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1、窗体顶端一、 单选题1. The cotton mill (棉纺厂) will be much more productive if it is properly_.A、manages B、manager C、managing D、 managed2. When they _her car at the garage, they discovered that the engine needed cleaning. A、 inspect B、 inspected C、 inspects D、 inspecting 3. I gave the TV seta thorough _ before

2、I bought it. A、inspect B、 inspection C、inspected D、 inspector4. Whenever he foundhimself in difficulty, Joe _ with his workmates.A、consult B、consulting C、consulted D、 consults 5. Hans went to hisdentist for _ because of a bad toothache. A、consult B、consulting C、consultant D、 consultation6. _ withdet

3、ective (侦探的) stories, Jimmy has now taken an interestin modern poetry. A、bore B、boring C、bored D、 boredom7. Understandably Annwas so nervous. After all it was the first time that she ever spoke before an_ crowd. A、assemble B、assembly C、assembled D、 assembling 8. They werebusy _ a tractor (拖拉机) when

4、the accidenthappened. A、assemble B、 assembly C、assembled D、 assembling 9. We object _punishing a whole group for one persons fault.A、 against B、 about C、 toD、 or 10. I want to buy anew tie to _ this brown suit. A、 go into B、 go after C、 go with D、 go by 11. At drama school,there is _ attention to a

5、students control of both voice and movement,and the different departments work at developing a students coverall actingtechnique.A、 current B、 worldwideC、 primary D、 constant12. Music, for both ofus, is a part of life we treasure, and Michael has found his records and tapesa constant _ of happiness

6、during the long hours of inactivity forcedupon him.A、 source B、 illustrationC、 additionD、 package13. The result ofevery accident, however _, is a rise in the cost of insurance.A、 radical B、 rareC、 reluctantD、 minor14. Its very _ ofyou to invite me to tea. A、kindness B、kind C、kindly D、 unkind15. They

7、 lookedforward to the occasion with great _.A、eagerness B、eager C、eagerly D、 eager for16. The narrator _wished that he could take back his tactless words.A、sincerity B、sincere C、sincerely D、 since17. I may say in all_ that I did not mean to hurt you. A、sincerity B、sincere C、sincerely D、 since18. I c

8、ant recall the_, but I did meet her before,A、occasion B、 occasional C、occasionally D、 on occasion 19. I started to readnewspapers and magazines more, and, for just about the first time in my life, Ibegan to take an interest in _ affairs.A、 personal B、 currentC、 ancient D、 social20. Id like to _that

9、students should be allowed more time for independent study.A、 propose B、 CommandC、 arrange D、 steer21. We had decidedthat our last day would be spent _ one of the many activities which thehotel offered to arrange. A、consolidating B、 SamplingC、proceeding D、 selecting 22. Every man hasmoved into posit

10、ion and must remain silent and unobserved until the _ moment.A、 painful B、 EmotionalC、 critical D、 favorite 23. Shes beenreported missing and were checking her movements for the two weeks before she_A、 vanished B、 SurvivedC、 observed D、 revealed24. It was _ tosit down in the shade after standing for

11、 hours in the sun. A、please B、pleasure C、pleasant D、 pleasing 25. All thosewho know him _ him for his frankness. A、admire B、admiration C、admirable D、 admiring 26. There is nothingso _ as a man who sacrifices his life and happiness for others.A、admire B、 admiration C、admirable D、 admiring 27. To his

12、_, Judythrew her arms about him and hugged and kissed him.A、astonish B、astonishment C、astonishing D、 astonished 28. I was _ tohear that Tom had failed his exam. A、surprise B、 surprising C、surprised D、 surprisingly 29. A look of _came into his eyes as he read the telegram. A、surprise B、surprising C、surprised D、 surprisingly 30. I think Henrys fatheris still _.A、alive B、living C、live D、 lived


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