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1、外事接待Part I1、Hello, I am Robert Brown from Stanford University. I am very happy to meet you here in this land of wonder.您好!我是从斯坦福大学来的罗博特.布朗。我很高兴能在这充满奇观的国家与您见面。 2I have been looking forward to visiting your great country, and I feel honored and pleased that I will be working with my Chinese colleagues

2、 in the head office of your automobile group. 我一直期待着能访问这个美丽的国家,同时我为自己能够在贵汽车集团的总部所在地和中国同事合作共事而感到荣幸和愉快。 3As you know, this is my very first visit to China, and I am here to witness with my own eyes the magical power of the once very remote “Oriental Dragon”. 您知道这是我第一次访问中国,来这里亲眼目睹对我来说曾经是非常遥远的“东方巨龙”的风采,

3、领略其神奇的魅力。 4You can imagine how exited I was when I received your invitation to join you in your project. 您可以想象当我收到您邀请我前往中国与您共事的信后我是多么激动。 5Back in my college days, a professor of Oriental Civilization introduced me to the wealth of the Confucianism and Taoism, and by doing that he planted in the dept

4、hs of my mind the inexplicable “China dream”. 我大学时期有一位教东方文明史的教授,他使我对博大精深的中国儒家思想和道家学说有所了解,同时也使我萌生了一种难以言表的“中国梦”。 6And I am even more exited now that I have set foot on the beautiful land of China. 自从踏上中国这片美丽的国土后,我的心情更为激动。 7I have had my “China dream” for years and I am here to realize this dream. 我多年来

5、魂牵梦萦的中国之旅竟然可以在此得以实现。 8There is so much to learn about the mysterious country, from the ancient civilization to the current reform. Iam really looking forward to my Chinese life.想了解的这个神秘之国的东西真是太多了,从古老的文明到当代的改革, 这一切我都想知道,我期盼着尽快开始我的中国生活。9. Ill maximize this opportunity to learn as much as I can and mak

6、e as many friends as I can. I promise Ill become a real Chinese expert in no time. 我要充分利用这次机会尽可能地多了解中国,多交一些中国朋友。相信我,不久我便会成为一名中国通的。Part Two1、对不起,您一定是来自联盟传播服务局的大卫理查德先生吧? 。我叫魏琴,是上海国际文化交流中心的代理主任。这是我的名片。Excuse me, you must be Mr. David Richard from the Alliance communications Service. My name is Wei Qin.

7、 Im the acting director of the Shanghai International Center for Cultural Exchanges. Heres my card.2、自从我们收到您来访日期的电子邮件后便一直期待着您的到来。Weve been expecting you ever since we received your e-mail message informing us of your date of arrival. 3、报据您的要求,我们为您预订了我中心东楼的“明寓名房。“明寓”从设计到装潢都体现了中国明朝的建筑风格,我相信您一定会喜欢这套古典式

8、房间。Upon your request, we have reserved for you our Ming House suite, which is located in the East Tower of the Center. It is a classic Chinese residence designed and decorated in the architectural style of Chinas-Ming Dynasty. I am sure youll like our Ming House.4、理查德先生,我们的“信息高速公路与传播服务学术研讨会”将如期在我中心举

9、行。Mr. Richard, the Symposium on Information Superhighway and Communication Service will be held at our center as scheduled.5、我很高兴地告诉您,先生已被筹委会选为第一轮报告会的主要发言人。如果您需要复印一些发给与会者的报告材料或打算使用投影机,请与我中心的设备服务部门联系。Im pleased to tell you that you have been chosen by the organizing committee as a keynote speaker for

10、 the first session of the workshop. If you like to use a photocopier for your handouts, or an overhead projector for your presentation, please do not hesitate to contact our Equipment Service.6、长途旅行之后您应该好好休息一下。我告辞了,我们在今晚的招待宴席上再见。Im sure you need a good rest after such a long flight. I suppose Ill ha

11、ve to go now. See you again at the reception banquet tonight.Part Three1、Thank you for your gracious words of welcome. I visited this city 26 years ago a little over 26 years ago. Then I couldnt have imagined the dynamic and impressive city that Xian has turned into today.感谢您热情洋溢的欢迎辞。26年前我曾经访问过这座城市,

12、不止26年了。未曾想到,今天的西安如此生机勃勃,让人印象深刻。2、China is definitely a more open place than at any time since the Tang Dynasty. We all need to become China experts now, because China, and especially its future, matters for all of us. The last 26 years have seen tremendous Changes in China. The rest of the world has

13、 a big stake in Chinas success.可以说,中国正处于自唐朝以来最开放的时期。我们都得成为中国通,因为中国,尤其是中国的未来,对我们都至关重要。过去的26年,中国发生了巨大的变化。全世界都看好中国,对她的成功充满信心。3、The possibilities that Chinas social and economic developments offer both the country and the world are extraordinary. This should be an opportunity for all of us. To make it s

14、o, we must forge a long-term strategic partnership between Europe and China.中国社会与经济发展不仅给本国带来巨大的机遇,也给全世界带来巨大的机遇。这是我们所有人共同享有的机遇。为了抓住这一机遇,我们必须在欧洲与中国之间建立长期的战略伙伴关系。4、I dont think China is likely to become an expansionist military power, a worry that has clouded some people. Chinas membership of the WTO i

15、s a good example of how working with China and integrating it more fully into the international system can work to all of our advantage.我认为中国不会像某些人所担忧的那样走军事扩张的道路。中国加入世贸组织就是一个很好的子,充分说明与中国合作,使中国融入国际社会可以对我们带来什么样的好处。5、I am looking forward, in the next two weeks, to taking this opportunity to witness wit

16、h my own eyes the magical power of this land of wonder and learn from your endeavor and efforts in serving your people.我期待着在接下来的两周里,借此访问之机亲自领略中国这片神奇土地的巨大魔力,学习贵国为了造福人民所做出的努力。 II Environmental Protection坚持环境保护基本国策 adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection推行可持续发展战略 pursue the strategy of sustainable development促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变 promote fu


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