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1、名师总结优秀知识点七年级上册Unit1-7 一. 考点归纳1. Hello, Gina. Good morning. 嗨,吉娜。早上好。英文中常用的问候语及其回答:Hello. Hello. Hi. Hi. Good morning. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good evening. Good night. Good night.晚安。(晚上分别时) How do you do? 你好。 (初次见面时互相问好) How do you do? 你好。 How are you? 你好吗?(已相识者问对

2、方好?) Fine, thank you.好,谢谢。2. Sorry, I m late. 对不起,我迟到了。sorry “对不起 ” 用于引出某一过错。Excuse me. “对不起 ” 用于引起对方的注意。例如:1)I m sorry I can t speak English.对不起,我不会说英语。2)Excuse me, is this your backpack?打扰一下,这是你的背包吗?3. Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!-Nice to meet you, too! 4. What s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?1) 同义句: Wha

3、t s the English for this?2) 用什么语言,介词用in: “ in + 某种语言 ”. 例如:in English 用英语in Chinese 用汉语in Japanese 用日语5. Let s learn English. 让我们学英语。(一) let s = let us 让我们 Let s learn English. 让我们学习英语吧。= Why not learn English? 为什么不学习英语呢? = What/How about learning English? 学习英语怎么样?为什么不: why not +do; why don t you (二

4、)let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事例如: Let me play the guitar. 注意: 1)let sb. do sth. 中的 sb.若是代词要用宾格形式。Let her sing an English song. 2)let sb. do sth. 中的 sb.即使是第三人称单数后面的动词仍用原形,例如:Let him play soccer. 3)learn from 向 学习 , 例如: Let us learn from Lei Feng. 让我们向雷锋学习。4 ) learn to do sth.学会干某事例如:He learns to speak a lit

5、tle French. 他学会说一点法语。6. What color is this sweater? 这个毛衣是什么颜色?1) 对颜色提问的两种方法:What color ? = What s the color of ? 例如:What color is your sweater? = What s the color of your sweater?你的毛衣是什么颜色?What color are these pants? 这些裤子是什么颜色?2) color 是可数名词,例如:I don t like these colors. 我不喜欢这些颜色。7. What s your name

6、? 你叫什么名字?1) 对姓名的几种提问及回答:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点What s your name? = May I have/know your name? My name is=my name s = I m 2) 姓氏: family name / last name 名字:first /given name 全名: full name 8. Is this your dictionary? 这是你的字典吗?答: Yes, it is. / No, it isn t. 例如:

7、Is that your brother s backpack? -Yes, it is. / No, it isn t.9. Call John at 495-3539. 给约翰打电话495-3539。Please call Gina, her phone number is 2684753.=Please call Gina at 2684753. 问电话号码:what s your telephone number? = what your phone number? 10. Thanks for the photo of your family. 感谢你的全家福照片。1) Thanks

8、. = Thank you. ( ) 感谢你。2) Thanks for + sth./doing sth. 为 而感谢你。例如:Thanks for your help.=Thanks for helping me. 感谢你的帮助。3) the photo of your family=your family photo你的全家福照片11. Here is my family photo. 这是我的全家福照片。1)倒装句式:副词谓语主语(名词)Here is your letter.这是你的信。介词短语谓语主语(名词)On the dresser is my photo. 介词主语(代词)谓

9、语Here you are. 给你。2) Here is/ are. .常用于把某物递给说话的对象This is . .也表示 “ 这是 。” 但通常用于介绍;12. Please take these things to your brother. 请把这些东西带给你弟弟。take, bring, carry 和 get 的区别:1)take “带走 ” ,从近处带到远处,例如:Please take these books to your home after school.放学后把这些书带回你的家。bring “带来 ” ,从远处带来,例如:Please bring me some bo

10、oks.请给我带些书来。2) get “去拿来 ” ,相当于go and bring,例如:Can I get my pen?我可以去把我的钢笔拿来吗?3) carry ”搬动 ” , 无方向, Can you help me carry this case?能帮我搬这个箱子吗?13. I need my hat, my ID card, my notebook and my pencils. 我需要我的帽子,身份证,笔记本和铅笔。need v. 需要1) need sth./sb. “需要 ” 例如: She really needs these books. 她真的需要这些书。2) nee

11、d to do sth. “需要做 ” 例如: I need to listen to some relaxing music. 我需要听一些令人放松的音乐。14. There are some books in the bookcase. 书柜里有些书。There be 句型1)构成及意义There be + n. + 某处 . 在某处有什么。例如: There is an alarm clock on the dresser.梳妆台上有一个闹钟。There are some keys in the drawer.抽屉里有一些钥匙。2) 否定式例如: There isn t a baseba

12、ll on the floor.地上没有一个棒球。There aren t any books in the bookcase. 书柜里没有一些书。3) 疑问句及回答例如: Is there an alarm clock on the dresser?. 梳妆台上有一个闹钟吗?Yes ,there is.是的,有。 No, there isn t.不,没有。4)There be 句型的就近原则:若有两个或两个以上的主语是,谓语常与靠近它的那个主语一致。例如: There is a book, two pens and some cups on the table. 精选学习资料 - - - -

13、 - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点There are two pens, some cups and a book on the table. 5)变疑问句或否定句时,应将原句中的some 改为 any。6)对不可数名词的数量提问:比较问的对象不一样:There is some broccoli in the bowl (碗) .碗里有些花椰菜。How much broccoli is there in the bowl (碗) ? 碗里有多少花椰菜?How many bowls of broccoli are there

14、on the table? 有多少碗花椰菜?答: There are three bowls of broccoli on the table. 有三碗花椰菜在桌子上。7)在变特殊疑问句时,不要忘记加are(is) there。How many people are there in the room? ()房间里有多少人?How many people in the room? ( ) 8)需要强调状语时,可以将状语提前。On the table there is only one tennis racket. 在桌子上只有一个网球拍。9)与 have 的区别: have 表示某人或某物拥有

15、什么;I have a book.我有一本书。There be 表示在什么地方存在什么。15. I want to join your school sports center. 我想加入你们学校的体育中心。want 想,想要1) want + sth./sb. “想要 ” 例如: I want two hamburgers. 2) want to do sth. “想要做 ” 例如: He wants to join the reading club. 他想加入阅读俱乐部3) want sb. (not) to do sth. “想某人(不)做什么” 例如: My mother wants

16、me to write English words every day. 我的母亲想要我每天写英语单词。He wants that boy not to play soccer in the classroom. 他想要那个男孩不在教室里踢足球。16. Welcome to our sports center. 欢迎到我们体育中心来。17. Ed Smith has a great sports collection. Ed Smith 有丰富的体育用品收藏。1)名词修饰名词:一般情况下变复数时,只有被修饰的名词变为复数形式,例如: apple tree apple trees 苹果树toy

17、train toy trains 玩具火车2)如果修饰词为man, woman 则两个名词都要变为复数形式,例如: woman doctor-women doctors 女医生 man teacher -men teachers 男教师3)有的名词本身常以复数形式出现,例如: clothes shop-clothes shops 服装店sports center-sports centers体育中心4)丰富的钢笔收藏:a great/big pen collection 很小的钢笔收藏:a small pen collection 18. He only watches them on TV.

