Unit 8 Our dreams第1课时分层作业英语六年级下册译林版三起

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Unit 8 Our dreams第1课时分层作业英语六年级下册译林版三起_第1页
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1、Unit 8 Our dreams 基础巩固 Review第一课时Story time一、根据所给图片提示,完成句子。(第 1题图) (第 2 题图) (第3 题图) (第4题图)1. I want to be a _ and hold _ concerts one day.2. In our class, two students _ to be a _ _in the future.3. My cousin _to be a _. She will be very kind to little _.4. I need to do more exercise to become strong

2、 _ I want to _a _.二、从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。(可重复使用)write have farm ask teach1. Tims parents are doctors in the hospital. My parents are _ on the farm.2. They are good _. They are good at _ English.3. Miss Li _the children about their dreams yesterday. She _ about them now.4. Each of us _a dream.三、单项选择

3、。( )1. Tony is my good friend. We have _ dream.A. different B. same C. the same( )2. I want to fly a spaceship _ the Moon.A. to B. for C. of( )3. What _your brother want to be? He wants to be a(n)_.A. does; astronaut B. will;fireman C. did; artist( )4. _great dreams you have, boys and girls!A. Whats

4、 B. What C. How 能力提升 Unit四、根据中文提示完成句子。1. 阅读使人们开阔眼界。_ _people broaden their horizons.2.这位年轻的牙医想照顾好孩子们的牙齿。The young _wants to _ _ _childrens teeth.3. 南希擅长写作。Nancy does _ _ _.4. 你将来想成为什么?What do you _ to _ in the _?5. 王兵想学习有关宇宙飞船的知识。Wang Bing wants to _ _the _.五、将下列句子重新排序,组成一段完整的对话。A. I want to be a vo

5、lleyball player. I will do more exercise.B. That sounds great! I have a dream too.C. Hi, Sam. What do you want to be in the future?D. Thats true. I often listen to music at home.E. So what do you want to be?F. Ha! Ha! We have the same hobby.G. I want to be a singer. Music is the most beautiful thing

6、.G 拓展训练 Goal六、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Most people have jobs. Some people are lucky, and they make a lot of money. But some are not. They dont like their jobs because they only make a little money. The best jobs are often difficult. People need to spend a long time learning how to do them. Doctors have to go

7、 on studying after finishing school.Some young people have interesting jobs and they get lots of money. Football and tennis stars are usually 35 years old. Older people usually cannot play these sports very well.A lot of people follow the job-hunting and recruitment APPs on their mobile phones, beca

8、use they want to find better jobs or get new jobs.( )1. A doctor doesnt have to study after finishing school.( )2. Football players are usually old people.( )3. A famous tennis star can make a lot of money.( )4. If a man doesnt have a good job, he may watch football or tennis games at home.( )5. Fro

9、m the passage we know some young people have good jobs and make much money.参考答案第一课时 Story time一、1. pianist, piano 2. want, football player3. wants, nurse, children 4. because, be/become, policeman二、1. farmers 2. teachers, teaching 3. asked, is writing 4. has三、1. C 2. A 3. A4. B 解析设空处后为由 great修饰的可数名词

10、复数dreams,符合由 what引导的感叹句的句型结构“What+(形容词+)可数名词复数(+主语+谓语)!”,故选 B。四、1. Reading makes 2. dentist, take care of 3. well in writing 4. want, be, future 5. learn about, spaceship五、C A B E G D F六、1. F 解析由短文中“Doctors have to go on studying after finishing school.”可知,医生在毕业后还需要继续学习,而不是毕业后不用学习了,故填 F。2. F 解析由短文中“

11、Football and tennis stars are usually 35 years old. Older people usually cannot play these sports very well.”可知,足球运动员通常是青年人,而不是老年人,故填 F。3. T4. F 解析由短文中“A lot of people follow the job-hunting and recruitment APPs on their mobile phones, because they want to find better jobs or get new jobs.”可知,想要找到一份更好的工作或新工作的人经常会关注手机上的求职招聘应用软件,而不是待在家里看球赛,故填 F。5. T



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