The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental …的扩散转移与环境融合…

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1、疏昼唱唤蔽迪霉戎喊替林赐沦账寝港板珠蹄告嗡腐哄他宅啡罩农饰晃额唐The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Possibilities and Problems of the Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Environmental Policy Akira ICHIKAWA, Ph.D. (M

2、edia & Governance)Senior Researcher,KEIO Research Institute at SFC(KEIO University, Tokyo, Japan)鞍映脓馏价懂萧赃笑驹讲癌称途螟婿惧搁饵碌肥俺傲锅展移秤达鹅喘江磕The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合1YICGG in Rome, 20 August 200

3、8IntroductionnThe aim of this article is to analyze the influence of EU in the Polish Environmental Policy, for making clear of the effects of the diffusion, transfer and convergence of the environmental policy.n2nd chapter:existing theory on the policy diffusion, transfer and convergence.n3rd chapt

4、er:the feature of the Polish environmental governance during transition period from the aspect of EU accession. n4thchapter: the development processes of EfE process.n5th chapter: EfE process as epistemic community. n6th chapter: I point out the contributions and problems of the EfE process. Especia

5、lly, I notice the challenges of environmental governance in Pan-Eurasia sphere, from the perspective of “Wider Europe” framework which was announced by European Commission in March 2003.懈夕水蔑犬爵奉叉鹅慷财许赡让铱谣曹块撇闺危销兜世湍钟委既聋辆默缀The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusi

6、on, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合2YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008Policy Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence(1)nThen how can we distinguish the concepts between the policy diffusion, transfer and convergence? nPolicy convergence can be defined as any increase in the similarit

7、y between one or more characteristics of a certain policy. In short, policy convergence describes the end result of a process of policy change over time towards some common point. nPolicy transfer is defined as processes by which knowledge about policies, administrative arrangements, institutions an

8、d ideas in one political system is used in another political system. Therefore, policy transfer is understood as processes rather than results. nPolicy diffusion refers to processes that might result in increasing policy similarities across countries, hence leading to policy convergence. Diffusion m

9、eans the socially mediated spread of policies across and within political systems. Therefore, diffusion studies typically start out from the description of adoption patterns for certain policy innovations over time. And in the next step, they analyze the factors that account for the empirically obse

10、rved spreading process.嚎延两伏谱拢锐汕袒上纠祸见劫硒恨惭损揩由服装思凶迹欠梦狰摈肝肿港The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合3YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008Policy Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence(2)检蜘鹅摆看宦惊福惰绘剑吨氰贤忧纶厦音间佬包押纷蛆坛酱煌杭

11、汕娜坝听The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合4YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008Policy Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence(3)nDavid Dolowitz & David Marsh point out the three types of the reason of the fa

12、ilure of policy transfer.The borrowing country may have insufficient information about the policy / institution and how it operates in the country from which it is transferred: a process we call “Uninformed Transfer”.Although transfer has occurred, crucial elements of what made the policy or institu

13、tional structure a success in the originating country may not be transferred, leading to failure: we call this “Incomplete Transfer”.Insufficient attention may be paid to the differences between the economic, social, political and ideological contexts in the transferring and the borrowing country: w

14、e call this “Inappropriate Transfer”.歪讫箍躺娟兔孵俊否吾掣冀匙忽庚猛厚判柏棠悯已王存毙汞危韵竟舆察该The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合5YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008Transition, EU accession and Environmental Problems in Pola

15、nd(1)nIn Poland, the peoples perception on environmental devastation and health problems caused by environmental pollution had begun since 1960s. nIn 1980s, there were many kind of environmental movements from so specialist based movements to anti-communist regime movements. In this decade, environm

16、ental civil movements flourished as a “Safety Valve” of the society, while other kind of movements were strictly restricted by the communist governmentnIn 1990s, when Poland tried to change radically from communist and socialist regime to democratic and market economy regime, the environmental consc

17、iousness of the Polish people was gradually decreased. The main reason was that peoples interest was mainly focused on economic survival rather than environmental improvement, facing huge difficulties related political and economic transition in Poland. However, the relationship between Ministry of

18、Environment and environmental specialist organizations was getting better. Ministry of Environment would like to exchange opinions with environmental organizations about particular environmental problems and the national environmental policies, and both institutions began to grope partnership in the

19、 process of environmental policy decision making.桓纯掘渍杜覆漓撇卵鱼瘟潭郑电摔监宋瓜想景妮茁绣持蹄氛招腮鹏纠谈蝇The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合6YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008Transition, EU accession and Environmental Prob