18、 他只在电视上观看它们。1) 看: watch, see, look, read 例如: watch TV/ a movie/ a football game观看电视 /电影 /足球比赛see a film/ an old friend 看电影 /一位老朋友look at the picture/ that funny boy看着这副画 /那个有趣的男孩read the map/an interesting story 读这副地图 /一个有趣的故事2) on TV 在电视上on the phone 在电话里on the computer 在电脑上19. Do you like bananas?

19、 你喜欢香蕉吗?1) like v. like 用作及物动词,译为“ 喜欢 ” 。like sth. / sb. 喜欢 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点like doing sth. 喜欢做 (长期的喜好,习惯)like to do sth. 想做 (短期的,具体的某一次活动) = want to do like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做 I like him to go w ith me.我想要他和我一起去。后接名词或代词,表示喜欢某人或某物如: I like the baby

20、 very much. 我非常喜欢这个小孩。后接动名词 (v. -ing) ,表示 “ 喜欢做某事 ” ,着重于习惯、爱好。如: Tom likes playing football. 汤姆喜欢踢足球。(3)后接动词不定式(to do ),表示偶尔喜欢做某事,着重于某次具体行为如: I like reading, but I like to watch TV today.我喜欢读书,但我今天想看电视。20. Runner eats well. 跑步选手吃得好。1)构词法:在动词后面加-er 或-or,将动词变为名词,意思是“ 干 的人 ”直接加: act-actor (男)演员paint-pa

21、inter 画家teach-teacher 教师只加 r :dance-dancer 跳舞的人双写尾字母: run-runner 跑步选手swim-swimmer 游泳者2) 跑步明星:running star ( ) runner star ( ) 21. Running star Sandra Clark eats a lot of healthy food. 跑步明星Sandra Clark 吃许多健康的食物。1) a lot of = lots of 可以用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词。A lot 非常(副词)例如: Jim drinks a lot of/lots of beer. 吉

22、姆喝许多啤酒。I have a lot of/lots of things to do. 我有许多事情要做。2) a lot = a lot of/ lots of + 名词例如: Do we have some rice at home now ?我们家里有一些大米吗? Yes, we have a lot.有,我们有许多。3) a lot= very much 作状语,表示程度、数量或频率。例如: I like ice-cream a lot/ very much我很喜欢冰淇淋。Thanks a lot / very much. 非常感谢。22. For breakfast, she li

23、kes eggs, bananas and apples. 对早饭来说 ,她喜欢吃鸡蛋,香蕉和苹果。1) for 对 来说2) have/eat + 三餐“ 吃早 /中/晚饭 ” 例如:I usually have lunch at home. 我通常在家里吃午餐。3) have/eat + a + adj. + 三餐“ 吃怎样的早 /中/晚饭 ” 例如: have a big/quick/breakfast 吃了顿丰盛的 /迅速的早餐23. How much are these pants? 这裤子多少钱?对价格提问: How much ?=How much cost?=What s the

24、 price of ?例如: How much is this sweater?= How much does this sweater cost? = What s the price of this sweater?这件毛衣多少钱一件。24. we have it at a very good price. 我们这里都有并以优惠的价格出售。at a . price 以怎样的价格at the rate of 以速度at a good/ high/ low price 以优惠的高的低廉的价格例如: I buy a pair of shoes at a good price.我以优廉的价格买了一

25、双鞋This sweater is on sale at a high price.这件毛衣正在以高价出售These pants are dear. 这些裤子的价格很贵。25. We have T-shirts in red, green and black. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点我们出售红色,绿色和黑色的T 恤衫。同义句: We have red T-shirts, green T-shirts and white T-shirts. 1) n. + in + 颜色 颜色 n. 例

26、如: She has a new orange jacket. = She has a new jacket in orange. n. (须用复数 )+ in all colors 各种颜色的 例如:各种颜色的毛衣:the sweaters in all colors 各种颜色的帽子:the hats in all colors. 26. We have black and blue hats for $15. 我们以 15 美元出售黑蓝色的帽子。1) 同义句: We sell black and blue hats at the price of $15. for + 钱的数量 = at

27、the price of + 钱的数量以 (具体的)价格2) buy sth. for + 钱的数量以 (具体的)价格买了什么例如:I buy a pair of red socks for $3. 我以 3 美元的价格买了一双红色短袜。buy sth. for + sb. 给某人买了什么例如: I buy a pair of red socks for my daughter. 我为女儿买了一双红色短袜。27. Huaxing Clothing Store Sale! 华兴服装店大减价!1) great sale 大减价at great sale 在大减价期间, 例如:Come and bu

28、y some clothes for yourself at great sale. 在大减价期间来为你自己买些衣服吧。2) on sale 正在出售 ,例如: Look! The toys are on sale! 看!这些玩具正在出售。3) for sale待售 , 例如: This house is for sale! 这些房子正待出售。sell v. 卖 Is that book on sale in your store? = Do you sell that book? 你卖那本书吗?sell sth. to sb. 把什么卖给某人二. 语法精讲一)名词: 1. 含义名词表示人或事

29、物的名称或抽象概念2. 分类 1)名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词。人名: Gina, Lin Wei, Mr. Bush etc. 节日: Christmas 圣诞节 , Teachers Day 教师节 etc. 专有名词地名: Chongqing, China, America etc. 时间: Sunday, September etc. 机构,团体等:CCTV, WTO etc. 个体名词: strawberry, baseball, drum etc.(指具体的东西) 集体名词: class, family, people, police (警察局)etc. 普通名词物质名词: wa

30、ter(水) , meat(肉) , etc. 抽象名词: work(工作) , etc. 2) 高分突破:一,专有名词前一般不加冠词。如:the China () 二,带有冠词的专有名词:由普通名词或形容词构成的专有名词前。例如:the Great Wall 长城the Summer Palace 颐和园由 “ 普通名词 +专有名词 ” 或 “ 专有名词 +普通名词 ” 构成的专有名词前。例如:the New York Times 纽约时报表示全体国民的专有名词前。例如:the Chinese 中国人表示 “ 一家人 ” 或“ 夫妇 ” 的专有名词前。例如:the Greens 格林一家人报

31、刊、书籍、杂志的专有名词前。例如:the Times 时报团体机关、学校、医院、公共建筑的名称前。例如:the United Nations 联合国江湖、海洋、山脉等名字的专有名词前。例如:the Yellow River 黄河可数名词:可以用数目计算,有单复数之分。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点例如: documentary, tomato etc. 3)按名词的可数性不可数名词:不可用数目计算,只有单数形式。例如: rice, broccoli, beef(牛肉)etc. 单数名词:指单个

32、的可数物体。4)可数名词例如:a runner,an orange ect 复数名词:指两个或以上的可数物体。例如:some watches, three uncles etc. 3. 名词的数1) 可数名词的复数形式构成法读音例词一般情况在单数形式词尾加-s -s 在清辅音后发s-s 在浊辅音和元音后发zbook books egg eggs 以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾的词后加-es 读作 izbus buses box - boxes watch watches 以 e 结尾的词在后加-s 读作 izhorse horses马以辅音字母y 结尾的词变y 为 i 再加 -es 读作

