us

156、take an example. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on the average, men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is a relatively ( 相对地 ) short period of time, so we may suppose that man will continue to grow taller.Again, in the modern world we use our brai

157、ns a great deal. Even so, we stillmake use of only about 20% of the brains capacity( 容量 .) As time goes on, however, weshall have to use our brains more and more and finally we shall need larger ones! This is likely to bring about a physical change too. The head, especially the forehead, will grow l

158、arger.Nowadays our eyes are being used too much. In fact, we use them so much that veryoften they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over a very long periodof time it is likely that mans eyes will grow stronger. On the other hand, we tend ( 有的趋势 ) to make less use of our arms and legs. T

159、hese, as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive( 敏感的 ) because they are used a great deal in moder n life.But what about hair? This will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purp

160、ose any longer. In the future,then, both men and women are probably to be hairless!Perhaps, all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive ( 有吸引力的 ) person to look at! This may well be true. All the same, besides these changes, future man will still have a lot in common

161、with us. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and feelings similar to our own.48. Future man is probably to be different from us in _ ways . A. two B. three C. four D. five 49. Future man s head will grow larger because _.A. he will use his brain more and more as time goes o nB. he makes us

162、e only 80% of the brains capacityC. the other 80% of his brain will grow faster D. his brain has grown larger over the past centuries50. What will be true about the man in the future? A. He will have smaller eyes and will wear better glasses. B. His fingers will grow weaker because he wont use them

163、. C. He will be hairless because hair is no longer useful.D. He will think and feel in a different way.51. What does the writer write the article for? A. To give us some knowledge of future man. B. To show that mans life will be different in the future. C. To let us know future man will become less

164、attractive. D. To tell us future man is growing taller as time passes. 二十二、 08 中考延庆一模阅读理解C篇My most memorable and best experiences will stay in my mind for many years to come. For most people, horses are just animals that should only be used for racing, for money. Ever since I was only a few years ol

165、d, horses have been my passion (酷爱之物 ). My dream was to ride a horse. When that time finally came near my anxious little life, my heart beat a thousand times a minute.It was a warm summer day in Odessa, Ukraine, and we were at a park. My mom was buying several things for home while I looked around t

166、o find something that made my eyes twinkle (shine). I saw a figure from heaven, a four-legged beautiful 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载animal was standing down the block, breathing heavily. I ran up to the horse, not even knowing how to pet it, just excited to se

167、e the most beautiful animal. He was shining white, with a well-brushed tail. Right away I thought that I could ride this horse. I turned the other way and went to search for my mom to get some money. I saw her buying groceries and led her to where the horse was. The owner was back and said that it w

168、as his horse and I couldn t ride it. A warm stream of tears (眼泪 ) flooded down my cheeks as my mom tried to ask the man to let me ride the horse. He finally agreed for a high price. He taught me how to get on the horse and explained to me that it was important to keep heels down and arms steady. The

169、 beat of the horse s trot (小跑 ) awakened all the senses in me and I knew I was the happiest little girl in Ukraine at that time. I began planning how I was going to buy a horse after I became a millionaire. Before I knew it, the ride was over. Surprisingly, I actually learned to control the horse.Th

170、at day was probabl y the happiest time of my life. Most children wouldn t have as much fun as I did. Several years later, after coming to America, I began to take part in show jumping. If it weren t for that time in Ukraine, I wouldn t be able to enjoy the most amazing(令人惊叹的 ) sport, one where you a

171、nd another animal truly have to bond. 52. Which of the following is true according to the article?A. The writer and that horse took part in show jumping later.B. When the writer saw the horse, she loved it at once.C. The horse owner allowed her to ride the horse for free.D. The writer thought horse

172、racing was for making money.53. What does the underlined word “ bond” mean?A. To be connected to share feelings B. To be compared to find advantagesC. To be encouraged to work hard D. To be supposed to join efforts54. From the passage, we can infer that_.A. the horse could be easily controlled B. th

173、e horse owner was a kind and rich manC. the experience opened doors for her to get into the sportD. the writer s mother loved the horse as much as her daughter55. What could be the best title for the story?A. Love for Horses B. Interest in SportsC. An Exciting Dream D. An Amazing Ride二十三、 08 年北京中考顺义

174、一模The most difficult thing for university student Shaun Rogers is opening the classroom door by himself. Shaun can t do this without 33 because he is only six years old. He s the 34 person ever to study at Rochester University in New York. Shaun began 35 at two and by the age of five he had read man

