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1、学习必备欢迎下载手册( 姓名_)20XX年暑期初中英语集训班语音语法词汇学习精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载 Part One 名词一、把下列名词变成复数。1. tree_ 2.apple_ 3. glass_4. box_ 5. potato_ 6.bus_ 7.boy_8.chair_ 9.table_10.dish_11.knife_12.month_ 13.child_14.mouse_15.foot_16.deer_17.tooth_18.person_ 二、按要求填入单词的适当形式。1

2、. Two _live in this building. (family) 2. Look at those _. (child) 3. I can see a _standing near the door. (policeman) 4. There are some _on the table. (glass) 5. Would you like some _? (bread) 6. I have two _ (sister) 7. I like _(cat) 8.Do you want some _for supper?(potato) 9. He has two _.one is o

3、ld, the other is new. (watch) 10. In autumn, you can see a lot of _on the ground.(leaf) 三、选用下列正确的单词或词组。1. Do you drink much_ (milk, milks)? 2. I visited_ (Tom, Tom s) house yesterday.3. He had two _(cup, cups) of tea. 4. This is _(Tom an d Mary s, Tom s and Mary s) house.5. Give me a_ (piece of , )

4、paper, please. 6. I don t want_ (a, an) old cap. 7. Look at those_ (sheep, sheeps). 8. How many_( radioes, radios) 9. There are 36_(boys, boies) in my class. 10. That bag is my _ (father s, father s bag).四、将下列句子变成复数形式。1.This is a knife._ 2. That is a tomato._ 3. I have a wish._ 4. That child is very

5、 lovely._ 5. An Englishman stood there._ 五、写出下列名词和词组的所有格。1. my sister_( 的书 ) 2. this boy_( 的爸爸 ) 3. today _ (的报纸)4. her baby _(的脚 ) 5. two days_( 的路程 ) 6. a few years_(的时间 ) 7.John and Mary_( 的城市 ) 8. John and Mary_( 父母 ) 9.我爸爸的两位朋友_ 10.汤姆的一位老师_ 六、Choose the best answers( ) 1 -Would you like_tea? -N

6、o, thanks. I have drunk two_. A. any, bottles of orange B. some, bottles of orange C. many, bottles of oranges D. few, bottle of oranges ( ) 2 He is hungry. Give him _ to eat. A. two breads B. two piece of bread C. two pieces of bread D. two pieces of breads ( ) 3 It really took him:_ to draw the ni

7、ce horse. A. sometimes B. hour C. long time D. some time 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载( ) 4 I would like to have_. A. two glasses of milk B. two glass of milk C. two glasses of milks D. two glass of milks ( ) 5 Can you give me _? A. a tea B. some cup of tea C. a c

8、up tea D. a cup of tea ( ) 6 Please give me _ paper. A. one B. a piece C. a D. a piece of ( ) 7 John bought_for himself yesterday. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pair of shoes D. two pairs shoes ( ) 8 _face to the south. A. Windows of the room B. The windows of the room C. The room

9、s windows D. The windows in room ( ) 9 Please take two_. A. picture of the park B. pictures of the park C. the pictures of a park D. picture of a park ( ) 10 The workers are repairing_. A. the roof of the house B. a roof of the house C. roof of the house D. this roof of house 七、 Read the following c

10、arefully and choose the best answers There is an old tiger in the forest. He doesnt want to look for food now. He often asks other animals to get him something to eat. One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, monkey. Go to the village and get me something to eat.” “ I cant do that now, tige

11、r,” the monkey says, “There is another tiger over there. He will not let me get a nything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.” “What?” cries the old tiger. “Take me to that tiger. I will talk to him. ” The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river. “Now look down at the water.” Says the

12、monkey. “Do you see the tiger?” “Yes, I do,” cries the old tiger. “I will eat him.” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river. ( )1 An old tiger lives _. A. in the zoo B. in the garden C. in the forest D. on the farm ( )2 How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story? A. Two tigers and t

13、wo monkeys. B. Two tigers and one monkey. C. One tiger and two monkeys. D. One tiger and one monkey. ( )3 Why does the tiger ask the other animals to get him food?Because _. A. they are afraid of him B. only they can look for some food C. they are his friends D. they like to do so ( )4 The monkey _.

14、 A. goes to get something to eat B. gets to the bridge with the tiger C. knows there is another tiger D. tells the tiger to jump into the water ( )5 Which of the following is right? A. The tiger is very clever. B. The monkey eats the tiger. C. The tiger eats another tiger. D. The tiger jumps into th

15、e water. ( B)吉姆正在和莎莉聊天。请根据聊天内容判断所给句子的对(A)错( B)Jim: How many days are there in a week? Sally: Why, seven, of course. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday? Jim: Well, Sally, can you speak out (说出 ) the five days of a week and not say Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Th

16、ursday, Friday and Saturday? Sally: Let me see. Im sorry I cant. Can you?Jim: Of course I can. They are today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday. ( ) 6 There are seven days in a week. ( ) 7 Sally can speak out five days of the week and not say Sunday, Monday, Tues

17、day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ( ) 8 Jim thinks there are five days in a week. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载( ) 9 Its Saturday today, so tomorrow is Sunday . ( ) 10 Tomorrow is the day before today. Part Two 冠词One 给下列各题分别选出一个最佳答案( )1 Do you like a

18、blue bike for your birthday? But I prefer_green one A the B / C a ( )2. Is_English-Chinese dictionary on the desk yours? No,I dontt have_ English-Chinese dictionary. I use English dictionary. A an;an B an; the C the; an Dthe; the ( )3. On the shelf there is_fancy teddy bear A the B a C an D / ( )4,

19、Harry potter is_ interesting story and we all like it. A a B an C the D 不填( )5 There is_park in front of the theater.Its small but beautiful. A.the B an C the D 不填( )6 Do you have a cat ? Yes ._cat is black and white A The B A C An ( )7 Do you know _university student who is talking with Joe ? Yes,s

20、hes my cousin,Kate. A a B an C the ( )8 Thanksgiving Day is_special day people give thanks for all_good things in their life A /;the B the;the C the;/ D a;the ( )9. Fric has_e-dog and is name is Hobe A a B an C the ( )10 Whsts this in English ? Its_ruler. A a B the C 不填( )11 My brother studies in _u

21、niversity._ university is very far from here A an;The B a;The C the;A D a;A ( )12 There is_apple tree in my farden. Its over 10 years old A the B a C an D 不填( )13 Everyone knows that_Great Wall of China is very famous. A a B an C the D 不填( )14. Please dont play_bastetball in the classroom. A a B the

22、 C / D. an ( )15. In the United States,Fathers Day falls on _ third Sunday in_June. A the;/ B the;a C /;the D a;/ ( )16. People like to see film on_TV instead of going to _ cinema A the;/ B the;a C /;the D a;/ ( )8. He is _-university student and he comes from_island in England A an;an B an;a C a;an

