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1、英语必修 5 外研版 Module 3 同步学案( 2)Book 5 Modiule 3 第二单Part one Introduction 1.have no connection with 与-无联系in connection with =with reference to 与-相连,关于lose connection with 与 -失去联系e.g. He had no connection with the case. 他与此案无关。The meeting is in connection with a proposal . 拓展 相关短语be connected with = be r

2、elated to 与-有联系2.bring sb. Back to reality 使某人面对现实in reality - face reality- become a reality- 例 示 ;She and the Whites are connected-marriage .That is to say , she is realaed-the whites. A. with; to B. by; to C. with ;with D. by; with 3. 原文;a story in which a detective tries to solve a problem. Solv

3、e vt. 解决(问题,困难等) ,解答Eg We must solve the economic crisis. 经济危机例示:The problem he has been paying attention to -. A. having been solved B. being solved C. has been solved D. solved 4. account 的用法n. (c) 账目,帐户E,g. open an account at (with ) a bank 在银行开户Put it on my account =Charge it to my account = Add

4、 it to my account. 记在我的账上。(C)描写,说明,报道He has a good account of what happened. (u) 原因,理由;考虑E,g He is angry on this account . 拓展 account for 解释,说明E,g His illness accounts for hie absence. 例示:Nowadays sending e-mails to each other is a way many a student -what they think. A. conveys B. convey C. account

5、 D. accounts 5. 原文:His companion is Jim , a black slave who has also run away.他的同伴是吉姆,一个同样出逃的黑奴。Companion n. 伙伴,伴侣,朋友Keep sb company 与某人做伴有关 run 的短语搭配:run into - run across- run out - 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页run out of- run over- run down- run after- run for- 例示:1The

6、photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery-quickly. A. shuts up B. ends up C. runs out D. turns out 2. Lf you-any problems when you arrive at the airport, give me a ring. A. come up with B. set about C. run into D. put aside 附加高考链接完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题1 分,满分 20 分) 阅读下面短文

7、,掌握其大意,然后从2140 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。The town I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red lights It 21 me of how many people I ve seen who take the yellow light as a 22 to go faster I also can t understand why people don t move when the tr

8、affic light has turned green Above all, there are those 23 situations in which someone doesn t even 24 that the light turns red, and just keeps goingThat is why so many 25 happen! All these situations make me 26 the purpose of traffic lights 27 , it s even more frightening to imagine letting people

9、make their own decisions at 28 crossroadsDo the biggest cars get to go first? Who decides who goes next? So I guess I do like the idea of a system to 29 traffic And I ll do my best to 30 the traffic rules: to go, to be cautious, and to stop when I m 31 toIt occurs to me that my 32 have done much the

10、 same for me 33 teaching me how to live They have given me many 34 lights: to get along well with others, to listen and talk to them, to help others, and to 35 with joy and purpose They have also given me some red lights 36 my life goes astray(误入歧途): not to be greedy, to keep my temper, and to contr

11、ol my desires And there 37 have been some yellow caution lights: to watch how much I drink, to keep control of my behavior, and to 38 school regularly and work hard 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页If I obey these rules, my life will be as 39 as it can be Just as I m wise to p

12、ay attention to the traffic lights when I m walking across the street, I m wise to pay attention to the“ 40 signals” given to me by my parents 21Asuggests Binforms Creminds Dwarns 22Asight Bsignal Cmessage D switch 23Ainstant Bexciting Cdangerous Dcautious 24Anotice Bsense Cremember Dfeel 25Aevents

13、Bproblems Csituations Daccidents 26Athink of Bwonder about Ccare for Dworry about 27ABesides BAnyway CInstead DHowever 28Anoisy Bnarrow Ccrowded Dkey 29Acontrol Bdirect Cimprove Dserve 30Alearn Bobey Cprotect Dcarry 31Asupposed Bused Cdevoted Ddelighted 32Ateachers Bfriends Cleaders Dparents 33Ain c

14、harge of Bin face of Cin terms of Din danger of 34Asafe Bgreen Cbeneficial Dhelpful 35Alive Bshare Cwork Dcommunicate 36Aunless Bwhen Cbefore Dtill 37Astill Beven Conly Dalso 38Astart Battend Cleave Dmiss 39Agood Bcolorful Cmeaningful Dhealthy 40Atraffic Blight Clife Dconfidence 参考答案精选学习资料 - - - - -

