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1、1 / 12 英语 I(2)期末复习题第一部分交际用语1.- What would you like to drink, madam? -Can I have aglass ofwhite wine? B. Wrong 2.- Are you ready to order? -Yes. Ill have a chicken salad please. - B. Wrong 3.- How can I book a cheap hotel? -If I were you, Id phone a travel agent. - B. Wrong 4.- Have you seen today s

2、newspaper? -Yes, I am. A. Right 5.- What s your job? -I m a nurse. B. Wrong 6.-Wheredidyougoforyourholiday? -Twoyearsago. A.Right 7.-Whatareyougoingtodothisevening? -Iwenttherewithsomefriends. A.Right 8.-Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party? -Hi, Jack. We had a great time. B.Wrong 9.-Isthereabanknearhe

3、re? -Yes.Isawhimthismorning. A.Right 10.-How do you like the film? -Itsverygood.Ilikeit. B.Wrong 11.- Do you like your job? -Im a nurse. A. Right 12.- Have you been to America? -Ive never been there but I hope to go there in the future. B. Wrong 13.- Hello. Is that Ivydale Guesthouse? Yes, it is. Ca

4、n I help you? B. Wrong 14.- Have you had a good day? -Yes,but I m very tired. B. Wrong 15. Whatdoeshelooklike? 一 He is tall and thin. B.Wrong 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 12 页2 / 12 第二部分词汇与结构以下考点为定语从句1.Shes the person owns the restaurant. 定语从句 B. which C. what 2.Could you ple

5、ase tell us what kind of work you have got experience? 一般是 have experiences in B. which C. at that 3.Tomwantstobuythebook, isveryinteresting. 非限制性定语从句A.that B.who 以下考点为enough及其它形容词和副词用法4.He s not tall to play basketball. enough 的用法 B. too C. very 5.This sweater is not for me. I need a bigger size. e

6、nough修饰形容词,放在后面A. enough big B. smaller 6.You have done a very good job. indeed 一般放在形容词修饰的名词后,而certainly 修饰动词A. very B. indeed 7.I can t sit here。 this chair is very. B.discomfortable C. noncomfortable 8.WhenIwasbymyself,Ifelt . A.alone B.only 9.Her homework is in her class. 最高级,范围是全班 B. good C. bet

7、ter 10.It s to learn how to play tennis. easy 作表语(主语补语)A. easily C. lazy 11.The man is . He is rude to others. A. polite B. impossible 貌12.A:Whatdoyouthinkofthefilm? B:Ithinkitis great. B.very C.most 13.Iwenttoseeafilmyesterday.Thefilmwas great. 饰极限形容词 B.very C . too 14.He bought two books. she. A.

8、So did B. So was 15.Itwas coldtogoforawalk. tooto do 太而不能做某事A.very C.enough 以下考点为状语从句16._I missed the train, I arrived at work on time. Although 是尽管的意思A. Because C. If 17._itstartedtorain,IstillwanttogototheBeihaiPark. B.Although C.And 18.They were late they had to drive fast. A.because C.until 19.I

9、wentshopping Ineededanewpairofshoes. A.although C.so 20._they landed, they went to the conference. A. Until C. When 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 12 页3 / 12 21.Itwasrainingand wewenthome. A.that B.because 以下考点为一般过去时和现在完成时以及搭配的时间短语和副词22.When I saw him, I him some money. ask sb

10、for sth.,另外时态一致 B. ask, for C. asked, with 23.A: Could I see the manager now? B: Im sorry you cant. He has to Hong Kong. has gone去了某个地方,现在不在此处A. been C. stayed 24.Quick,call the doctor! I think I my arm. 现在完成时,对现在有影响,需要治疗B. break C. am breaking 25.I my breakfast at 8 ,but I lunch yet. B.had,didnthav