23、 D a;a ( )9. Do you know Taiwan,Jenny? Yes,of course.Taiwan is_is land It belongs to China A a B an C the D / 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载( )10.Do you know_lady in blue ? Yes. She is a teacher of _university. A the,a B a ,an C a,/ D /,a ( )11. Who is _man with ga

24、lsses Oh,hes our new English teacher Mr .Li A a B an C the D / 1 2.Sandra works in a big factory.Shes a _worker. A a B the C some D / 13.My cousin works in a restaurant .He is _cook A a B an C the D/ 14.Whats the matter with you ? I caught _bad cold and had to stay in _bed A the;the B a;the C a;a D

25、a;/ 15 This is _only expensive dress Ive got A a B an C the D / 16.Whats_date today ? Its June 26thA / B a C the D that TWO. 根据句子的需要,选择正确的答案( a , an,/) 1. A horse is _ useful animal 2 He told me_ugly news 3 Mary is_honest girl 4 Today is _hot day 5 He gave me_ old stamp 6 That is _ one-act play 7 He

26、 has _ little mokey,which is very interesting. 8 He hates to tell_life 9. _earth is bigger than_moon 10 She is _bank manager 11. _earth is bigger than_moon 12.He went to _school after_breakfast. 13.John is_university student. 14.Where is _teacher? Hes on_train 15. This is _unknown place. 16. She is

27、fond of_music Three. Read the following carefully and then answer the questions Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten oclock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he g

28、oes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied with (满意 ) him. One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his house, she agreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about their school, teachers, clas

29、smates and their future (未来 ). They talked for a long time. “Have a look at your watch, please,” said the girl. “What time is it now?” “Sorry, something is wrong with my watch,” said Jack. “Wheres yours?” “I left it at home.” Jack thought for a moment and found a way. He began to stamp his foot on t

30、he floor, “Bang! Bang! Bang!” The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, “Its twelve oclock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?” 1. Jack was _ when he finished middle school. A. sixteen B. eighteen C. twenty D. fifteen 2. The old woman is satisfied with Jack

31、 because _. A. hes her grandson B. hes clever C. he can keep quiet D. he gets home on time 3. From the story, we can know that Mary is Jacks _. A. classmate B. colleague ( 同事 ) C. aunt D. wife 4. The word “stamp” in the story means _ in Chinese. A. 盖印B. 跺C. 贴邮票D. 承认5. Jack stamped his foot on the fl

32、oor in order (为了 ) _. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载A. to wake his grandma up B. to make his grandma angry C. that his grandma was going to tell him the time D. that his grandma was going to buy him a watch Part Three 数词One用英语写出下列数字6_ 11_ 12_40_ 12_18_20_21_ 90_100

33、_102_115_ 325_999_812_9259_ Two改错1.Which bike is the best ,the fiveth ,the nineth ,or the twelveth ? 2.Eightth comes after seventh. 3.The thirtith three is taller than any others. 4.Mr thireth three is taller than any others . 5.The twice lesson is less difficult than the third Three单选1.The_question

34、 is much more difficult than this one . A. sxith B.six C. sixteen D. sixteen 2.June is the _month of year. A.six B.sixth C.seven D.seventh 3.This is the _time in _days that he has made the same mistake A. second/third B.two/three C.two /third D.second/three 4-How old is your son -_.We had a special

35、party for his _birthday last Sunday . A.Nine,ninth B.Nine.nine C.Ninth,nine D.ninth ,ninth 5Qinghai-Tilbet Raiway was comepleted last year .It is the _railway that connects Tibet with the other parts of China. A.first B.second C.third D.fourth 6._Guangdong Sports Games was held in Foshan last Novemb

36、er . A.The twelve B.Twelth C.The twelfth 7.In our city ,_middle school students want to work as a teacher in the fucture. A.thousand B.thousand of C.thousand of D.two thousand of 8.There are more than two _languages spoken in Nigeria A.hundreads B.hundreads of C.hundred D.hundred of 9.We can see _st

37、ars at night if there are no clouda in the sky . A,thousand of B.thousands of C.a .thousand 10.-How much does it cost to build the school library ? -Four_yuan A.million B.millions C.millions of D.mollion of 11._girls took part in the Super Girl competition but only few of them succeeded. A.One milli

38、on of B.Thousands and millions C.Millions of D.Two millions 12._people in the world are sending and receiving e-mile enery day . A.Million of B.Many millione of C.Several million of D.Several millions 13.About _of the students in our school are boys . A.thirdfifths B.three fifths C.three fifth 精选学习资

39、料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载Four用英语写出钟点数1八点一刻2 .五点半3 .三点六分4.六点差五分5. 在 6:30 6.在 8; 45 Five用英语写出下列分数1.1/3 2.2/5 3.3/4 4.3/4 5.5/4 6.1/4 Six阅读理解A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail. Now it is the Western ru

40、le to begin at the head of the horse, that is why I was surprised. It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly(肚子)or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really know their busin

41、ess do not follow other peoples rule.They make their own rules. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar( 奇特的 ) to himself; and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. Now the very same thing is true to literature(文学 ). And the question, How shall I begin?

42、 only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is, you are not yet experienced( 有经验的 ) enough to trust to your own powers. When you become more experienced you will never ask the question, and I think that you will often begin at the tail -tha

43、t is to say, you will write the end of the story before you have even thought of the beginning. ()1. A friend of the writers drew the horses _. A. very well B. in the way of western rule C. in the way of his own rule D. all of the above () 2. The writer was surprised because _. A. the artist began t

44、o draw at the head of the horse B. the artist began to draw at the tail of the horse C. the artist made his own rule D. the artist did not follow other peoples rule ()3. You are not yet experienced because _. A. you dont know where to begin B. you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at th

45、e tail C. you always asked question D. you do not trust to your own powers () 4. When you become more experienced you will _. A. never ask question B. often begin at the tail C. should write the end of the story D. should think of the beginning 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 25

46、 页学习必备欢迎下载Part Three 人称代词(1)One Choose the best answers ( )1-Who is the boy over there? -_is my brother . A. He B. His C. He s D. Himself ( )2.-Mum ,I want to ask grandpa a question . -Oh. _is reading a newspaper upstairs. A. He B. Him C. His D. Himself ( )3.-Two Evening Papers .please -Only one cop

47、y left . Would you like to have _, sir? A. one B. it C. this D. that ()4-Look! What s the postman giving . Mrs Chen? -He s giving _a letter A. it B. him C. me D. her ()5.Yesterday was Dad s birthday. I gave _a scarf as a present A. he B.him C .his D. himself ()6-who is singing in the classroom ? -_m