15、 - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页Part two Reading and Vocabulary1.原文Number the event in the order they happen.按事情发生的顺序给他们编号event n. 发生的较大或重要事件;运动的项目辨析: accident ,incident ,event “ 事件事故小事件或有预谋的政治性事件或事变指出乎意料的不幸事件 Eg. Twenty people were killed in the traffic accident. Xian Incident took place in

16、 1936. The American Civil War is generally regarded as one of the greatest events in the American history. 例示:()My strongest -is the long race and came out first in the sports meeting held last week. A. event B. incident C. thing D.item 2. () On New Years Eve New York City holds an outdoor-which att

17、racts a crowd of a million of more peple. A. incident B. event C. case D. affair In order 整齐,秩序井然;状况良好;处于可使用的状况;适宜;妥当()3.Remember to put the books -before leaving the room. A. in the place B. in the order C. in order D. in need 2 原文; -the rain poured down - Pour v. 灌,倒;倾注;大量生产;n. 短语:pour down =rain

18、heavily 雨倾盆下着Pour - into - 向-里倾倒E,g. The crowd poured out of the concert hall. The factory pours waste water into the river nearby. 例示:-Look ! How long -like this ? -Three weeks ! Its usual here that rain -without stopping these days of the year. A. has it rained; poured B. is it raining; is pouring

19、 C. has it been raining; pours D. does it rain; has poured 2 Siddenly, by the lightbof the lightning ,we saw something in the middle of the river. By the light of - 借助 -的光线短语:come(bring )sth. to light 显露,揭露throw light on sth. 帮助说明某事物;精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页例示:Profess

20、or Karl is a scientist whose experiment have -the amazing things. A. throw light on B. thrown great light on C. thrown a great light on D. thrown a lioght upon 3原文:It looks as if it ll go under soon . As if +从句 = as though +从句 ,其后的从句有时用虚拟语气,有时用陈述语气。E,g. W eve missed the bus .It looks as if/though we

21、 ll have to walk. They treat me as if /though I were a stranger. As if doing =as though doing 好像在做As if to do =as though to do 好像要做Eg. He waved his hand at me as if greeting me . He opened his mouth as if to say something . 例示:(1)When a pencil is partly in a glass of water , it looks as if it -. A.

22、breakes B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken (2 ) He felt -Tom were a member of his family. A. even if B. as if C. until D. that 4. 原文:I don t want to board a sinking ship . Board n. (c) 木板(u)膳食,伙食V 上 (船火车,飞机)提供膳宿短语:on board 在车(船等)上,上车(船等)辨析:board. , aboard , abroad | | | v. adv. adj.国外的;

23、home and abroad 国内外| | | 直接加宾语与 be 连用 | 或后置修饰名词例示:-There are ships within the reach of the island. - But I can see nobody-. A. broad B. board C. abroad D. aboard 5. -he agreed to go - Agree 的短语:agree with -,-,- Agree to - Agree to - Agree on/upon - 例示:(1)He agreed -send me some books on computer. (2

24、) We have agreed -the date of the visit. (3) The wet climate doesn t agree -the northerners . (4) Finally he agreed -he would accept the invitation. (5) All those who agree -the plan , raise your hands. (6) I agree -him on the matter . 6. 原文:When he heard these words ,Jim panicked and ran to the raf

25、t . Panic v. 引起恐慌,陷入恐慌n. 恐慌- (过去式) - (过去分词) -(现在分词)短语:be in panic 陷入恐慌状态精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页Get into panic 进入恐慌状态Be at panic stations 惊慌失措,手忙脚乱例示:There was a -in the cinema when the fire broke out . A. cheer B. panic C. alarm D. move 7.原文:I ve had enough of you .

