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1、最新教学资料人教版英语随堂演练及时体验巩固提升.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1This new type of camera is _ high quality and is not expensive.答案与解析ofthis new type of这种新型的。of high quality质量高的,“of名词”在这里表示“具有”,说明主语的特征。2Im sorry. I didnt mean _ (hurt) you.答案与解析to hurt句意:对不起。我本没有打算伤害你。mean to do sth.“打算做某事”;didnt mean to do sth.“本没有打算做某事”。3It

2、s very generous of them _ (share) their meal with their outofwork neighbours.答案与解析to share句意:他们请他们那些失业的邻居们一起吃饭真是慷慨大方。4The girl devoted all her spare time she had _ (help) others.答案与解析to helping本句的主干结构为devote ones life/time/energy to doing sth.,此处to为介词,不能接动词原形。5_ (found) in 1636, Harvard is one of th

3、e most famous universities in the United States.答案与解析FoundedHarvard(哈佛大学)与found(建立)是被动关系,且早在1636年已建立,故用过去分词作状语。6There was a time _ I hated to go to school.答案与解析whentime表示时间,在从句中作时间状语,定语从句用when引导。7Can you create a situation _ we use the expression “Long time no see.”?答案与解析in which/where由句子结构可知situati

4、on后面跟了一个定语从句,此定语从句不缺主语或宾语,situation在此表示抽象的地点;另由此定语从句的意义可知应用介词in。in which在此相当于where。句意:你能创造一个我们使用“好久不见了”这一习语的语境吗?8Only when I left my parents for Italy _ I realize how much I loved them.答案与解析did“only状语从句”位于句首时,主句要部分倒装。此处应用一般过去时。9What he said at the meeting was equal to _ (express) that he didnt agree

5、.答案与解析expressingbe equal to中的to是介词,其后接名词或动名词。10We must not give _ eating for fear of choking.答案与解析upgive up意为“放弃”,后接名词或动名词作宾语,不接不定式。.选词填空1die of, die off, die fromIn the cold winter, many wild animals _ cold and hunger.How many people _ starvation that year is still unknown.If the snowstorm does not

6、 blow over, the sheep will _.答案died ofdied fromdie off2give up, give inI didnt want to beat him, but he _.I could have beaten him, but I _.He has _ to my views.I _; tell me what the answer is.答案give ingive upgiven ingive up.词语知识1He looks to be strong and healthy, but _, he suffers from a weak heart.

7、A. whats more B. as a matter of factC. besides D. no wonder答案与解析Bwhats more“此外;另外”; as a matter of fact“事实上;实际上”; besides“另外;除外还有”; no wonder“怪不得”。根据句意,选择B项。2Every day we students are expected to _ at least an hour _ English.A. spend; to learn B. cost; onC. devote; to learning D. take; on learning答案

8、与解析Cdevote sth. to doing sth.“为做某事而奉献某物”。sb. spend . (in) doing sth.; sb. take . (in) doing sth., A、D两项搭配不当。cost的宾语应为人而非物,B项不对。本题C项正确。3He is very _ with his money.A. mean B. meaningC. meant D. meanly答案与解析Amean“吝啬的”。meaning为名词“意思”;C项为过去时态或过去分词;D项为副词。4Though he was an _, he was _ in all kinds of socia

9、l _.A. action; active; activity B. actor; actively; activityC. actor; active; activities D. activity; actor; active答案与解析C句意:尽管他是个演员,但他积极从事各项社会活动。be active in (doing) .“积极从事”。5They are of _ height, but I think Mary _ the job.A. equally; is equal B. equal; is equal toC. equal; equals D. equally; is eq

10、ualed答案与解析Bequal是形容词,修饰名词height, be equal to有“胜任”的意思。6We _ our journey, hoping to see him before dark.A. continued B. went onC. kept D. went on to答案与解析Acontinue是及物动词,C项不能表达此意;B项后应加介词with才对。7They _the bridge to stop their enemies from crossing it.A. blew up B. blew downC. blew out D. blew over答案与解析A根据题意应选择表示“炸毁”的短语。8He _ the peoples interests so he will always be remembered by us.A. died for B. died ofC. died from D. died答案与解析Adie for常指为某一目的、某一事件而死;而die of常指“因年迈/饥饿等内因而死”;而die from则指因客观的原因而死。


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