48、ust be Susan. A. She B.It C.This D.He ()7.I can t find pen Iwas given .Have you seen _? A.it B.one C.this D.that ( )8.Your digital watch is quite nice.where did you buy _?I want to buy _,too. A.one/one B.it /it C.it/one D.one /it ( )9.Did you find_very interesting to playYoYo? A.this B.it s C.that D

49、.it ( )10.-John ,someone in your class phone you this morning . -Oh, who was _? A.he B.she C.it D.that ( )11.-Whose notebook is it ? -It belongs to Lily .Didn t you see _name on it A.she B.her C.hers D.his ( )12-Do you know about David? -Yes, I know _very well A. he B. himself C. him D. his ( )13-Is

50、 that Mary ? -Right . She s nice and I like _very much . A. herself B. her C. hers D. she ( )14 T.o the players,_,the last high jump was the most exciting as well as the most difficult. A.both Bob and I B. Bob and I C. both Bob and I D. Bob and I ( )15.-Who is _ -It s_ A. he/I B. it/I C. he/me D. it

51、/me ( )16.-Is this your history book? -No, _is in my school bag .Perhaps it s_. A.his; Li Ping s B. mine; Li ping C. mine; Li Ping s D. yours, mine ( )17.Excuse me , _pen is broken. May I use _? A. my; your B.I; yours C .my; yours D. your, mine ( )18.-Wow ,your new bicycle looks the same as_. -Reall

52、y? A. me B.I C. my D. mine ( )19.This is my seat _is over there . A. Your B. Her C. Their D. His ( )20.-Is this your e-dictionary -No. _is in the schoolbag. A. His B. Yours C. Hers D. Mine 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载( )21.-My pen is lost. -Don t worry about it .

53、You can use _ A. mine B. my C. one D. myself ( )22.Rick .this is my notebook .Where is _? A. his B. your C. mine D. hers ( )23-Is this your son s sweater? -No, _is on the chair behind the desk. A. He B. Him C. She D. mine ( )24.-Hi,jane !Whose bedroom is it ? -It s _ A. my B. me C. her D. mine ( )25

54、.Don t worry .He s got much food . You can share _ A. some of mine B. some of yours C. some of his D. much of mine. ( )26.It isn t _watch . I left mine at home A. my B. me C.I D. my self ( )27.He said there was much difference between_. A. I and he B .me and him C. you and I D. you and me ( )28.-I m

55、 glad to meet you -_ A. I; too B. Me; too C. I; either D. Me; either ( ) 29._are to blame A. Tom and I B. Tom or I C. I and Tom D. Tom and me ( ) 30._who are from Beijing lived on the second floor . A. I and the other two B. The other two and I C. I or the other two D. The other two or I ( ) 31.-_ar

56、e you going to the concert with this weekend ? -My cousin .I m sure we will enjoy _ A. Whom ; ourselves B. Who; us C. Whom; myself D. Who; herself ( ) 32-No one helped Millie . She did it all by _ A. myself B. herself C. himself D. yourself 不定代词( ) 1. Can you hear the strange noise from the washing

57、machine _ must be wrong with it. A. Anything B, Nothing C. Something D. Everything ( ) 2. -Wow, so many new houses! I can t believe that It used to be a poor village. It used to be a poor village. -Yes. _ has changed here. A. Nothing B. Something C. Everything D. Anything ( ) 3.money is important in

58、 my life .But it isn t _to me . A. everything B. some thing C. nothing D. any thing ( ) 4. -What are you going to give your mother for her birthday? -I m not sure .But I ll buy her_. A. something B. anything C. special something D. nothing ( ) 5.Did you see _ else? A. every thing B. anything C. any

59、thing D. nothing ( ) 6.Stop talking, please. Our teacher has _important to tell us. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything ( ) 7. The idea of “ sunshine sport ” makes it possible for kids to choose and do _ about sport as long as one hour every day. A. pleasant something B. anything pleas

60、ant C. nothing pleasant D. something pleasant ( ) 8. _ is watching TV .Turn it off ,will you ? A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody ( ) 9-Who helped you with your English ? -_!I learned it all by my-self A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody ( ) 10.-What else do you want? 精选学习资料 - -

61、 - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载-_else .I think I have learn everything ready. A. Something B. Nothing C. Anything D. Everything ( ) 11.Does_else want to go ? A. anybody B. any body C. somebody D. some body ( ) 12There is _who wants to speak to you A. any body B. nobody C. som

62、ebody D. everybody Part Three 人称代词(2)One: Fill in the blanks with the words given 1._(我们 ) maths teacher is Miss Lei. _( 我们 ) all like _( 她). 2.This is _( 我的 ) seat. _(你的 ) is over there. 3._( 我们 ) class is bigger than _(他们的 ). 4._( 我们 ) are waiting for _(他们 ). 5. Is _(你) father _(他们 )teacher? Yes,

63、_ (他)is. _(他) always helps _(他们 ) with_( 他们 ) maths. Two. Fill in the blanks with the words given 1.This is not your bike. It is _(my). 2.Where is Tom ? _(he) mother is looking for _(he). 3.This dress is so beautiful. I like _(it) colour. 4. Is that computer _(you)? No, it is not _(my). 5.You can sp

64、eak to _(I). _(me) am _(they) teacher. 6.-Are these _(I) clothes ? -No, _(you) are on your bed. 7. Is this _(she) car ? -No, _(she) is over there. 8.This is not _(we) class. _(our) is in that is in that building. Three. Choose the best answers ( ) 1. Mr Black has two daughters.One is a teacher ,_is

65、a doctor. A. other B. the other C. another D. others ( ) 2-Herbin is really a beautiful city and there re many places of interest. -So it is, why not stay here for _ today? A. other B. others C. another D. the other ( ) 3.I have two boxes .one is big ,_is small. A. another B. others C. other D. the

66、other ( ) 4.My bike is broken .I want to buy _0ne. A. other B. the other C. others D. another ( ) 5.Jenny wants to get _-jib .She s tired of working here. A. a B. one C. the D. another ( ) 6. -What about this T-shirt? -I don t like the color .Please show me _one A. other B. the other C. another D. e

67、ach other ( ) 7.-Doyou like talking with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone ? -_.I enjoy using QQ. A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Both ( ) 8. Shirely had to buy_ there CDs because she don t know which one to take . A. all B. none C. each D. both ( ) 21. -When are you going on the school

68、trip ? - _ today or tomorrow. We ll be free these days A. Either B. None C. Both D. Neither ( ) 9. Not all teachers agree that spending to much time on the Internet is good for student. A. Lots of B. Few C. Many D. Some 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载( ) 10. There

69、s _ cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to he supermarket and get_? A. little; some B. little; any C. few; some D. few; any ( ) 11. Would you like some juice or milk -_ is OK. I don t mind. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All ( ) 12. We have _ rain this spring. The trees and grass don t grow

