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1、Module 1 Unit 1 Its the ABC Song教学目标:1. 知识目标:学会英语歌曲及26个字母的发音。2. 能力目标:(1) .能听说读26个英文字母。(2) .能正确识别印刷体、手写体大小写字母。3. 情感目标:对学生进行爱国主义教育,培养学生养成良好的学习习惯。4. 教学重点:1、听说读写26个英文字母。5. 教学难点:1、掌握字母书写规范,正确辨认大小写及印刷体与手写体。6. 教学用具:Word cards, PPT, CD-ROM and headwear, etc.7. 教学过程:Step 1、Warm up and revision1 .GreetingSing

2、 songs: Good morning, Sam and How are you?自由会话(DDavid,让学生做小先生,以下为David与同学们的对话)Dialogue 1:T: Good morning, whats your name ?D: Hello, my name is David. D-a-v-i-d.(同时书写)Im 12. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.D: This is Miss Wu, my English teacher.T: Nice to meet you Ss: Nice to meet you, to

3、o.Dialogue 2:D: Look, Whatfs this in English? (Show pictures of a cat on the PPT)SI: A cat.D: Spell it, please.SI: Yes, c-a-t, cat.D: What colour is it?S2: Black.Dialogue 4:D: Lets count from 1 to 20, OK?Ss: OK.(Boys L 3, 5.Girls 2, 4, 6. Clap hands from 1 to 10. Stamp feet from 11 to 20.) (拍拍手跺跺脚)S

4、tep2: Lead in1. Role playT:Read the text with your partner.Then I will ask some students to do role play on the platform wearing the headwear of Darning and Sam(请 3 组 同学上 台表演)T: You are all good actors,thanks for your performance.2. Do Activity Book 1,2,3。 Listen for the first time, circle the answe

5、r for the second time,and then ask students to check answers.3. 模仿秀T:Look,here are some headwear of different animals,now I want someone to act them,and do actions to let onther students to describe them.(请几位同学戴上动物头饰并作出动作,让 其余同学来进行描述)S: The lion is fat./The tiger is talL/The monkey is thin.T: Yes, y

6、ou know how to describe things better!Step5 SummaryT:Lefs say a chant to relax.Lefs clap our hands.Big, big, big, the lion is big.Small, small, small, the cat is small.Fat, fat, fat, the panda is fat.Thin, thin, thin, the monkey is thin.Tall, tall, tall, the tree is tall.Short, short, short, the tig

7、er is short.Step 6 HomeworkRead the text 5 times;1. Say the chant with your friends;Describe animals to your parents.板书设计:Module 2 Unit2 That man is shortThis man is tall.That man is short.This monkey is small and thin.That monkey is big and fat.教学反思:本节课上课前,我预先在教室四周的墙上贴上了许多小动物的图片,之后,我边 播放录音(动物的叫声)边指

8、着墙上的图片依次问:“What are they?,孩子们依次答: “They are monkeystigerslionselephants,当孩子们熟练了此句型后,我适时把主动权交 给学生,找学生当小老师提问,小老师再点别的学生回答,孩子们跃跃欲试,兴致极高的问着、答着。本节课,尊重学生的主体地位,创设真实的情境,利用多种游戏形式调动学生的 积极性和主动性,较好地完成了学习任务。虽然对英语教学中如何将自主、合作、探 究等渗透到课堂中进行课一定尝试,但自主、探究方面做得不够到位。还有每个环节、 每个知识点之间的联系不够自然,不够新颖;制作的课件也比较单一,没能给人眼前 一亮的感觉。在今后的教

9、学中,我会查阅、收集有关英语教育教学的资料,多听课, 积累经验,努力提升自己的业务水平。Module 3 Unit 1 I like football.教学目标:知识目标:1、掌握有关运动的单词:like, football, basketball, table tennis, morning exercises o2、学会使用句型:Hike.和I dont like.谈论自己喜欢和不喜欢的运动。 能力目标:培养学生正确运用英语进行表述的能力。情感目标:培养学生热爱运动,激发学生学习的兴趣。教学重点:1、单词:like, football, basketball, table tennis2、

10、能够正确运用句型:I like.和I dont like.谈论喜欢和不喜欢的运动项目。 教学难点:1、单词: morning exercises2、能正确运用本课句型谈论喜欢和不喜欢的事运动项目。教学用具:word cards, balls, PPT, CD-ROM, stickers, forms 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up.1、Greeting.T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Wu.T: How are you?S: Tm fine , thank you. And how are you?T: Im fine ,too.

11、Thank you.T: Now,lets look at the pictures and then do the actions.2、Do and say.教师播放课件,出示学生玩过的运动项目。学生在老师的带领下,伴随着欢快的 音乐做运动。T: The bell is ringing. Ifs time for sports.(教师描述图片的意思)Theyre skipping. Theyre playing basketball. Theyre playing jianzi. Theyre playing football. Theyre running. Shes the winner

12、. Theyre swimming. Theyre playing table tennis. Theyre doing morning exercises. Hes running. They9re playing table tennis. Hes playing football, do morning exercises.(当听到运动员进行曲后,师生一块说英语做动作。)T: Stand up, please. Lets do and say. football/ football ; run /run/ ; jump/jump ;Swim/swim; Skip/ Skip; baske

13、tball /basketball; table tennis/ table tennis. T: Are you happy?S: Yes!T: T m very happy.T: Today we will talk about some sports games.T: We can talk about the sports games we like or dislike.T: I have many balls. Which group can answer my questions. You will get a ball.Step 2 Presentation1、Learni w

14、ord: footballT: Do you like football? I like football.教师播放足球的课件,在课件中,出示球和脚的图片球+脚football。T: Look ,foot and ball. We can use your feet to kick the ball. We call it football.老师边做动作边带读单词,板书单词:football2、DrillLook, I have a football here. Read after me: football, football.(传球读单词)3、Learn : like 和 I like.T

15、: I like football.带读“I like football”让学生微笑着读,告诉他们喜欢做一件事情的时候,心情一定是 很愉快的。教师用动作表示喜欢的情感,学生跟读单词。板书Tlike.出示图片带读like /I like,学生个人,男生,女生,全班读I likeT: Good! We can say :拿出足球让喜欢足球的学生踢一下说I like football,4、Drill: I like football.(全班,小组操练)5、Learn new word: basketballT: I like football. I like basketball, too.教师拿出一个篮球,边玩球边教学生学习新单词basketballo教师播放课件,教读单词。T: This is a basket. We must throw the ball into the basket. We call it basketball.6、Drill师生一起做篮球的动作说单词。教师拿出一个篮球,走下讲台,让学生一边传球一边说单词:basketballoT:I like basketball very much. Do you like basketball?S: I li


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