175、y books and was able to finish writing his 36 book. “ I love learning” , says Shaun. “ My hero is the scientist Albert Einstein 37 he never combed (梳理 ) his hair or wore socks.”Shaun s mother first realized that her son was 38 when he kept crying at playschool because he was bored with the children

176、s games. She started teaching him at home 39 finding that local schools were not prepared for children who _40_at Shaun s speed. Now Shaun is studying geography at _41_ and using the Internet to finish his high school studies.However, some scientists warn that too much study can stop a child from de

177、veloping normally. “ I don t care how clever the kid is, six-year-olds have to 42 with their friends,” says Dr. Brain Wood. Mrs. Rogers disagreed that all her son s time was 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载taken up by school work. “ He loves the violin and has man

178、y outdoor 43 , such as camping, fishing and swimming, just like 44 boys of his age.”33. A. help B. interest C. knowledge D. money34. A. happiest B. shyest C. laziest D. youngest35. A. swimming B. reading C. speaking D. walking36. A. one B. the one C. first D. firstly37. A. so B. or C. but D. because

179、38. A. different B. same C. difficult D. easy39. A. before B. after C. when D. while40. A. learnt B. ran C. played D. spoke41. A. cinema B. hospitalC. hotel D. university42. A. sleep B. play C. laugh D. agree43. A. interest B. interests C. interested D. interesting44. A. both B. some C. other D. ano

180、ther二十四、 A. 20XX 年北京市中考My father died when I was a few months old. After his death, my mother moved back to Louisville, Kentucky, where 1 had grown up. We lived in a small house with her older sister, Marion, and their mother. This was a time when being a single 2 was still considered unusual.When I

181、 was small, there was a children s book called The Happy Family , and it was a real piece of work. Dad worked all day long at the office, Mom cooked in the kitchen, and brother and sister always had friends sleeping over. The image of the family in this book was typical (典型的 ) of the time. It looked

182、 3 like my family, but luckily that wasn t the way I heard it. The way my Aunt Marion read it to me made the story really 4 .Kind-hearted and open-minded, my aunt was the one who played baseball with me, who took me horseback riding, who took me to the father-son dinners and who gave me lessons on h

183、ow to drive. Believing that anything 5 was probably good for me, she 6 to get a loan (贷款 ) so that I could go to Africa to work as a volunteer, which was my most important experience.As a young girl, Aunt Marion always planned to have a large number of children of her own, but she never got married.

184、 This 7 that she was free to spend all her time taking care of me. Many people say we have a lot in common. She always 8 me to do my best. She never 9 to make me believe that I could do anything with my life that I wanted, if I only tried hard enough.For more than sixty years, Aunt Marion didn t and

185、 still doesn t think of herself. 10 she is forced to come up to the front, my aunt will stand in the back in family photos, and she doesn t think that her efforts have made much 11 . I honored my 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载aunt, who taught me the things my 12

186、 couldn t. So every June for the past 40 years, in growing thankfu lness to my Aunt Marion, I ve sent her a Father s Day card.1. A. I B. she C. he D. we2. A. man B. family C. parent D. child3. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something4. A. surprising B. boring C. sad D. funny5. A. interestin

187、g B. pleasant C. impossible D. unusual6. A. decided B. afforded C. offered D. prepared7. A. said B. meant C. proved D. showed8. A. allowed B. expected C. invited D. forced9. A. hoped B. agreed C. stopped D. failed10. A. Unless B. Although C. Since D. Before11. A. difference B. progress C. trouble D.

188、 sense12. A. teachers B. mother C. father D. friends二十五、 08 通州二模I stood in the doorway, watching my elder brother carefully putting clothes into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally realizing that I was there, Rocky turned toward me with a 33 smile. “ I m leaving tomorrow. ” he said. “ I know.” My 3

189、4 was almost a whisper. I was angry at 35 for being so weak, but I wasn t about to cry. “ My flight is tomorrow morning, so there is still 36 time to go to the airport.” he said. Seeing the sad look on my face, he quickly added, “ I 37 I won t leave without saying goodbye.”I tried to say something,

190、38 didn t. It s always better to 39 if you re about to cry. “ You promised you wouldn t cry. ” He said to me, thinking that I was close to tears. I remember the day he 40 me how to ride a bike. At first I thought he was always right behind me, holding the seat to keep me from 41 . I was happy with t

191、his, but he knew he couldn t hold me all my life. He told me that one day he would have to 42 .His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say goodbye to the person who taught me 43 ? The next morning I woke up, looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left hours before.