70、 well. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( ) 13. She feels happy because she has _ good friends here. A. no B. few C. many D. any ( ) 27.I haven t been to the aquarium before .How about you Tom. -Me, _ A. too B. either C. neither D. none ( ) 28.I ask John for _ink ,but he didn t have _ A. any; s

71、ome B. any ;any C. some ;any D. some; some ( )29.My friend and I are interested in drawing ,but _of us is good at it . A. neither B. both C,. none D.all ( )30 On_ sides of street are lot of colourful flowers. A. each B. both C. either D.all ( )31-Whch do you prefer a CD player or are walkman? -_.I p

72、refer the new kind of MP4. A. Both B. None C. Neither D. Either ( )32.“You can t have them both .You can choose _the kite _the toy car “ said Mother A. either; or B. both ;and C. not only ,but also ( )33.-How long will you stay here ?-I think I will be here for _more days A. few B. a few C. little D

73、 .a little ( )34.We ll try our best to do the work with _money and _people A. few; little B. a few; a little C. less; fewer D. fewer; less ( )35.We had _people this year than we had last year A. little B. less C. few D fewer Four: Cloze I am a middle-school student. Now let _1_ tell you something _2

74、_ our classroom. Its very _3_. There are two maps _4_ the back wall. _5_ is a map of China. _6_ is a map of the world ( 世界 ). There are _7_ desks and chairs in our classroom. There is a big desk _8_ the teacher in the front of it. We _9_ four classes in the _10_ and two in the afternoon. ()1. a. I b

75、. my c. me d. we ()2. a. about b. in c. on d. at ()3. a. small b. big c. bigger d. biggest ()4. a. in b. on c. under d. over ()5. a. It b. Its c. One d. one ()6. a. Other b. Others c. Another d. The other ()7. a. fourty b. forty c. forteen d. fourteenth ()8. a. for b. of c. to d. about ()9. a. there

76、 is b. there are c. has d. have ()10. a. moning b.mourning c. morning d. moring The students of Class 3 are _11_ going to have any classes next week. Theyre going to _12_ the farmers _13_ their work on the farm. Theyre going to _14_ apples. Many students think its _15_ better than having classes. Th

77、eyre going to get up _16_ next Monday morning. Theyre going to meet outside the school gate at 7:30. The farm is _17_ near. Theyre going there _18_ bus. They re going to _19_ on their old clothes. Theyre going to work _20_. ()11. a. no b. not c. having d. always ()12. a. do b. help c. make d. give (

78、)13. a. doing b. with c. to make d. to doing ()14. a. having b. picking c. pick d. have ()15. a. more b. much c. many d. little 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载()16. a. later b. earlier c. early d. late ()17. a. not b. quite c. very d. no ()18. a. take b. take a c.

79、by d. on ()19. a. wear b. take c. put d. have ()20. a. hard b. a little c. heavy d. hardly 第五章动词一动词种类速记歌词英语动词分四种,行为联系助动词。动作状态为行动,充当谓语有作用。联系动词有词义,不能独立做状语。须与表语在一起,常用look, become,be 助动词来无词义,不能独立作谓语。时态,疑问和否定,do,be,wil 最常用情态动词 must,can,may,表示语气和情态。人称与数无变化,动词原形跟着它。二单选1.They all look fine today. A行为动词B.联系动

80、词C.助动词D.情态动词2.How do you do ? A行为动词B.联系动词C.助动词D.情态动词3.We all must be strict in our work A行为动词B.联系动词C.助动词D.情态动词4.Will you please open the door ? A行为动词B.联系动词C.助动词D.情态动词5.He did his homework yesterday . A行为动词B.联系动词C.助动词D.情态动词6-Dinner is ready .Help yourself ! -Wow ! It _delicious .Could you please tell

81、 me how to cook it ? A.teast B.looks C.sounds D.feels 7.The food in that restaurant _delicious ,but it taset bad . A.look B.feel C.become D.gets 8.-I got up late this morning ,so I _the early bus . -What a pity ! A.caught B.failed C.missed D.took 9.-It looks like a tevevision .Do you think so? -Yes

82、,I_. A.underestand B.Know C.mean D.agree 10.-Why don t you take the T-shirt ,Linda? -I have only $10 .I can t_it. A.borrow B.afford C.sell D .bring 11.Mrs Liu is kind and always _her help to others . A.shares B.recives C.makes D.offers 12.-Where is your dictionary ,Yu Mei ? - Oh ,I _it to Amy yester

83、day .She ll return it tomorrow . A.showed B.lent C.gave D.borrowed 13.Well ,let s go to visit the amusement park this Saturday . -That _great. A.feels B.looks C.sounds 14.She _beautiful in her new dress. A.smells B.looks C.sound D.sound 15It s a good habit _breakfast every day . A.had B.have C.has D

84、.to have 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载16.These apples _well because they _nice. A.are sold;look B.sell;look C.sell; are looked D.are sold are ( )17.-When can you finish your homework? -It will_me about half an hour. A.spend B.take C.pay D.bring ( )18._he read new

85、spaper every day? A.Did B.Do C.Doing D.Dose ( )19.I_write s letter to my father yesterday A.doesn t B.didn t C.not does D.not did ( )20.Yesterday morning I_post the letter. A.did B.do C.does D.to do ( )21.-Here you washed your clothes yet ? -No,I haven t ,but I ll_ A.try B.do C.wash D.have ( )22.-He

86、 didn t come ,did he ? -_ A.No, he did B.yes ,he didn t C.yes ,he did D.No, he doesn t ( )23.-The studant study very hard . -Yes ,they _ A.must B.must do C.must do so D.must do that ( )24.He speake English as well as he_chinese A.speak B.dose C.do D.did ( )25.He belived ,as _all his family ,that the

87、 king was their master. A.do B.does C.did D.to do ( )26She is a fine singer ,as her mother _. A.use B.used to be C.used to do D.used do ( )27.The situation here is beginning to look more like it _three years ago . A.does B.is C.did D.was ( )28.-Would you please _the TV .a little ?Jack is doing his h

88、omework . -Terribly sorry .I will. A.turn down B.turn up C.turn on D.turn off ( )29.Tina,_your books and get ready for dinner. A.put away B.throw away C.put down ( )30.Tom ,it s cold outside ._your coat when you go out . -ok .Mom A.Take off B.Take away C.Put away D.Put on ( )31 Drugs have done great

89、 harm to some people and their families . -I quite agree with you ,so we should _them A.keep away from B.shut down C.get on with D.Put off ( )32.Sam is only nine ,but he can _his sick mother very well A.look after B.look at C.look for D.look out ( )33.Smoking is bad for your health .You d better_ A.