11、e C.havehad,didnthave 26.A: youwatchtelevision lastnight? B: No,Ididnt. A. Do C. Can 27.He answermyphonecall yesterday. A.doesnt C.wasnt 28.A:I msorrytohavekeptyouwaiting. B: Oh ,not at all,I here only a few minutes. A.willbe B.was 29.I haventseensuchaninterestingfilm. B.alongtimeago C.sincealongtim

12、e 30.Get up! Mary. Tom has called you three times this morning. already在完成时肯定句中用A. yet C. never 31.Hehas goneout. A.now B.yet 32.My parents have been to the Great Wall. A. sometime C. yet 33.The book was rather expensive, but I bought it. anyway 无论如何,不管怎么说A. any way B. even though 以下考点为when, while 从

13、句中的时态34.I alongthestreetwhenheshoutedatme. A.walked C.walk 35.IwaswatchingTV thetelephonerang. A.while C.since 36.WhileI tothesupermarketbybus,I anoldfriend. B.went,met C.wasgoing,wasmeeting, 以下考点为代词及不定代词37.A: Which jumper do youlike? B: The red over there. one 代替 jumper( 可数名词单数 ) B.it C. that 38.I

14、went to his house but c ouldn t get in. There was there. B. nothing C. someone 39.We built the house . Nobody helped us. 反身代词代替主语we B. ours C. myself 40.Iwant tohelpmewithmyhomework. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 12 页4 / 12 B.anybody C.something 41.Theschooltelephoned to tell

15、me that my son had hurt playing football. himself 与 my son 一致A. herself B.yourself 42.I m not helping you. You must wash your socks . A. you C. itself 43._stolehiscamerawhileheislyingonthebeach. A.Anyone C.Everyone 44.Theseshoppingbagsare.Doyoulikethem? B.our C.my 45.With his help, you will have _ t

16、o worry about. A. something B. anything 46._stolemypursewhenIwasonthetrain. A.Anyone C.Something 47.You didn t order the cheese, ? 反意疑问句A. do you C. have you 以下考点为both, either, neither 等48.A: Whichofthesenewspapershaveyouread? B:Iveread them. A. both C. anyof 49.-DidMikephoneyouorTim? -No,hedidntpho

17、ne us. A.eitherof B.bothof 以下考点为介词和副词50.A car hit her when she was walking the road. across过街 B. through C. at 51._therain,theywenttoworkasusual. A.Although C.While 52._the rain and the wind, he came on time. In spite of 与名词连用,表示尽管A. Apart from C. Although 53.Igot verylatethismorning.Iwatchedtoomuch

18、TVlastnight. A. in C.together 54.Iwas my toschoolwhenIsawhim. on one s way to 在去某地的路上A. on,time B. in,way 55.China and Canada are the same size. B. under C. over 56.Kunmingis thesouthwestofChina. A.on C. to 57.Sheisverypatient thechildren.Shenevershoutsatthem. be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心A.in C.on 58.

19、Tianjin is a two-hour journey Beijing. A. across B. in 59.Beijingis1200kilometres Shanghai. A.of B.to 60.Iworked 12lastnight.Ofcourse, thenIwasreallytired. A.till,after B.at,till C61.Icantarrivebefore6.00.Illtrytobethere 6.30. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 12 页5 / 12 A.until B

20、.till 以下考点为情态动词62.You wear a uniform at school. You can wear anything you like. A. have to C. mustnt 63.Ihavenoideawhostolehiswallet.It anyone. B.shouldhavebeen C.musthavebeen 64.I buypresentsformyEnglishfriendstothankthemforalltheirhelp. A.can C.haveto 客观上不得不以下考点为if 条件句(真实和非真实)65.If I you, Id sell

21、that car as quickly as possible. 不真实的假设表示现在,用过去时,be 动词一般用were A. were B. am C. was 66.If I you, I would buy a house at the seaside. A. was B. were C. am 67.Ifyou time,willyousendtheletterforme,please? 真实条件句A.have B.arehaving C.havehad 68.If I Peter, I him about the meeting. A. see, willtell B. see,

