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1、UNIT 1FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONSPeriod OneListening and Speaking课前自主预习猜词意A灯笼;提灯B向(某人)道贺C行进;前进;示威游行D典礼;仪式E谜语;神秘事件1The marriage ceremony took place in the church.()2The army was now on the march to the central area of the city.()3Scientists claimed yesterday to have solved the riddle of the birth of t

2、he universe.()【答案】1D2C3E4Look!My brother is making a paper lantern for my nephew.()5If you congratulate someone,you say something to show you are pleased that something nice has happened to them.()【答案】4A5B猜单词拼写1congratulate vt.向(某人)道贺;(因某事)为自己感到自豪 _ n祝贺;恭喜(参考:instructinstruction)2make up(动词短语)组成;打扮;

3、弥补 _ n化妆品;性格;构成方式(参考:clean upclean-up)【答案】1congratulation2make-up预备话题素材1Children _ Superman to capture adults attention.孩子们把自己装扮成超人,以吸引大人的注意力。2Time _ and we still have not made a decision.时间过得飞快,而我们却还没有拿定主意。【答案】1dress up as2marches on3We sent our _ to her when she passed the exam.当她通过考试时,我们向她表示了祝贺。4

4、_,we have plenty of reasons not to tell you the truth.毕竟,我们有很多理由不告诉你真相。5I _ you _ what you have achieved.(我)祝贺你取得的成绩。【答案】3congratulations4After all5congratulate;on课堂新知讲练词汇拓讲1march vi.&n行进;前进;示威游行(P2)march along the streets【翻译】沿街游行【用法详解】marchvi.行进;前进;示威游行march along沿着游行/前进march on向行进;快速经过n.行进;前进;示威游行

5、on the march在行军中;在行进中;在进展中They marched 20 miles to reach the capital.他们行进了 20 英里才到达首都。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)You cant control the march _ science.(2)He gathered his troops and prepared to march _ the capital.(3)When I opened my window,I saw many people _(march)along the street.【答案】(1)of(2)on(3)marching2cong

6、ratulate vt.向(某人)道贺;(因某事)为自己感到自豪(P2)receive congratulations from【翻译】从收到祝贺【用法详解】(1)congratulate sb(on sth)祝贺某人(某事)congratulate oneself(on/upon doing sth)(因做某事)为自己感到自豪(2)congratulationn祝贺;恭喜congratulations on(doing)sth 祝贺(做)某事offer congratulations to sb on(doing)sth 向某人祝贺(做)某事I congratulated them all

7、on their achievements.我为他们所有人取得的成就表示祝贺。You can congratulate yourself on having done an excellent job.你应该为你出色的工作感到自豪。【易混辨析】celebrate/congratulate词汇用法celebrate“庆祝”,后面跟某个节日或物,通常指庆祝有意义的节日或事件congratulate“祝贺”,一般搭配为congratulate sb on(doing)sth“祝贺某人(做)某事”Bob celebrated his 60th birthday last Monday.鲍勃上周一庆祝了

8、他的60大寿。I really must congratulate the organizers for a well-run and enjoyable event.我真的必须称赞这次组织良好且有趣的活动的组织者们。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Congratulations _ you on achieving such a complete victory!(2)We congratulated him on his _(admit)to the Party.【答案】(1)to(2)being admitting/admission选词填空(congratulate/celebrate)

9、(3)Lets hold a party to _ your birthday and at the same time _ you on your passing the examination.【答案】(3)celebrate;congratulate3dress(sb)up 穿上盛装;装扮(P2)dress up in carnival costumes【翻译】穿上节日盛装【短语延伸】dress up for sth 为某事而盛装打扮dress up as sb 打扮成某人be dressed in 穿着(衣服)dress sb/oneself 给某人/自己穿衣服Were suppose

10、d to dress(ourselves)up as movie characters for the party.我们在晚会上要装扮得像电影中的角色。【易混辨析】dress/put on/wear词汇用法dress既可表示动作,又可表示状态,常由人作宾语,即dress sb,表示“给某人穿衣服”put on着重于“穿”这一动作,即从没穿到穿这一过程的完成,意为“穿上”wear强调状态,相当于be dressed in,也可表示戴着(眼镜、首饰等)或留头发、胡须等【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)I will remember that the girl _(dress)in blue in th

11、e exhibition yesterday.(2)The kids are too young to dress _,so the mother has to dress _ every morning.(they)【答案】(1)was dressed(2)themselves;them选词填空(dress/wear/put on)(3)Please _ your new coat before you go out.(4)_ as a princess,she went onto the stage.(5)Yesterday,when I met her,she was _ a new c

12、oat.【答案】(3)put on(4)Dressed(5)wearing句式解读1(P3)After all,as you know,I love to dance!【翻译】毕竟,正如你知道的,我喜欢跳舞!【考点提炼】as you know 是as 引导的非限制性定语从句。as 用作关系代词代替整个主句,as 意为“正如,正像”。【归纳拓展】(1)as引导的从句位置较灵活,可以位于主句前面、中间或后面,一般用逗号与主句隔开。常用的表达有:as is known to all 众所周知as is reported 正如报道的那样as is often the case 情况常常如此as oft

13、en happens 这种情况常常发生as is expected 正如所预料的(2)which 引导非限制性定语从句修饰整个主句时,只能位于主句之后,不能放在句首。As you know,no one can equal him in basketball in our class.正如你知道的一样,在我们班,篮球没人比得过他。As is often the case,she rarely takes part in outdoor activities.她通常很少参加户外活动。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)The number of smokers,_ is reported,has dr

14、opped by 17 percent in just one year.(2)China Today attracts a worldwide readership,_ shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.【答案】(1)as(2)which2(P3)Itll be too tiring to walk or dance for a long time in those shoes.【翻译】穿着那双鞋长时间行走或跳舞太累了。【考点提炼】该句子用it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的

15、不定式结构“to walk or dance for a long time in those shoes”。【归纳拓展】(1)It is clear/obvious/certain/possible/important/necessary/true句型中,it作为形式主语,后面的主语可以是不定式结构,也可以是that从句。中间的形容词也可以是名词,比如a habit,a rule,an honour等。此外,在句型It is adj.of/for sb中,如果形容词描述的是sb的品质、品格,在逻辑上可以作sb的表语,则sb前应用介词of,否则就用for。(2)It is no use/no

16、good/useless/a waste of后常接动名词作真正的主语。It is not right to use these places as rubbish dumps.把这些地方用来倒垃圾是不对的。It is no good/use having a car if you cant drive.如果你不会开车,有车也没用。It is a fact that Chinese is being accepted as an international language.汉语正被认为是一门国际语言,这是事实。【针对练习】翻译句子(1)玩电脑游戏是浪费时间的。_【答案】(1)It is a waste of time playing computer games.(2)他放弃那份工作是愚蠢的。_(3)对于我们每个人来说,照顾自己很重要。_【答案】(2)It was foolish of him to give up the job.(3)It is extremely important for each of us to take care of ourselves.语 音 时 空


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