90、give up it B.give it up C.take out it D.take it out 三翻译1我想不会下雨2.他相信他没有错3.我想他不爱她4.我想明天不会考试第六章动词的时态一口诀精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载三单肯死( S),其它原。一般疑问do、does 先。否定谓前don t、doesn t 添,疑问主前do、does 先否定主后don t、doesn t 添二单选( )1.Mary_breakfast now .she ofen _breakfast at 7:30

91、. A.is having,have B.is having ,has C.has,has ( )2.His sister_kind to her neighbors. A.am B.are C.is D.be ( )3.-I d like to borrow a book ,It s name is “ chicken run ”-Let me find it on the computer .Here it is .It_Kate has goe it . A.says B.is said C.has said D.was said ( )4.-Is your father a docto

92、r ? -Yes ,he is He _in Town Hospital. A.has worked B.had worked C.works D.worked ( )5.They learned from textbook that New York_the largest city in the world . A.was B.are C.is D.being ( )6.Unless the soldier _his pass the guard won t let him in. A.show B.shows C.showed D.showes ( )7.Jenny and Mei Ge

93、 _together at a factory in china.Today they are talking about buying a new computer . A.work B.woeked C.have worked D.are working ( )8.If we _the smaller computer we ll change it in a few years time A.will buy B.buying C.buy D.may buy ( )9.-What s that terrible noise ? -The neighbors_for a party . A

94、.prepared B.prepare C.will prepare D.are preparing ( )10.Jack has never been to Disneylang befor,but he_there this summer. A,has been B.is going C.went D.goes ( )11.Tom_in China now .He calls his parents once a week A.is studying B.will study C.has studied D.studied ( )12.-What s your brother doing

95、in his room now. -He _a kite A.makes B.made C.is making D.will make ( )13.Listen! Someone _outside A.sing Bsings C.is singing D.are singing ( )14.-Jim can you help me to wash the dishes? -Sorry ,Dad I _to the shop . A.go B.went C.have been D.am going ( )15.-Hurry up !It s tine to leave. -OK,_ A.I m

96、coming BI ll come C.I ve come D.I come ( )16.I m tired of her,gor she _clothes . A.always changes B.was always changing C.has alwaysd changed D.is always changing ( )17-How was your day off ? -pretty good !we _-the his tory museum . A .visit B.visted C.are visting D.will vist ( )18.I. m sorry you ve

97、 missed the train .It_10 minutes ago . A.left B.has left C.has left ( )19.His family _the zoon last week A.vist B.am visting C.visited D.will vist ( )20.-Inventors have changed the way we live . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载-So .they are famous for the great thin

98、g they A.do B.did C.are doing D.had done ( )21-I m sorry you have missed the bus. It _five minutes ago -What a pity ! A.was leaving B.has left C.left D.leaves ( )22.Scott has already returned to our town -Really ?Where _you_-him A.do ;see B.have seen C.did;see ( )23.-How was your weekend? -Great ! W

99、e_a picnic by the lake A.have B.are having C.had D.will have ( )24.Where s the cake I made this morning ? -we _it ,mom.Can you make another for us . A.ate B.eat C.will eat D.were eating ( )25-When _you _the bike ? -Last mouth A.have bought B.had ;bought C.do buy D.did buy ( )26.Jim _born in London i

100、n 1980 A.IS B.wad C.were D.be ( )27 _your father at work yestarday afternoon. A.Were B.Are C.Was D.Is ( ) 28 Hello,I_you _in London .How long have you been here. A.don t know; were B.hadn t knoen ;are C.haven t known are D.didn t know ;were ( )29-Come om .Peter .I want to show you smething -Oh ,how

101、nice of you !I_you _to bring me a gift A.never thing are going B.never though ;were going C.don t think ;were going D.haven t thought ;weregoing ( )30.We could have walked to the staion ,it was so near -Yes ,a texi _at all necessary / A.wasn t B.hadn t been C.wouldn t be D.won t be ( )31Your phone n

102、umber again? I_quite catch it . A,didn t B.couldn t C.don t D.can t ( )32.He ran towerd the seaside and _-inti the water . A .dived B.was diving C.dive D.sink ( )33.His uncle has gonr to Changsha .He _in three days A.returned B.returns C.will return ( )34-It s raining !When did it start ? -I dom t k

103、now exactly .In fact ,it _all this afternoon. A.lasts B.has lasted C.lasted D.will last ( )35.I_my teacher since last year.I miss him very much. A.didn t see B.saw C.haven t ( )36.-Why not see the film Harry Porter with me ? -I_it A.have seen B.see C.was seeing D.saw ( )37.-Do you have kat s number

104、? -Yes .but I can t find it now. I m afraid I_it A.lose B.have lost C.lost ( )38.Mr Wu is away holiday .He _to Shanghai A.has gone B.has been C.goes D.will go ( )39.So far ,how long _you _China? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载-For one year. A.have;come B.have ;been

105、 to C.have;been in D.have;gone ( )49.-I ll return the book to Helen but I can t find her anywhere -she _the teacher office ,you can find her there. A.has been to B.has gone to C.has left D.went to ( )50 .My aunt isn t here.She _Shanghai on business.She will be back in three days A.went B.has gone to

106、 C.has been to D.will go to ( )51.-Where s you dad.Peter? -He _ to Shanghai on business. A.has been B.has gone C.went ( )52.-Where can I find Jack ? -He _the post office A.has been to B.had been to C.has gone to D.has gone to ( )53.How long _the film KING KONG_? -For just seversl minutes. A.did,begi

107、n B.has begun C.has been ( )54 .Is that Chris speaking ? -Sorry .he isn t in .He _abroad on business. A.goes B.went C.has gone D.will go ( )55. I_to Canda twice .It s so beautiful . A.won t go B,.have gone C.don t go D.have been ( )56-What do you think of thr colour of my new dress ? -Sorry ,but wha

108、t did you say ?I_about somr thing else . A.think B.thought C,am thinking D.was thinking ( )57.-I knoked into a tree when I went to the railway station for my friend . -I suppose you _-too fast . A,drive B.are diving C.drove D.was driving ( )58.-Why won t you go to the movice with me Betty ? -Because

109、 I it twice . A.see B will see C.saw D.have seen ( )59.-Where s your mother,Helen -She _the flowers in the garden . A.weters B.watered C.is watering D.has watered ( )60.I called you at half past nine this morning but there was no answer . -Oh sorry .I_with my cousin in the supermarket A.shop B.was s

110、hopping C.shopped D.will shop ( )61.-What do you do ? -I m an enginer .I_in a company in Wuhan .I like my job very much A.work B.had worked C.will worke D.worked ( )62.-What do you do ? -I m an egineer.I_in a company in Wuhan .I like my job very much . A.work B.had worked C.will work D.worked ( )63