33、zdictionary-dictionaries documentary-documentaries 以元音字母y 结尾的词直接在后加 -s 读作 zboy boys key keys 以 f, fe 结尾的词变f, fe 为 v加-es 读作 vzleaf leaves 树叶wife wives 妻子thief thieves 贼以 o 结尾的词在后加-es 读作 ztomato tomatoes 高分突破: 以 y 结尾的专有名词,变复数时直接加-s。如: the little Marys 小玛丽们 以下以 f, fe 结尾的名词变为复数时,直接加-s。roof roofs (房顶 ) c

34、hief chiefs (厨师 ) safe safes (保险箱 ) 以下以 o 结尾的外来词,变为复数时直接加-s。zoo zoos 动物园radio radios 收音机photo photos 照片piano pianos 钢琴kilo kilos 千克video videos 录象带2) 名词复数的不规则变化:sheep sheep 羊deer deer 鹿fish fish 鱼Chinese Chinese 中国人Japanese Japanese日本人man men 男人woman women 妇女foot feet 足tooth teeth 牙child children 孩子

35、mouse mice 老鼠复合名词的复数形式man teacher(男老师) men teachers woman doctor(女医生) women doctors 4) 只有复数形式的名词glasses(眼镜) , thanks(感谢) clothes(衣服)高分突破:一些表示量的复数名词在使用时表示单数含义,则谓语用单数。例如:Two years isn t a long time to us.两年的时间对我们来说不长。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点4名词的格1) -s所有格形式的构成

36、大多数单数名词后加s 构成其所有格形式。例如:Sally s address 莎莉的地址my cousin s desk 我表弟的课桌 以 s 结尾的名词(特别是名词复数),在s 后加 例如:the teachers office 老师的办公室three hours class 三小时的课 两个或两个以上名词表示共有关系,在最后一个名词后加“ -s ”。例如:Mary and Lindas desk 玛丽和琳达的课桌( )Marys and Lindas desk 玛丽和琳达的课桌( ) 如果两个或两个以上名词表示分别的拥有关系,则在每个词后分别加S。例如:Marys and Lindas b

37、irthdays 玛丽的生日和琳达的生日2)以 of 加名词组成of 属格例如: the color of the sweater 毛衣的颜色the name of the movie 电影的名字在以下情况中,只能用of 与 s 构成双重所有格所有格所修饰的名词前面有一个数量词或一个指示代词that 时,要用双重所有格(数量词包括a,two,some,no,any,few 等) 。例如:an aunt of Marys (=one of Marys aunts )玛丽的一个阿姨some photos of my mother s 我母亲的一些照片that son of Mr. Smiths 史

38、密斯先生的那个儿子that smile of the boys 那个孩子的微笑4)名词所有格的省略式 当名词所有格所修饰的名词在前面已出现过,为避免重复,往往省略。例如:I need your trumpet, not Bills. 我需要你的喇叭,不是比尔的(喇叭)。 当被所有格修饰的名词表示店铺、教堂或某人的家时,这一名词省略。例如:They do homework at Toms. 他们在汤姆家里做家庭作业。5)高分突破: (1) 不以 s 结尾的复数名词所有格的构成形式与单数名词的相同。例如:the childrens movie 孩子们的电影the Womens Day 妇女节(2)

39、 “s ”与“ of ”两种所有格的区别。 “ -s ”多用于表示有生命的名词,或表示与人类有关的时间、地点、机构。例如:Toms books 汤姆的书todays newspaper 今天的报纸 “of ”所有格主要表示无生命的东西。例如: the price of the pants 裤子的价格 表示类别或属性时,只能用“ s ”所有格形式。例如:a womens college 女子学院childrens books 儿童读物 所有格名词后面有定语(如分词短语或介词短语等),用 “of ”所有格形式。例如: It is the violin of the boy in black这是那个

40、黑衣男生的小提琴。He is a student of the Fifth Middle School in Xian他是西安第五中学的学生。 当所有格中的名词是以定冠词加形容词的形式出现时,只用of 所有格形式例如:the clothes of the old 老年人的衣服the books of the young 年轻人的书5 名词用法1)作主语。例如: The show is very boring. 这个节目很无聊。2)作表语例如: My brother is a student. 我弟弟是个学生。3)作宾语例如: He studies English. 他学习英语。4)作定语例如:

41、 pen pal 笔友apple tree 苹果树5)作同位语例如: Mr. Smith, the movie star is speaking now. 电影明星史密斯先生正在讲话。We 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点students should study hard.我们学生应该努力学习。二)代词1. 含义:代词是为了避免重复用来代替名词的词,大多数代词具有名词和形容词的作用。2. 1) 表示 “ 我” 、“ 你” 、“ 他(她、它) ” 、“ 我们 ” 、“ 你们 ” 、“ 他(她、它

42、)们” 的词叫做人称代词。2) 变化形式数人称词义格单数复数一二三一二三我你他她它我们你们他们主格I you he she it we you they 宾格me you him her it us you them 3) 用法 人称代词的主格在句子中作主语。例如:He comes from Japan.他来自日本。 人称代词的宾格在句子中作宾语。例如: Let her play the piano for you. 让她为你弹钢琴。高分突破: 1) 当几个代词同时作主语时,其顺序一般是:单数: you, he and I 复数: we, you and they. 例如:You, he an

43、d I are in the same school now.你,他和我现在在同一个学校。We, you and they like our teachers.我们,你们和他们都喜欢我们的老师。2).表示国家、大地、船只、月亮等名词常用she来替代( sun 用 he) 。例如:China is my motherland. She is very beautiful. 中国是我的祖国,她很漂亮。3. 1) 表所有关系的代词叫物主代词。包括形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。2) 变化形式数人称词义种类单数复数一二三一二三我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他们的形容词性的物主代词my your h

44、is her its our your their 名词性的物主代词mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 3) 用法 形容词性物主代词在句中作定语。例如:Today is his birthday. 名词性物主代词常用来避免前面已提及的名词,作主语、表语或宾语。例如: This is your backpack, mine (=my backpack) is on the floor under the bed. 这个是你的双肩背包,我的(双肩背包 )在床下的地板上。4.1) 表相互关系的代词叫相互代词。有each other, one anoth

45、er等,在句中作宾语。例如: We should help each other. 2) 其所有格格式为:each other s, one another s, 作定语。例如: We don t know each others names.我们不知道彼此的名字。5. 1) 表示 “ 这个 ” 、“ 那个 ” 、“ 这些 ” 、“ 那些 ” 等指示概念的代词叫作指示代词。2) 指示代词有: this, that, these, those, such( 这样的 ) same(同样的 ) 等;可在句中作主语、表语、宾语或定语。6. 1) 表示不定数量的人或物的代词叫做不定代词。2) 常见词:

46、some 一些(肯定) , any 一些,任何一个(否定或疑问句)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点all 全都 , one 一个 , each 每个 , more 更多的 , most 多数的many 许多(修饰可数名词), much 许多(修饰不可数名词), little 很少的,几乎没有的(修饰不可数名词),等。3)另外还有由some, any, no(没有) , every(每个)构成的复合不定代词。如: someone, anyone, everyone, somebody, anybo

47、dy, everybody, nobody 等。4)不定代词具有名词和形容词的性质,并有可数和不可数之分,在句中作主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语、状语等。7. 1) 疑问代词what, which, who, whom, whose用来构成特殊疑问句,在句中作主语、宾语、定语和表语。2) what 一般用来指物,指人时通常询问职业。例如: What is your father? He s a teacher. 你父亲是干什么的?他是教师。who( 主格形式 )谁, 作主语或表语;whom( 宾格形式 )谁,作宾语;whose(所有格形式 )谁的,作定语。例如: Who s the girl

