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1、词汇教学的重要性 词汇是语言的三大要素(语音、词汇、语法)之一,是语言的基本材料,其中又属词汇最为重要。词汇掌握的多少,是反映学生英语水平的标志之一。词汇是学好英语的基础,词汇关过不了,对语句的理解记忆就会很吃力,而不用说文章 阅读和语法理解,因此学习英语必须首先突破词汇关。有一位语言学家说: “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed. Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed。” 在过去的词汇教学中,常常是教师领读,学生跟读,机械重复,学生不活跃,没精打采,老师口干舌燥,结果事倍功半。因此,如何改

2、变这种现状,需要教师在平时教学中多动脑筋想办法,丢弃那种教师读,学生跟读,然后让学生在课下死背拼写的词汇教学模式,采用一些能提高学生学习兴趣,使学生在理解中不知不觉就掌握了大部分词汇的方法。针对这个问题,我们教研组及备课组进行了一系列词汇教学方面的的探讨,并初步总结出几点做法,请大家看一下是否有借鉴之处。下面我们就以八年级下册Unit 4词汇教学为例来展示一下。一一根据音标读出单词,根据单词读音记单词拼写 让学生根据所给音标读出相应的词汇,对于一些符合发音规则并且拼写简单的单词,让学生说出并记忆哪一个字母对应哪一个音,尤其是元音字母的发音。如 mad, true,thin, ate, star

3、t,own,poor,area等词可采用此种方法。只要学生会读这些词,它们的拼写也就不成问题了。二.根据单词音节的划分记单词拼写 首先让学生根据音标读出单词,较长的两个或多音节单词可通过音节划分来记忆。如massage , suppose , lucky, copy , husband , meter , rural , danger , graduate , village , 等词可以这样来学习。在知道这些词的音节划分后,再按元音字母在重读开音节或闭音节以及弱读音节当中的发音规律来记忆单词拼写就很简单了。提醒学生danger一词中,a字母发音不符合在重读闭音节中发音规律。三.根据构词法记忆

4、单词拼写英语构词法主要有三种:合成、派生与转化。另外缩写和简写也是构词法的一种.合成 : 有两个或更多的词合成一个新词。 2.派生 :是通过在词根上加前缀或者后缀后缀构成新词。 happy - unhappy develop - development(1)前缀一般只引起意思上的变化而不造成词类的变化,只有少数能引起词类的变化。 mis- + understand v.misunderstand v. 误解 un+friendlyunfriendly adj.不友好的(2)后缀一般会引起词性上的变化 care v. 照料 - careful adj. 细心的 work v. 工作 - work

5、er n. 工人(3)转化是指有一种词类转化为另一种词类。单词转是指有一种词类转化为另一种词类。单词转化后的意义往往与之前的意义联系密切化后的意义往往与之前的意义联系密切. .((1) 合成词 如:any+moreanymore home+townhometown hard+ working hard-working green+peacegreenpeace(2)派生词 nerve+ous nervous disappoint+ing disappointing graduate+tion graduation kilo+meter kilometer decide decision for

6、tunate+ly fortunately dander+ous danderous luck+y lucky-ous一般是形容词的后缀,意思是causing or having the nature of-y一般是形容词的后缀,意思是full of, covered with or tending to-ing 常构成现在分词,有些现在分词可常作为形容词来用,如 disappointing, exciting, relaxing, interesting, boring, tiring,等等有很多。-tion一般是名词的后缀,一些动词加它之后变为名词。如:graduation,inventi

7、on, pronunciation, relaxation, polution, introduction,education, invitation等等。 -ly 由名词变为形容词,意思是like in manner, nature or appearance or happening at regular periods of, 像 ,定期的,如: friendly,motherly,queenly;yearly,hourly,monthly,weekly 由形容词变为副词:fortunately,quickly,happily,luckily,seriously等等.以第四单元中的词汇来

8、具体分析一下(3)转化A:copy,volunteer,influence,start,return既可以是动词,又可作名词用。如:Lets start (V). the meeting.The start (n.) of the film was quite exciting .This work is all done by volunteers.(n.) He volunteered (v.)to help the poor girl.B: own一词既是动词,又是形容词。如:He owns(v.) a big house. I cant believe my own(adj.) eye

