七年级英语下册 Unit8 Topic2《The summer holidays are coming》教案 仁爱版

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1、七年级英语下册 Unit8 Topic2The summer holidays are coming教案 仁爱版The main activities are 1a, 1b and 2. 本课重点活动是1a,1b和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn other useful words and expressions:soon, local, hope,together, stay,places of interest,each2. Learn to express plans and intentions:They want to go to

2、 different countries.I plan to travel around the country and take pictures of the local people.I hope to get together with them.I would like to travel to some places of interest.3. Learn to talk about travels and holidays, maps and countries.The summer holidays are ing.I want to go to Australia.I wa

3、nt to go back to Cuba.Each of us has a good plan for the holidays. Teaching aids 教具一张世界地图录音机10张教学挂图: 每张的正面写上P86页2中所列10个国家的名称,背面画上代表本国家的特色的名胜,动物,国旗等画面。. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)1.(班级活动。复习巩固上节课内容。)T: Good morning, everyone. Now, Lets begin our class. But, first lets

4、 chant together.Turn to Page 86. Read 4 by yourselves. Try to understand it.(班级一起chant三次。然后分组chant.最后四组进行四重chant,整个课堂掀起高涨的热情。活动chant内容如下。)I want to go on holiday.In the summer when the weather is hot,We wear shorts and T-shirts on the beach.And we swim in the sea.I want to go on holiday.In the winte

5、r when the weather is cold,We wear coats and hats in the park.And we play in the snow.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 10分钟)1.(听短文,把正确的图片用线连起来。培养通过听力,获取信息,处理信息的能力。)T: Really the summer holidays are ing. There are many places of interest in China and in the world. It is a good time for traveling. On Pa

6、ge 85, there are four students, who are they?Ss: Kangkang, Jane, Maria and Michael.T: Listen to la, find their favorite places to travel. Match the pictures above the passage.Ss: All right.(老师检查纠正连线错误的同学。)2. T: Now, listen again, please read after the tape, then make a dialog with the tape.(学生大声跟读录音

7、,进行人机对话。老师板书生词,词组和关键词在黑板上,并纠正发音错误。)3.(填表格。根据表格练习对话,直至不看表格描述。)T: Listen again, and then plete the form.(老师板书表格在黑板上。)T: After finishing it, practice the conversation in 1a with your partner with the help of the words in the form.KangkangJaneMariaMichaelEnglandChinaCubaAustraliaHe likes it.She would li

8、ke to travel to some places of interest.She misses her parents. She wants to celebrate her birthday with her old friends.It is cool. He wants to take pictures of the local people.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)1.(四人小组活动。一个装扮成Kangkang,一个扮Jane,一个扮Michael,另一个装扮成Maria。表演1a的对话。)2.(两小组一起讨论自己假期旅游的情况。)

9、3.(巩固,复习重点句型。分四组,举行造句比赛。)T: In 1a, there are four important sentences as follows: Kangkang: I want to go to England.Michael: I plan to travel around the country and take pictures of the local people.Maria: I want to go back to Cuba. I hope to get together with them.Jane: I would like to travel to so

10、me places of interest.Please make sentences as many as possible with the four structures in 1a. You have four groups in all. Let us see which group can make the most sentences.Example: My brother wants to stay at home for his summer holidays.Her friend plans to visit her grandparents this Sunday.We

11、hope to see the Great Wall in China next month. Kangkang would like to wear T-shirt today.I plan to travel around the world.They hope to be a weather reporter.All of us would like to sing an English song.He wants to celebrate his birthday party with his parents together.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 15

12、分钟)1.(取出十张教学挂图。根据画片、提示,呈现相对应的国家名称。)T: Now, Look at this picture. What can you see?Ss: The Great Wall.T: Which country is it in?Ss: China.T: Right.T: Next one, please. What can you see?Ss: Animals.T: What kind of Animals?Ss: 袋鼠。T: Yes, In English, Kangroos. Which country is the home of Kangroos?Ss: A

13、ustralia.T: Good. Next, please.Ss: Maria.T: Oh? Where does Maria e from?Ss: Cuba.T: This one, please.Ss: 金字塔。T: Yes. How to say金字塔in English, do you know?Ss: No.T: It is pyramid.(老师板书pyramid,领读数遍。同时领读Kangaroo一词。)T: Where is the pyramids?Ss: 埃及。T: Right. In English Egypt.(老师板书,领读)T: Next, please. Wha

14、t is this?Ss: We dont know.T: The Big Ben. In Chinese大本钟.It is in England. OK. Next one.Ss: The White House.T: Where is it?Ss: The United States.T: In which country do people speak both French and English as official language?Ss: Canada.T: Now, this one is Germany, in Chinese德国.What do you know abou

15、t Germany?Some of the Ss: Car. Benz car.(奔驰)T: Yes. And France. What do you know about France?Ss: In Chinese,香水(perfume).T: The last one is New Zealand. Can you guess which country?Ss: 新西兰。T: Yes. It is near Australia. Its capital is 惠灵顿Wellington.2.(老师用卡片,轮流呈现画面,国家名称,让学生跟读,加深印象。)Example: T: Egypt音标Ss: Egypt音标T: Pyramid音标Ss: Pyramid音标T: Germany音标Ss: Germany音标T: Kangaroo音标Ss:Kangaroo / 音标 /3.(完成2。)T: Look at the map on Page 86, read after the tape. Please match



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