48、in yellow? 穿黄色衣服的女孩是谁?Whom do you want to see?你想见谁? Whose car is this?这是谁的车?Units 812 (一) 考点归纳1. When is your birthday? 你的生日是在什么时候?on, in, at 的用法: 1)on + 具体某一天/ 具体某一天的早、中、晚例如:on Sunday 在星期天on January 2nd 在一月 2 号on the morning of October 1st 在十月一号的早晨on Monday evening 在星期一晚上on a spring afternoon 在一个春季

49、的下午on a warm morning 在一个温暖的早晨2)in + 时间段例如: in the morning / afternoon / evening在早晨 /中午 /晚上in a year/ season/ month/ week 在一年 /季 /月/周里in April 在四月里3) at + 几点,例如:at 8:00 at noon/ night 在正午 /夜里at this time of year 在一年中的这个时候高分突破:如果时间状语前面有this, that, next, every 等,则不用介词。例如:See you next term.下学期见。2. How o

50、ld are you? I m fifteen. 你多大了?我十五How do you do? How do you do?1) 对年龄提问: How old are you?=What s your age?=May I know/have your age?其回答: I m . (years old).高分突破:表达年龄的几个同义句:Tom is 15.=Tom is 15 years old.=Tom is a 15-year-old boy.=Tom is a boy of 15. 数词 -year-old 通常只用作定语,其中year 用名词单数形式,例如:a 1000-word a

51、rticle 一千字的文章an exciting 5-day trip 一个令人激动的5 日游。当数字是8,18,80,800,11 等元音开头的词前时,注意不定冠词要用an,例如:an 8-year-old boy 一个 8岁大的男孩子an 11-dollar hat 一顶 11 美元的的帽子3. Do you want to go to a movie? 你想去看电影吗?看电影: go to a movie= see a movie= watch a movie =go to the cinema( 电影院 ) go to movies= see movies= watch movies

52、4. Young people usually go to movies on weekends. 在周末年轻人通常去看电影。在周末: on/at weekends=on/at the weekend 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点5. It s a very successful movie. 这是一部很成功的电影。successful adj.成功的常用短语: be successful in doing sth. 成功的做了什么例如: He is successful in dancin

53、g in the concert. 他成功地在音乐会上跳舞。6. I think it s exciting. 我认为这非常精彩。主语 + think + 从句例如: I think I lost my pen. 我认为我丢了我的钢笔。注意: think 这种句子变否定句时要否定转移。例如上面例句变为否定句为:I don t think I lost my pen. ( ) I think I didn t lose my pen. ( )7. Jack likes Jackie Chan. Jack 喜欢成龙。同义句: Jacks favorite movie star is Jackie

54、Chan. Jack 最喜欢的电影明星是成龙。favorite (= like . best) adj. 最喜欢的; n. 最喜欢的(可数名词)例如:This book is my favorite. These books are my favorites. 8. He likes her famous movie. 他喜欢她著名的电影。famous = well-known adj. 著名的be famous for sth. 因为 而出名 , 例如: Hollywood is famous for the movies and the movie stars. 好莱坞以电影以及电影明星而

55、著名。be famous to sb. 对 来说很出名,例如: Jay Zhou is famous to the young people. 周杰伦对年轻人来说很有名。be famous as . 作为 而出名,例如: Michael is famous as an actor.迈克当演员而出名。9. Jack also likes Beijing Opera. Jack 也喜欢京剧。too, also 和 either 的区别:1) too 用于句末例如:Tom is from America. Lucy is from America, too. 2) also 用于句中( be 动词后

56、,行为动词前)例如:Tom is from America. Lucy is also from America . 3)either 用于否定句末例如:Tom isnt tall. Lucy isnt tall, either. Tom 不高,Lucy 也不高。10. He often tells me, “ Beijing Opera is really fun!”他常对我说: “ 京剧真的很有趣! ” speak, say, talk, tell 的用法:1) speak 强调讲话这一动作本身,演讲或说话的能力、讲某种语言。例如:It s your turn to speak.该你说了。

57、 Can I speak to Mike? 我可以和Mike 说句话吗?I can speak a little English. 我会说一点英语。2) say 强调说话内容。例如:Let me say “ Thanks ” to you. 让我对你说 “ 谢谢 ” 吧。He says he doesn t know that man. 他说他不认识那个男人。3)talk 强调交谈。 talk to/with sb. 与某人交谈talk about sth./sb.谈论某事4) tell 强调 “ 告诉 ” 。tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事11.

58、 Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉它吗?play + the +乐器play + 球/棋/牌类play with + 玩例如:Can you play the piano? 你会弹钢琴吗?Do you like playing chess? 你喜欢下棋吗?She plays with her little dog. 她在和她的小狗玩。12. Are you good with children? 你能和孩子们和谐相处吗?1) be good with = get on well with 与某人和谐相处2) be good to= be friendly/kind t

59、o 对友好He is good to me . 他对我好。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点3) be good at= do well in 擅长 He is good at/does well in Eng lish.他擅长英语。13. Can you help kids with swimming? 你能帮助孩子学游泳吗?help sb. (to) do sth. =help sb. with sth. 帮助某人去干某事。例如:I often help my mother to do so

60、me housework( 家务 ). = I often help my mother with housework.我经常帮我妈妈做家务。14. Please fill it out. 请把它填好。15. I m the first one to take a shower.我是第一个去洗澡的人。1) the + 序数词(first/ second/ .last) to do sth. “第几个做 ” ,例如: Gina is the first one to know my e-mail address. Gina 是第一个知道我的电子邮件地址的人。2) 洗澡: take/have a

61、shower 16. What a funny time to have breakfast! 吃早饭的时间多么有趣!感叹句用what 和 how 引导, what 和 how 与所修饰词放于句首,其它用陈述语序。1)由 what 引导的感叹句一般有以下三种结构型式:被修饰词是不可数名词时,用“What 形容词不可数名词主语谓语!” 例如:What great weather!多好的天气啊!What sweet water it is! 多甜的水啊!被修饰词是可数名词单数时,用“What a/an形容词单数可数名词主语谓语!” 例如:What an interesting movie it i

62、s! 多有趣的电影啊!被修饰词是可数名词复数时,用 “What 形容词复数可数名词主语谓语!” 例如:What great books they are!多好的书啊!2)用 how 引导的感叹句一般有以下两种形式: How 形容词主语谓语!” 例如: How nice the shorts are! 多漂亮的短裤啊!How boring the TV show is! 多无聊的电视节目啊! How 副词主语谓语!例如:How hard he studies! 他学习多努力啊!17. After breakfast he plays his guitar. 吃过早饭他弹奏吉它。18. He ta

63、kes the number 17 bus to the Hotel. 他坐 17 路公车去宾馆。19. He works all night. 他整晚都在工作。all (the) day 整天 , 整个白天 all day and all night 整天,整天整夜all the year 整年all the month 整个月all the week 整个星期all the summer 整个夏天20. People love to listen to him. 人们喜欢听他的演奏listen to 听 例如:listen to the music 听音乐高分突破: 1) 听老师说: li

64、sten to the teacher( )listen to the teacher speak( )2) 动作短语: look at 看着 see看见listen to 听着 hear 听见21. He gets home at 7:00. 他七点钟到家。home, here, there 这几个副词前面不用介词,其用法如下:get home/here/there 到家 /这儿 /那儿 go home/ there 回家 /去那儿 come here 来这儿22. I m really busy today. 我今天真的很忙。be busy with sth 忙于做某事 . 例如: I m

65、 busy with my homework. 我在忙我的作业. be busy (in) doing sth. 例如: I m busy (in) doin g my homework. 我在忙着做作业。23. All my classes finish at 2:00. 我所有的课都在两点钟结束。 All of my classes finish at 2:00. All of my classes are over at 2:00. 24. Our teacher is very strict and he makes me very tired. 我们的老师非常的严格,而且常使我感到很

66、累。strict 严格的be strict with sb. 对某人严格精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点My teacher is strict with us. 我的老师对我们要求严格。Their parents are really strict with them他们的父母对他们真的要求严格。 be strict in sth. 对某事严格Our teacher is strict in our homework. 我们的老师对我们的作业要求严格。 be strict with sb.