22、tell C.will see, tell 69.I aflatifIwonthelottery. A.wouldbuy B.willbuy C.buy 以下考点为动词用法70.WhenEric thatshehadalotoftalent,hegaveheranewviolin. A.putup B.lookedat C.foundout 弄清楚71.Mymumhelpedmeto readyformytriptoAmerica. A.make B.put C.get 72.Thebosstoldalltheemployees lateformeetings. tell sb. to do/

23、 not to doA.notbe B.nottobe C.benot 73.Jim everyweek,buthedoesnotnow. usedto过去常常,与现在对比A.usedtoswim B. swam C.wasswimming 74.We used to bicycles to go to work. used to接动词原形A. ride B. ridingC. to ride 75.I smokebefore,butIdonow. A. didntuseto B.usedto C. am usedto 76.A: What does she ? B: Oh, shes ver

24、y beautiful with long dark hair. A. look like B. take after C. like 77.The baby was named _ his grandfather. name after 根据 命名A. after B. in C. to 78.She ourcartogotoBristolyesterday. A.borrowed 借进 B.returned C.lent 79.I her my computer last weekend. A. lent 借出 B. hired C. returned 80.A:Thankyouforle

25、ndingmeyourbicycle. B:You rewelcome.Butcouldy ou tometomorrow? A.givebackit B.giveitback C.getback it 81.- Would you like to go to the cinema? - Id to go to the museum. would rather 后只接动词原形精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 12 页6 / 12 A. rather B. prefer C. have 82.Theyounggirl flu

26、entFrench. A.says B.speaks C.talks 83.Jenny,you ve got beautiful eyes. Do you your mother or father? A.lookafter B.takeafter 像 C.lookat 84.Dont him.Heisreadinganimportantletternow. A.disturb B.disturbing C.todisturb 85.Ifyouareinterestedinthisjob,youcan it A.askfor B.applyfor 申请 C.lookfor 以下考点为接ing

27、形式的动词用法86.Ivealwaysenjoyed football. enjoy doing sth.A.toplay C.play 87.Hestopped homeworkwhendinnerwasready. A.todo B.do 88.Theyfinished tennisatseven. A.toplay C.onplaying 89.-Imthinkingofgoingawayfortheweekend. - _gotoBeidaihe?Youcanswimintheseathere. A. Howabout 与动词原形搭配,提建议 C. Youshould 以下考点为hav

28、e sth.done 和 get sth. done 90.Thecomputerdoesntwork.Youshouldgetit . get sth. done 让某事被做(让别人做)A.torepair B.repairing 91.Itoldthedesignersthatweneededtohavethewebsite . A.toredesign B.redesigning 其它92.Afilmthatusuallytakesplaceinthefuture,oftenwithspacetravel,isafilm. A.sci-fi 科幻 B.thriller C.comedy

29、93.AtnighttheroadoutsidemybedroomwasverynoisyandI was allnight. 被动A.keptwaking B.keepingawake 被使得保持清醒94.A: is at the door? 95.B. It must be our new neighbor, Mrs.Jones. A. What B. C. Which 96._aproblemwiththelaptopyesterday,butitwasntveryserious. A.Itwas C.Thereis 第三部分:旬型转换( 15 分,每小题3 分 26-30 小题:根据括

30、号里的提示或利用括号里的词语改写下列句子,并将答案写在答题纸上。1.Jack is responsible for allthe training. ( 用 What 针对划线部分提问) What is Jack responsible for?2.They re worried about Jim. ( 用 Who 针对 Jim 提问 ) Who are they worried about?3. I can tfind mynotebook, she said. (改为间接引语 ) She said that she couldn t find her notebook.4.Where i

