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1、一、词汇运用一、词汇运用1._ you _ (go) to the movie yesterday?2.Tomorrow I am going to v_ the Americans. They came here yesterday.3.I do not go out. Im f_ till 21:30.4.Dont talk! Please keep q_.5.My sisters trying _. (study)6.If you have a toothache, you may see a _.7.Her parents are out. Shes _ (babysit) her s

2、ister.8.Tom _ (can) come to my party because he is ill.9.She enjoys music very much. Shes going to the c_ on Saturday.10.This is the _(begin) of garden tour.Didgoisitreeuietto studydentistbabysittingcantoncertbeginning2021/6/71二、语言基础知识运用二、语言基础知识运用1.Im sorry to have kept you _for almost half an hour.

3、2. A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waits3.2. -You speak English well.4. -Thanks. I practice_ English every day.A.speaking B. speak C. speaks D. spokeB.3. -May I use your dictionary?C. -_.D.Never mind. B. You are welcomeE.C. It doesnt matter. D. Certainly. Here you are.F.4. Jack is very funny. He al

4、ways makes us_.G.A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughsCADA2021/6/725. He is busy _ his homework.A.do B. to do C. doing D. doesB.6. -Can you come to my party?C. -_.D.Sure, Id love B. Yes, I will C. Sure, Id love to D. That sounds terrible.E.7. Thanks a lot for_ me _ your party.F.invite; for B. i

5、nvite; to C. inviting; for D. inviting; toG.8. -_ I watch TV now, Mary?H.-Sure, but you _ finish your homework first.I.Must; neednt B. Can ; may J.C. Can ; must D. May; mustnt CCDC2021/6/73三、句型大本营三、句型大本营1.It takes me half an hour to get there.2. _ _ does it _ you to get there?3.2. How nice the present is!4. _ _ nice present!5.3. Thank you for your invitation.6. Thank you for _ me.How longtakeWhatainviting2021/6/742021/6/752021/6/762021/6/772021/6/782021/6/792021/6/7102021/6/7112021/6/7122021/6/7132021/6/7142021/6/715部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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