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1、Xiaoping theory and the important thought of the three represents and the scientific Outlook on development. Such changes were made, is conducive to implementing the innovation of Marxism in China, especially the scientific concept of development the strategic task of arming the whole party, play gr

2、ass-roots organizations in promoting the scientific Outlook on development into the grass-roots level, and to implement the important role. Third, how to use the contents of the new Constitution guiding party building through studying the essence of the new Constitution, the flexible application of

3、the essence of the Constitution in party building, and I think the key to grasping the following: to catch the discipline, focus on strengthening the partys rules and regulations binding. To strictly observe and carry out the partys political discipline, ensure the centralism and unity of the whole

4、party. Party cadres, especially leading cadres, both doers, but also have a strong sense of political awareness to dry line, line, not lack of ability to work, become a talker; hard work isSkill, political direction, unable to understand when confused. Flag of the CPC Central Committee and the Commi

5、ttees requirements into Departments request, to a holistic and concerted efforts, subject to the overall situation. Second, cadres and strive to play an exemplary role of party members and cadres of hardworking and clean, emphasizes lead, shift, led. Lead is to adhere to set an example, to lead by e

6、xample, deal with the relationship between individuals and parties, real lead role shift is in order to strengthen the sense of responsibility, creating a fighting force; lead is to adhere to strict requirements, strict management and strict supervision. Three catch basis and strive to enhance the c

7、ombat effectiveness of the party organization. To according to Constitution on grass-roots party of requirements, to implementation good basic system, for members for, regardless of party positions has more high, administrative terms has more big, any when are to has Organization concept, active par

8、ticipate in organization activities, consciously accept party of supervision; to do based sex work, management good members, service good members, grass-roots party to using members organization received turned, and members thought reported, and party of Conference and dues pay, opportunities, maste

9、r members of basic situation, care members life. Four to focus and work hard to resolve. Comrades, the above is what I give you guidance in the new Constitution. Hope every Member of the party to pass the tutor, deepen our understanding of the Constitution in the partys guiding ideology advancing wi

10、th the times, consciously link their own thinking and practice, after careful study, read and carefully understand, think, relate, apply what they have learned. Not only runs through the mass line of the party Constitution to learn the new educational practice all the time, but also to harvest as a

11、good starting point to learn, study and work to do better in the future, and strive to create a new situation for school education contribute their 销售技巧指导一、主动相迎真诚、主动、热忱、适度、长久不变是主动相迎时的原则,而且适用于整个销售过程。1、主动相迎的必要性。冷淡会使你失去70%的客户。通过调查,约70%的客户会因为感到服务人员对其看法冷淡而离去,而每一位进入您卖场并关注你商品的客户,都是对您的商品感爱好的,是很重要的潜在客户,失去他们,







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