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1、湘少版小学六年级英语总复习一、 26 个字母: (要求会默写字母的大小写、连续听音书写字母、按顺序排列字母或单词)二、 语音知识:元音字母: A a , Ee, Ii, Oo, U u Aa name 名字 cake 蛋糕 gate 大门 cage 鸟笼 snake 蛇 face脸baby 娃娃 apple苹果 cat猫 bag书包 hat帽子 fat胖的Ee(ee,ea) these 这些 three三 sheep绵羊 knee膝盖tree 树 beans 豆角 egg蛋 elephant大象 desk课桌 bed床 pen钢笔leg 腿Ii five 五 nine九 like 喜欢 kit

2、e风筝 bike 自行车 fish鱼 big大的 six小的 milk牛奶 is是 it 它this 这个Oo(oa, oe) nose 鼻子 those 那些 bone骨头 toe 脚趾头 goat山羊 boat船 coat 大衣 dog 狗 fox狐狸 frog 青蛙 box盒子 hot 热的 not不是Uu you 你,你们 use使用 computer计算机 blue 蓝色的 flute 笛子 June 六月 bus 公共汽车 umbrella 雨伞 uncle 叔叔精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 19 页Cc

3、CD 光盘 circle 圆形 cent 分钱 cat 猫 camera 照相机Gg (ge) orange 桔子 giraffe 长颈鹿 page 页 frog 青蛙 girl 女孩 big 大的 gate 大门th thin 瘦的 three 三 thirteen 十三 mouth 嘴 mother 妈妈 father 爸爸 brother 兄弟 they 他们this 这个 that 那个 feather 羽毛wh what 什么 when 什么时候 where 哪里 why 为什么 which 哪一个 white 白色的 water水 woman 女人 walk 走 who 谁 who

4、se 谁的ar car 汽车 park 公园 farm 农场 arm 手臂 star星星ir girl 女孩 bird 鸟 nurse护士 purse 钱包 turtle 海龟third第三 hurt 疼ow cow奶牛 owl 猫头鹰 house 房子 mouse 鼠,鼠标 cloudy多云的oy oi boy 男孩 toy 玩具 oyster 贝壳 oil 油 coin 硬币 boil 沸腾精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 19 页or oor horse 马 store 商店 corn 玉米 door 门 floor

5、 地板air ear chair 椅子 hair 头发 pear 梨 bear 熊oo book 书 good 好的 look 看 foot 脚 moon 月亮 food 食物 pool 池子 room房间字母 s 或 es 的发音: 字母 s 在词首发音为 /s/, 在中间如:usually, television, treasure, casual中发音为 / /;以/p/, /t/, /k/ 清音收尾,读音为 /s/ ;其他情况一般读音为 /z/ ;以 s, x, ch, sh 收尾加 es 的,es 读音为/iz/。字母 y 的发音 : 一般字母 y 在词尾,发音为 /i/,在词首发音

6、为 /j /,在少数词 cry ,fly ,try ,dry, shy, my中发音为 /ai/。字母组合 is, iss 在单词中发短音 /is/, 字母组合 ees, eys, es, ese, eese, eeze在单词中发长音 /i:z/. 不定冠词 a 和 an 都有“一个”的意思 ,在 a, e, i, o, u 这5个元音字母发音前表示一个要用an, 其余情况要用 a 。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 19 页三、词汇归类:1、 animals动物: cat猫, dog 狗, fish鱼, cow 奶牛,

7、fox狐狸, duck 鸭,bird 鸟,bee 蜜蜂,monkey猴子, donkey 驴,horse 马,rabbit兔子, lion狮子,tiger老虎,panda熊猫,goat 山羊,sheep 绵羊,snake 蛇,bear 熊,deer 鹿。2、 fruit水果: apple 苹果, pineapple菠萝, pear 梨,banana香蕉, peach 桃,orange 桔子, lemon 柠檬, grape 葡萄, watermelon 西瓜,kiwi fruit猕猴桃。3、vegetables蔬菜:eggplants 茄子 peppers 辣椒 cabbages 圆白菜 to

8、matoes 西红柿 potatoes 土豆 cucumbers 黄瓜cauliflowers 菜花 beans 豆角 mushrooms 蘑菇 onions 洋葱4、 食品: hot dog 热狗 noodles面条 corn玉米 rice米饭chicken 鸡肉hamburger 汉堡包 French fries 炸薯条 fried rice 炒米饭milk 牛奶 soup 汤 juice 果汁 ice cream 冰淇淋5、 学习用具: bag 书包 , pen钢笔, pencil铅笔 ,pencil-box盒子, book书, 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳

9、总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 19 页desk 课桌, ruler尺子, chair椅子, ball球 ,eraser 橡皮, pencil sharpener转笔刀。6、numbers数字:1)基数词: One 1, two 2, three 3, four 4,five 5, six 6, seven 7, eight 8, nine 9, ten 10 ,eleven 11, twelve 12, thirteen 13, fourteen 14, fifteen 15,sixteen 16,seventeen 17 ,eighteen 18 ,nineteen 19

10、, twenty 20。 twenty-one 21,twenty- six 26, thirty 30, forty 40, fifty 50, sixty 60 ,seventy 70 , eighty 80, ninety 90, one hundred 100 , two hundred 200. 2)序数词:first 第一, second 第二 , third第三 , fourth第四 , fifth第五, Sixth 第六, seventh第七, eighth第八, ninth第九, tenth第十。7、body 身体部位: eye 眼 ear耳 nose鼻 face脸mouth

11、 嘴leg 腿 arm手臂 knee膝盖 foot脚 toe脚趾 tongue 舌 finger手指 hand手 head头 hair头发 chest 胸 ankle 脚踝8、job 职业: vet兽医 nurse护士 teacher 老师 doctor 医生 student 学生 pilot飞行员 worker工人 farmer农民 dancer 舞蹈家 policeman 警察. juggler 杂耍演员精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 19 页singer 歌手9、subject科目: art 美术 P.E.体育 m

12、ath 数学 music音乐 Chinese 语文 English 英语 history历史 science科学 geography 地理学10、weather 天气: sunny 阳光灿烂的 cloudy 多云的 rainy 多雨的 snowy 多雪的 windy 多风的 fine 晴好的11、season 季节: spring春季, summer夏季, autumn秋季, winter冬季12、方位介词: on 在上面 , under在下面 , in在里面, in front of在前面 , behind 在后面 , between在之间, next to挨着 , near在附近13、co

13、lor颜色: red 红色, pink粉色, yellow黄色, brown 棕色, blue 蓝色, purple紫色, orange橙色, black黑色, white白色14、 week星期: Monday 星期一, Tuesday星期二 , Wednesday星期三 , Thursday 星期四, Friday星期五 , Saturday星期六, Sunday星期日15、 month月份: January一月, February 二月, March 三月, April四月, May 五月, 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6

14、 页,共 19 页June 六月, July七月, August八月 , September 九月, October十月, November十一月, December 十二月. 16、sports运动: football足球 tennis网球 basketball 篮球 volleyball排球 badminton 羽毛球 table tennis乒乓球 swimming 游泳 running跑步 jumping跳跃 skiing 滑雪skating滑冰 bowling保龄17、 clothes服装:shirt 衬衫 dress 连衣裙 sweater 毛衣 skirt 短裙 coat 大衣

15、trousers 长裤 shorts 短裤 jeans 牛仔裤 tie 领带 sock 袜子 shoes 鞋 pajamas 睡衣 sweatpants 运动裤baseball cap 棒球帽 belt 腰带 T-shirt T恤衫 glove 手套purse 女士钱包 cap 便帽 hat 礼帽18、place 地方场所: zoo 动物园 office办公室 classroom教室 school 学校 bank 银行 park 公园 police station 警察局 swimming pool 游泳池 supermarket 超市 library 图书馆restaurant 餐馆 tra

16、in station 火车站 post office 邮局 cinema 电影院 museum 博物馆19、人称代词: I 我, you 你,你们, he 他,she 她, it它, we我们, they 他们20、形容词性物主代词: my我的, your 你的,你们的, his 他的,her 她的,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 19 页our 我们的, their他们的21、名词性物主代词: mine 我的 yours你的,你们的 his他的hers 她的, ours我们的, theirs他们的22、带 wh的特殊疑

17、问词: what 什么 where 哪里 who谁whose谁的when什么时候 which 哪个23、形容词: big 大的 boring 无聊的 young 年轻的 thin 瘦的 small 小的 easy 容易的 long 长的 cheap 便宜的 fast 快的short 短的 old 老的,旧的 expensive 贵的 fat 胖的 hot 热的difficult 困难的 slow 慢的 cold 冷的 interesting 有趣的exciting 令人兴奋的24、family家庭成员: mother 妈妈 father爸爸 brother哥哥弟弟 sister姐妹 uncle

