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1、小学 EEC 英语四年级上册全册教案【教材分析】本课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书EEC 四年级上册第四课的第二课时,本课在前面已经学习序数词的基础上,结合学生每天都能接触上的课表,学习并使用与科目有关系的单词及句型。呈现方式更近似于实际生活,更具实际操作性。同时对于四年级已经有一定英语基础的学生,更侧重了测试性评价在教学中的使用。【学情分析】四年级的学生经过前三年的英语学习,已经具备了一定的词汇量及英语交际能力。在创设真实语境的同时,更加注重学生使用英语的能力,读、写在教学中的比例有所提高,特别是测试性评价在教学过程中的使用,促使孩子在听、说的基础上提高读、写的能力。【教学目标】学生能够熟练掌

2、握有关学科的单词及问答。在听、说、读、写的各技能综合运用中,培养学生 “ 用英语解决实际问题 ” 的综合运用能力。教学重点、难点:能够学习及应用:math, English, art, music, science, P.E., Chinese. 七个学科单词,能够运用英语在实际生活中获取知识,如设计并介绍自己喜爱的课程表。【教学思路】根据新一轮课改的理念,教师要摒弃以分数来评价学生的旧思想,利用多维的评价体系评价学生,所以本课教学从学生的心理和生理特点出发,围绕教学重点和难点,以学生为主体 ,营造轻松愉快的教学气氛 ,随时用激励性的语言鼓励学生,在结合课文原文情境的同时,运用多媒体教学手段呈

3、现漂亮的课程表,吸引学生的注意力,让学生猜一猜别人的课程表,这样孩子们便主动地完成学习任务,并将测试性评价融入到课堂教学中,注重培养学生的读写能力,及语言运用能力,孩子在完成题目后自主的进行自评和互评,这样真正的将多维的评价体系融入教学当中、切实的为学生服务。【教学过程】一、歌曲导入,分层复习1.师生共同唱英文歌曲 Weeks Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. (活泼、可爱的

4、歌曲能够拉近与学生之间的距离。)2.师生进行 “Free Talk” 的自由问答T:How are you? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 16 页S1: Im great, thank you. T: What day is it? S2: Today is.(引导学生进入英语学习氛围,并自然引出复习内容。)3. 课件演示星期及序数词S3: is theday of the week.二、结合实际,引出新知1. 通过版画展示学生当天的课表,引出新授单词,每教授一个新单词,都引导学生用已有的语言知识运用新单词(1) 学

5、习 math 一词,利用学生身边随处可见的教科书训练新单词T: The first class is math. Ss: math T: Can you show me your math book? S4: This is my math book. 学习 art 一词T:指黑板上的第二节课,引导学生已知句型Ss: The second class is art.学生进行分组练习T: Do you like art? Who draws very well in our class? S5: I like art .I draw very well. (2) 学习 music 一词T:指黑板

6、上的第三节课,引导学生已知句型Ss: The third class is music.学生进行集体练习T: Do you like music? Who sings very well in our class? S6: I like music .I sing very well. 多媒体音频播放一个难听song T: She sings very well, but now listen! 集体边做手势边说句型 ,通过实际声音刺激的真实情境引导学生说出课文中的祈使句型。Ss: Oh, no, Stop it! 学习 English 一词T:指黑板上的第四节课,引导学生已知句型,学生进行个

7、体练习Ss: The fourth class is English. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 16 页利用实物投影演示学生自己的课程表T: How many English classes do you have in a week? S7: We have four English classes in a week. (3) 学习 science 一词课件演示学生科学教师的照片T: Whos this? Ss: Mr. is our science teacher .学生个体练习T:个别指导 science

8、 发音(4) 学习 Chinese 一词T:指黑板上的第六节课,引导学生已知句型Ss: The sixth class is Chinese.学生进行个体练习T: Can you show me your Chinese books? Do you like Chinese? S8: This is my Chinese book. I like Chinese. (5) 学习 P.E.一词T:指黑板上的第七节课,引导学生已知句型Ss: The seventh class is P.E.学生进行个体练习 T: I think all of you like P.E. When I was a

9、student I like P.E. very much. Ss: I like P.E. very much. (在这个部分中集中新授7 个单词,主要注重已知内容的运用,以旧带新、新旧结合,将单词巧妙的结合在师生对话中,语言的运用技能很突出的体现出来,多媒体始终贯穿在这一部分中,起到了辅助教学的作用。) 2.演示新单词的幻灯片T: Now, please look at the TV and then speak out! Ss: math, English, art, music, science, P.E., Chinese. (利用多媒体图片反馈学生新知掌握情况) 三、融入生活,其乐