111、When _your brother _-back -About half an hour ago . A.did come B.had come C.do come D.have come ( )64-His parents wanted to know he _at that time . A.is doing B.was doing C.has done D.will do ( )65The woman and her husband _-in the same office . A.work Bworks C.is working D.has worked ( )66.-What di

112、d you do after school yester day 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载-I _-basket ball with my friends A.play B.played C.will play D.an playing ( )67.-Ann is in hosital . -Yes ,I know .I_ her tomorrow A.visit B.used to visit C.will visit D.am going to visit ( )68.I want

113、to know if there _An English speech contest next month . If our school_it I must get read for it . A.will be;holds B.will be will hold C.will have hold ( )69.The TV show Home With Kids is so wonderfui .You shouldn t miss it -If I have time .I_it A.see B.saw C.will see D.have seen ( )70 Jance _.I m w

114、aiting for her A.came back B,has come back C.hasn t come back ( )71.-I m sorry to hear that bill failed the exam again. -Don t worry about him I m sure that he will never give up until he _ A.succed B.succeeds C.succeeded ( )72.I_my home work while my parents _-TV last night . A.did .have watched B.

115、was doing;were watching C.had done; were watching D.would do;were watching ( )73-Have you mended yours shoes .Bob? -Yes ,I_them twenty minutes ago . A.have mended B,mend C.had mended D.mended ( )74-She _-the TV play yesterday . A.watches B.watched C.has watched D.will watch ( )75.Mr Green,_you_.Thre

116、e Lanes and Seveb Alleyes last Sunday. -No .but I ll visit them next week. A.will go B.have ;been to C.did; go to D .have gone to ( )76.-Jim ,have you seen my dictionary ? -Yes .I have .I_it on Lin Tao s desk five minutes ago . A.have seen B.saw C.seeing D.had seen ( )77.I called you this morning bu

117、t nobody answer -I_the flower in my garden at time A.watered B.was watering C.water ( )78.Judy_the Great Wall twice and now she still _to go there A.went to ,wanted B.goes to ,wants C.has gone to D.has been to .wants ( )79.Lucy and Lili can speak good chinese because they _China for six years A.have

118、 been in B.have been to C.have come to D.have gone art ( )-80.What are you going to give our art teacher for Teachers Day ? -I m not sure Maybe I_him some flowers. A.have given B.wil give C.gave D.give ( )81 Tom_out -Oh .has he ? What time _he_-out. Ais ,did, go B.went;is going C.has gone ,did,go D.

119、is going ;does go ( )82-It must be on Channel 2 .Try that -I_that. But Istill can t get anything. A.have tried B.tried C.try D.will do ( )83.The child _crying when he saw his mother . A.stop B.stops C.sopped D.have been to ( )84.I hear that his grandpa is _He _last Friday . A did.dies B.been dead .d

120、ied C.been dead ;died D.dead ,died 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载( )85-Where is Jim Green ? He _to England for a holiday . A.is gone B.has gone C.has been D.went. ( )86 How long have the Browns_China -For a month A.gone to B.been to C.gone in D.been in ( )87.Jack

121、_Xinjiang for two years A.has been in B.has come in C.went D.came to ( )88.-Sorry.but tell your adress again please I_-catch it . It s 28Zhongshan Road . A.didn t B.don t C.won t D.wouldn t ( )89 .The old man _for three years . A.died B.has been dead C.has been death D.has died ( )90 Listen ! She _.

122、 A.sings B.sing C.sang D.is singing ( )91 I_here since 1990. A.am living B.will live C.has lived D.have livied ( )92.My uncle _to see me .He ll be here soon . A.is coming B.comes C.has come D.came ( )93.Listen !the girls _in the next room . A.sing B.sings Csang D.are singing ( )94.The two old men _e

123、ach other since 1970 A.didn t seen B.don t see C.haven t seen D.won t see ( )95.Kate _to bed until her father returned yesterday evening . A.won t go B.doesn t C.went D.didn t go ( )96.-What are the boys doing ? -They _-for a bus, They _for a bus .They _the farmers A. are waiting , are helping B. ar

124、e waiting ;will help C. wait , will help D. will wait ;help 三阅读理解O. Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. His real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. As a young boy he lived an exciting life. He did not go to school for very long, but h

125、e managed to teach himself everything he needed to know. When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas, where he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank, when some money went missing from the bank O. Henry was believed to have stolen it. Because of

126、 that, he was sent to prison. During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued writing. He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because simple as the tales were, they wo

127、uld finish with a sudden change at the end, to the reader s surprise.1. In which order did O. Henry do the following things? a. Lived in New York. b. Worked in a bank. c. Traveled to Texas. d. Was put in prison. e. Had a newspaper Job. f. Learned to write stories. A. e. c. f. b. d. a B. c. e. b. d.

128、f. a C. e. b. d. c. a. f. D. c. b. e. d. a f. 2. People enjoyed reading O. Henry s stories because A. they had surprise endings B. they were easy to understand C. they showed his love for the poor D. they were about New York City 3. O. Henry went to prison because . A. people thought he had stolen m

129、oney from the newspaper B. he broke the law by not using his own name 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载C. he wanted to write stories about prisoners D. people thought he had taken money that was not his 4. What do we know about O. Henry before he began writing? A. He

130、 was well-educated. B. He was not serious about his work. C. He was devoted to the poor. D. He was very good at learning. 5. Where did O. Henry get most material for his short stories? A. His life inside the prison. B. The newspaper articles he wrote. C. The city and people of New York. D. His excit

131、ing early life as a boy. 参考答案: 1B 2C 3A 4 B 5C 讲解:1第一句介绍杰克今年20 岁, 2 年前中学毕业,故选B。2结合前后文意,前面讲他吃完饭就去睡觉,并且很快就睡着了,文章最后介绍他用脚跺楼,发出声音,奶奶阻止他,说明他奶奶怕吵,综合判断选C。3由第二段倒数第二句判断。4根据文意,他奶奶住他楼下,倒数第二句又讲他用脚在地板上发出“Bang.”的声音,故应是用脚跺楼。5因他表坏了,Mary 又没带,他们想知道时间。阅读理解2 We are all busy talking about and using the Internet (互联网 ), b

132、ut how many of us know the history of the Internet? Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks (网络 ) didnt work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped

133、. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time. At first the Internet was only

134、used by the government, but, in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed soft

135、ware that made surfing (浏览 ) the Internet more convenient. Today it is easy to get on-line (上网 ) and it is said that millions of people use the Internet everyday. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students. The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of peoples life. 判断下列

136、句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。l. The Internet has a history of less than thirty years. T F 2. In the 1960s computer networks went wrong easily. T F 3. Computers become cheaper so that many hospitals and banks were allowed to use them. T F 4. People didnt have enough software to get on-line conveni