31、s the restaurant? (用 He asked将句子改写成间接特殊疑问句) He asked where the restaurant was.5.Im tall and thin. My sisteris too. ( 用 so改写句子I m tall and thin, and so is my mother.6.He s gone to Shanghai. He snegotiating a new contract. (用动词不定式将两句合成一句) He s gone to Shanghai to negotiate a new contract.7.Mary didn t

32、 stay at home. She went to see Tim. (用 instead of 将两个句子合成一句) Mary went to see Tim instead of 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 12 页7 / 12 staying at home.8.Tim didnt stay in the meeting. He left the office. (用 instead of 将两句连成一句) Tim left the office instead of staying in the meeti

33、ng.9.His neighbor heard them. They made a noise. ( 用动词 ing 形式将两句改写成一句话) His neighbor heard them making a noise.10. He stole the laptop. (改为被动语态 ) The laptop was stolen by him.11. They smashed the window. ( 将句子改成被动语态) The window was smashed by them.12. Although it rained, the visit was a success. ( 用

34、 In spite of 将两句连成一句) In spite of the rain, the visit was a success.13. It was too hot. I couldn t open the window. ( 用 but 将两句连成一句) It was too hot, but I couldn t open the window. 14. That cinema is very nice. The tickets are quite expensive. (用 but 将两句连成一句) That cinema is very nice, but the ticket

35、s are quite expensive.15. Can you phone melater, Susan? said David. ( 用 ask to 改写句子 David asked Susan to phone him later.16. He didn t run fast. He didn t catch the bus. (用 enough.to 改写句子 He didn t run fast enough to catch the bus.此部分还需考虑形成性考核册上的题第四部分:阅读理解共计 20 分 阅读理解每年考试都没有原题,但大都来自教材Passage 1 David

36、 and Xiaoyan arrived at the airport in good time. After checking in at the BA (British Airways) desk, they had their boarding passes checked, put their bags through the X-ray machine and went through the passport control on their way to the departure lounge. They didnt have anything to eat because t

37、hey would eat on the plane, but they had a coffee and then they looked round the shops. Xiaoyan bought something for Mary, but David didn t buy anything. Then they went to the gate. They had about 20 minutes to wait before embarking. Suddenly David realized that he hadn t got his camera with him. Th

38、ey went back and looked everywhere to see where he could have lost itin the shops, in the cafe, at the X-ray machine, at the passport control and at the checking-in desk, but nobody had seen it. I must have left it in the cafe, said David, I should have put it in my bag. I suppose someone must have

39、walked off with it! 1.When they arrived at the airport, they had . A. hardly any time B. plenty of time 2.They first went . B. through customs C. through the passport control 3.David realized that his camera was missing when he was . A. in the cafe B. in the departure lounge 4.They looked for the ca

40、mera everywhere except. A. in the shops B. at the X-ray machine 5.David thought he must have left it . B. in the taxi C. at home Passage 2 If I lived on a desert island,I wouldnt be bored or lonely. I prefer being on my own, and I think I d enjoy that. Id make my own entertainment. If I had a pen an

41、d some paper, Id write a novel. Ive always wanted to do that, but Ive never had time. If I didnt haveto go to work, I d have lots of time, wouldn t I? I d be happy to leave my job as I don tlike my boss。 she s always complaining. IfI had some tools, I d have a garden and grow my own food, I m quite

42、good atgardening and really enjoy working outside. I d grow lots of vegetables and fruit. I d eat fish if I could catch them. Ihavent been fishing since I was a child, but Im sure I could remember how to do it. I wouldn t miss watching television or driving my car. Theprogrammes are all boring, and

43、the roads are too busy these days. I d miss my family and friends, but I think I d be happier than I am now!精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 12 页8 / 12 6.I wouldnt be bored or lonely if I lived on a desert island. B. Wrong 7.Ive never had time to read a novel. A. Right 8.I would