10、无穷1. 教授新句型课件演示柯南的图片T:Today I ll introduce a friend, and I think all of you know him Ss: 柯南. T: Do you want to know Ke Nans schedule? OK, lets go!精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 16 页板书句型T: What s the first class on Thursday? Ss: Math. T:领读句型,用课程表引导学生说出新句型,学生同桌问答。Ss: What s the th

11、ird class on Thursday? (利用孩子喜欢的动画人物柯南,新授句型) 2. 测试性评价一,即时反馈学生学习新单词和句型的情况T: In our English books we have many new friends. 课件演示课文中人物的图片Ss: Ken, Jess, Kate, Jimmy. 放听力材料T: Do you want to know what are they talking? T: Who can do number 1? S9: .课件演示题目T: OK. Now you can give yourself stars. Ss:涂星星 Three

12、stars,.3. 听读原文T: Please open your books, and turn to page 48,listen and repeat. Ss: .(这个环节中共有三个题目 ,都是针对刚学过的 “Whats the class ”及科目单词设计的选择题,选项设定为两个,难度都不是很大,听力材料也是课文的原文,在做完题目后,学生进行自评,根据自己答对题目的数量涂星星,并且马上把结果反馈给教师和其他同学。学生很热忠于这种方式,不仅有趣,更重要的是让学生主动的进行评价。 ) 四、寓教于乐,学以致用1.猜谜游戏T: What class are you in? Ss: Were

13、in class.T: Do you want to k now class s schedule?学生背对大屏幕T: Some words are missing, who want come here and guess? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 16 页Ss: What s the class on?S10: .( “Guessing game ” 是操练句型的最佳手段之一,利用多媒体将一个完整的课程表中的几个科目用问号挡住 ,然后让学生运用所学的句型和单词猜所缺少的科目,整个游戏过程都是学生主动的来说,并

14、且在猜对了以后都能得到一个用科目单词做成的小卡片作为奖品,这样不仅大大激发了学生的学习兴趣,还强化巩固了整个新内容。 ) 2.测试性评价二学生完成测试题目T: Today we also have some new friends, Billy and Jack .Lets go and look what are they talking. T: Who can do number 1? 课件演示题目S11: . T: OK. Now you can give your partner stars. Ss:涂星星 Three stars , .(这个评价,是以教学重点为材料,编写的一个对话,

15、共有四到题目,前两题是选择,第三题是写单词,第四题是开放性的题目,说说自己喜欢什么科目,为什么。这样设计可以使不同层次的学生都得到不同程度上的训练,基础较好的学生能够完成所有的题目,而程度普通的学生回答简单的测试题目也是没问题的,这样既建立了学生的自信心,又使孩子得到了差异性的发展。) 3.测试性评价三,设计自己喜欢的课程表 T: OK. Now, you know many words about subject. Do you want to make a schedule that you like? Ss:学生完成任务以后,教师先做一组示范,用实物展台展示学生完成的课表S12: Wha

16、t s class on ?S13:.(这一环节学生可以设计自己喜欢的课表,完成后与同组之间的同学谈论所设计的课表,在激发学生主动学习兴趣的同时运用新知识进行巩固。) 五、课外扩展,拓宽视野T: You can use all the words, and change your Chinese schedule into English. 课件展示中英文科目(最后的作业环节,在本课内容的基础上,给学生扩展了一些课堂上没有学过的学科的英文,这样拓宽了学生的思维,并且让孩子利用所有的单词将自己铅笔盒里的中文课表换成英文版的课表。) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

17、- - - - - - -第 5 页,共 16 页EEC 版小学四年级上册英语Lesson4 I Like Music 教学设计和教学反思教学目标:1 、学习怎样对喜欢的事物进行问答及课程名有关的句子。2 、 能听懂、会说 third music sing stop 单词, 学会熟用句型 “ What& quot;s the third class?Music” 及“ Do you like ?yes,I do. No,I don"t.”3 、培养学生的观察、记忆、思维入语言应用的能力。教学重、难点:1 、能正确、熟练地运用本课的日常交际用语。2 、能用正确的语言、语调、表情和动作表

18、演对话创作对话。教学用具:图片、录音机。教学过程:Step 1 warm up T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,teacher. T:How are you,today? Ss:We"re fine.thank you,And you? T:I"m very well.thanks a lot. Tet"s sing a song: “ What"s your name? ”T: (指着班级的课程表)What"s the first class? S1:Math. T:What&qu

