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1、五年级英语期中练习姓名 _班级 _一、根据中文提示完成句子。(6 分)a.1. I am making a _model_ (模型)plane. 2.It s 6:30 , time to _weka_( 醒来 ) up . 3.We re very _busy_(忙的 ) on weekdays . 4. I can _count_ (数数) from one to ten . 5.Let s go and _look_ _for_ (寻找) my dog. 6. Janet _collect_ ( 收集) stamps _during_ ( 在期间 ) her holiday. 7. Th

2、e robot can _spack_ ( 讲话,谈话) with you. It can do many _thing_ ( 东西 ). 8. Where s Ben? Let s go and _look_ _for_ ( 寻找) him. 9. I usually _stay_ ( 停留,呆在地方) at home at the _weekend_ ( 周末 ). 10.Mr and Mrs Chen like to_have_ sume fun (娱乐)on Sunday. 12. The bird _fly_ _well_ high ( 能飞得) in the sky. 13. My

3、 friend has a robot. It can _spact_ _Engilsh_ ( 说英语 )!14. Xiaoling can _sing_ _well_ ( 唱得好 ). b. 找出一个与其他三个不同类的词。 (7 分)( C ) 1. A. lunch B. dinner C. banana D. breakfast ( D ) 2. A. playground B. gym C. classroom D. place ( C ) 3. A. usually B. never C. play D. seldom ( B ) 4. A. cute B. chicken C. t

4、all D. strong ( C ) 5. A. run B. swim C. play D. from ( D ) 6. A. talk B. speak C. write D. stamp ( A )7. A. week B. Saturday C. Tuesday D. Monday (A ) 8. A. fifth B.eight C.thirty D.fifty ( B ) 9. A.spring B. May C.summer D.winter ( C ) 10、 A. blue B. yellow C. colour D. grey 二、选择一个最佳的答案,并把其编号写在题前的

5、括号内。(11分)( ) 1. A: I want to be _ art teacher when I grow up. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 2. A: What s Mike s hobby? B: His hobby is _. A. play music B. plays music C. playing music ( ) 3. A: How many stamps do you have? B: _ eighty. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页A. more B. than

6、C. more than ( ) 4. Look, Jiamin _ exercise in the playground now. A. takes B. taking C. is taking ( ) 5. My mother _ for us every day. A. cook B. cooks C. cooking ( ) 6. A: What can the boy do? B: He can _ fast. A. run B. running C. fly ( ) 7. A bird can _ high and far in the sky. A. fly B. draw C.

7、 swim ( ) 8. Mr and Mrs Chen often _ out for lunch on Saturday. A. go B. goes C. going ( ) 9. A: Does Ben often play football ? B: Yes, he _. A.can B. do C. does ( )10. A: Can you dance well? B: No, I _ . A.can t B. don t C. can ( )11. Ben s grandpa likes _ flowers in the garden. A.grows B. growing

8、C. Grow ()12.Eat _ apple every day . A.a B. an C. the ()13.What is _hobby ?. A. your B. I C. you. ()14.Tom is _TV now. A. watching B. see C. watch ()15. I m here_help you. A.to B. of C. from ()16.She has _200 books. A. many B. so many C. more than () 17.My father often_to the cinema on Sunday. A. go

9、 B. goes C. going ()18.Wow! The robot can_ English. A. speaks B. is speaking C. speak ()19.He can jump very_ . A.good B. best C. far () 20.The Monkey King can do_. A.everyday B. everything C.every ()21.Sun Yang is _ swimming . A .good at B. good C. B good on ()22.Mrs Chen usually cooks nice food _th

10、e weekend. A. on B. in C. at() 23.My mother s hobby is_. A. shopping B. shop C. Shops ( )24. Look,the boy_table tennis. A. play B. plays C. is playing ( )25. A: _ he sometime do some reading. B:Yes,he does. A. Can B. Does C. Is ( ) 26. A: _ does Chen famliy very busy ? B: At the weekend . 精选学习资料 - -