26、Have enough of - -受够了E,g I ve had enough of your complaining . 例示:Are the parents who let their child who is -walk in the dark alone at night considerate? A. young enough B. too young to C.not to enough to D. so young 8.原文:He sounds as if he s going to die of fright. 与 die 有关的词组及短语Die of - die for D

27、ie from die off Die out die away 例示:( 1)-Look ,another tiger -yesterday in a zoo in Shenyang. -I see. .Now the tiger -.We should do take measures to protect the precious animal. A.died ; is dying B. died ; is dying out c. died out ; is dying D. died out ;is dying out (2 ) On the one hand ,tons of mi

28、lk -.On the other hand, tens of thousands of people -hunger. A. went bad; died of B. went badly ,died of C. went bad ; died from D. went badly ; died from 9. 原文:But I persuaded him to help me . Persuade vt. 说服,劝服Try/want to persuade/advise 说而不一定服Persuade sb.(not)to do sth.=persuade sb. Into (out of

29、)doing sth. 说服某人(不)做某事Persuade sb, of sth.=convince sb. Of sth 是某人相信某事例示: (1) While shopping people sometimes can t help -into buying something they don t really need. A. persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. to persuade (2 ) He was a heavy smoker . I -him to give up smoking but he just would

30、n t listen to me . A. suggested B. tried to persuade C.persuaded D. managed 10 原文: We drew up alongside . Draw up 把船拉出水至岸边草拟停住精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页例示:The advertisement -always -people s attention. A. in big print; pays B. in big print ; draws C. with big print D. w

31、ith big print ; catches Part three Writing , Everyday English ,cultural Corner 1.原文:The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is set in the USA- Set vt. 为(故事等)构设背景,使-以-为背景(太阳等)下落摆设,放置使 ,致使调整,校正确定,规定树立(榜样)短语:set about - Set out- Set sb. To do sth.- Set sb. Doing sth.- 例示:( 1.) I read a famous play the M erch

32、ant of Venice, which was -in Italy. A. happened B.set C.taken place D.founded ( 2). Having decided to rent a flat , we -contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city . A. set about B. set down C. set out D. set up 2. 原文:As they make their way down the river,they have a number of exciting adv

33、entures. Make one s way 前进,进行短语 ; make way for - In no way -=-=- Lose way - Lose one s way -= get lost 例示: 从 in the way ,in a way , in no way , on the way 中选词(1) School teaching should -be separated from practice. (2) Don t stand -.Let me pass. (3)The work is welll done -. (4) He picked up a wallet

34、-to school. 3. 原文:Ofen the lives of writers resemble the lives of characters they create. Resemble vt. 与-相似不用于被动语态不用于进行时态Resemblance n. 类似例示:Mary was ofen told that she -her elder sister Ellen. A. reacted B. reflected C. recalled D . resembled 4. to start with = to begin with 第一,首先( in the first pla

35、ce )起初,开始( at the beginning )精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页在句中作状语句首,句尾,用来补充说明或作进一步解释Start with =begain with 从 -开始End up with 以-结束E,g A thound li journey starts with the first step .意为“ - 例示:It won t work:-, it would take long ,and secondly it would cost too much. A. at firs

36、t B. above all C. in addition D. to start with 5. 原文:-to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water.- Warn 警告;告诫;Of /about sth. 向某人发出 -的警告Against (doing )sth 警告某人堤防、不要做某事Warn sb. + off - 警告某人离开(not)to do sth. That -clause 告诫某人例示:I -him of the opposition he would meet. A. warned B. threa

37、tened C. treared D. threaded( 穿针,穿过) 6. 原文:He left school early ,and as an adolescent, determined to make his fortune in South American, set off from his home . Determine v 决定,决心,使决意Determined adj.有决心的,意志坚定的Determination n. 决心短语:be determined to do sth = determine to do sth. 决心做某事determine on =decid

38、e on 决定某事Determine +从句从句用虚拟语气(should) +do )一句多译 : 我们决定早动身(1)(2)(3)(4)7. 原文 ; Forced to change his plans , he worked for several years as - Force vt . 强迫,迫使结构:force sth. Force sb. To do sth. Force sb.into doing sth. n.力量,暴力,影响力结构:come into force 生效In force 在实施中Bring/put/carry sth in force 使生效例示:The g

39、overnment will soon put the law in -. A. energy B. force C. power D. strength 8. 原文:-and established the reputation he still enjoys today.- Establish vt. 建立(设施,事业等) ;开设;制定;确定;证明;精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页辨析:build 为建造实物(高楼大厦);精心设计制造Establish 创办机构(学校医院等)Set up 树立。创立例示:By 1909, Picasso had -himself as a painter of great talent in Paris. A. made B. recognized C. admitted D.established 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页



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