44、grow my own food. B. Wrong 9.Im sure I could remember how to fish. B. Wrong 10. I would miss TV. A. Right Passage 3 Xiaoyan: Packingisnever-ending.Illjusthavetogivethingsaway.Icanttakeallofthat stuffthatIveputonthebedbacktoShanghai. Mary: Thatnewsuitcasewhichyougotyesterdayisfullalready. Xiaoyan:Yes

45、.Iknow.Iveevengottworadios.IthinkIllgivethatradiothatPollygave metoSteve. Mary: Who? Oh, yes. He s the one that you spent all evening talking to at the party, isnthe?Whatsthatthere? Xiaoyan: It s a menu. Do you remember that meal that Franco cooked for my birthday? Well, thats the menu that he wrote

46、 out. If you look inside, you ll see everyonesigned it. So I m not throwing that away. Oh, dear. I ll never finish. I have somuch stuff. Mary:What about your leaving do? Xiaoyan: Yes. I must think about that too. It depends on the weather really. I thought of having a picnic on Hampstead Heath, but

47、if its going to rain, that ideas no good. Mary:The forecast for the weekend is for showers and sunny intervals. Xiaoyan: I know. I think I might just have a little party here. I must get some caterers. Thecaterers who do meals for us at work are very good. 11. Xiaoyan is going to A.take all of her s

48、tuff back to Shanghai B.y C.leave the stuff to Mary 12. Xiaoyan got a radio from A. Steve C. her mother 13. Franco for Xiaoyan s birthday.A. bought all the food B. took photos and signed on it C.14. At first, Xiaoyan s idea for her leaving do is to .A.B.have a little party at her place C.have a part

49、y in a pub 15. According to the weather forecast, its going tofor the weekend. A. rain B. be sunnyPassage 4 Polly now works for Green Fingers. Her main job is managing the office, which meanskeeping the diary and filling in everybody s appointments. She also answers the phone andchecks the emails. A

50、s she is new, she has to ask a lot of questions. The accounts,which are a bit of a mess ,have to be ready for next month, which is the end of the tax year. Polly has to prepare the tax return and so she is working on them at themoment. They are in a mess because Karen and Robert, who do all the desi

51、gning, are not atall good at keeping accounts and have neglected them. In addition to keeping the accounts, Polly has to make sure that bills are paid. Polly is also responsible for taking new bookings. She visits customers houses anddiscusses ideas about their gardens with 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - -

52、名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 12 页9 / 12 them. She comesback and talks to the designers.The plans are then drawn, after which she is responsible for negotiating the price with the customer. Next month Green Fingers are doing a job for Jean Jenkins,the actress, whosegarden is very big. If she is happy

53、with their work, it will be a very good thing for thereputation of the company. 16.Polly answers phone calls and checks emails. B. Wrong 17.Polly is working on the tax return now. B. Wrong 18.Karen and Robert have always been careful about accounts. A. Right 19.Only Karen and Robert visit customers

54、houses.A. Right 20.Green Fingers will get a large sum of money from the work for the actress. A. Right Passage 5 Mary has just returned to the USA after studying in England for three years. She decided to study ata British university rather than an American one because her mother is from England and

55、 she wanted to get to know her mothers family better. She studied English Literature at Goldsmiths College, which is in London. She lived with her grandmother while she was studying. The college was recommended by a friend s brother who had studied in England for his MBA. Mary told her friends that

56、she was going to return to Europe to work because she had enjoyed her time in England so much. 21.Mary is now in . A. England C. France 22.She studied at university. B. an American C. a Chinese 23. Most probably, her grandmother. A. worked in the college B. studied English Literature 24.Her friend s

57、 brother recommended her to . A. study for her MBA C. work for his company 25.Mary would return to Europe to . A.study B. spend her holiday Passage 6 When I leave university in July, I don t want to get a job straightaway. Ive workedhard for 3 years, and now I need a long holiday. I11 have to work f

