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1、Family Album U.S.A. 走遍美国EPISODE 1 46 Linden Street 林登大街46号ACT 1On a ferryboat in New York Harbor. We can see the Statue of Liberty.Richard Stewart, 30, is taking pictures.First of all.Let us learn some new words!photographer California reflectorterrific take pictures Greece photo album steel worker

2、bankersstreet vendorsambulanceHispanic摄影师摄影师加利福尼亚加利福尼亚反光板反光板棒极了棒极了拍照拍照希腊希腊相册相册钢铁工人钢铁工人银行职员银行职员街头小贩街头小贩救护车救护车西班牙语系西班牙语系The relativesfather/mother 父父/ /母亲母亲son /daughter 儿子儿子/女儿女儿grandson/daughter 孙子孙子/女女grandfather/mother 祖父祖父/ /母母cousin 堂堂/ /表兄(妹)表兄(妹)younger brother/sister 弟弟弟弟/ /妹妹妹妹older brother/

3、sister 哥哥哥哥/ /姐姐姐姐nephew/niece 侄子侄子/ /侄女侄女1.Richard Stewart2.Alexandra3.Susan Stewart4.Marilyn Stewart5.Robbie Stewart6.Ellen Stewart7.Grandpa Malcolm Stewart8.Dr. Philip Stewart A.Her name is Ellen. B.He goes to high school.C.Shes Richards wife. D.Hes a doctor. E.Hes a photographer. F.She works for

4、 a toy company.G.Shes from Greece. H.He lives in Florida.连连看连连看Then.Let us learn some useful language!uintroduce yourself: 自我介绍自我介绍My name is.Im.uask for permission: 征求同意征求同意May I take a picture of you and your little boy?uintroduce a conversation: 引出话题引出话题By the way.uthanks someone: 道谢道谢I appreciat

5、e your help.Thank you.Thanks again.urespond to someone thanking you: 回答别人道谢回答别人道谢My pleasure.Youre welcome.ustart talking to a stranger与陌生人攀谈与陌生人攀谈 Excuse me.usay good-bye after meeting someone for the first time: 首次见面后道别首次见面后道别It was nice meeting you.It was a pleasure meeting you. 美国人怎么说好?NICE!TERR

6、IFIC!GREAT!WONDERFUL!如何推荐,建议Would you like.例:Would you like some coffee?谢绝:No, thank you.接受:Yes. Id like that. Practices 练习练习和我一起读!和我一起读!Read after me!英语短句脱口而出英语短句脱口而出I see I quit! Let go! Me too My god! No way! Come on Hold onI agree.Not badNot yet.See you Shut up! So long Why not? Allow me Be quiet! Cheer up! Good job! Have fun! How much? Im full Im home Im lost My treatSo do I This way. After you Bless you! Follow me Thats all for today!Thank you for your attention!



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