18、叔叔 aunt阿姨 grandmother奶奶grandfather爷爷25、电器: walkman 随身听 cassette 磁带 radio 录音机 diskman 光盘播放器 television 电视 CD 光盘 video 录像带26、computer 电脑部件: keyboard 键盘 mouse 鼠标 speaker 扬声器 hard disk 硬盘 disk 磁盘 screen 屏幕 CD 光盘 printer打印机27、How often 频率词: every day 每天 every week 每周 once a week每周一次 twice a week 每周两次 alw

19、ays 一直 usually 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 19 页通常 hardly ever 几乎不 never 从不28、signs 标识 : Don t walk.不能走Don t litter. 不要扔垃圾 Don t touch.不要摸 No swimming. 禁止照相 No parking 禁止停车 No food. 禁止吃 No smoking. 禁止抽烟 No cameras. 禁止照相29、chores 家务活动: walk the dog遛狗 wash the dog给狗洗澡wash the d

20、ishes洗碗 feed the fish喂鱼 make the bed整理床铺 polish shoes刷鞋 cut the grass 修剪草坪 clean the room打扫房间 clean the window water the plants给植物浇水 dust the furniture 擦家具 take out the trash倒垃圾 make breakfast做早饭30、sports体育活动: play football踢足球 , play tennis打网球, play basketball打篮球 play bowling 打保龄球 play badminton 打羽毛

21、球 play table tennis打乒乓球 play volleyball 打排球 do karate练习空手道 , go skiing去滑雪 , go skating去滑冰 , go swimming去游泳 , ride a horse骑马work out at the gym健身房健身31、日常生活活动: get up 起床, go to bed 上床睡觉, go to school 上学, go to park 去公园, watch TV看电视 , sing songs唱歌, see a movie 看电影, listen to the music听音乐, fly kites放风筝,

22、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 19 页go shopping 去购物, visit friends拜访朋友, do homework做家庭作业 , play the piano弹钢琴, play the guitar弹吉他, play the drums 打鼓,play the violin 拉小提琴 . 四、功能句型:(一)针对个人情况进行交流(提问与回答):1、 询问名字: Whats your name? My name s Wang Ling. I m Charlie2、 询问年龄: How old are y

23、ou?I m twelve. How old is he? He is thirteen. 3、 询问生日: When is your birthday? Its March 12th.4、 询问职业: Are you a doctor? Yes, I am. No, I am not. What do you do? I am a teacher. What does he do? He is a vet. 5、 询问身高: How tall are you? I am 158 centimeters tall. 6、 询问体重: How heavy are you? I weight 60

24、 kilograms. 7、 询问喜爱的颜色: Do you like red? Yes, I do. No, I don t.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 19 页Does he like red? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.What color do you like? I like green. What color does he like? He likes blue. 8、 询问喜爱的食品: What food do you like? I like chicken. 9、

25、询问喜爱的学科: Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is math. 10、 询问喜爱的季节: What season do you like? I like spring. 11、 询问喜爱的运动: What sport do you like? I like playing football. 12、 询问喜爱的动物: What animal do you like? I like dogs. 13、询问承担的家务:What chores do you have to do? I have to walk the dog. W

26、hat chores does he have to do? He has to feed the fish. 14、 询问更喜欢什么物品: Which sunglasses do you prefer? I prefer these. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 19 页15、 询问身体状况: How are you today? Im not well. Whats the matter? My leg hurts.16、 询问想要的、需要的: What do you want? I want a T-shir

27、t. What do you need? I need flour, milk, eggs and butter. 17、询问物品拥有: Do you have a cap? Yes, I do. No, I don t. Does he have a watch? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.18、询问经常在固定的时间做什么事情: What do you do on Sunday? I play tennis. What does he do on Monday? He goes to school. 19、 询问经常在什么时间做这样的事情:When do you

28、 get up ? I get up at 6:00. When does he get up ? He gets up at 6:30. 20、询问现在正在做什么事情:What are you doing? Im reading a book. What is he doing? He is singing. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 19 页21、询问将来的计划、活动安排:What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to ride a horse. What wil

29、l you do next Sunday? I will go shopping. What are you doing tomorrow? Im going bowling. 22、询问活动的频率次数: How often do you play tennis? Twice a week. 23、询问所在的地点、方位: Where are you ?I m in front of the car. Where were you yesterday? I was at home. 24、询问过去时间内做了什么事情:What did you do yesterday? I went to sch