137、ently until the early 1990s. T F 参考答案:1F 2 T 3F 4T 讲解:1第二段开头讲互联网是在60 年代建立的,故至今历史已超过30 年。2文中第二段阐明计算机网络工作状况不好(didnt work well)。3第三段中说明大学、医院等都被允许使用电脑,然而,计算机仍然很贵,并且网络很难使用。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载4由第三段最后几句介绍可知,到90 年代,计算机便宜且好用。科学家也发展了软件使网上浏览更方便。而本题干用了not until 句型,

138、译为 “ 直到 90 年代早期人们才有足够的软件上网” 。阅读理解3 Mr. and Mrs. Turner live outside a small town. They have a big farm and they are always busy working on it. Their son, Peter, studied at a middle school. The young man studied hard and did well in his lessons. It made them happy. Last month Peter finished middle sc

139、hool and passed the entrance examination (升学考试 ). Mrs. Turner was very happy and told the farmers about it. Yesterday morning the woman went to the town to buy something for her son. On the bus she told one of her friends how clever and able her son was. She spoke very loudly. All the people in the

140、bus began to listen to her. “Which university ( 大学 ) will your son study in?” a woman next to her asked. “In the most famous university in our country!” Mrs. Turner said happily. “The most famous university?” “Oxford University ( 牛津 ). ” Most of the passengers (乘客 ) looked at her carefully. Some of

141、them said to her, “Congratulations!” A woman said, “Im sure hell know Fred Smith.” “Whos Fred Smith?” “Hes my son.” “Does he study in the university, too?” “No, ”said the woman. “He is one of the professors.” l. The story happened in _. A. America B. France C. Germany D. England 2. Mr. and Mrs. Turn

142、er were happy because _. A. their son did well in his lessons B. they have a big farm C. they have a good harvest D. their son studied at a middle school 3. Mrs. Turner wanted everyone to know _. A. her son finished middle school B. her son was handsome C. her son was going to study in a university

143、D. her son was very friendly to others 4. Mrs. Turner spoke so loudly in the bus that _. A. her friend could hear her B. all the people could hear her C. she hoped to make all the people happy D. she hoped they would say congratulations to her 5. Which of the following is true? _. A. The woman wasnt

144、 interested in Mrs. Turners words B. Mrs. Turner knew nothing about the famous university C. The woman wanted to stop Mrs. Turner from showing off (炫耀 ) D. The woman next to Mrs. Turner wanted to show off her son, too 参考答案: 1D 2 A 3C 4 B 5C 讲解:1因为牛津大学是英国的著名大学。2第一段最后一句讲“ 这使他们高兴” 。“It ”指代前一句讲的情况,即他们的儿

145、子功课很好。3根据第三段文意判断。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载4第三段最后一句讲“ 所有人都开始听她讲。” 故 A 不对;她这样做只是想炫耀一下而已。C、D 描述的意思都不确切。5文章前面做了铺垫,讲Mrs Turner 如何炫耀她儿子考上大学,结尾讲那个妇女说自己的儿子是教授不论真假,她是在阻止Mrs. Turner的炫耀。阅读理解4 “Cool ” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a tem

146、perature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different meanings. “Cool ” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything. When you see a famous car in the street, maybe you will say “Its cool.”, You may think, “Hes so cool,” when you see your fav

147、ourite footballer. We all maximize (扩大 ) the meaning of “cool ”. You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”. Heres an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall (瀑布 ) they had visited. On one studen

148、ts paper was just the one sentence, “Its so cool”. Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt. But the story also shows a scarcity (缺乏 ) of words. Without “cool ”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. So it is quite important to keep some credibility (可信性 ). Can

149、 you think of many other words that make your life as colorful as the word “cool ”? I can. And I think they are also very cool. ( )1. We know that the word “cool ” has _. A. only one meaning B. no meanings C. many different meanings D. the same meaning ( )2. In the passage, the word “express ” means

150、“_”. A. see B. show C. know D. feel ( )3. If you are _ something, you may say, “Its cool.” A. interested in B. angry about C. afraid of D. unhappy with ( )4. The writer takes an example to show he is _ the way the word is used. A. pleased with B. strange to C. worried about D. careful with ( )5. In

151、the passage, the writer suggests (暗示 ) that the word “cool ”_. A. can be used instead of many words B. usually means something interesting C. can make your life colorful D. may not be as cool as it seems 参考答案: 1C 2 B 3A 4 C 5D 讲解:1见首句。2由 “express ”前后词义关系可推断出是“ 表达 ” 的意思,与 “show”同义。3由第二段首句可知。4由例子中的学生用

152、cool 一词概括出他的所有感受,知cool 词义的扩大会导致语言中词汇的缺乏,是令人担忧的。5结合第4 题的答案可做出选择。参考答案: 1. A 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 讲解:1. 由短文最后一句“They had traveled 1,797 k ilometer s from London”可知,最接近“for nearly 1,800 kilometer s” ,因此选 A。2. 由短文第2 段倒数第3 句“So they were able to change its weight”可知答案为D。3. 从第 3 段可以看出,越往上温度越低,因此应选A。4. 由短文最后

153、一段倒数第2 句“They came down in Poland.”可知答案为D。5. 纵观全文可以看出答案C 不正确。阅读理解6 If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way.

154、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong. If

155、 a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame, and few of us know that it is just his own fault. Have you ever found that some people can t read or write but usually they

156、have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things; they cannot write them down in a little notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised. So if you want to have a good memory, learn fro

157、m the people: practise remembering. 1. The main reason for ones poor memory is that his parents have poor memories. T F 2. If you dont use your arms or legs for some time, they will become strong. T F 3. A good memory comes from more practice. T F 4. Some people cant read or write, but they have bet

158、ter memories, because they have saved trouble. T F 5. The best title of this passage is “How to Have a Good Memory”. 参考答案:1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 讲解:1. 文中没有此说法。2. 从第一段可判断。3. 第二段开头已说明。4. 第四段开头已说明。5. 最后一段点题。阅读理解7 A meteorite ( 陨石 ) almost hit an 80-year-old man named Arthur Pettifer in Britain when h

159、e was working in his garden. The meteorite was the biggest in the past 26 years in Britain. The meteorite weighed (重量 ) one kilo, and might be over four thousand million (百万 ) years old. “I hear the big noise in the air. I looked up and saw the tops of the trees coming and going,” he said. “I didnt

160、know what it was.” Meteorites are small things from the small planets in space. About 3,500 meteorites may fall on earth every year, but only very few are found. Mr. Pettifers meteorite is the fifth to fall in Britain since the Second World War. Mr. Pettifer is glad. “When you think about it coming

