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1、2020英语中考复习-词汇题专练及答案_When I was in third grade, I was picked to be the princess ( 公 主)in the school play.a few weeks my mother helped me practice my lines (台词).But once on stage, every word(appear)from my head. My teacher asked me (change) rolesand be the narrator (解说员).Though I didnt tell my mother

2、what had happened that day, she felt my(happy) . She asked me to take a walkin the yard.It was a (love) spring day. We could seedandelions (蒲公英)popping (跳出)up through the grass, as if a(paint) had touched our landscape with bits of gold. Iwatched my mother carelessly bend down by some flowers. I thi

3、nk I am going to pick all these weeds (野草),she said.But I like dandelions, I said. All plants are beautiful even dandelions!My mother looked at me (serious) . Yes,every flower shines in its own way,(do) it? she said. Inodded. And that is true of people, too, she added.She had guessed my pain. I star

4、ted to cry and told her the精品最新文档(true).You will be a beautiful narrator, she said, reminding me of how much I loved to read stories aloudher.Over the next few weeks, I learned to take pride in the role. The big day finally came. A few minutesthe play,my teacher came over to me. Your mother asked me

5、 to give this to you, she said and handed me a dandelion. After the play,1 took the fhome. I was perhaps the only person whowould have kept such a weed.2Easy way to be prettyA girl and her mother were visiting a mall. They were (surprise) to see two shiny, silver walls could move apart and back toge

6、ther again.The girl asked, “ Mother, what is this?” The mother, never having seen elevator, said, “I have never seen(something) like this in my life. I don t know what it ”is.that moment, an old man in a wheelchair went close to the(move) walls and pressed a button ( 按下一个键 ).The walls opened and the

7、 man entered a small room. The walls closed and the girl and her mother watched the small numbers above the walls light up one one. Then, the numbersbegan to light in reverse ( 反向的)o. The walls openedup again and a handsome young man(step) out.The mother said(quiet) to her daughter, “ Go getyour fat

8、her. ”World catches computer virusWhen a virus (病毒)comes into our body, we get sick. The same thing can also happena computer. A virus may destroy thesoftware (软件)and make it stop(working).Since May 12 this year , a new computer virus, WannaCry, has been infecting (感染)computers in over 150 (country)

9、 , including Russia and the United Kingdo mt has hit tens of thousands of c in China, reportedBeijing Morning Post.Once WannaCry gets into your computer, it locks all the documents (文件)and asks for mfrom you. At first, itasks for $300 (2,068 yuan) to give all the documents b. Ifthe (use) doesn t sen

10、d the money in 72 hours, theprice goes up to $600. It will lock the document foreverthe user doesn t pay in seven days.The WannaCry virus is(serious) one inhistory, according to Europol (欧盟刑警组织).Users shouldupdate the new Microsoft security patch (安全补丁 ) and not open(know) emails.4It shard for famou

11、s people to be true to themselves. After all,fans always want to see their good side. But Chinese(sing) and actor Huang Zitao, 24, always shows histrue(feel).These days he isa concert tour of many cities. Healso plays the leading role (主角)in the movie Edge ofInnocence (夏天 19 岁的肖像).It will come out o

12、n M27th.Huang is straightforward (直率的).He never hides hisopinions. Many people don t like himof it. Once, hewent to evening party for Mid-Autumn Festival. Peopleasked him what kind of moon cake he liked. He said, “I don t like moon cakes at all.He is confident too. Chinese actor Jackie Chan, 63, tho

13、ught(high) of his talent. And it made him so happy. He eventalked about it in an interview (采访).But it s t thatHuang has many talents. He is good at singing, dancing, martial arts (武术)and sports.Huang proves himself hard work. In the showTakes a Real Man (真正男子汉 ),he tried to be a real soldier(士兵)in

14、the army . When he left the army, he even cried. Somepeople began to ctheir opinion of him.5How do you decide if someone is smart? One way is to find out the(person) intelligence quotient ( 智商),or IQ.A 12-year-old girl recently took an IQ test. People found that her IQ is(high) than Albert Einstein

15、s and StephenHawking s! Rajgauri Pawar, an(India) girl studying inEngland, scored 162 in the famous Mensa (门萨)IQ test, reported the Independent.Mensa, founded in England1946, is the largest andoldest high IQ society in the world. To become a Mensa member, you must have an IQfalls in the top 2 percent of精品文档#精品最新文档the population that take the tests. Hawking got a score of 160. Although Einstein never took the test, experts said his score would be the sas Hawking s.However, what does(have) a high IQ mean? Willthose with a high IQ definitely


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