67、in sth. 对某人在某事方面严格They are strict with me in my homework. 他们对我的作业要求严格。25. Please write soon. 请尽快给我写信。write (a letter) to sb 给某人写信 . get a letter from sb. =hear from sb 收到某人的信. That sounds good. 听上去不错。sound/look + 形容词听/看起来怎样That sounds boring. 听上去无聊。It looks very nice. 看起来真的不错。28.英语中日期的表达:英文对日期的表达顺序:

68、月,日,年。中文对日期的表达顺序:年,月,日2)对星期几提问:What day is it today? 对日期提问:What s the date today?29购物的英语常用语:1) 售货员招呼顾客: May I help you? Can I help you? What can I do for you? What would you like? 你需要点什么吗?2) 询问顾客想买东西的特征: What kind would you like? 你想要什么种类的? What color would you like? 3) 顾客询问价格: How much is it(are the

69、y)? How much does it cost(do they cost)?=Whats the price of .?多少钱?顾客决定要买:I ll take/have it(them). 5) 付钱: Heres the money. 给你钱。30.get on “上车 ” get on the bus ()上公共汽车。 Get in the car 上小汽车。(二) . 语法精讲一动词be(is, am, are)的用法我(I) 用 am, 你(you)用 are,is 跟着他 (he),她(she),它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易, be后 not

70、加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。二 this,that 和 it 用法(1)this 和 that 是指示代词, it 是人称代词。(2)距离说话人近的人或物用this, 距离说话人远的人或物用that。如:This is a flower. 这是一朵花。(近处 ) That is a tree. 那是一棵树。(远处 ) (3)放在一起的两样东西,先说this, 后说 that。如:This is a pen. That is a pencil. 这是一支钢笔。那是一支铅笔。(4)向别人介绍某人时说This is , 不说 That is。如:This

71、is Helen. Helen, this is Tom. 这是海伦,海伦,这是汤姆。(5)This is 不能缩写 , 而 That is 可以缩写。如:This is a bike. That s a car. 这是一辆自行车。那是一辆轿车。(6)在回答 this 或 that 作主语的疑问句时, 要用 it 代替 this 或 that。如:Is this a notebook? 这是笔记本吗?Yes, it is. 是的,它是。What s that? 那是什么? It s a kite. 是只风筝。三 these和 those用法this, that, these 和 those 是

72、指示代词, these是 this 的复数形式 ,指时间 ,距离较近的或下面要提到的人或精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点事;those 是 that 的复数形式 ,指时间、距离较远或前面已经提到过的人或事物。This is my bed. That is Lilys bed. 这是我的床。那是莉莉的床。These pictures are good. 那些画很好。 Are those apple trees? 那些是苹果树吗?在回答主语是these或 those的疑问句时,通常用they 代替

73、 these或 those 以避免重复。如: Are these/those your apples? 这些 (那些 )是你的苹果吗?Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。四 want 用法(1)想干什么用want to do sth They want to join the sports club. 他们想加入运动俱乐部。(2)第三人称单数作主语,want 要作变化He wants to play basketball. Li Xia wants to play the piano. (3)变疑问句,否定句要借助助动词do 或 does. Do you want to play so

74、ccer ball ? Yes , I do . / No , I dont. Does he want to go home by bus ? Yes , he does . / No , he doesnt五 There be 句型(1)There be 句型主要用以表达“ 某处(某时)有某人(某物)。” 其基本结构为 “ There be 某物(某人)某地(某时) ” 其中 there 是引导词,没有词义;主语是be 后面的名词,be 是谓语动词,在一般现在时中 be 只用 is 和 are 两种形式。下面这首歌诀可帮你巧记there be句型结构:There be 放句首,主语跟在后。

75、地、时放句末,强调置前头。如:There is a book on the desk. 有时为了强调地点,也可把介词短语放在句首。如:On the desk there is a book. (2)There be 句型中的be 动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌诀:Be 动词,有三个,am,is 还有 are。 “ There be ”真特别,不留am 只留俩,那就是is 还有 are。要用 is还是 are,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。若是单数或不可数名词用is,否则就用are。如:There is an eraser in the drawer.抽屉里有一块橡皮擦。There is s

76、ome water(水) in the bottle (瓶子) . There are some pears in the case. 盒子里有些梨子。(3)注意:如果 “ be”后的主语是由and 连接的两个或两个以上的名词,那么be 的形式要遵循 “ 远亲不如近邻 ” 的原则。也就是说,“be”的形式是由与它最近的那个名词来确定的。若那个名词是单数或不可数名词要用is,是复数就用are。如:There is a book and some pens on the floor.有一本书和几支钢笔在地板上。There are some pens and a book on the floor.

77、 有几支钢笔和一本书在地板上。六句子单数变复数,注意以下五要素(1)主格人称代词要变成相应的复数主格人称代词,即 I we, you you,she, he, it they 。如:She is a girl. They are girls.(2)am,is 要变为 are。如: I m a student. We are students.(3)不定冠词a,an 要去掉。如: He is a boy. They are boys.(4)普通单数名词要变为复数形式。如:It is an apple. They are apples.(5)指示代词this,that 要变为 these,thos

78、e。如: This is a box. These are boxes.(6)复数变单数则相反。七.时间的表达法精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点(1) 直读式,即直接读出时间数字7: 05 seven five 8:16 eight sixteen (2) 过、差式,即几点差几分,几点过几分。(以 30 分为分界线)1:25 twenty-five past one 一点过 25 分2:30 half past two 两点半3:43 seventeen to four 差 17 分到四点4:

79、38 twenty-two to five差 22 分到五点(3)12 小时制6:00 a.m. 上午 6 点8:20 p.m. 下午 8 点 20 分(4)24 小时制 13:00 13 点钟22:15 22 点 15 分(5)15 分可用a quarter 一刻钟4:15 a quarter past four 四点过一刻5:45 a quarter to six 差一刻到六点(6)时间前通常用at. at 5 o clock 在五点钟at 7:30 p.m.在下午七点半八数词数词分为基数词和序数词,基数词表示人或事物的数量,序数词表示人或事物的次序。1. 基本的基数词和序数词的构成:1)