161、from so far away, it really is something strange.” 1. The meteorite was _ Mr Pettifer when it fell down. A. close to B. far from C. hitting D. coming to 2. The meteorite was already _ years old. A. 40,000,000,000 B. 40,000,000 C. 400,000,000 D. 4,000,000,000 3. Mr. Pettifer found the tops of the tre

162、es coming and going because _. A. the trees were afraid B. the fast falling meteorite kept the tree tops moving C. it was going to rain D. the moving was made by wind 4. _ people see a meteorite fall although they visit the earth often each year. A. Quite a few B. some C. Few D. Many 5. Mr. Pettifer

163、 was _ to see the falling of the meteorite. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载A. happy B. afraid C. sorry D. angry 参考答案1. 从短文第1 句看出陨石落下时几乎砸着Mr Pettifer ,故答案应选A。2. 由短文第2 段中 “ ,and might be over four thousand million”4000百万即 40 亿,故答案应是D。3. Mr Pettifer发现树梢来回摇摆是因为下落的陨石使它来

164、回动,故答案选B。4. 由短文第4 段“About 3,500 meteorites may fall on earth every year, but only very few are found.”一句可推断,答案选C。5. 由短文最后一段第1 句“Mr Pettifer is glad ”可以看出,且happy 与 glad 意思相近,故答案应选A。阅读理解8 One of the things I always believe is that no matter how bad something is, you can take something positive out of

165、it. The one time I wasnt sure of that was on September 11. I usually wake up a 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning. That day, I happened to wake up earlier. I turned on the TV and I saw that a plane had crashed (撞击 ) into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. My first reaction (反应 ) was that it was a t

166、errible accident. Then I saw another plane fly into the South Tower and I realized that I was witnessing (目击 ) an act of terrorism. My wife and I spent the day watching the terrible pictures over again. When I watched family members looking for their loved ones, the pain in their eyes was something

167、I would never forget. I couldnt understand how something this terrible could have happened. It wasnt until a few weeks after September 11 that I began to see that perhaps some good did come from this tragedy ( 悲剧 ). People seem different now, more understanding, more tolerant(宽容的 ). Little things th

168、at seemed to be such a trouble before are no longer big things. Personally, I am more tolerant than I was. I realize life is too short, and too precious(珍贵的 ), to let myself get worried over small things. Ive learned also that you cant take things for granted. Things change in the blink of an eye. P

169、eople go to work and dont come back. One moment theyre living and the next minute theyre not. And, it doesnt matter who you are, there is nothing you can do about it. We never know when our time here will be over, so we all need to make the most of every minute we have. You try to learn from what ha

170、ppened. You cant be used up by it. You cant live by it. All you can do is just live. 1. The word “positive” in the passage probably means _. A. terrible B. bad C. good D. real 2. What did the writer see after he turned on the TV that morning? A. A fire starting B. A plane flying C. A terrible accide

171、nt D. An act of terrorism. 3. From September 11, the writer had realized that_. A. people should make the most of every minute they have B. he has become less tolerant towards others C. he should get worried about little things D. life is too short to care about others. 4. What s the best title of t

172、his passage? A. A Report about September 11 B. The Tragedy of September 11 C. September 11 and My Family D. September 11 and My Turn. 参考答案讲解:1. C 见第一行,不管(no matter )事情多糟,总能发现有益的东西。2. D 见第六行。3. A 见倒数第三行。So we all need to make the most of every minute we have. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

173、 - -第 23 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载4. D 阅读理解9 阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容选出能完成短文题目的最佳答案。Mrs. Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class. The story said:Were you ever in a hospital when you were small? How did you feel? The doctors in Childrens Hospital are asking for money for childrens toys( 玩具 ). Some children in

174、the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks. Toys are needed to keep these sick( 生病的 )children happy and quiet. Money for them can be sent to the hospital. After Mrs. Weeks read the story,she said ,“This story gave me an idea.” “You want us to bring some money for the toys.” “We could bring some of

175、 our own toys for the children in the hospital.” said the boys and girls one after another. “Well ,your ideas would be nice,” Mrs Weeks said ,“but mine is different.” “We could make some toys.” shouted one of them. Mrs. Weeks smiled. “Do you think you could make toys?” she asked. “Yes, yes.” the who

176、le class answered. “Great! Lets begin to make toys tomorrow.” said Mrs. Weeks. On Saturday afternoon,Mrs. Weeks took children to the hospital with the toys made by her students. The children in the class felt happy,too. A few days later,Mrs. Weeks read another newspaper story to the class: Some scho

177、ol pupils brought toys to Childrens Hospital last week. The toys were made by the pupils of Grade Three in Green Street School. The doctor said,“We have never had so many wonderful toys. Our children are very happy with them. They say,THANK YOU,GRADE THREE. ” 1. What was the first newspaper story ma

178、inly(主要 )about? A. Sick children in Childrens Hospital B. Doctors in Childrens Hospital. C. Mrs Weeks and her students. D. Toys made by the boys and girls. 2. What “idea ” did Mrs. Weeks have in mind? A. Ask the class to give some money to the children in the hospital. B. Ask the class to send some

179、of their own toys to the children in the hospital. C. Let the class make some toys themselves and give them to the children in the hospital. D. Tell the class to go to see the children in the hospital. 3. Doctors in Childrens Hospital didnt have _ to keep the children happy and quiet. A. enough time

180、 B. enough boys and girls C. get money to buy toys for D. enough doctors 4. At first ,the doctors in Childrens Hospital wanted to _ the sick children. A. give some money to B. make some toys for C. get money to buy toys for D. borrow some toys for 5. What Mrs Weeks really wanted to do is to _. A. le

181、t everyone know her class B. save some money for toys C. make herself famous D. teach the pupils to do things themselves and be helpful to others 参考答案:1. A 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. D 讲解:1. 根据第 1 段 newspaper story的内容得知,文章主要讲的是在儿童医院生病住院的孩子,故答案为A。2. 从文中孩子们建议用钱买玩具或带自己的玩具去医院,而“Mrs Weeks said,but mine is differe

182、nt.”到有人提议 “make some toys” 时她微笑,可判断答案为C。3. 纵观整个新闻内容可知没有足够的玩具供生病的孩子们玩,故答案为C。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 25 页学习必备欢迎下载4. 由文中说医生“ask for money for childrens toys ”得知玩具不够,因此本题答案选C。5. 从文章中可以看出Mrs Weeks的本意就是教学生学会关心爱护别人,故答案D 是正确的。阅读理解10 Once there lived an old man in a town. He alw

183、ays forgot a lot of things. So his wife always had to say to him ,“Dont forget this.” One day he went on a long way alone. Before he left home, his wife said ,“Now you have all these things. You need them on your way. Take care of your things on the way.” He went to the station. He bought a ticket and got on the train with it. About an hour later,the conductor b 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 25 页



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