高中英语 m4unit1复习课件 牛津版必修4

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1、 RevisionRevision Module4 Unit 1 Advertising Unit 1 Advertising1. 复习并掌握本单元的单词复习并掌握本单元的单词,短短语及重要语言项目语及重要语言项目.2. 掌握本单元重要句式结构掌握本单元重要句式结构3. 完成并掌握本单元的复习练完成并掌握本单元的复习练习习Taskswordswords1、 广告商广告商,登广告者登广告者 2、 福利事业福利事业3、 问题问题,议题议题 4、 评论评论,意见意见,评价评价5、 独特的独特的,独一无二的独一无二的 6、 迷人的迷人的, 令人着迷的令人着迷的7、 商业的商业的 8、 做出反应做出反应

2、9、 方法方法,途径途径 10、 时髦的时髦的,流行的流行的1.advertiser 2. welfare3.issue 4. comment5. unique 6. fascinating7. commercial 8. react9. approach 10. fashionable一、一、Word checkpoints11、 包装包装 12、可买到的、可买到的,可得到的可得到的13、 更新更新,升级升级 14、非常地、非常地,极其地极其地15、 适用的适用的,功能的功能的 16、 目标目标,对象对象,靶子靶子17、 毛骨悚然的毛骨悚然的 18、有说服力的、有说服力的19、 活动活动,运

3、动运动 20、 新颖的新颖的,独创的独创的11.packaging 12. available13. update 14.extremely15. functional 16. target17. thrilling 18. persuasive19.campaign 20.original1.They used some _ (有说服力的有说服力的) arguments2. Good friends should s_ happiness and sorrow with each other.3. The students of our class are _ ( 决决定定)to go to

4、 a good university.4. The book he _(建议建议) to me was intersting.5.We should increase our _ (意识意识) of the importance of learning English .单词填写单词填写persuasivesharedeterminedrecommendedawarenessphrasesphrases二、二、Key phrases1.知道,明白,意识到知道,明白,意识到2.欺骗,捉弄欺骗,捉弄3.对对感到厌倦感到厌倦4.迎合,对迎合,对有吸引力有吸引力 5.对对感到满意感到满意6.对对习以为

5、常,习惯习以为常,习惯7.上上的当,受的当,受骗骗 8.处理,对付处理,对付9.为为而打算而打算10.决定做某事决定做某事11.对对关心关心12.传达传达13.对对挑剔挑剔14.根据根据15.同意某人的意见同意某人的意见 be aware of play tricks on be bored with appeal to be satisfied with be used to fall for deal with be intended fordetermine to do sthbe concerned with get sth acrossbe particular aboutaccor

6、ding to agree with sb. on sth16.屏住呼吸屏住呼吸17.在公共场所在公共场所18.听候某人吩咐听候某人吩咐19.治愈某人的病治愈某人的病20.以以感到自豪感到自豪21.高质量高质量22.在销售中在销售中23.宣布宣布24.和和相似相似25.达到达到 26.尤其,特别尤其,特别27.为了为了.利益利益28.向某人介绍某物向某人介绍某物29.向某人推销向某人推销30.在某人方便时在某人方便时hold ones breath in public at ones service cure sb. of a disease be proud ofbe of good / h

7、igh qualitybe on sale make an announcementbe similar to up to in particular for the benefit ofrecommend sth. to sb.promote sth to sbat ones convenienceSentence Sentence patternspatterns1.公益广告的目的是教育我们帮助我们生活得更好公益广告的目的是教育我们帮助我们生活得更好. PSAs _ _ _ teach us and help us _ _ _. 2.然而,并非所有的广告都给我们设计陷阱的然而,并非所有的广

8、告都给我们设计陷阱的 Not all ads _ _ _ us though.3.我们不能跌入这样的陷阱。我们不能跌入这样的陷阱。 We must not _ _this kind of trick. 4.要始终迎合受众的反应要始终迎合受众的反应,这很重要这很重要 It is important to always try to_ _the way the audience will react.5.遗憾的是遗憾的是,许多家长并没有意识到兴趣爱好在学许多家长并没有意识到兴趣爱好在学生生活中的重要性生生活中的重要性. It is a pity that many parents are not

9、_ _ the importance of hobbies in a students life.are meant tolead/live better livesplay tricks onfall fortoappeal aware of 7.如果你需要什么,请尽管吩咐。如果你需要什么,请尽管吩咐。 If you need anything,Im _ _ _8. 我弟弟打算明年到国外留学。我弟弟打算明年到国外留学。 My brother _ _ study abroad next year. 9.She is so skilled that she can easily _ _ _ _

10、(说服人们购买说服人们购买)the new productsat your serviceintends toPersuade people into buying/(to buy)10、If they want to become the market leader, the company must _(确保确保)that their product _ _ _ _(质量高质量高).11、That is why we are _ _(考虑重新包装考虑重新包装)our chocolate bar as well.12、These ads(涉及涉及)_ _ large social issue