9、s.如还有open, dress, fly, slow, sound,push, fail, murder,talk等都有两种词性。(4)缩写与简写)缩写与简写UNICEF=United Natoins International Childrens Emergency Fund联合国儿童基金会WWF=World Wildlife Fund世界野生动物基金会dormitory可简写为dorm 宿舍我们以前学过的缩写也有很多。如:P.E. ,WTO,UFO,UN, ID card,CD, IT, OPEC,GPS(Global Positioning System ),GNP(gross nat

10、ional product ),IQ(Intelligence Quotient ),NBA,SOS,CEO,CPU,UK, FBI等。简写词如:TV,英语中各种表词性词的简写,noun n. verb v. adjective adj. adverb adv. pronoun pron. preposition prep.人名Linda Lin Catherine Kate等。我们已经学过的一些简写词我们已经学过的一些简写词如:如:phonephone,photo, exam ,lab, math, photo, exam ,lab, math, plane, ad ,TV plane, a

11、d ,TV 等等. .telephone telephone phone phone,photagraph photagraph photo, photo, examination examination examexam, ,laboratory laboratory lablab, ,mathematicsmathematicsmathmath, ,airplane airplane 或或 aeroplaneaeroplaneplaneplane, ,advertisement advertisement adadtelevision TVtelevision TV熟悉构词法特征熟悉构词法

12、特征, 触类旁通、举一反触类旁通、举一反三三如我们以前学过的rain rainy snow snowywind windy cloud cloudy sun sunny(n.+y adj)4.Im sorry to disappoint you,but I cant come after all.(v.+ing or ed adj)Its disappointing news.My parents will be disappointed if I fail the exam.(以ing结尾的形容词所修饰的名词一般是动作的发出者;而ed结尾的形容词所修饰的名词一般是动作的承受者。)像这样的词如

13、:interest, interested,interesting;excite,excited,exciting;relax,relaxed,relaxing熟悉构词法特征熟悉构词法特征, 触类旁通、举一反触类旁通、举一反三三bore,bored,boring; tire,tired,tiring; surpise,surprised,surprising等.再如:Your behaviour surprised me greatly.Im surprised that he has passed the exam .His passing the exam is surprising .5

14、.He graduated (v.)from No.52 Middle School.The college graduate(n.) is popular with all the students. (v. n.)The story opens(v.) with a snowstorm.Each of us should have an open(adj.) mind.(v. adj)Dont copy(v.) others homework.Id like four copies(n.) of this letter.(v. n.)熟能生巧,点石成金 1.He passed all th

15、e exams. He is a boy. A work-hard B hard-working C works hard D working-hard 2.Its easy .Dont be . A nerveous B nerves C nerve D nervous 3.To tell me the ,I dont like the job at all. A truth B true C truly D truthful 4.Are you about losing the race ? Yes ,its very . A disappointing, disappointed B d

16、isappointed, disappointing C disappoints, disappointment D disappointing , disappointment 熟能生巧,点石成金 5. , he found his lost daughter finally. A luck B lucky C luckily D luckless 6.The manager wanted the of the letters. A copy B copied C copying D copies 7.She a large house ten years ago . A own B own

17、s C owner D owned 8.The Shandong University went there as a volunteer. A graduate B graduation Cgraduated D grade 9.He to go to Tibet as a last year. A volunteered, volunteer Bvolunteered, volunteering C voluntary ,volunteer D volunteer ,volunteer 10. A kilometer is meters. A 10 B 100 C 1000 D 1000熟

18、能生巧,点石成金11.Yang Lei was because her mother agreed her decision. A fortunately B fortunate C fortuneD unfortunate 12.He is in of losing his money if he goes on buying useless things . A dangerous B danger C in endanger D dangers13.World Wildlife Fund is for short . A WFW B WWF C WTO D WHO14.We look f

19、orward to your . A return B returns C returningD rerurnable15.A driver is a danger to us all. A care B careful C carefulness D careless16.Who made the to go there ? A decide B decided C decision D decidedly熟能生巧,点石成金17.Many great changes have taken place in our . A homehouse B homecity C homeplace D

20、hometown18. Some programs such as violence or sex have a great on children. A influential B influence C influentially D effective 19. When the sun to go down, he stopped and set up his tent . A start B starter C started D starting20.This program can our eyes to the outside world . A opener up B open up C opening up D opens up



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