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1、新人外企入职英语自我介绍新人外企入职英语自我介绍自我介绍是本人通过简明的语言在短时间内介绍自己的相关情况,使听者在短时间内对你本人有所了解,并留下深刻印象的方法。下面是小编整理的英语自我介绍,希望对大家有所帮助!英语自我介绍1 Leaers, Membes: elo, everody! (Bows)MaeisXXX,from una X, m cerfu, nest,asy to ge along ith others;likes pying bsktball, clmbing runin Im vrpleasd nd honord t jointe“XX”othe fily, her not

2、ol prodd e ith a grwth ercise, shing ood ptfr for self, bu alsor giving mte chnc to met mre ne collaues,new fiend. -o ake h, I am very gratfl o al heeader, thaku ll sogive go oppunty.(o) Ifirs rived, hee re masects ofthe knoledgeI needto learn, but alo opeinfutr we canwk rea wekend! I believ hat thr

3、ouh our mtul nderstandng ad mutualdestanding, we ill not nlybeom a career go hann hn witht trgle of his mrades,ifewil beleminded,o frind.Fay, I wu lie and w a work ogether for our comm ausead work hard!Tanseveyone! (ow)英语自我介绍2I am a thir yr masermjor inautmatin at Shanhi JoTong Uniersi,. R.China. Wi

4、remnos ineet in nustrialEngneering, I a witngto apply fo acceptce into yor h. radaterogam. In5, I enteed the Nann Univesty o cien & echology (UST) -idelycondered oeo the Cinas bes engineingschool. Duin th ollowg udegradue tud,y acade ecors eptistigushed among the whole deartment I ws grnte FirtCas P

5、rize everysemestr, andmy overall PA(89.510)rnedN.1 among 113 tudes. In199, Iotte prvilegeto eter gradae proram waived of th admission est. sectedth Shangai Jio onUnirsiy to cnnuemyd r its best eputton on CombintialOptimizo a Netwrk Schedu in whre m researh interes lie. t te peiodf m gaduate study,m

6、oellGP(774) nk top 5% n thedeartment. I the econd semester,I becme tecrssstan tha is given t talentedand mtured studens nly This yer, I won teAcer Shoarhi she oneadony andidae inydpatment, which is thultimaacclade ortinuished studentsenowedbymy versit. Prsentl, Iampreparin my rauionthes an tryi r e

7、oor of xcelent GrdatioThsis eearch xperiecandcaemc aciity,Wn a sophomoe, I jid the ssociion o AEntusast a bega tonaro on interet for y futreresarc. In 19, Iarticp i simulation tool deveopmntfr the scdu lig sstm in Pro. ag la t e tlf OpenL andMalab, I designed a simulton ogram for transortation scheu

8、 igsyste. It is now widey e bydfferent esearch gropsin UST. I 198, assumd and ulfled a seage anais &dipoe pject for Nanjing sewe treatentpnt This was my frt pacticet onvert lbortor idea toa commerci prouct. In 1999, joined th disinguished Profssor u-Geng Xis research gup iming at Netwokfwroblemsolvi

9、ng d Heuristic algorithmresearch. Soo I ws eggd n t FDaGenDatabae Design. My dy wasto picu theeful informtion amogdifeent kids of gn atchig format Thrughthe comariso d nass or mny euristcalgrs, introducd iproed evolutaryalgorithm -Mui-ppulation GnetcAgithm. Bydvding a wholeopation inoseveraubpulan,i

10、smprove algorithm can efctively rvenGA fom local ovrence proe aros elutoay orentaons.I poe mo fficentlyhanSGA in exeimets,too.I the ecod emeste, I joied heworkshopsheduingseach in Shagai Heay Duy Tye plant. he se ling was desgnedfo hebbr-makingprcess tatcoered not onyiscete socotin circumstanes. o a

11、e a alane p tweentiizatn qualtndtime ct, I proposedaDynam Lyere Scheu ing method basd nhybridPetri Nts Teraccal picationhwthat te erage makepan as shoreed by alrg se. also pbicized twopaes in core junls with his idea Recently, I am n ra intheCompositePedit of heElctrial Power sytem asisted ite tecno

12、loy of ataMiin or BaoStee. Itrytombine the ecision Tree ith Reeing ptization to prvde a ne sltionfr theCompositePrdictve Problemis project s now de costructon esids, uly 0X, Igot thepportty to ve alcturin nglishinia CntrolConerene (ACC) which isone f he top-levlconernc aonheworldintharea ontroland utmti.In seior ear, I met Prf.Xa-ngin, a vitngprofesorf atematis from ivesity fCaliori-Rivrsde, I learnedgrphtheory fromhi for ynetwk resarh heeeriecs all rapily pnded mknowleg of English ad th unde


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