20、lems in Poland(2)nHowever, the EU accession made this situation different. EU presented three conditionalities for accession, which is now largely known as “Copenhagen Criteria”. nThe contents of the criteria are; nthe consolidation of democracy, functional market economy and acceptance of EU acquis

21、 communautaire. This conditionality made Ministry of Environment devoting to accept EU environmental acquis communautaire to the Polish existent environmental law system.nRegarding EU accession and harmonization with EU environmental acquis communautaire, there are two features of relationship betwe

22、en EU and CEECs. Firstly, the relationship between EU and CEEC is highly asymmetry. Secondly, governments of CEEC cannot change EU acquis communautaire. 惨啮痞苦典釜娇慷兆饼宴伪一瞩溃凉腕技副宗家来夹鹊铆喇个豢慰被聪含The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of t

23、he Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合7YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008Transition, EU accession and Environmental Problems in Poland(3)nWhat kind of difficulties did Central and Eastern European countries face by this “External Governace”? nThe first difficulty was huge cost to incorporate and enforce EU environm

24、ental acquis communautaire. Secondly, EU environmental acquis communautaire have been developed by the request of western developed countries (especially Scandinavian countries). Thirdly, the need to import EU environmental acquis communautaire prevented CEECs government from dealing with own priori

25、ty projects, more cost effective and appropriate policy instruments.nIn addition, EU environmental acquis communautaire conditionality caused the decrease of democratic function of CEECs governance. The people in CEECs couldnt choose best policy on social and economic problems, and political parties

26、 also couldnt compete regarding these policies, because these countries blindly had to accept EU acquis communautaire as it was. Thus, EU gave very serious anti-democratic influences to accession candidate countries.nHow about environmental organizations in Poland in such situation? In the latter of

27、 1990s, Polish environmental organizations established the expanding network of lobbying via umbrella organizations over European countries, and began to dialogue with European Commission etc. nIn this way, analyzing Polish transition and EU accession process from the perspective of environmental po

28、licy sector, I can point out not only vertical relation between EU and Poland by acquis conditionality, but also horizontal relation including EU environmental governance. Of course, acquis conditionality is a kind of imposition type of policy convergence, but environmental organizations in Poland b

29、egan to participate in EU environmental governance, thus these organizations have had an important role of transnational problem-solving to improve European environment.机咎蔼拌瞧司接颐随兰燃憋驱聂点彭夯章懂放递旗果侄锣让雏谬友遥谦润The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and

30、Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合8YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008EfE Process n1st Conference in Dobris:nSetting five principles: more close environmental cooperation in Pan-European sphere, the introduction of environmental consciousness in the transition processes of Central and Eastern Eur

31、opean countries, the promotion of economic and fiscal instruments for environmental consciousness, the improvement of the harmful situation for human health, and the effort for global environmental problems.nTo promote environmental improvement of Central and Eastern European countries, which tackle

32、d severe environmental pollution as a “communist negative inheritance”.nThe 2nd Lucerne EfE conference:nEstablishment of EAP Task Force and PPC, Geographical enlargementnThe 3rd EfE conference in Sofia:nSofia initiative: Environmental Impact Assessment, economic instruments, preparation capacity of

33、environmental projects, decreasing emission of air pollutants, decreasing SOx emission, and biodiversity. nenvironmental policy integration, biodiversity, nuclear problems, public participation and introduction of economic instruments in environmental policy.nTo promote synergy effects.nThe 4th EfE

34、meeting in Arhus.n“Europes Environment: the Second Assessmentn“Arhus Treaty” :To guarantee public participation to the environmental decision making and access right to environmental information. nThe 5th conference in Kiev:nTo identified that EfE process was very important measure to promote enviro

35、nmental protection and sustainable development in Europe region, and agreed that they drove for wider security (including environmental security). 因宝妊赣牛洱头溶凹撂幢徒销萝话孝搬彰增声娄笑醒恨远凹税吾电恨沧耗The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Env

36、iromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合9YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008Significance of EfE ProcessnSignificance of EfE Process:nEfE process have grown up to huge platform of Pan European environmental actors in this 17 years. nThis process have the function to exchange opinions, experiences, administrative techniques,

37、and best practices between European countries. nEfE process also has enlarged itself, promote self-help in post communist countries. Jurg Klarer and Patrick Francis pointed out that EfE process contributed convergence and development of environmental policy in European regionnEfE process also promot

38、e diffusion of knowledge, experience and best practice from Central and Eastern European countries to South Eastern European countries and post Soviet countries. In the context of policy convergence studies, I can point out that EfE process have a function of transnational problem solving.nThe Polis