80、 基数词的表达法: 112 的基数词是独立的单词。 1319 的基数词均以-teen 结尾,注意thirteen, fifteen, eighteen 的拼写。 2090 的整十位数均以-ty 结尾,注意twenty, thirty, forty, fifty的拼写。 几十几的基数词是由十位数词和个位数词合成,中间加连字符“ ” 。例如:21: twenty-one; 32: thirty-two 三位数的构成:几百and末位数。例如:102: one hundred and two 654: six hundred and fifty-four 千以上的数字的读法:从后往前,每三位数一个单位

81、。例如:3762: three thousand seven hundred and sixty-two 98733: ninety-eight thousand seven hundred thirty-three 高分突破: 基数词可以和名词构成合成形容词,但名词要用单数。例如:a 7-year-old girl 一个七岁大的小女孩 “ 几十 ” 的数词的复数形式可以表示人的岁数或年代。例如:in his forties 在他四十多岁时in the 1940s 在二十世纪四十年代 数词 hundred, thousand等前无修饰词时,须用复数且后常接介词of,如有 many,some,等

82、修饰词时,可用复数或单数形式,但复数时常有介词of,例如: three hundred kids hundreds of kids 2) 序数词的表达法:序数词基数词th(第 1,第 2,第 3 为 first, second, third ),但要注意: fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth的拼写。 以 ty 结尾的基数词变y 为 i, 再加 eth。 几十几以上的基数词变序数词时只有个位数变为序数词。2 数词的应用:1) 表示时钟,例如:seven o clock, eight fifty 2) 表示编号,例如:Unit One = the first unit Bu

83、s 107 = the number 107 bus 3) 表示年月,例如:July 27, 2005 4) 分数的表达法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词。当分子大于1 时,分母用复数,例如:1/3: one third 4/5: four fifths 初一英语时态专题复习一般现在时:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点定义:一般现在时表示、现在的状态。、经常或习惯性动作。、主语所具备的性格和能力。、真理。1、标志: often(经常) ,usually, sometimes(有时) ,always

84、(总是) ,never(从不) , on Sundays(在星期天) , every day/month/year (每一天 /月/年)结构:主语 +连系动词be(am/is/are)+名词 /形容词 /数词 /介词短语 /副词等做表语表状态(包括 There be +n.)一般现在时练习:.I_(be) a student. My name_(be) Tom. 我是一位学生,我的名字叫汤姆。Where _(be) my shoes? They_(be) under the bed.我的鞋在哪里?他们在床下。Who _(be) the girl in red? I think she _(be

85、) Kate. 穿红衣服的女孩是谁?我认为她是凯特。You and I _(not be) in Class Six. 你和我不在六班。_(be) there an apple on the table? Yes, there_(be).桌上有一个苹果吗?是的,有。 _ her parent tall? No, he_ _ _. 他的父亲高吗?不,他不高。主语(非第三人称单数,如:I, we, they, you, Tom and Bob )+行为动词原形 +其他(用助动词do 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问)主语(第三人称单数,如: he, she, it, Tom)+行为动词的第三人

86、称单数+其他(用助动词does 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句)行为动词第三人称单数加-s 的形式:1.- s 2. 辅音 +y: study-studies 3.以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾 watch-watches teach-teaches 4 特殊 have-has do-does go-goes 注意: 1) 情态动词can: 1、任何主语 +can+动词原形2、主语 + cant+ 动词原形3、Can+ 主语 + 动词原形?4、疑问词 +can+主语 +动词原形?I can play the guitar. She can play the guitar. They

87、 can play the guitar. Can he play the guitar? She plays the guitar. 当无can时在主语是第三人称单数时谓语要加S。2) 非谓语动词(是固定搭配)1. like+ to do 喜欢去干如:我喜欢和你一起吃午饭。I like to have lunch with you. like+ doing 喜欢干(活动为ing 动名词形式)如:我喜欢游泳。I like swimming. want to do sth. 想去干某事如:我想去看喜剧片。I want to see a comedy . 3. love to do 乐意去干,如:

88、我爱学习英语I love to study English. 4. thanks for doing 为而感谢如:谢谢回答问题Thanks for answering the Question. 5. let sb. do sth. 让某人去干某事如:让他去打扫寝室。Let him clean the bedroom. 练习:She wants _(have) a party. Does he like _(swim)? Thanks for _(help) me. 祈使句:意义:发出命令或邀请的语气的句子。如: Spell it ,please.请拼写它。 Let s read Englis

89、h. 让我们读英语吧。Stand up, please.请起立。综合练习:1)根据()里所给词的正确形式填空。1.Mr Green _(be) a teacher. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点2.What time _ your brother usually _(do) his homework? 3.You can_(play)after class. 4. Who _(have) a ruler? 5. Jack _(have) a soccer ball, but he _(no

90、t have) a basketball. 6._Jim _(like)_(run)? 7. He wants _ (have) ice cream. 2) 句子翻译。1、We _ at six every day.我们每天6 点起床。2、What _he usually _ in the evening? He usually_. 他晚上常干什么?他常做作业。3) 人称代词专项练习:(用法见书95 页)1. _(我) am a worker(工人) . _(你 ) are a doctor(医生) . _(她) is a teacher. 2.This is (他的) _shirt. 3.

91、This is _( 我的 )pen. 4._(我们的 ) sweaters are there. 5. I like this picture. Please give _( 它) to _(我). 6. _(他们 ) are new students. _(他们的 ) names are Lucy and Lily. 7. These are _(我们的 ) shoes. Can _(我们 ) wear _( 它们 ). 9Thank _ for _( 你的 ) help. 8. _(他) loves _(他的) mother, and _(他的) mother loves _ (他) ,

92、too. _(我) love _ (你) , and _(你) love _(我),too. 试卷一.词汇知识A)请根据句意及首字母提示,补全所缺单词,每空一词。1.I like to sa little longer in the morning. 2.What time d _he eat breakfast?3.Ben usually g_ up at 7 : 00. 4.People love to l_ to his songs. 5. T_ for your beautiful present. 6.School s_ at nine o clock.7. W_ do people

93、 usually eat dinner ,7:00 p.m?8.He w_ the early morning news on TV . 9.I am the last one to t_ a shower. 10.Do you know what his j_ is ?A worker ?B)请用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Please write and tell_( I) about your birthday party. 2.He always _(make) his breakfast in the morning. 3.What a _(fun) time to go swimmi

94、ng !4.What time do you _ (usual) get up, Rick?5.What s your_(one) name?II.单项选择。()1.The little boy is only five ,but he can _his clothes and take them off now. A. put it onB. put on C. put on itD. put on them ()2.I go to _work after _breakfast every day. A./,theB./,/C. the, aD. the,/ ()3._do you usua

95、lly get up ?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点 I usually get up at five o clock.A. WhatB. What timeC. WhereD. Why ()4._?Seven thirty. A. What s the time B. How many time it is C. What s the date D. When () 5.We usually _late on Sunday morning. A. playB. get upC. run

96、D. go ()6. _Weekdays,When do you_ classes?A. On,begin your B .At ,begin to have C. On,begin have D. In ,begin to have ()7. _?Seven thirty. A. When time do classes begin B. What time do classes begin C. What s day is it todayD. How many hours are there in a day 8.()Here you are._. A. Put on itB. Put

97、on theyC. put them onD. Put on them 9.I think _about four o clock.A .itB. it sC. itsD. is 10.It s ten o clock. It s time _.A. go to bedB. go to schoolC. to go schoolD. to go to bed III. 句型转换1.He eats breakfast at 7:00.(一般疑问句)_he eat breakfast at 7:00?2.She gets home at 7:00.(就划线部分提问)_she get home?3.

