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1、est for Grade Two nit 二、语言知识与运用(2%)第一节:单项选择(10)1.Paent are always concned _ eir chldns ur. A.about B wih C.o D. ithin2is parents toldhi _ cputergmes on weeay. . t la B.nt opla Ctono lay D nplay.arts nd childrensold _ to h otrmore oten A. speak B ay C.talk D. el4.Se pope thik thattuens dont have _ hy

2、 dd. A. man fn as B. as muhfnny a . as man funy asD. as muhfn a5._m wlbe usd in his rojet. A. fe B. Amut o C. nubero D.A arge numbe of .I_ watcTV onekdy. So I uual wtc TV for t hour t theweeknd. A. ont allow to . no llowe C. amnot allowe to D. int lowedto .The old coupl si on _ theillage utn in bigc

3、iy . o live B.lv livg D. le8Thoughseisisagrees_ my ide, eis hapy _ myjb. . wih, B. about, ao C. with, to D with, abt .Thshop is famu f the shes mae_ n. A. fro . by . th . f 1._,theyhavt knw l aboutthe truh. A. Of ll . In al C. Aftera D.Whall第二节:语法填空(0%) 11 Friday ni in New Yok, poryug mancaleJaysto

4、near the subwaystaio, playn hs vilin. The usc was so great 12 any l sow down and pusme money to hs aThenext day,Jay cae agan H tok ou a lare pieceof er d aid it n the gro. Ten begn playin. It seemd ore leasantto 3 . Beorelog, manypople ame, loig atthepapr. It ai,“Lat niht,gntemn naed Gerge Sang 14 a

5、n important tingintom ha.Plase come to clai(认领)i soon”Sei this, peole wandt knowwat it uldbe. After abouthaf an hour, a middeg man rshed1 te crow o the yung anan i, “Imhe George. Iknew yudsrey comeere!”he George explaie hewholsory He ougha lotte(彩票)tce few ys . Yesterdayhe ound ha e won apreof $ 500

6、,000 He wsvry 17 .On hi ay me, e felt the scassowondrful the o ot 100and put itin he hat 1 , te lotyietwit his name was also trown in.atersomeone aske Jay,“Wh 19 yuak th lottery ticket foyourelf”esai, “ 2 I dnt hav uc mney, Ilive hppily; buif Ilse honsy,I wo b happ orevr”11.A. AtB.In./D. On.A. to an

7、d uD. tat13.A. listen lise toC.ear soud14A.putB. putsC.wasut D.puting 1A. throughB.crs. to . ut16. befrB. agC. later aftr 17. ecteB. xiesC excitingD xct18.A. InsadB. HoweverC.t . immdately 19.A didncudnt. ntD hdnt 0.A. SinceB. Becse C. oD. Alhough三、完型填空(0%)A tenag grlcldttand her parents fmiy rules,

8、so hleftme. wnted to b 1 butse had po educaionad seral yeas latrhd to ak food on h srer a ivingow hr fhha did Hrotheris a loma. Bu sh istill lookng 2 hedaghte. Sh hasen to vey cornr fecity.Everywre she goe, he 23 aig phto of hersel heal At te low prt f thhoto she wites, I stl loe u. , 4 hom!Onay, he

9、 ughtr sawonf e photos. Theface w amilia (熟悉). Is ta my mother” She oveclsr and d te 25: Istll ov you. e ed. hn sheot hm, itwa eaymonn. Sh 26 a the oor. Th dooropened itslSe rushed to he mhers 7 . Her othera sleeping. Shewokeher oter up, Its m! ou is bak hme! The motherand dugherel ech ter, ll of ta

10、s.The dagt askd, Why is te ornt ocked Athef uld get in Thther answeed 30 , Theor aevr been lce snceyu let he oor ofparenslove r their cildrn wil ne be closed.21A. mosB. poorC.pretyD.mart2A hough. afterC.orD. at23.A lokaB. fidotC. puts on.ptsup24 come backB. o backC.unbak tkeback25. ordsB. photC. osterD.pictre26A. ueB. beatC. plleD. knocke27.A.liig-rooB. bedroCgdeD. kth2.son. daghe C.rndchil D. irl2A. apy. angryC. sadD.tre30.A.politelyB tlC. xctlD.truly四、阅读理解(10) “ do lkey aen.Thy alwas tell mehouldo th


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