30、ool. 25、 询问、质疑过去所做过的事情: Did you go to the park last night ?Yes, I did. No, I didnt.26、询问是谁 : Who s that? Thats Ann. Who he? Hes my father. Who was first? Ken was first. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 19 页(二)针对物品情况进行交流(提问与回答):1、询问物品名称: Whats this? Its a pen. What are these? The

31、y are pens.,2、询问物品数量: How many pencils are there? There are ten. 3、询问物品价钱: How much is the book? It is ¥30. How much are the books? They are ¥60. How much does this belt cost? It costs 35 How much do these belts cost? They cost 70. 4、询问物品所属: Whose computer is this? This is my computer. It s Kens. Wh

32、ose CDs are these? They are our CDs. Theyre Ann s.5、询问物品颜色等特征: What color is the duck?It s yellow. 6、询问物品位置: Where is the book?It s under the bag. (三)针对时间、天气进行交流(提问与回答):1、询问钟表时刻:What time is it? Its 6 : 20. 2、询问星期: What day is today?It s Monday.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 1

33、9 页3、询问月份日期: Whats the date today? Its September 1st. 4、询问天气状况: Whats the weather like? Its windy.(四)以 Can 开头的问句:1、问答能力: Can you swim ? Yes ,I can. No, I cant.2、请求许可: Can he go out after school? Yes, he can. No, he can t.(五)询问比赛规则: What are the rules? You must wear sports shoes. (六)提出问题与建议 : I m bor

34、ed. What should I do? You should play this game. He is tired. What should he do? He should go to bed early. (七)使用反意疑问句求证信息:I can watch TV, cant I? Yes, you can. He isn t a teacher, is he? No, he isnt.(八)表达同意或不同意:In the year 2050 life will be better. So do I. ( I do, too. ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名

35、师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 19 页I don t like snakes. Neither do I. ( I dont, either.) 五、语法知识:(一)英语动词 4种时态:1、一般现在时:常与表示程度或频度的词连用,如:often(经常) , usually (通常,一般) , sometimes(有时) , always(总是,一直) , never(从不) , 表示经常性或习惯性的动作, 表示现在的特征或状态 , 表示普遍真理。用动词原形表示,第三人称单数后,动词要在词尾加 s(或 es,或变 y 为 i 再加 es) 。如: I often get

36、 up at 7:00. He often gets up at 7:30. 2、现在进行时:表示现在或现在这一阶段正在进行的动作。用am / is / are 加 动词 ing 形式表示,如 : What are you doing? I am reading a book. What is he doing? He is singing. 3、一般将来时:常与表示将来的时间连用,如:tomorrow , next week , next year 等, 表示将要发生的动作或情况。用 am/ is/ are 加 going to形式表示,如: What are you going to do

37、 tomorrow? I m going to ride a horse. 用 will 加动词原形表示,如: What will you do next Sunday? I will go shopping. 用 am/ is/ are 加动词 ing 形式表示,如: What are you doing tomorrow? Im going bowling. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 19 页4、一般过去时:经常与表示过去的时间连用, 如: yesterday, last night等, 表示过去某时发生的动

38、作或情况。动词要用动词的过去式。如:Who was first? Ken was first. Where were you yesterday? I was at home. What did you do yesterday? I went to school. (二)形容词的比较级和最高级:1、单音节词:比较级加er, 最高级加 est. 如:tall-taller- the tallest, He is taller than his brother. Tom is the tallest in his class. 2、多音节词和部分双音节词:比较级加more, 最高级加 the m

39、ost. 如:interesting-more interesting-the most interesting, Music is interesting subject. P.E. is more interesting than music. Science is the most interesting subject. 六、仿写一段话 ( 要求至少五句话 ):1. About me 介绍自己精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 19 页My name is Peter. I am 12 years old. I l

40、ike art. I like playing football. I have to walk the dog every day. 2. My family 我的家庭I have a happy family. My mother is a teacher. She is 36 years old. She likes singing. My father is a vet. He is 36 years old. He likes playing football. Im a girl.I m 13 years old. I like singing. We often play gam

41、es together. I love them very much. 3. My pet 我的宠物I have a dog. It is Wang Wang. Its white. It has two big ears. We always play games together. I like it very much. 4. My friend 我的朋友I have a good friend. His name is Peter. He is 12 years old. He likes art. He likes playing football and walking the d

42、og . 5. My favorite我最喜爱的 . ( 如:sports运动, subject学科, chores 家务, fruit水果, color颜色, teacher 老师等 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 19 页I like sports very much. Badminton is my favorite sport. I often play badminton with my friend after school. We play badminton on the playground. And I can play it very well. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 19 页



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