江苏省高中英语 Unit3 Back to the past Reading课件2 牛津译林版必修3

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1、ReadingUnit3LostCivilizationsLanguage Language pointspointsLearning goalsGo over sth. about the two lost civilizations by retelling.Grasp some key words and phrases in the text by practising.Write a brief introduction about one of the civilizations by using the newly learned language. 1.1.赢得一席之地得一席之

2、地_2.2.被被称称为, , 公公认为, , 以以闻名名_3.3.听演听演讲, , 听听讲座座_4.4.被活埋被活埋_5.5.夺取;接管取;接管_win a placewin a placebe known asbe known asattend a lectureattend a lecturebe buried alivebe buried alivetake overtake over6.6.从从 . . 流出流出/ /涌出涌出_7.7.造成造成极极大的大的损害害_8.8.保保护_9.9.被用被用 . . 装装饰_10.10.结果是,果是,证明是明是,_,_pour out ofpour

3、 out ofdo much damagedo much damageput under protectionput under protectionbe be decrateddecrated with withturn outturn out1 1.In89BC,theRomastookoverPompeii.【原句回放原句回放】takeover夺取,接管取,接管Eg.Theson_thecompanyasmanagerafterhisfatherretired.tookovertakeaway拿走拿走,夺去去takeback收回收回,带回回takeoff脱脱下下,起起飞,成功成功take

4、in吸收吸收,接接纳,欺欺骗takeon呈呈现,雇雇佣佣,承担承担takedown记下下takeup拿起拿起,占据占据,着手着手处理理takeplace发生生【拓展提升拓展提升】 小试牛刀!小试牛刀!1)Whodoyouthinkwillnowthatthepresidenthasresigned?A.takeoverB.takeupC.takeinD.takeoff2)Somanycarsarelineduponbothsidesoftheroadthatmuchpublicspaceis_.A.takeninB.takenoffC.takenupD.takenoverIn our clas

5、s, we have a rule that your cellphones _ _ _ by me during the schooldays. I have to _ _ _ your desire to use the phone during the classes because it will _ _ your precious time when you should _ _ notes and listen to teachers .At the end of the last class of a day, you can _ _ your phones. I believe

6、 that if you work hard every day, you will _ _ one day.aretaken overcontroloftaketake downuptaketake backtakeoffAnother Class Rule : ( “take” version )2Nearthecitywasavolcano.在城市附近有一在城市附近有一座火山。座火山。=AvolcanocalledVesuviuswasnearthecity.本句是个倒装句。当句首为表示地点的介词短语,本句是个倒装句。当句首为表示地点的介词短语,谓语动词为谓语动词为be,stand,si

7、t,lie,come,hang等动词等动词时,使用倒装句。注意主谓一致。时,使用倒装句。注意主谓一致。Eg.Acatsitsonasofa=On a sofa_.sitsacat【原句回放原句回放】【拓展提升拓展提升】1)In the dark forests,_,some of which are large eough to hold several small towns.A. are lying many lakes B.do many lakes lieC. many lakes lie D. lie many lakes2)Look! Out of the classroom_ w

8、ho hurry to catch the bus home.A.the children B. do the children rush C. rush the children D.are the chidren rushed3.Manypeoplewereburiedalive,sowasthecity.beburiedalive意思是意思是“被活埋被活埋”,alive是形容词,在这是形容词,在这里做主语补语里做主语补语辨析 alive/living/live/lively【原句回放原句回放】翻译翻译Thisisalive/livingfishThisisafishalive.这是一条活


10、小试牛刀!小试牛刀!livelyalivelivinglive/livingsowasthecity是倒装句,是是倒装句,是“so助助动词动词/情态动词情态动词/be主语主语”的结构。这一的结构。这一结构用于肯定句的后面,以避免重复前句结构用于肯定句的后面,以避免重复前句所说的相同内容;在否定句的后面,为避所说的相同内容;在否定句的后面,为避免重复前面的内容,通常用免重复前面的内容,通常用“neither/nor+助动词助动词/情态动词情态动词/be+主语主语” “so主语系动词(助动词或情态动主语系动词(助动词或情态动词)词)+前面主语前面主语”,此句型的主语与此句型的主语与前一句的主语相同

11、,因而前一句的主语相同,因而主谓不倒装主谓不倒装。这种句型表示说话者对前句所提到的这种句型表示说话者对前句所提到的情况或事实表示赞同,其中情况或事实表示赞同,其中so作作“不不错;确实如此错;确实如此”解。解。知识链接知识链接1)IwatchedtheTVprogrammelastnight._.A. So I do B. So I did C. So did I D. So do I2)Youforgotyourpursewhenyouwent.Goodheavens,_.A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did3)IfJoeswifed