58、or the rest of my life, so now is a good time to take a break. Id like totravel around theworld for a few months. Ive already bought a ticket to go and visit my relatives in New Zealand. I leave on August 14thI plan to work there for a while. On the way back from there I hope to visit an old friend

59、of mine in America, and I want to go to Canada as well. I might stop in some other places, too. I haven t decided yet. When I finish travelling, I will have to geta job. I studied economics at Bristol University, and my father works in a bank, so I 11 probably work there at first. I m not looking fo

60、rward to that, but I want to buy a house one day, so I 11 have to earn some money. 26.I want to get a job as soon as possible. A. Right B. Wrong 27.Ill first go to New Zealand. B. Wrong 28.I have relatives in America. A. Right 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 12 页10 / 12 29.I ll

61、probably work in a bank first. B. Wrong 30.I want to earn enough money to buy a car. A. Right Passage 7 Polly:Franco,whodoyoutakeafterinyourfamily? Franco:Definitelymymother.Werebothquitemoodyandimpatient.Weusedtoarguea lot when I was growing up,because shes quick-tempered. Also, were both tall andt

62、hin. Polly:Doyoulooklikeheraswell? Franco:No,Ilooklikemydad,buthesverycalm.Iammoreromantic.Whataboutyou? Polly:PeoplesayIlooklikemymum.Wevegotthesamenose,unfortunately.ButIm not like her in other ways. Shes shy whereas I m much more sociable I love being with my friends and meeting new people,but sh

63、e hates it. Im more like my dad, I think. What about you, Mary? Mary:Imanaturaloptimist,justlikemydad.Heisneverpessimistic.Ialwaysthink thateverythingwillworkoutwellintheendandsodoeshe.I vegotthesame senseofhumourasmymum.Webothlaughatstupidthings.IsupposeIlookabit likemygrandmother.Wevegotthesamesmi

64、le,andwebothhaveverydarkhair. 31.Francos istallandthin. B.dad C.daughter 32.Francosdadis . A.quick-tempered B.romantic 33.Pollysmumis and meetingnewpeople. A.sociable。loves C.shy。loves 34.Mary is a(n), just like her dad. B.pessimist C.artist 35.Maryhasthesame likehergrandmother. A.eyes B.nose Passag

65、e 8 When I firstknewMike,welivedinasmallvillageinScotland.Itwasverydifferent fromMikeslifeinLondonnow.Wewenttoschooltogetheronourbicycles.EverymorningIwenttohishouseandknockedonthedoor.EverymorningMikesmumsaid,“ Imsorry. He s a bit late this morning, ” and so I had to wait. Each day we were late for

66、 school, and I remembertheteachergotveryannoyedwithus.Inevertoldherwewerelatebecauseof Mike. Now, 25 years later, I play tennis with Mike. I usually drive him to the tennis club. Igotohisflatandheopensthedoorandsays,Imsorry.Imabitlatetoday.” Theonlyreasonhewasntlateforhisownweddingisthatweliedtohima

67、boutthetime! Asboyswespentalotoftimeoutexploringonourbikes.Wewentwalkingand fishing.IdidntlikefishingbecauseIcouldntswim.Probablythefunniestthingwedid waswhenwestoleabottleofwhiskeyfrommyDad.Wecycledabout5milesawaytodrink it in one of our favourite places. When we finished drinking it, we couldnt cy

68、cle backit wasalong,slowwalk.Imsurewelookedawful.Westilldo,whenwecomebackfromthepubonFridaynights.Nothingschangedreally.Oh,andIstillcantswim. 36.MikeandIwenttoschooltogetherin. B.London C.England 37._alwayslateforschooleverymorning. A.Mikewas C.Iwas 38.Mikewasntlateforhisweddingbecause. A.hewasverye

69、xcitedtogetmarried 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 12 页11 / 12 B.hismothertoldhimnottobelate C.39.Weusedtospendalotoftimeto onbicycles. A.fightandplay B.work 40.Wewalked5milesbackhomebecausewe . B.weretired C.enjoyedwalking 第五部分:翻译共计 15 分,每小题3 分 1.It takes 45 minutes to get to