98、After supper he practice his guitar. (就划线部分提问)_he practices his guitar. 4.Rick s family has one shower.(就划线部分提问)_showers does Rick s family?5.The old man usually leaves his house at 8 in the morning. (就划线部分提问)_the old man usually _at 8 in the morning ?IV.连词成句。1.Imydohomeworksixo clock at _. 4.youdou

99、pgetaroundatfiveo clock ?_. 5.dowhengetupyou?_ 6.dowhattimegetupyou?_ 5.likeItosleeplongeralittletheinmorning _. .将错处的标号填入题前,括号内并改正。()1.I go school at around eight oclock.ABCD 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点()2.Thank you for your helps. A B C D ()3.To get to work

100、,he takes the number bus 17 to the Santen Hotel. A B C D ()4.Then may be you can be in our school concert. A B C D ()5.I think Beijing Opera is Very interested. A B C D .在栏中选出工程的正确答语。栏栏What time is it? A.I eat dinner at 6:00. What time on you eat? B. He plays the piano in the evening. when does he p

101、lay the piano C. It s one ten . Do you usually play basketball in the morning? D. Yes ,she does . Does linda match TV at 8:00? E. No, at home. Do you eat lunch at school? F. Yes ,he does. Does Lucy practice the guitar? G. No, in the afternoon. .根据汉语完成句子。- 1.你什么时间上学?_do you_ ?2.你会玩象棋吗?_you _ ?3.你睡得晚吗

102、?_you _late ?4.然后我大约是在7:30去上班。Then _at 7 :30. 7.他在七点吃早饭。He_ seven o clock.VIII. 完成对话:A:Excuse me,is this photo _ ?B:Yes,it s _old photo _my family.A:_the man?B:Who? This _?A:Yes. B:He s my father. And _is my mother. A:Oh. Who is the baby ?B:Guess!A:_it your brother ?B:No. A:Oh. I see. _you. B:_right

103、. A:Well, _time now ?B:_5: 20. It s time_ go home. A:Yes,_go. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点IX. 阅读填表。阅读下面一则短文,完成下面的表格。Janet Jin is a tennis star. She is thirteen years old. She usually gets up at seven O clock. She eats breakafast at seven thirty. Janet and her f

104、riend usually play tennis at eight thirty. They play for three hours. At twelve o clock , Janet eat a big lunch. School starts at one o clock. At four o clock, she usually plays tennis again. At six o clock she has dinner. Janet usually does her homework at seven thirty. At nine o clock she watches

105、tennis on TV. Janet usually goes to bed at ten thirty. Tennis is Janet s life!7:30_;8:30 _;12:00_;1:00_;4:00_;6:00 _ 7:30_;9: 00_on TV ;10:30_ X.秋高气爽,天气好极了。恰逢周末来临,你做个计划吧,可不能虚度光阴呦。提示如下:Saturday is coming,it is a nice day. I get up at. 试卷二unit1-6 单项选择1.What is _ name? His name s Mike.A my B your C he

106、D his 2._ is it? It s yellow.A What s B How C What color D How color3.What s this ? It s a _.A black B clock C three D there 4.His name is Tony Henry William. His _ name is Henry. A first B last C middle D family 5.What s three and five? It s _.6.What are those? They are _. A plant B plants C the pl

107、ant D his 7.Please _ the math book to your sister. OK. A take B bring C give D buy 8.Is the cat _ the sofa? No, it isn t. It s _ the desk.A on under B to in C on to D on in 9.Where is the key? It s _ the computer.A in B to C behind D at 10.The window is _ the wall, but the photo is _ the wall. A on

108、in B in on C on on D in in 11.Jane doesn t _ a soccer.A is B are C has D have 12._ your friend _ a computer? A Do have B Does have C Does has D Do has 13.Lily and I often _ ping-pong. A to play B play C plays D are playing 14.I don t like math . I think math is _.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - -

109、- - - - -第 19 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点A good B interesting C fun D boring 15.It s _ for me to carry these heavy boxes.A interesting B relaxing C difficult D nice 16.Mike, _ is Jack. Nice to meet you, Jack. A he B this C it D that 17.Look at that girl. _ is Gina, _ good friend . A She my B Her my C She D He

110、r I 18.His name is Jim Smith . Smith is his _ name. A first B family C English D middle 19.Does he like eggs _ breakfast? A for B in C from D on 20.I can t see my soccer ball. Is it _ the door.A on B under C behind D near 21.Can you _ us some French fries? A take B need C bring D have 22.Sally doesn

111、 t play football and she only _ football game on TV.A watches B sees C looks B reads 23.Let s play _ baseball.A the B / C an D a 24.They don t have a basketball ,_ they have a football.A and B but C so D or 25.Chinese is _ , and I like it a lot. A boring B bad C so D or 26.I have two _ and some _. A

112、 tomato broccoli B tomatos broccoli C tomatoes broccolis D tomatoes broccoli 27.Do you like _ hamburgers? A eat B eats C eating D some 28.This is _ English book. A my B my a C my an D an my 29.Thanks _ your help. A in B for C of D to 30._ do you spell your name? T-I-N-A A What B How C What s D How s

113、二单词1.What s _ (她的 ) name? 2._ (多少 )is your telephone number? 3._ (看)!That s your mother.4.One and two is _ ( 三). 5.What s your _(最后的 )name? 6.He is a good _ (男孩 )。7._ (你) are a Chinese. 8.What s this? It s a _(卡片 )。9.She is the _(第一 )one to the classroom. 10.Can you _(回答 )the question? 精选学习资料 - - -

114、- - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点11._(原谅 )me, Sonia, is this your pen? 12.Is this _( 他的 )backpack? 13.Sorry, I don t know _(她的 )name. 14.Mum, this is Peter Hall. Peter is his _ ( 名)name is Jim Moore. 15.Is this your book? _ ( 不),it isn t.16.Please _ (拼写 ) the word. 17._ (如何 )do

115、you spell “ watch ”?18.Let s look at the notice in the _(失物 ) and found case. 19.I have two uncles and _ aunt.(a an) 20._ are my grandparents. (That Those) 21.This is Grace. _ is my friend.(She Her) 22.His rules _ in the bag. (is are) 23.This is a boy. _ pen is black. (His Her) 24._ name is Lucy. Ni

116、ce to meet you! I am Grace. Nice to meet you too!(I My ) 25.Is this your teacher? Yes, _ is.(this it) 26.Two _ are waiting for ( 等待 ) the bus.(family families) 27.I have some nice _.(photoes photos) 28.Tim writes le tters to me and I write to him. We re pen _.(friend friends)29.Where are my keys? T_

117、 on the desk. 30.Can you b_ your pictures here? I need them. 31.Where are my books ? They re in the b_.32.Plese t_ this baseball to your brother. He needs it. 33.W_ is my backpack? It s on the desk.34.This is a p_ of my family. 35.S_ books are on the desk. 36.Where is your basketball? It s u_ the be

