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1、五年级英语初赛试题一、Listen and choose.听音选出你听到的单词或句子。(5分)1. A.garden B.gym C.jeans2. A.lunch B.dinner C.colour3. A.six B.pants C.sixty4. A.boots B.socks C.goats5. A.How much is it? B.Whats the weather like today? C.Where is my skirt?二、Listen and choose.听音,选图(10分)图。三、Listen and draw.听对话,对的打“”,错的打“”。(10分)( ) 1.

2、She can wear her T-shirt. ( ) 2.Its time for music class.( ) 3.She is eight. ( ) 4.These boots are sixty-five yuan.( ) 5.She likes green and red.四、Listen and choose the right answer.听问句,选答句。(5分)( ) 1. A.Its5:30 B.Im 5. C.Yes,it is.( ) 2. A.I like this ruler. B.Its blue. C.Yes, she is.( ) 3. A.Im fro

3、m UK. B.Its rainy in Beijing. C.Its time to go.( ) 4. A.Im sorry. B.Yes, I like it. C.Its ninety-nine yuan.( ) 5. A.Yes, I want a shirt. B.No, its not. C.I can see one.五、Listen and tick or cross.听录音,如果所听内容与图片相符就打“”,不相符就打“”。Writing Part(笔试部分60分)一、Write down the words.看图写词。(8分)二、Group the following wo

4、rds.(给下列单词分类,将单词序号填在横线上。(10分)jacket nine banana math shirt orange threeP.E. sunny cloudy Fruit(水果):_ Numbers(数字):_ Clothes(衣服):_Weather(天气):_ Class(课程):_三、Tick or cross.下面每组单词划线部分发音是否相符,相符打“”,不相符打“”(5分)( )1.cake face ( )2.bike pig ( )3.weshe( )4.nose box ( )5.buscup 四、Put the following sentences in

5、order.按正确的顺序排列下列句子。(7分)( )Ok, Ill take it.( )How much is it?( )Can I help you?( )What size?( )Its ninety yuan.( )Size six.( )Yes, please. I want a pair of shoes.五、.在B栏里找出A栏的正确答句,把字母编号写在题前的括号(10分) A B( )1.Are they monkeys? A. Size 6.( )2.What size?B. Yes, they are .( )3.Is this the library?C. Its coo

6、l. ( )4.Whats the weather like today? D. Its ten oclock.( )5.Whats time is it now?E. Yes, it is.六、Choose the right answer.选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(10分)( )1.Its 10 oclock. Its time _ go to school. A.to B.for C.of( )2.Look at the clock, what _ is it? A.class B.time C.can( )3.Its 9:45. Its time _ music cl

7、ass. A.to B.for C.of( )4.Its cold _ Beijing. A.on B.in C.is( )5.Can I wear my T-shirt?_ A. No, you cant. B.Yes, you cant. C.No, you can. 七.根据所给汉语填单词,完成句子。(6分)1.Its_(寒冷的)in Beijing.2.Today it is very_-(暖和的). 3.Its sunny. Lets go to _ _(踢足球).八、Read and judge.阅读短文,然后判断,对的写T,错的写F。(4分)Im Mike. Im in Shan

8、ghai. Its very hot and sunny now. I can wear my new T-shirt. And my oldhat is too small. I want to buy a new one. But its too expensive. Its fifty yuan.( )1.Its cool in Shanghai.( )2.Mike has a new T-shirt.( )3.The hat is forty yuan.( )4.Its sunny in Shanghai.听力答案:一 BCCBB二 BBAAB三 四 ABBBB五. 笔试部分答案一 1. fan 2. snowy 3. socks 4.duck 二 Fruit: . Number: . Clothes: . Weather: . Class: .三 四五 BAECD六 ABBBA七 1. cold 2. warm 3. play football八 FTFT


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