192、 We never even said goodbye. Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he 44 me, even if it was only an answer in his heart. 33. A. sad B. happy C. peaceful D. polite 34. A. word B. noise C. voice D. sound 35. A. Me B. him C. myself D. himself 36. A. a little B. much C. a lot

193、 of D. enough37. A. hope B. promise C. wish D. agree38. A. and B. but C. so D. also 39. A. keep away B. keep quiet C. sing songs D. cheer up 40. A. told B. taught C. helped D. asked 41. A. riding B. running C. walking D. falling 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载42.

194、 A. work B. leave C. go D. stop 43. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything 44. A. remembered B. saw C. heard D. helped二十六、09 北京中考 C 篇Its 2009. You feel sick, so you go to the doctor. She checks your fever, looks at your throat, and asks what youve been thinking about lately. When you leav

195、e ,she gives you some medicine, but also a list of thinking skills that you are supposed to practice daily. She says that the way you think is causing some of your illness.Doctors and other scientists who study the human mind and try to explain why people behave in the way that they do, called psych

196、ologists , are starting to believe it. You know that your brain is connected to every part of your body through your nervous system(神经系统 ). Now scientists have proved that how you think and feel can have an influence on the health of your body.Stress (压力,紧张 ) is caused whenever there is a problem or

197、 a change in your life. Of course, everybody has stress more or less; nobodys life is perfect. In fact, stress is necessary. Without stress, we would never learn anything or grow or change. We would probably be bored to death. But too much stress can hurt you. It can weaken your body s protection so

198、 that you are more likely to catch diseases. It can even make you more likely to have an accident.When you feel stress, your brain sends a message to your body to produce a chemical called adrenaline( 肾上腺素 ). Adrenaline speeds up your breathing and your heartbeat. Today you have a different kind of

199、stress. Problems like endless homework or troubles with your family are the kind of things you cant fight or run away from, so you dont use up all that adrenaline. It just stays bottled up inside you, and thats what can do something bad to you.What can you do about stress? First, you can try to find

200、 ways to change things so you arent under so much stress. You can set up a plan to finish homework or go to a doctor or a psychologist to try to work things out with your family or your friends. But sometimes you cant change a stressful situation. Sometimes you dont even want to. A big change might

201、be a good change, but it will still be stressful.The link( 关联 ) between your body and brain works in two ways. Your body can help your mind deal with stress. If you are under stress, you need to take especially good care of your body. Its important to get enough sleep and eat nutritious meals. Some

202、people take a vitamin-mineral pill every day. Another thing that you can do is daily exercise. If you go walking or do aerobic dancing or work out at the gym, you give your body a chance to burn up some of that adrenaline. Of course, a person who isn t used to much physical activity should start slo

203、wly. Anyone with a continuing physical problem should check with a doctor before starting any exercise programs. 1. A psychologist is a person who may help you with your _. (含义题)A. illness and abilities B. thoughts and behaviourC. mind and nervous system D. physical activity and daily exercise2. Whi

204、ch of the following is true according to the passage? (判断题)A. You shouldn t go to the gym if you are under stress.B. One can do his homework to burn up adrenaline.C. Diseases and accidents are caused by stress.D. Everyone needs stress to improve himself.3. From the last sentence of Paragraph 5 we ca

205、n infer that _. (推断题)A. it s difficult to change a stressful situationB. it s not stressful when a good change takes placeC. a big change will cause another stressful situationD. a stressful situation can t be changed without any effort4. What is probably the best title for this passage? (主旨题)A. The

206、 Body-Brain Link B. The Causes of StressC. The Advice on Health D. The Nervous System二十七、 08 海淀一模 B 篇精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载I am an eighth-grade student at Central Middle School . In my three years at the school, I have played soccer, basketball, and base

207、ball. I love sports and really enjoy being part of a team . Playing on our school sports teams has been the best part of middle school for me . I know I m lucky that I ve had this opportunity. Some kids have not been so lucky. In fact, many kids who love sports don t have the chance to play on a sch

208、ool team.That s because, to make a team, you have to try out. The idea is that kids who are good at sports will do well in tryouts and make the team. But what about the kids who don t do well during tryouts? Maybe they are ill that day, or nervous, or are just having a bad day, so they don t play th

209、eir best. They don t make the team, and that is too bad. Also, there are kids who really don t have the skills to play well. They never make a team, and that isn t fair either. How will kids ever learn the skills if they don t have a chance to play? Remember, this is the school and students are here