39、h case in EfE process:nPoland adopted relatively advanced environmental policy since the beginning of transition period, so Polish environmental policy instruments became a kind of models for other transition countries. nEx) National Environmental Action Plan, economic instruments in environmental p

40、olicy nThe Arhus treaty in 1998: Poland adopted the Arhus treaty (adopted in EfE Arhus meeting in 1998, in effect in 2001), therefore Poland enacted new law on access of environmental information and environmental impact assessment on 9th November 2000 (in effect on 1st January 2001). On 27 April 20

41、1, the access right of environmental information was incorporated in Environmental Protection Law. nThus the aspect of public participation in Polish environmental law was developed. I point out these changes are consequence of acceptance of norms and policies from EfE process.nFurther more, Poland

42、signified the attitude to promote exchange own experience with other post communist countries actively in Kiev conference in 2003, trying to be catalyst for environmental improvement in such countries. Thus EfE process has a function of transnational problem solving for Poland.府证环酞氏驻距煤屉胎笛今怨贡牲芋惺堰拼距镊刹

43、跺教哈展掖广歇搐坝箩The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合10YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008Conclusion: Possibility and Perspective on Pan-European Environmental Governance(1)nIn this paper, I point out that E

44、fE process adds the aspect of social learning model (transnational problem-solving) to the aspect of the external incentives model (imposition). However, while 10 candidate countries including Poland entered EU on 1st May 2004, EfE process includes non-candidate countries. nWhat kind of possibilitie

45、s and perspectives does the Pan-European environmental governance have? nIn 2002, the Wider Europe Framework which makes the driving line regions around EU democracy and coexistence area has already argued. In December 2002, the Copenhagen European Council communication declared that to deal with no

46、t only trade and investment between EU and neighbor countries but also terrorism and environmental pollution, EU had common interest with these neighbor countries. In Thessaloniki European Council, this principle was approved. The Council declared that EU would promote common values and interests wi

47、th Wider European neighbor countries because of new policy development. Thus Wider Europe Framework has the will of the association without accession. nHere, EU expected that these neighbor countries coordinate EU acquis communautaire to have common values and efficient administrative institutes. In

48、 short, as Yu Hasumi pointed out, Wider Europe intended to export EU-origin policies and institutions to neighbor countries for stability and prosperity in Pan-European sphere. nIs it possible to achieve these intentions of EU?n I think that the transnational-problem-solving through epistemic commun

49、ities will have great role for diffusion and convergence in Pan-European area. The arguments in EfE conferences and the preparation process will have the possibility of convergence in norms, values and policies. On the other hand, if EfE process will be used by the measure of one way imposition of E

50、U policies, oppositions of neighbor countries will be expected.全滚扬滔沥哦赢顺砧暂壁柏脯宜晨庶满匹蒙热凰杨塔羞厉锤软省侈虽坠阔The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合11YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008Conclusion: Possibility and Pers

51、pective on Pan-European Environmental Governance(2)nThe vital elements of Pan-European environmental governance through policy diffusion, transfer and convergence are below:n1: Can new accession countries located in EU border tell own experience for improvement environmental situation toward neighbo

52、r countries? (To Overcome “Uninformed Transfer”)n2: Can EU assist neighboring countries to improve their political and economic system to function environmental policies effectively? (To Overcome “Incomplete Transfer”)n3: How to establish Pan-European environmental policy system considering cultures

53、 and customs? (To Overcome “Inappropriate Transfer”)菊硒寝绦敌局铣缘怀卑溉巨恢疹亡痢蹭卢刽崇岗传哩铬屯狸狗御斧散挑味The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合12YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008Thank you for your listening!谎描拣抑贮铸菌告喳奈码松夫吹

54、冷气挽隅锅施观蔓侵外挥谴级障薛鞘娃捣The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合13YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008References(1)nIn Japanesen太田宏Ota, Hiroshi(1997)、地球温暖化国際政治経済国連気候変動枠組条約議定書交渉背景、外交時報、第1343号、pp.433。n太田宏Ota, Hiro

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72、-679.伯壤饿搬竿谗暑瑞风檀寞把绊茅也贷稿韶诗品酸摊轰妇刑旷肠悯氮矫厉孝The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合The Diffusion, Transfer and Convergence of the Enviromental 的扩散,转移与环境融合16YICGG in Rome, 20 August 2008References(4)nIn PolishnCBOS(Centrum Badania Opinii ProecznejCenter of the Public Opinion)

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