11、 - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页A. When B. Where C. What ( ) 27. Mary can dance well . She is _ in the playground now. A.dance B. dances C. dancing ( ) 28. The kite_ a bird. A. looks like B. look like C. likes ( ) 29. Kate s hobby is _. Look! She is drawing on the blackboard now. A. dr

12、aws cartoons B. drawing cartoons C. draw a cartoon ( ) 30. She can t_chess.A. play B.playing C.plays ( )31.My mother often_housework after dinner. A.do B.does C.doing ( )32.Does your brother_up at seven in the morning? A. get B. getting C.gets 四、选择适当的句子回答问题,把序号填在题前的括号内。(7 分)( ) 1. What s your father

13、 s hobby? A. It can speak English. ( ) 2. Does she like drawing animals? B. I m watching TV . ( ) 3. What can a robot do? C. His hobby is running. ( ) 4. Can a dog run fast? D. No, she doesn t. ( ) 5. What are you doing now? E. No, he isn t. ( ) 6.What does Tom usually do on Sunday? F. Yes, it can.

14、( ) 7. Is Ben at the library? G. He usually plays tennis. 五、填上所缺的单词,把对话补充完整。(每格一词,9 分)(一) ( Does, playing , hobby, Can, with ) Jim: What s your _, Bill? Bill: My hobby is _ chess. I often play chess _ my father in the evening. Jim: _ you play it well? Bill: Yes, I can. Jim: _ your father like playin

15、g chess? Bill: Yes, he does. (二) ( What , Does , making, of, swimming, hobby ) A: are you doing? 新 课标第一 网B: I m a model car,I love making models. A:What s your ? C:My hobby is . A: Can you swim very fast ? C: course,I can. A: your father like swimming? C:Yes,he does. (三) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归

16、纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 7 页A: _ is Xiaoling, Tom? B: She likes _. Maybe she s in the art room. A: She isn t there today. B: She often _ exercise in the playground, too. I think you can _ her there. A: OK. Thank you. 六、阅读短文,根据短文意思,选择正确的答案。(8 分)Jim is an English boy. He s 11 years old. He lives in a

17、happy family. His parents love him very much. On weekdays, his father and mother go to work, and Jim goes to school. On Saturday and Sunday, the family often goes out for fun. Sometimes they go to the cinema, and sometimes they visit their friends. Jim likes to play at the Children s Palace best. Th

18、ey always have dinner together and talk about their day. ( ) 1. Jim is _ years old. A. ten B. eleven C. twelve ( ) 2. Jim goes to school from_ to _. A. Monday.Friday B. Monday.Thurday C. Monday.Sunday ( ) 3. Jim likes to play _. A. in the park B. in the playground C. at the Children s Palace ( ) 4.

19、The family often _ outside at the weekend. A. goes swimming B. has fun C. plays badminton 七、 Ben 有着广泛的兴趣爱好,他会做很多事情,他的日常生活丰富多彩。请根据提示词介绍一下Ben. (至少写5 句, 5 分)句型提示: like, hobby, good at, can , usually, often活动: play football, draw, make models, swim, run, visit friends, watch TV 八、假如让你设计一个机器人,你希望它能做些什么事情

20、呢?。(至少写五句 )(5 分)I have a robot. It can walk. It 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 7 页M1M3 复习卷班别:姓名:假期作业:1.背熟 U1-U6 课文,共三天评价:签名:2.按要求完成 M1-M3 练习卷1.翻译以下短语(要求尽量不要看书,写完后可看书检查是否正确,不正确就纠正,然后在把短语读几遍)1.做轮船模型 _ _ 2.照相 _ _ 3.集邮 _ 4. 养宠物 _ 5.玩音乐 _ 6.读书 _ 7.玩电脑游戏 _ 9.超过 20国家 _ 1.大约 50 个游戏 _ 1