19、ot;s the third class? Step 2 Presentation 1 、 Tisten to the tape carefully.who can tell me? (文中讲什么)Teach “ third”.2 、 T: 第四、第五 通常在基数词后加 “ th ”.3 、 T:What"s the fifth class? S: 音乐T:Let"s study “ music ”.Teach “ music ”.T:I Like music.Do you like music? S:Yes.Yes. S:No,I don"t .I Like T

20、: 同桌两人合作操练Do you like ?Yes,I do./No,I don"t 句型。4 、 T:Look at this pictur. “ sing ” “ stop ” 教读。Ss:Make sing in the air. Make sing in the air. S-i-n-g sing Make sing in the air. T: 说到唱歌 “ sing ”你还会想到什么?S:dance. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 16 页T: 说到停止stop ,你们会想到什么?S:begin

21、 start. Step 3 Practice 1 、 T:Listen to the tape and repeat. 2 、 T:Cheak it out. 3 、 T:Let"s act out the dialogue.I"ll give you a star. Step 4 Production 1 、 T: 以小组为单位,看师手中的图片,操练Do you like ?Yes,I do./No,I don"t. 2 、 T : Let"s play a game.Ask 、 answer and write. 3 、 T : Let"

22、s make a new dialogs.( 四人一组并表演对话) Step 5 Homework 1 、给你们当一次老师的机会,把所学的内容教给你的亲朋好友。2 、背课文师生共唱 “ Good -bye to you ” 结束在本课的教学设计中, 为学生所创设的情境精心别致,贴近生活, 符合学生的兴趣需求,并具有一定的开放性。学生在学习新知过程中, 我把生活中, 课堂上所能捕捉的东西都加入了教学中。对所学内容由浅入深的引导, 让学生在轻松愉快中学到了知识, 运用了知识。使学生感受到英语距离我们并不遥远,就在我身边, 随处可见。 增强了学生对英语的好奇心,自然兴趣就提高了。在语言输出环节中,新

23、旧知识得到结合延伸,达到语言的自然积累教学目标:( Teaching aims )1.教会学生如何用英语表达每日放学后的活动。2.让学生会用英语说一些乐器名称。3营造良好的课堂心理气氛,提高学生的注意力,消除他们的紧张情绪,让他们在宽松、民主的气氛中进行合作学习。教学重点:( Important pints )精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 16 页To learn the patterns:(“What do you do after school ?”:I like reading books) “Do you li

24、ke music?”教具:课件、图片,录音机,磁带,调查表。教学过程:( Teaching steps )一.组织教学:(The organization of class)T:Hello!Everyone !Ss:Hello!Miss Ni !T:I m so glad to see you again .I miss you very much.What about you?Ss:Me too. T:I hope you can have a nice day. Ss:Thank you. (此步骤是通过与学生亲切的问候,拉近了师生间的距离, 为创设良好的课堂氛围打下了坚实的基础。)二.复

25、习:( Revision )(放大屏幕 )Then choose “English ”.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 16 页T:Whats the first class?Ss:English. T;Do you like English? S1:Yes, I do./No, I dont.(Choose “Chinese”)T:What s the second class ?SsChinese (Choose“Music”)T:Whah s the third class?Ss:Music. T:Do you l

26、ike music? Ss:Yes,I do. T:Goo d,Let s sing a song.“If you happy and you know it”.(放大屏幕 )。(英文歌的演唱使学生情绪放松,消除了紧张心理。)三.教授新课:( Teaching the new lesson)T:Let s learn lesson5“I Ride a Bike.”Now please open your books to page 58.Listen carefully. Teacher wites the title on the blackboard after listening. 精选

27、学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 16 页T:Look at next page.How many people can you see in the picture? Ss:Four. T:Who are they S:Ken,LiL,Jess and Robo. T:Can you guess where they are going ? S:Maybe they re going to school,or going home.T:Great!Listen to the story,you ll know the ans

28、wer after listen.(Listen the story). T:Where are they going? S: They re going home.Teacher asks the students some questions after listening to the tape,the students answer the questions Then listen to the chant,chant. 1. (放大屏幕) About one s daily activities:play the violin/watch TV /play the piano /s

29、ing /read books/play computer games. T:If Im the person in these pictures, you can ask me“What do you do after scool? ”I ll answer you.Clear?S:Yes. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 16 页T:One,two three,go! Ss:(Point to picture)What do you do after school? T:I play the violin(Do t

