初中英语教学设计 (3)

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《初中英语教学设计 (3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中英语教学设计 (3)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初中英语教学设计 Teaching Aims and Demands: 1.Language knowledge: Key vocabulary: dining, hall, gym, science, lab, in front of, next, behind, any, one, buildingKey structure: there be 2. Reading skill: (1). Get information about the library in reading. (2). Improve the students reading ability. Teaching Aid

2、s: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP) Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming-up 教师事先藏好自己的几样东西,上课时假装找不到(注意这时教师要使用丰富的体态语言和脸部表情,让学生感觉到这是真实的),这样就自然地呈现了新的句型: Where is.? Its on / on / in / in front of / behind / next to Where are ? Theyre on / in / in front of / behind / next to 设计意图:通过设置让学生帮老师找东西这样一个真实的场景来

3、导入新课,能够立刻调动起学生的参与性,启动学习的发生。 1. Show the students a picture of a room with a few things in it, and have them guess the places of the others. (Activity 1) 呈现几张图,如classroom, science lab, dining hall, gym等,让学生小组竞赛猜测物品的名称及位置(同时把新单词science lab, dining hall, gym通过图片过掉) T: This is a picture of a dining hall

4、. S1: Are there any dishes in it? T: Yes, there are. Where are they? S2: I think theyre on the table. 2. Pair work. Work in pairs and finish the exercise in Activity 3. 设计意图:学生非常喜欢情景猜测这种游戏。这可以调动他们各方面的情绪,激活他们已有的知识水平。 Step 2 Who is who? 1. Read about Picture A in Activity 2. 2. Answer the questions ac

5、cording to Picture B. 3 . Have 4 students stand in front of the class, and get them to talk about their places one by one. 4. Game: Describe one of the students in the class, have the others guess who it is. 设计意图:在使用好课程的核心资源教材的同时,充分挖掘学生自身的资源,使课堂教学充满活力。 Step 3 Memory Challenge Watch the video. The st

6、udents watch a clip of the video about the classroom for a few minutes. Have a competition. Have the students make and answer questions each other. 让学生看一段录像,如房间或教室,记住物品及位置。学生小组展开问答竞赛。无论问者还是答者只要正确都能得分。 设计意图:通过观看录像来调动他们视觉、听觉和记忆力来参与语言活动。同时,小组之间的竞赛体现了协作和团队精神。 Step 4 Make a survey 1. Finish the form by t

7、he students themselves. My primary schoolThingsNumbersPlaces 2. Interview one of your classmates and fill in the form. Is there a/ an in your primary school? Are there any in your primary school? Where is / are? My classmate _s primary schoolThingsNumbersPlaces 设计意图:从谈论现在的学校到谈论他们过去的学校, 始终围绕目标语开展活动,既“巩固新知”,又体现了“关注学生过去,现在与未来的生活”的语言活动的设计原则。 Step 5 Homework 1. Writing: Write a report for the survey.2. Wb. Ex 13. 设计意图:以Step 4中完成的采访为基础,在同学与自己的小学的对比中,对本单元物品、数词、方位词的运用进行巩固


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