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1、英语写作(二)为了能使考生在较短的时间内获得考试作文的高分,根据不同的命题形式总结了大量模板,以方便大家在考试中使用。需要说明的是,给出的多个模板考生们不必都牢记在心,只要根据自己的情况在每种类型中选择一到两种作参考使用。原因陈述类1、题型总结: 原因型作文要求考生对社会现象或社会问题进行解释。出题者以某一社会现象、问题或趋势为议论对象,要求考生就其形成的原因进行充分地、客观地解释,并从考生自身的视角出发对这一现象(或问题)的前景、后果或影响做出结论性分析或预测。模板1Nowadays, we often hear that . This phenomenon is not accidenta

2、l, and there are social and individual backgrounds.Why cannot . For one thing, . For another, . As an Example, . From that we .As far as I am concerned, I agree that . I think that 1、提出一种要探讨的现象。2、现象产生的原因之一3、举例说明4、现象产生的原因之一5、举例说明6、作者本人的观点模板2 In the past 15 years China has experienced an alarming incr

3、ease in :It rose from 8 percent in 1982 to 24 percent in 1995 The statistics look Quite disturbing and cause people to ask why. The factors for a great rise in A are complex, Some attribute it to ,and other place the reason to which .Whatever the causes, only particular external circumstances have b

4、eenExamined. The factors, actually, are psychological as well as social.Most people They also . To is the first step towardsThe effort to , and then we may conduct a more extensive campaignTo .For all these reasons, it comes as no surprise that .1、提出要讨论的问题2、原因之一3、原因之二4、提出建议一5、提出建议二6、得出结论 模板3Have you

5、 ever ?Have you ever ? Have you ever ?If you have no experience like these, your life is an inadequate one. In my point of view. I like A much more than B. Every person can see the first reason. . The second reason for my propensity for A is that .B is somewhat challenging as well. Such as .How-ever

6、,I still prefer A, for they teach me how to 1、以三个并列的问句开头,别有新意2、作者在A与B之间的取舍3、理由一4、理由二5、说明B也有优点,但比较而言,作者更喜欢A比较分析类1、题型总结一种是运用比较的手段阐述自己观点,在比较所讨论的两个事物的优点缺点时,要有自己的看法。具体写作时,对赞成的事物优点要详写,缺点少写或略过,对反对的事物,优点要少写或略写,缺点则要详写,使观点得以实现。另一种是所比较的两个事物都有明显的优点和缺点时,则既不完全肯定某一个事物,也不能彻底否定另一个事物。模板1 As two main solutions for , a

7、nd draw more attention of the public than ever before. Some place more stress on the former while others attach heavier weight to the latter. If asked to make a choice between the two forces, I would not hesitate to choose the latter over the former. There is no need to deny that but it seems . Just consider the situation in which . Moreover, . By contrast, enables us to feel , in fact, as nothing brings more benefit than . And what is more, . As can be concluded from analyses above, when you judge between both on the basis of their nature, dont you think that ? Therefore,


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