30、he motion and answer.) Follow me. Boys:What do you do after school. T:I watch TV. Girls:What do you do after school. T :I play the piano .etc. 2.Stich the pictures on the blackboard. T:Now,you can choose an activity from these pictures.When you stand up,others will ask you and you answer (a girl)sta

31、nd up. Ss:What do you do after school? S1:I play the computer games. We can say:She plays computer games.(Teacher says twice). T:Are you clear?Remeber:We must say“plays ”not“play ”here.Ss:What do you do after school? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 16 页S2:(a boy)I sing. Ss:Oh,h

32、e sings.(Tother with the teacher.) (电脑课件的使用, 不但提高了学生的注意力, 还激发了他们学习英语的兴趣。)四.巩固练习:( Consolidation )1. Pair work: T:What do you do after school? S1:I go to the library. T:(To other students)She goes to the library.(To S1) Do you like reading? S1:Yes,I like reading books. T:(To other students)Oh,she lik

33、e reading books. T:What do you do after school? S2:I go swimming. T:(To other students)Lets say together .Oh,he goes swimming.(To S2)Do you like swimming? S2:Yes,I like swimming. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 16 页T:Oh,she likes swimming.Now you can do the dialogue with your d

34、eskmate. (同座间的对话练习,以及师生对话,达到了合作学习的目的。)2.Group activites: Teacher hands out the survey sheet,Deride the students into eight groups ,students do the survey in groups.After the survey,each group will select a student to report the result of the group to the whole class and the teacher. (本环节既加强了学生英语口语交际

35、能力,又锻炼了学生与人交往的能力,为培养学生良好的个性品质奠定了基础。)五总结:( Summer )T:Today , we ve learned “violin , library ”and“What do you do after school ?”Youve learnt how to use them .Homework for today.Liaten to the tape and read it. 板 书 设 计Lesson 5. I Ride a Bike (Part I) What do you do after school? I play the violin. 精选学习

36、资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 16 页violin library How about you ? She goes to the library. She likes reading. Yes, I like reading books. 小学英语四年级上第五课教学设计 I ride a bike 小一班刘桂菊教学目标 :学会交流课后活动 ,了解同学课后爱好及相关的英文表达。知识目标 :听懂会用下列句子What do you do after school? I play the violin. I ride my bik

37、e. Dont do that again. 能力目标 :自主大方与人沟通 ,了解同学兴趣爱好 ,广交朋友。情感目标 :看到有人做危险活动要出面劝阻,会关心人 . 教学重点 :会问答并结合自己实际情况进行回答. 教学难点 :能用完整句子进行替换问答. 学习策略 :培养学生学习兴趣 ,激发学生积极思维 ;通过分组活动 ,练习学生合作能力 ; 在任务中引导学生积极运用所学句子进行表达与交流. 课前准备 :道具模型自行车 ,小提琴 ,常玩的球类课件内容热闹的公园,肃静的图书馆 ,漂亮的体育馆里面人们在弹钢精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1

38、4 页,共 16 页琴,踢球,拉小提琴 ,骑自行车 ,游泳,读书等多种业余活动情景. 教学过程 : 一导入:聊天式直接进入主题Hello,everyone.I want to know what do you do after school? 谁知到我的问题是什么 ?放慢语速再说几遍并适时板书.同学会说出 你们放学做什么?我接过话 对呀 ,你们放学后都做什么呢?把同学们的回答中与本课相关的活动板书下来 ,同时悬疑 :他们放学又做什么呢 ?进入新课学习来了解一下吧! 二观看多媒体课件 ,学习各种活动表达play the piano play the violin play football pl

39、ay basketball swim in the pool ride a bike play games read books go fishing . 三听课文录音解答学生不懂内容. 如:She goes to the library.She likes reading. 四解决前面悬疑问题强调注意安全游乐Jess : play the violin Li Li: read books/ go to the library Kate : ride a bike Jimmy: ride a bike,too 五巩固训练运用模拟课后活动情景运用语言选出两名同学 ,一人问 What do you

40、 do after school? 另一人做动作来回答 ,并说出半句 I.下面同学一起补充完整play games等短句 . 六巩固强化 小结并补充板书巩固重点句子这节课我们重点学习的一个句型是什么?同学们的课后活动丰富多彩,大家说一说都有哪些活动 ,看谁说的多 ? 七作业完成调查表 ,询问三至五位同学朋友课后活动,了解他们的兴趣并练习书精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 16 页写句子 . Name:_ Hobby:_ _ _ _ _ What do you do after school? I _.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 16 页



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