210、 to learn.All kids should have the chance to learn sports skills and teamwork by playing on a school sports team. There are other reasons why every student should have the chance to play sports. Sports are important for good health and fitness. They help kids feel good about themselves and their sch

211、ool . They build friendships among teammates . Coaches are good role models, and students who play team sports learn good sportsmanship . And, most important, team sports are fun! Players have fun playing, and their parents have fun watching and cheering for the team . So, sports bring kids and pare

212、nts together, too. By now you know how I feel . Every kid who wants to play on a school sports team should have the chance . These teams are for fun and fitness they re not professional teams! Let s change the rules for making a team. Let s get rid of tryouts.Let s give every student at Central Midd

213、le School the chance to wear a team uniform . 48How many kinds of sports has the writer played in the three years at school?ATwo. BThree. CFour. DFive. 49The writer believes that tryouts are _ . Afun B hard Cuseful Dunfair50Which of the following is NOT true according to the fourth paragraph?ASports

214、 bring kids and parents together. BSports build friendships among teammates. CSports help kids feel good about themselves. DSports are fun and make students study better. 51The writer s main purpose for writing this article is to _. Aadvise kids not to try out for a school teamBtell about exciting m

215、oments on sports fieldsCmake people believe all kids should play team sportsDshare his opinions of playing team sports with readers二十八、 08 海淀一模 C 篇)Ever since we became pen pals, Julien has sent me strange things. Once, she sent her sneeze in a jar . ( “ I have a cold, can you tell?” she wrote.) The

216、n she sent her fingerprint . (“So you ll recognize me in a crowd. ” )Julien sent me breakfast, all right: cornflakes . Soggy, milky, grainy, crumbly, limp cornflakes scraped from the bottom of her cereal bowl. I lost my appetite, but I read the letter . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第

217、 25 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载Dear Caitlin,These cornflakes were so nutritious that I wanted to share this high-fiber, low-so-dium, just-three-calories, balanced breakfast with you.Enjoy,JulienP. S.Next week I m sending you a sunset.“ She s mistaken,” I told my mom. “ No one can send a sunset, not even Juli

218、en. It s impossible. ”“ I don t know,” Mom said. “ Julien might find a way . After all, she did send you her sneeze. ”A week later I checked the mail and found a box with air holes and the words “ FRAGILE THIS SIDE UP ” printed in bold black letters on the top . It was from Julien . I stroked the bo

219、x with my fingers . It was perfectly dry . I smelled it . It didn t smell. I held my breath and started opening the package. What if sunbeams spring out and hit me in the face like those fake snakes in a can? I thought . My hands shook as I lifted the last flap and peeked inside . Where in the world

220、 was the sunset? All I could find was a letter and a twisty, gray, papery shell . It looked like a submarine . I read the letter. Dear Caitlin ,The sunsets at my house are so beautiful that I had to give you a piece. I counted at least five different colors in one yesterday. Can you find more?Hugs a

221、nd smoochies,JulienI looked again at the gray shell . That s no sunset, I thought. “ You must mean the submarines at your house, Julien,” I said.Without reading the postscript, I laid the letter and the submarine on the kitchen table. Then I left the room to find a pen so that I could cross out “ su

222、nset ” and write “ submarine ” above it. When I returned, I stared in shock at the submarine . A creature was oozing out of it! Was it a sea monster? I looked closer .It was a winged creature. an insect. a butterfly . An orange, blue, purple, red, and gold butterfly . It looked like . a sunset!While

223、 the sunset opened and closed its wings to dry them, I read Julien s postscript. It said, “P. S. Next week I m sending you Japan. ”52What does the underlined word“ oozing” probably mean?AMoving .BJumping.CSwimming .DFlying . 53What did Julien really want Caitlin to see in the fourth mail?AThe settin

224、g sun. B Colors of a sunset. CA colorful butterfly . DA new submarine . 54We can learn from the passage that Julien was _. Astrange and clever Bhonest and friendlyCcreative and giving D funny and inventive55What can be inferred from the passage?ACaitlin was from Japan and had never seen Julien. BCai

225、tlin s mom thought Julien s gifts were fantastic. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载CCaitlin was pleased with the cornflakes that Julien sent . DCaitlin was expecting another unusual gift from Julien. 二十九、完成阅读Issac Newton was born in 1642 on Christmas Day. He was so

226、 small when he was born that his mother said she could put him into a large bowl. Issac did not have good health when he was a baby. 1As a child, Issac didnt like playing with friends at his own age. He read a lot and invented small toys for himself. When he started school, he was lazy and seldom li