70、the city centre from the hotel. 从酒店到市中心要花45 分钟。2.I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant. 我星期五就得搬出去,因为Franco 把房间组给了另一个人。3.They enjoyed themselves at the party. 他们在晚会上玩得开心4.Although it is very enjoyable, the film is too long. 尽管这电影有趣,但太长了。5.She would buy a large

71、house if she won the lottery. 如果她中奖的话,她会买一栋大房子。6.Footballisplayedbymorethan20millionpeopleinmorethan140countries. 世界上 140 多个国家的两千多万人踢足球。7.Ivegotthesamesenseofhumourasmymum. 我和我妈妈一样有幽默感。8.Hegotonwellwithhisclassmates. 他与班上同学相处融洽。9.Heusedtoworkveryhardwhenhewasyoung. 他年轻时工作非常努力。10.My family is putting

72、 me up at the moment, but I am thinking of buying my own flat.我家里现在能给我提供住宿,但我在考虑买一套自己公寓。11.She borrowed the book and gave it back on Monday. 她把书借走了,星期一又还回来了。12.One of the biggest sporting events in the world is the Olympic Games. 世界上最大的体育赛事之一就是奥运会。13.Sandy is wearing a long, black, silk dress. Sandy

73、 穿着一件长长的黑丝裙。14.He used to play basketball every Sunday. 他以前每个星期天都打篮球。15.I had the windows cleaned yesterday. 我昨天请人把窗户擦了。16.I came to London when I was 18. 我 18 岁时到伦敦。17.While she was waiting, her phone rang. 正在等待时,电话铃响了18.We have enough money to improve the website. 我们有足够的钱来改善网页。19.He came across an

74、 old violin at his friend s house.他在朋友家里偶然见到了一幅旧油画。第三部分:旬型转换( 15 分,每小题3 分 Jack is responsible for allthe training. ( 用 What 针对划线部分提问) What is Jack responsible for? 17. They re worried about Jim. ( 用 Who 针对 Jim 提问 ) Who are they worried about? 18. I can tfind mynotebook, she said. (改为间接引语 ) She said

75、that she couldn t find her notebook. 19. Where is the restaurant? (用 He asked将句子改写成间接特殊疑问句) He asked where the restaurant was. 20. Im tall and thin. My sisteris too. ( 用 so改写句子 I m tall and thin, and so is my mother. 21. He s gone to Shanghai. He snegotiating a new contract. (用动词不定式将两句合成一句) He s gon

76、e to Shanghai to negotiate a new contract. 22. Mary didn t stay at home. She went to see Tim. (用 instead of 将两个句子合成一句) Mary went to see Tim instead of staying at home. 23. Tim didnt stay in the meeting. He left the office. (用 instead of 将两句连成一句) Tim left the office instead of staying in the meeting.

77、 24. His neighbor heard them. They made a noise. ( 用动词 ing 形式将两句改写成一句话) His neighbor heard them making a noise. 25. He stole the laptop. (改为被动语态 ) The laptop was stolen by him. 26. They smashed the window. ( 将句子改成被动语态) The window was smashed by them. 27. Although it rained, the visit was a success.

78、( 用 In spite of 将两句连成一句) In spite of the rain, the visit was a success. 28. It was too hot. I couldn t open the window. ( 用 but 将两句连成一句) It was too hot, but I couldn t open the window. 29. That cinema is very nice. The tickets are quite expensive. (用 but 将两句连成一句) That cinema is very nice, but the ti

79、ckets are quite expensive. 30. Can you phone melater, Susan? said David. ( 用 ask to 改写句子 David asked Susan to phone him later. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 12 页12 / 12 He didn t run fast. He didn t catch the bus. (用 enough.to 改写句子 )He didn t run fast enough to catch the bus. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 12 页



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