118、d.37.I c_ see my CDs on the desk. 38.Tommy is in the r_. 39.It is _( 放松的 )to play computer games. 40.They like _ ( 看)TV. It is _ ( 有趣的 )。41.Let s play _(排球 )。42.It is _( 困难的 )for her to do Chinese kungfu. 43.He _ (有) a tennis racket. 44.Please take _ (他们 )to my grandparents. 45.You don t know us. We

119、 are your father s _(朋友 )。46.That _(听起来 ) good. 47.Does he like _( 运动 )?48.We _ (有)a soccer ball. Let s go and play it!49.Do you like French f_? 50.I don t like b_ , but I like apples .51.What do you h_ for lunch? 52.His brother eats lots of h_ food. 53.We like ice cream for d_. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - -

120、 - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点54.Liu Xiang is a r_ star. 55.Broccoli and salad are v_. 56.Children like eating h_ in KFC. 57.L_ have strawberries! All right. 58.Yao Ming is a basketball s_. 59._ (tomato)are his favorite. 60.I have ten _ (potato). 61.I don t have _ (some) apples for

121、breakfast.62.Can you play baseball _(good). 63.My father _ (like)broccoli. 64.Excuse _(我).Where is my bag? 65._(那)are his sisters. 66.Is this your _( 笔记本 )? Yes, it is. 67.He doesn t play sports. He only _(看)them on TV. 68._ (跑步 )star eats lots of healthy food. 69.My grandparents often _( 带 )my cous

122、in to the park. 70.There are some nice_(手表 )in the store. 71.Vegetables are _(健康 )food. 72.My sister _( 有)a nice sweater. 73.The game is _(有趣的 ).Let s play games.试卷三unit7-12 1.What s three and five? It s _. A seven B eight C nine D ten 2.His name is Tony Henry William. His _ name is Henry. A first B

123、 last C middle D family 3.What s _(她的 ) name? 4._(多少 )is your telephone number? 5._(看) !That s your mother. 6.One and two is _(三). 7.What is your _( 最后的 )name? 8.He is a good _ (男孩 ). 9._ (你)are a Chinese . 10.What s this ? It s a _ (卡片 ). 11.She is the _(第一 ) one to the classroom. 12.Can you _(回答 )

124、 the questions? 13._ (原谅 )me, Sonia, is this your pen? 14.Is this _(他的 ) backpack? 15.Mum, this is Peter Hall. Peter is his _( 名) name and Hall is his _ ( 姓) name. 16.Please _(打电话 ) Allan. 17._ (我) have a good friend. His name is Jim Moore. 18.Please _ (拼写 ) the word. 19._ (如何 ) do you spell “ watch

125、” ? 20.Let s look at the notices in the _( 失物 ) and found case. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点21.Look! It s a p_ of my family. 22.T_ for your present. 23.This is my f_ , Mr Green. 24.Is this your friend? No, i_ isn t. 25.Tom is my uncle s son . He is my c_. 26.Da

126、ve is my brother. He is my father s s_. 27.My g_ are my mother s parents. 28.Mrs Brown is my m_. I m her d_. 29.My p_ love me very much. 30.This is Tom. H_ is my good friend. 31.I have two uncles and _ aunt.(a an) 32._ are my grandparents.(That, Those) 33.This is Grace. _ is my friend.(She Her) 34.H

127、is rulers _ in the bag.(is are) 35.This is a boy. _ pen is black.(His Her) 36._ name is Lucy. Nice to meet you !(I My) 37.Is this your teacher? Yes, _is .(this it) 38.Two _ are waiting for the bus . (family families) 39.I have some nice_ .(photos photos) 40.Tim writes letters to me and I write to hi

128、m. We are pen_.(friend friends) 41. Please _ the math book to your sister. Ok. A take B bring C give D buy 42.The window is _ the wall , but the photo is _ the wall. A on in B in on C on on D in in 43.Where are my keys? T_ on the desk. 44.Can you b_ your pictures here? I need them. 45.Where are my b

129、ooks ? They are in the b_. 46.Please t_ this baseball to your brother. He needs it. 47.W_ is my backpack? It s on the desk. 48.This is a p_ of my family. 49.S_ books are on the desk. 50.Where is your basketball? It s u_ the bed. 51.I c_ see my CDS on the desk. 52.Tommy is in the r_. 53.Jane doesn t

130、_ a soccer. A is B are C has D have 54._ your friend _ a computer? A Do have B Does have C Does has D Do has 55.Lily and I often _ ping-pong. A to play B play C plays D are playing 56.It s _ for me to carry these heavy boxes. A interesting B relaxing C difficult D nice 57.They like _ ( 看) TV. 58.Tha

131、t _(听起来 ) good. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点59.Do you like French f_? 60.I don t like b_ , but I like apples . 61.What do you h_ for lunch? 62.His brother eats lots of _ food. 63.We like ice cream for d_. 64.Liu Xiang is a r_ star. 65.Broccoli and salad are v_.

132、 66.Children like eating h_ in KFC. 67.L_ have strawberries! All right. 68.Yao Ming is a basketball s_. 69._(tomato) are his favorite. 70.Can you play baseball _ (good). 71.She likes _ for supper. A egg apple and oranges B egg apple and orange C egg apples and orange D egg apples and oranges 72.It s

133、 time to have _ lunch. A a B an C / D the 73.Mike , _ is Jack. Nice to meet you, Jack. A he B this C it D that 74.His name is Jim Smith. Smith is his _ name. A first B family C English D middle 75.Does he likes eggs _ breakfast? A for B in C from D on 76.Can you _ us some French fries? A take B need

134、 C bring D have 77.Let s play _ baseball. A the B / C an D a 78.They don t have a basketball, _ they have a football. A and B but C so D or 79.This is _ English book. A my B my a C my an D an my 80._ (跑步 ) star eats lots of healthy food. 81.health baseball last play before one sport school at vegeta

135、ble My name is Steven Spielbeg . Steven is my _ name . Steven is my _ name. Spieberg is my _ name. I like _. I like _. I play soccer, tennis, ping-pong and _. I go to _ after breakfast. I have lunch _ school. I like _ . I eat _ food every day. 82._ (毛衣 ) in that shop are not cheap at all. 83.The hat

136、s on _ (销售 ) are fifteen dollars each. 84.I like to go to that _ ( 服装 ) store to buy sweaters. 85.Do you want that pair of _ ( 袜子 )? 86.I think you can _ ( 买得起 ) a new car. 87.we _ (卖 ) great bags for only 21 dollars. 88.For _ (例子 ), she is from Hangzhou. 89._ (来到 ) to Huaxing Store and have a look.

137、 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 25 页名师总结优秀知识点90.I like these _ ( 袜子 ) very much. 91.For boys, you can _ ( 买) socks for only 5 dollars! 92.There is a sale in that store. Come down to it and see for _ ( 你自己 ). 93.How much are these socks? They re ten _ (美元 ). 94.How many _ ( 手表

138、) are there in the drawer? 95.Jim _ (想要 ) a hamburger and some milk for breakfast. 96.This is _ (Tom) room. 97.The name of Mrs _ (Smith) cat was Micky? 98.There are twelve _ (month) in a year. 99.We have Art _ (festival) each year. 100.What is her _ (one) name? 101.He s _ (Tony and Tommy) uncle. 102.He _ (like ) baseball and volleyball. 103.There are _ (nine) floors in the building and Mr Green lives on the _ (nine) floor. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 25 页



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