12、oestgototheparty, .Ahe will either Bneither will heChe neither will Deither he will小试牛刀!小试牛刀!4.Itturnsoutthataftertheashcoveredthepeoplewhofailedtofleethecityturnout结果是,原果是,原来来;生;生产【原句回放原句回放】I had thought she was a stranger, but it turned out that she was a friend of my sister.We worked hard to prep

13、are for the coming exam, but it turned out (to be) rather easy. 竟然竟然/居然居然(表意外表意外)Although the weather was poor, the party turned out (to be) a success. = it turned out that the party was a success.turn on 打开打开off 关上关上up 调高,出现调高,出现down 调低,拒绝调低,拒绝away 避开避开 不准入内不准入内to 转向,求助转向,求助over 翻转翻转/移交移交/反复考虑反复考虑i

14、nto 变成变成in 上交上交【拓展提升拓展提升】arounaround d转身身Every morning, you should _ _ in the classroom on time. Being late is not permitted.When you enter the classroom, you have to _ _ your phones, and _ them _.If you have any question, you can _ _ classmates or teachers for help. Nobody will _ you _. Everyone ta

15、kes turns to be the duty monitor every day and takes charge of our class affairs. As a result, everything _ _ perfect. OUR CLASS RULES: (“TURN” VERSION )turn upturn offturninturn toturnawayturns out【原句回放原句回放】5,theirbodiesnearlycompletelybrokedownanddisappeared.breakdown分解;分解;(机器机器)出故障出故障;(身体身体)垮掉垮掉;



18、为:意为:插嘴。插嘴。Newsreportssaypeacetalksbetweenthetwocountries_withnoagreementreached.A.havebrokendownB.havebrokenoutC.havebrokeninD.havebrokenup解析解析:答案是答案是A。析语境可知。析语境可知,两国和平谈两国和平谈判失败判失败,没有达成任何协议没有达成任何协议,因此该空应填因此该空应填havebrokendown,表表(和平谈判和平谈判)失败失败。6. It is believed to have been gradually covered over by

19、sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 500.“It” here refers to _.It is believed that Loulan was gradually covered ?相似句型有相似句型有It is It is said/believed/supposed/thought/considered/rsaid/believed/supposed/thought/considered/reported /hoped/knowneported /hoped/knownLoulan据报道,这本书已被翻译成许多语言。据报道,这本书已被翻译成许多语言。Itisrep

20、ortedthatthebookhasbeentranslatedintomanylanguages.=小试牛刀!小试牛刀!Thebookisreportedtohavebeentranslatedintomanylanguages.据报道,这本书已被翻译成许多语言。据报道,这本书已被翻译成许多语言。It is reported that the book has been translated into many languages.= The bookisreportedtohavebeentranslatedintomanylanguages.=He is believed to be

21、studying abroad.Practise:Itissaidthathewillstudyabroad.Itissaidthatheisstudyingabroad. Itissaidthathehasstudiedabroad. =He is believed to have studied abroad.=He is believed to study abroad.7.Svenfoundtheremainsofbuildingstogetherwith(L38)1) She fed the remains of the meal to the dog. 剩饭菜,剩余物剩饭菜,剩余物

22、Guess the meanings:遗迹遗迹/ /遗址遗址/ /古迹古迹【原句回放原句回放】2) People paid their last respects to the remains of the killed people. 3) The remains of the plane havent been found yet. 4) The villagers in the small town kept the remains of the ancient custom.遗体遗体/遗骸遗骸残骸残骸遗风遗风【拓展提升拓展提升】 remainvi剩下,剩下,遗留;仍然,依然(留;仍然,

23、依然(+adj./n./adv.);尚尚待待.(+todo)Eg.remainseated/standing/silent/inhospital/adoctor/tobesolvedremainingadj.剩余的剩余的theremainingmoney=theleftmoneyEg.Littleofthebuildingremainedafterthefire.TheweatherstillremainedcoldinApril.Itremainstobeseenwhetherhewillpasstheexam.【课堂堂巩巩固固】( (见导学学案案) ) ( (答案答案BDBDB BBADC

24、 DBCAA)BDBDB BBADC DBCAA)【知知识小小结】1.take 1.take 构构成的成的词组辨析辨析2.2.表地点的介表地点的介词短短语前置前置构构成的倒装句成的倒装句3.alive3.alive用法及用法及soso引引导的倒装句的倒装句4.turn4.turn构构成的成的词组辨析辨析5.break5.break构构成的成的词组辨析辨析6.It is +6.It is +过去分去分词+that+that从从句的句式用法句的句式用法7.remains7.remains与与remainremain词义及用法及用法Practice WritingWrite a brief intr

25、oduction to Pompeii or Loulan by using as many language points weve learned today as possible. At the end of your introduction, remember to put forward your suggestions on how to protect it . Consolidation: Practice makes perfect.Homework 1)Review the new language points weve learned today.2) Polish up your brief introduction.



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