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1、Sexism in Schoolsexism性别歧视主义etch侵蚀,蚀刻enhance加强,增强overall全部的,全体的overwhelmingly压倒性地,控制academic学院的,学术的domain占领vocally用声音,用口头assertive过分自信的ratio比例,比率reprimand谴责,训斥critic批评家,评论员spectrum范围,系列squeaky吱吱响的desegregation废除种族隔离shortchange欺骗,少找零misplace放错位置sociologist社会学家feedback反馈,反应Chivalry骑士气质,大男子主义bland和蔼的,平

2、和的detrimental有害的,不利的classify分类,归类dynamic动态的,活力的caricature漫画diffuse散开的,累赘的punch猛击,打孔remediation纠正,补救computation计算,估计snapshot印象,简介peer同辈,伙伴equitable公平的,公正的declarative宣言的,公布的Stereo-typically带有成见的qualifier合格者,修饰语transform改变,改观Idioms and ExpressionsParticipate in参加Be incapable of不能Call on叫,要求,号召Transform

3、 into把.转变成Fall into分成Focus on致力于,聚焦于Shout out大声叫喊Pack a punch有力一击At a ratio of.比例Disapprove of不同意Benefit from受益Attribute to归因于,认为是In the dark不为人知,茫然Kind of稍微,有点Be committed to献身于,致力于Lesson 2 Philosophers Among the CarrotsWord list1. manifestation n. 表现某事物的存在、现状或出现的显示/the clear evidence (in the text)

4、e.g. Fever is one manifestation of cold.发烧是感冒的一种表现形式。2. metaphysical a. based on speculative or abstract reasoning 哲学上的(philosophical)3. stew v. & n. cook slowly in water or juice in a closed dish, pan , etc炖, 焖4. eruditely ad. erudite a. learned 博学的,有学问的/ n. 博学之士, 有学问的人5. analogy n. 相似, 不同事物的某些方面具有

5、的相似性e.g. There is an analogy between the way water moves in waves and the way light travels.水波流动的方式与光的传播方式有相似之处。draw an analogy between把(二者)加以相比; 指出.之间的相似处6. smugly ad. smug a. 沾沾自喜的 e.g. the smug calculation如意算盘7. depositv. 放置 spit(in the text)8. pitn.hard seeds inside fruits like a peach, etc. 籽st

6、one(BrE) pit(AmE)9. speculatively ad. speculativea.思索的;推测的;玄思的e.g. speculative philosophy思辩哲学speculationn.揣测speculatev. 思考;沉思;推测(about/ on/ upon sth)10. marinatev.soak (meat, for example) in a marinade 腌泡11. secondv.赞成;附议 e.g. Deeds must second words.言行必须一致。12. optv.(for) 选择或决定 e.g. opt not to go选择不

7、去13. trainn. 一连串有联系的事件或思想;一系列 14. chugv.make dull, explosive sounds 发嘎嚓声,发出单调的、很响的声音15. realmn.某个领域、界或范围e.g. the realm of science科学界16. fluidn. a liquid or gas液体或气体 a. flowing, changing, smooth17. displacev.take the place of取代的位置,n 移动的位置e.g. millions of refugees who were displaced by the war数以百万计的难民

8、由于战争而离开家园18. immersev.浸没,沉迷中;专心于e.g. immerse ones head in the water 将头浸入水中19. lumpya.full of lumps块状物的lumpn.块e.g. I like taking one lump of sugar in my tea.我喜欢在茶里放一块方糖。20. recipen.菜谱,烹饪法;a medical prescription处方21. hobgoblinn. an ugly, mischievous devil淘气精灵22. Buddhan.佛 Buddhism n. Buddhist n.23. il

9、luminationn. 启示illuminatev. 启发e.g. stage illumination舞台照明illumination remark启发人的言论24. bubble gumn. chewing gum that can be blown into bubbles 泡泡糖25. wrappern.the material, such as paper, in which something is wrapped 包装材料26. lotusn. 莲27. pristinea. remaining in a pure state质朴的remaining free from dir

10、t or decay; clean干净的28. trunksn. shorts worn for swimming or other athletics 男用运动裤29. aggressivea. 倾向于敌对行为的 e.g. an aggressive foreign policy侵略性的外交政策30. fantasyn. the creative imagination; unrestrained fancy想象;幻想31. drapev. 遮盖e.g. drape a cloak over ones shoulders把斗篷披在肩上32. cachev. & n. the store of

11、 goods or valuables concealed in a hiding place 隐藏33. virtuousa. 有德行的virtue n. 正直;美德34. yeastn. 酵母35. doughn. 生面团36. willfulnessn.determination任性37. renegaden. 改变信仰者 a. disloyal38. abben. 僧侣, 神父 (abbey, monastery, convent)39. quintessencen. 典型最纯正或最典型的例子e.g. the quintessence of evil罪恶的化身40. enigmatic

12、allyad. Enigmatic a. 谜一般的;难以捉摸的 Lesson 3 The power of HabitWord List1. duken.公爵duke(公) marquis/ marquess(侯爵) earl (伯) viscount (子爵) baron (男爵)2. fashionv. 形成, 塑造e.g. fashion sb. into a fine sportsman把某人培养成优秀运动员3. discharge v. 释放;使退伍e.g. discharge a patient允许病人出院; discharge a soldier让士兵退伍4. whereupon

13、conj. 随之/于是5. guttern.排水沟,阴沟6. cavalryn. troops trained to fight on horseback 骑兵7. evolutionn. a series of planned movements按照计划的行动; 操练8. buglen. 军号,喇叭9. alternativen. 两者择一a.另一可选择的10. menagerie n. 动物展览; (马戏团豢养的)兽群11. presentlyad. in a short time; soon不久,一会儿e.g. She will arrive presently.她一会儿就到.12. b

14、ewilderv. confuse, especially with numerous conflicting situations, 使为难,使迷惑bewildering a. bewildered a. bewilderment n. (in bewilderment)13. fly-wheeln. 整速轮/飞轮/调速轮 (in the text) a regulating force14. agentn. 行动者,引起变化的力量15. ordinance n. 风俗,命令,法规16. repulsivea. disgusting 可憎的 (ness n.)17. thereinadv. 在那儿在那里,那时或在那件事中,在其中在那环境中或在那个方面18. deckhandn. 甲板水手19. nailv. keep fixed, 使固定e.g. Fear nailed me to my seat.恐惧使我坐在凳子上动弹不得.20. countrymann. a man who lives in the country or has country ways 乡下人21. nurturen. & v. bringing up培养 (educate, train, cultivate, nourish, rear)22. stratumn. (


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