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1、27 Healthy Habits of Happiness27 个快乐健康的生活习惯How do we heighten our happiness? There are many ways and one size does not fit all. Below I discuss what has worked for me and those closest to me - how a small group of us went from downbeat and drained to a happy and hopeful in a few short years. 我们如何增强幸

2、福感呢?其 实有很多种方法,而且一种方法并不适合所有人。在下文中我论述了适用于我以及我身边最 亲近的人的一些方法,谈谈我们这一小撮人是如何在短短几年内从悲观忧郁、精疲力竭转变 为幸福快乐、充满希望的。1. Look for happiness in the right places. 一 When were young we look for happiness in drugs, sex, alcohol, parties, fast cars, extreme sports, etc. Then when we get a little older, we look for happine

3、ss in more mature ways 一 a stable partner, romantic getaways, walks along the beach, jazz music, a night at the bar with some friends. Do they work? Do these things make us happy? Sure they do. They raise our happiness temporarily. But people have a baseline of inner happiness. Certain events and po

4、ssessions, like an unexpected windfall, might raise or lower our happiness momentarily, but soon we return to our inner baseline. The key is to gradually raise this baseline. Enjoy the moment, but dont completely ignore long-term goals. What will you be proud to have accomplished, or disappointed th

5、at you didnt do, five years from now? Read The Happiness Project. 在恰当之处寻找快乐。年轻时,我们在毒品、性、酒精、聚会、快车、极限运动等 事物上寻求快乐。随后,在我们稍微年长一点时,我们从一些更“成熟”的方面寻找快乐, 一位关系稳定的伴侣、浪漫的短假、沙滩漫步、爵士乐、与三五好友在酒吧欢畅一晚。这些 有作用吗?这些东西让我们快乐了吗?答案是肯定的。他们都暂时提升了我们的幸福感。然 而人们都有内在幸福的底线。某些事情或东西,比如一笔意外之财,可能会暂时提升或降低 我们的幸福感,但是很快我们就回到了我们的内心底线。关键问题在于逐步

6、提高这一底线。享受瞬间,但是不要完全忽视长久的目标。从现在起五年之内,你会因完成了何事而感到骄 傲,或者因未做何事而感到失落呢?请读一下幸福计划。2. Acknowledge the lesson is every situation. 一 Everything is a life lesson. Everyone you meet, everything you encounter, etc. Theyre all part of the learning experience we call life. Never forget to acknowledge the lesson, esp

7、ecially when things dont go your way. If you dont get a job that you wanted or a relationship doesnt work, it only means something better is out there waiting. And the lesson you just learned is the first step towards it. 承认教训无处不在。每件事 都是生活中的一次教训。你遇到的每一个人,遭遇的每一件事,等等。这些都是学习经验, 我们称之为“生活”。永远不要忘记承认教训,尤其是

8、当事情并不像你期望的那样时。如果 你没有获得你想要的那份工作,或者一段恋情告吹,这只能说明更好的还在后面等着你。而 你从中所吸取的教训则是通往它们的第一步。3. Be authentic. Be true to yourself. 一 Judy Garland once said, “Always be a first rate version of yourself instead of a second rate version of somebody else.” Live by this statement. There is no such thing as living in so

9、meone elses shoes. The only shoes you can occupy are your own. If you aren t being yourself, you aren t truly living - you re merely existing. 作真实的自己。朱 迪加兰曾说过,“永远做一流版本的自己,而不做二流版本的他人。”照着这句话来生活。 没有穿着别人的鞋来走完人生路这回事,你能穿的只有自己的鞋。如果你不是在作自己,那 么你就没有真正地在生活,你只是行尸走肉。4. Move your thoughts beyond obstacles. 一 Ralp

10、h Waldo Emerson said, “To different minds, the same world is a hell and a heaven.” Put in an effort to both seek out happiness-boosting experiences and learn to appreciate what you find. There will always be negative obstacles. This will never change. If you focus on them, your world will become Eme

11、rsons hell. The real trick is to learn how to keep moving amidst these obstacles 一 acknowledging that theyre simply a part of life 一 and continually seek out or construct experiences that make you happy. 跨越障碍让思想前 行。拉尔夫瓦尔多爱默生说过,“对于不同的思想来说,世界可能是地狱,也可能是天 堂。”努力去搜寻激发幸福的经历,学会欣赏所发现的点点滴滴。总是会有一些不利的障碍 出现。这一点永

12、远不会改变。如果你把精力集中在这些障碍上,你的世界将会成为爱默生口 中的地狱。真正的诀窍在于学会如何在这些障碍中保持前行,承认这些障碍只不过是生活的 一部分,继续搜寻或者建造令你幸福快乐的经历。5. Focus on whats right. 一 How you view yourself and your world are conscious choices. The lens you choose to view everything through determines how you feel about yourself and the world around you. Ever

13、ything that happens in life is neither good nor bad. It just depends on your perspective. And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should. Either you succeed or you learn something. So stay positive, appreciate the pleasant outcomes, and learn from the rest. 专注于正确的事情。如何看待自己和

14、你眼中的世界是有意识的选择。你看待一 切事物的镜头决定了你如何探索自己和周围的世界。生活中所发生的一切并无好坏之分。这 只取决于你的态度。无论结果怎样,事情总是以其应有的方式终结。不是你获得了成功,就 是你从中有所学。因此,积极一些,感激令人满意的结果,并从其他结果中学习。6. Be a part of something you believe in. 一 This could be anything. Some people take an active role in their local city council, some find refuge in religious fait

15、h, some join social clubs supporting causes they believe in, and others find passion in their careers. In each case the psychological outcome is the same. They engage themselves in something they strongly believe in. This engagement brings happiness and meaning into their lives. 融入你的信仰。信仰可以是任何事 情。有些

16、人积极参与当地的市议会,有些人在宗教信仰中得到了庇护,有些人加入了支持他 们所信仰的事业的社团,其他人则在他们的职业生涯中找到了激情。在每种情况中,精神上 的产物都是相同的。他们投入在自己所坚信的事情中。这种投入给他们的生活带来了快乐和 意义。7. Use personal strengths to get things done. 一 Everyone possesses unique personal strengths. We all have different talents and skill sets. Emotional happiness comes naturally to those who use their strengths to get things done. The state of completion always creates a sense of achievement. If this achievement is based exclusively on


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