11、s.ensureis of high quality consideringrepackaging deal with13.Have you ever _ _ _ _(后悔没拍下后悔没拍下)those unforgettable moments?14、When you start a successful ad campaign, you must _a clear goal and target audience_(把把记住记住).15、What parts of this issue would they care about or be _ _(关心关心)? regretted not

12、havinghave in mindconcerned aboutsnappedPraticePratice makes makes perfectperfect1.Come and see me whenever _. A.you are convenientB. you will be convenientC. it is convenient to youD. it will be convenient to you2. The children should be _ not to play tricks _ the disabled.A. educated; on B. traine

13、d; toC. educated; with D. trained; on3.When she _ a tall dark figure watching her, she ran into the house immediately.A. was aware fromB. was aware ofC. is aware ofD. is aware from4.While doing shopping , people sometimes cant help _intobuying something they dont rally want. A.persuade B. persuading

14、 C. being persuaded D. to be persuaded5.This idea of studying abroad really _ me. But I dont think so.A.appeals toB. appeals againstC. appeal forD. appeal to6.How shall we go to that airport? Well, I recommend _ a taxi.A. to takeB. takingC. to takingD. take7.We should not sacrifice environmental pro

15、tection to _ economic growth.Aconcentrate Bpromote Cassociate DAccumulate8.He has made a lot of mistakes in the paper,though he did not _.Aattend to Bintend to Cintend for Dintend making9. Parents try to _ their children of their bad habits.Acure Btreat Crecover DHeal10. -Tom said,“Could you help me

16、 with my maths,Mum?”-Tom asked Mum _.Athat she could help him with his maths Bto help him with his maths Cif she could help him with her maths Dwhether he could help her with her maths解析:引述一般疑问句时,通常用解析:引述一般疑问句时,通常用whether或或if引导。引导。但本题但本题C、D人称不对,因此符合题意的只能是人称不对,因此符合题意的只能是B项。答项。答案:案:B例题例题1.Many of them

17、 turned a deaf ear to his advice,_ they knew it to be valuable.(07浙江浙江8) Aas if Bnow that Ceven though Dso that教材原文对照教材原文对照Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it tells you the complete truth. (P2) 解析:本题考查连词的用法。句意:他们中的很解析:本题考查连词的用法。句意:他们中的很 多人不听他的劝告,尽管他们知道那很有价值。多人不听他的劝告,尽管他们知道那很有价值。as if好像;好

18、像;now that既然;既然;even though尽管;尽管;so that以便,因此。以便,因此。答案:答案:C例题例题2You didnt use to like him much when we were at school,_?(2008上海春招,上海春招,30) Awere we Bwerent we Cdid you Ddidnt you教材原文对照教材原文对照 We are so used to them that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day. (P2) 解析:本题考查动词短语解

19、析:本题考查动词短语be used to 和和used to 的区别,同时也考查了反意疑问句的用法。本的区别,同时也考查了反意疑问句的用法。本题前面用了否定,后面用肯定。题前面用了否定,后面用肯定。答案:答案:C例题例题3.At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics.(湖北,湖北,24) Aapproaches Bmeans Cmethods Dways教材原文对照教材原文对照 You must decide what approach you want to use. (P18) 解析

20、:解析:approach to.做做的方法。的方法。B、C与与 of连用。连用。the way to do sth.或或the way of doing sth.。答案:答案:A例题例题4.would it be _for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport? (08,山东) A. Free B. vacant C. handy D. convenient 解析:句意:解析:句意:4点钟你来接我,点钟你来接我,再送我去飞机场方便吗再送我去飞机场方便吗?free自由的,自由的,vacant未被占用的,未被占用的,

21、空缺的,空缺的,handy手边的;手边的;convenient 便利的,方便的便利的,方便的 例题例题5.there are plenty of jobs _in the western part of country.(08.浙江卷浙江卷) A.present B. available C. precious D. convenient解析:解析:available 可得可得到的,可利用的,到的,可利用的,句意为:在这个句意为:在这个国家的西部地区,国家的西部地区,有很多工作可找有很多工作可找得到。得到。任务型阅读任务型阅读1 1通读全文获得大意通读全文获得大意2.2.找出关键句找出关键句,

22、 ,理解句意。理解句意。3.3.选出关键词,注意选出关键词,注意词性词性,词词形形的转变的转变做题技巧做题技巧How delicious! Do you want to eat?When you buy the product,what do you care about? 1.concerned/ cared (customers may consider more about what they buy the product for ) 2. use/ function (With a less emphasis on functional utilities ) 3. attracte

23、d 4. image (the image of product and the consuming circumstance have become the key points to attract custom ) 5. ways(根据表格后面的内容,以及搭配)(根据表格后面的内容,以及搭配) 6. stressed/emphasized (The image of product is emphasized, ) 7.Communication (and communicate with customers creatively, imaginatively and innovativ

24、ely, ) 8. reason (The reason reason for image-oriented customer behavior is probably that customer 包很好 ) 9. lifestyle( that customers lifestyle has been continuously virtualized ) 10. Examples (The typical example is Apple Computers IMAC )HomeworkHomework学案学案m4unit1 No:24m4unit1 No:24Goodbye Goodbye



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