227、stened to the teachers. One day, a boy in his class called him stupid and had a fight with him. 2 He studied hard and in a short time, he was the top student in his school.After leaving school, Issac went to the University of Cambridge. 3 He used his tools to study how planets moved. After some time

228、, he began to understand why they moved in particular ways. He kept his ideas to himself because he was very shy.4 In the year after that, he made many important scientific discoveries and became one of the most important scientists in England. In1705, he received a special title from the Queen of E

229、ngland.A. Issac received his university degree in 1665.B. He liked to play basketball when he was young.C. Then Issac decided that he would get better marks than this boy.D. There, he spent a lot of time reading and making scientific tools.E. However, he grew up into one of the most famous scientist

230、s the world has known.四十、08 北京中考The Amazon rainforest is home to millions of different kinds of animals, plants, and birds. Most of the worlds fresh water is here and the forest plants clean the Earths air every day.Chico Was born near the Amazon town, Brazil, in 1944 and started working when he was

231、 very young. Like the rest of his family, the boy got the money by taking a little rubber from the trees in the forest. (The trees are not hurt when the rubber is taken. ) The forest and its people lived together comfortably and peacefully.But some people think too much about themselves and never th

232、ink about the future. In 1980, the forest was burned to build roads, houses and factories. Chico was angry; he wanted to save the forest! He talked to the government workers, but they didnt listen to him. They were still clearing the rainforests to make quick, easy money. Many voices are stronger th

233、an one, he thought, so Chico held group meetings. He discovered that hundreds of people agreed with him. His hope grew. More people came together to try to stop the work of the forest clearers. Large areas of the forest were saved. Later he traveled to many other countries for international help. Pe

234、ople soon became very much interested in this brave Brazilian. In the next few years Chicos name became famous all over the world. The government of Brazil started making plans to protect large areas of the Amazon rainforest.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载But as

235、Chicos dreams started coming true, someone stopped him in the only possible way. The famous forest fighter was murdered right outside his home on December 22, 1988. Chicos life was cut short, but his brave new ideas continued in other people. One man changed the worlds ideas. After his death, people

236、 around the world sent money to help Chicos work. 1. Was Chico born in Brazil?_2. How did young Chico get money?_3. How many things did Chico do after the forest was burned?_4. When was Chico murdered?_5. What did Chico achieve in his life?_四十一、 08 年海淀一模Imagine having a bedroom that interacts with y

237、ou . If you re sad, it will arrange for some of your friends to come over to cheer you up. If you re happy, it might respond by playing your favorite game with you . Does it sound like something out of a science-fiction movie? Well, it s really something out of the Georgia Institute of Technology. I

238、rfan Essa works at the computer lab there . He has developed a computer system that can look at you and recognize your mood. He calls it the “ Expression Recognition System”. Essa says, “ We are trying to get computers to act like a human brain. But the human brain is not like one computer, it is li

239、ke many working together. ”In Essa s system, many computers work together. First, a camera in the bedroom takes a picture of your face . The camera feeds the image to a computer.In the computer s memory, there are pictures showing how the muscles of your face move when you are in different moods . F

240、or example, cheek muscles move in one way when you are happy and smiling and in another way when you are nervous and tense. The computer compares your picture to the face muscle images stored in its memory. It tries to find the best match . That s how it figures out your mood! Then the computer send

241、s messages to other computers in the system. If you look happy, a computer may put on lively music. If you look tired and discouraged, a different computer may turn on the TV for you . How could the “ Expression Recognition System” help us in important ways? Essa thinks that the system can help us c

242、reate computers that are better teachers . Many people learn new skills through computer programs . “ When I teach, I look at people s faces,” Essa explains. “ If my students look confused, I know they didn t understand. With this technology, a computer can also know if a student is learning . ”Toda

243、y, this new technology can be found only in labs, but Essa predicts we ll see it out of the lab in a few years. So get ready. One day, you might walk into a room that will soon become your best friend. 1Can the new computer system look at you and recognize your mood?_精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

244、- - - - - - -第 28 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载2What happens first in the bedroom in Essa s system?_3Will the computer put on lively music or turn on the TV if you look happy?_4How does the “ Expression Recognition System” make computers better teachers?_5What will future rooms be like?_四十二、 20XX 年西城一模Every Sa

245、turday night Mama would sit down by the table and count out the money Papa had brought home. Mama would carefully divide big groups for the housing, and food, and one or two coins for Nels or 36 -Katrin to buy notebooks. With 37 interest we would watch the money becoming less and less. At last Papa