21、1.在我的假期里 _ _ 12 有趣的的人物 _ 13.美丽的风景 _ 14. 在天空中 _ 15. .一个伟大的画家_ 16. 擅 长 _ 17. 画 的 很 好 _ 18. 舞 跳 得 好_ 19. 跳 得 高 _ 20. 跑 得 快 _ 21. 跳 得 远_ 22.唱得好 _ 23.读得快 _ 24.对的25.让我们一起跑步26.生日快乐 _27.说英语_ 28.你会做每件事情29.在这里帮助你 _ _ 30.会说话的机器人_ 31.想和他谈话_ 23.寻找_ 24.找到 _ 25.做家庭作业_ 26.吃冰淇淋_ _ 27.参加锻炼_ 28.去游泳 _ 29.在图书馆_ _ 精选学习资料

22、 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页30.在工作日_ 40.在学校的商店_ 41.在教室_ _ 42.在音乐室_43. 在体育馆_ 44.在游泳池_ _ 45 在周末 _ 46 在周六 _ 47 呆在家里_ 48 娱乐 _ 49.出去吃晚餐 _ 50.吃一顿丰盛的早餐_ 50.去电影院_ 51.上一堂游泳课_ 52.醒来_ 2.给下面的句子找出错误,并在旁边纠正知识点 : 单词拼写一般现在时,主语是第一人称(I)或第三人称复数( they) ,动词用原形;主语为第三人称单数 (she, he) ,动词用 S 形动词 S形的变化规律

23、:一般动词直接+s 以 s, sh ,ch ,x ,o结尾的单词+es 以辅音+y 结尾单词,去 y 改 i,+es 不规则变化, have has 现在进行时,标志词: look , listen ,now ,句型结构: be + v.ing like/love/be good at + V.ing can 是尾巴杀手 can + 动词原形动词与程度副词的搭配 eg. run fast Eg . I is reading now . 1. Xiaoling is good at draw . 2. Look! Jiamin runs in the playground. 3.Father u

24、sually watchs TV every evening . 4. Lets go to the cimena. 5. Monkey likes eat bananas . 6. I does homework at home . 7. Fish can swimming very well and fast . 8. Mother have breakfast at 8:00 . 9.Janet studys Chinese at the Children s place . 10. I can run well . 3.用单词的正确形式填空。am 精选学习资料 - - - - - -

25、- - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页1.The PE teacher (can run) fast . Now he (run) on the playground . 2. The girl likes (sing) . She can (sing) very well . She (sing) everyday. 3. - Linda (draw) well ? - Yes , both she and her sister (draw)well . 4. - Ben (make) model plane ? No, he is (do) homewo

26、rk now . 5.- your parents (wake) up early at the weekend ? - No, they . 6.- your parents (work) now ? - Yes , they . 4.按实际情况回答问题。知识点: 由 Do , Does , Is , Are , Can 提问的问句为 一般疑问句 。一般疑问句回答技巧 :一般用 Yes / No.回答,记住用什么问,就用什么答, 不要:Does ? Yes , .is . 就错了。还有问谁就答谁,不要搞错对象。特殊疑问词: What(什么)、Where(哪里) 、Who( 谁) 、Whose

27、( 谁的 )、What time/ When( 什么时间 )、Why( 为什么 ) 、How(怎么) 、How many(多少)、How much(多少钱 )、How often( 多久) 特殊疑问句回答技巧:问什么,答什么;问谁,答谁;用什么时态问,就用什么时态答 。如: What does your father do ? She is running .( 就错了) 1.Do your parent like reading ? 2. Does your father go to work by bus ? 3.Is your mother tall and young ? 4. Are

28、 you a worker ? 5.Can a bird swim very well ? 6.What can Kangaroo do ? 7.Whats your friend s hobby ? 8.What does your father usually do at night ? 9.What is your father doing now? 10.Where do you usually go at the weekend ? 11.How do you go to school ? 12. How many pets do you have ? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页



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