246、would ask, “ Is all?”When Mama nodded, we could relax a little. For Mama would look up and smile, “ Is good,” she d say, “ we dontnot have to go to the Bank.”It was a wonderful thing, that bank account of Mama s. We were all so proud of it. It gave us such a warm, 38 feeling. When finishing school,

247、Nels wanted to go on to high. “ It will cost a little money, ” Nels said to Mama. We gathered around the table watching a box in front of Mama. This was the “ Little Bank” -used for unexpected situations. Nels had it all written out. So much for what he would need. Mama looked at the 39 for a long t

248、ime. Then she counted the money in the Little Bank. There wasn t enough. We all 40 our heads. I ll work in Dillon s shop after school, Nels 41 . Mama smiled at him. Papa said, “ Is not enough.”Then he took his pipe out of his mouth. “ I give up smoking, ”he said. Mama 36 the table and touched Papa s

249、 hand, but she didn t say anything. “ I will mind the Elvington children every Friday night,” I said. “ Is good,” Mama said. We all felt very good. We had passed another milestone(绊脚石 ) 36 having to go downtown and draw money out of the bank. So many things, I remember, came out of the Little Bank d

250、uring the past 20 years. Even during the Strike, Mama wouldn t let us worry too much. We all worked together 36 the important trip downtown could be put off. The day the Strike was over and Papa 36 to work, I saw Mama stand a little straighter. Last year I sold my first story. I hurried to Mama s an

251、d showed her the check. “ For you, ” I said, “ to put in your Bank Account.”“I s no 36 ,” Mama said, “ in all my life, I ve never been inside a Bank.”And when I didn t couldn t answer, Mama said 36 ,“ Is not good for little ones to be afraid to not feel safe.”36. A. him B. us C. me D. her 37. A. end

252、less B. hopeful C. breathless D. doubtful 38. A. comfortable B. safe C. easy D. pleasant 39. A. price B. money C. objects D. numbers 40. A. nodded B. shook C. lowered D. raised 41. A. decided B. volunteered C. suggested D. mentioned 42. A. reached across B. sat beside C. walked to D. moved around 精选

253、学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载43. A. till B. by C. without D. except 44. A. long before B. even though C. so that D. soon after 45. A. came out B. set off C. got away D. went back 46. A. account B. need C. good D. check 47. A. quickly B. seriously C. warmly D. pol

254、itely 答案:一、 1. ACDBB 6. DACBA 11. DC二、 52. ADAB三、 57. BDBC四、 1. ADBCA 6. CBDCA 11. CB五、 1. BABDA 6. BCACB 11. AD六、完形 : 38. BAD 41. CBACD 46. CBAD七、 57. CDBA八、 1. BBCDEB 6. BCDCA 11. AD 九、 36. BCBAC 41. DAACB 46. CDBDA十、 33. BBA 36. DCABA 41. CBDC十一、 17. 26. 18. A rich family. 19. Yes. 20. To help th

255、e poor children. 21. He is not only a good football star but also a kind Ambassador Against Hunger. 十二、 54. Yes. /Yes, they do. 55. Volleyball. 56. A camera lens. 57. They may get hurt. 58. Doctors can do operations more easily and patients can get well more quickly.十三、 69.DCBC 精选学习资料 - - - - - - -

256、- - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 31 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载十四、 64. DB 66. ACBDC71. ADB十五、 74. CBCB 十六、 78. CBA AC 十七、 83. DDB十八、 51. ADBC 十九、 55. ACBD二十、 33. ACB 36. CBDCD 41. BABD二十一、 48. DACA二十二、 52. BACD二十三、 33. ADB 36. CDABA 41. DBBC二十四、 1-5. BCADD 6-10. CBBDA 11-12. AC三十五、 33-35. ACC 36-40. DBBBB 41-44. DB

257、AC三十六、 1-4. BDCA 三十七、5-8: BDDC 三十八、 6-12. ABCD三十九、补全对话Keys: 1. E 2. C 3. D 4. A四十、 1. Yes, he was.2. By taking a little rubber.3. Three.4. On December 22, 1988.5. He protected the forest and changed the world s ideas.四十一、 1Yes.2A camera in the bedroom takes a picture of your face .3Put on lively music . 4It can help computers to know if a student is learning .5They will be friendly , smart, more comfortable and more modern . 四十二、 36. CCBDB 41. BACCD 46. AB精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 31 页



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