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1、小六上英语动态教案 A案-郭兰Unit 2 Katie always gets up early Period 1 一、教学目标1,能听懂、会说单词get up , have breakfast, wave goodbye, go to school, do homework, have dinner, take a walk , watch TV , go to bed. 2,掌握本单元重点动词的第三人称单数形式,如:get up - gets up, have breakfast - has breakfast, do homework - does homework等等。 二、教学重点及

2、难点重点:能认读Part B的重点单词,并掌握他们的第三人称单数形式。难点:掌握本单元重点动词的第三人称单数形式。三、教学准备教学课件、单词卡片等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you.How are you? Whats the weather like today?2. Sing a songBingo3. 复习动词的过去式do-did, is-was, have-had, write-wrote,read-read, practice-practised, learn-learnt,pl

3、ay-played, take-took, talk-talked.Step 2 Presentation and drillget up , have breakfast, wave goodbye, go to school, do homework, have dinner, take a walk, watch TV, go to bed.1. 情景引入,教日常行为动词。T: How long have been in school? Do you like living in school? I love the school days, because everything is

4、regular. What do we usually do at school? 让学生说说平常在学校都在做什么? T: Its your day in school. This time we will know about Katies day. 2. 播放幻灯片了解Katie的一天。T:Look at the girl. Her name is Katie, she lives in Beijing. Now, she will begin her new day. What does Katie do everyday? Lets have a look. S: get up板书“g

5、et up”,并进行带读。当大家都知道读的时候再教句子。T:What time does Katie get up? S: She get up at 6:30.T: Yes, but get up or gets up. 利用PPT 让大家更好的记住在这个句子里是要用gets up. 板书: get up-gets up. 进行带读练习。以此类推完成其他单词的教学。 2.单词游戏: (1)红绿灯,将学生读的不好的单词标上绿灯。 (2)快速反应,老师说三单,学生则说原形。 老师说原形,学生则说三单。 (3)Add words game S1: get up S2: get up, gets u

6、p S3: get up, gets up, have breakfast. S4: get up, gets up, have breakfast, has breakfast 4. 评价:老师评价哪组最认真,游戏进行的最顺利。Step 3 Lets practise1. 做一个时间表来调查身边一个朋友的活动。TimeActivitiesTimegets uphas breakfastgoes to schooldoes homeworkgoes to bed然后将表格写成句子。Jane gets up at _ a.m.She has breakfast at _ .2. Pair wor

7、k. 调查你的同桌的日常活动。【设计意图】通过制作表格,并将表格内容写成句子,巩固动词第三人称单数在句子中的运用。Step 4 Writing work1. Words writing.写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。go to school- goes to schoolhave breakfast-has breakfast.Twice a word 【设计意图】掌握所教单词的正确书写形式。Step 5 Homework1. 熟记单词 wave goodbye, do homework, take a walk, go to school. 2. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1)He _ (g

8、o to shool) at 6:30 a.m.2)Katie _(take a walk) after supper.3)My father _ (watch TV) everyday.4)The boy _(do homework) at 7:00 am.5)Katies father _(go to bed) very late.教学后记:本课时设计的单词量比较多,有部分是已知单词,有一部分是新单词,老师在教学过程中碰到学生都不会的做强调教学,而基本都会的稍微带读即可。在第一课时,我就设计了第三人称单数的教学,目的是让孩子利用情景记住这些动词在句子中是这样子就行了,侧重于单词所在的句子和

9、情景。而到底是怎么回事,到第三课时在做练习时,再做重点讲解。Period 2一、教学目标1. 掌握新单词be late for school, read a newspaper, play chess;2. 掌握频率副词always, often, usually, sometimes, never的用法;3. 能用频率副词来描述自己的日常活动。二、教学重难点1. 重点:掌握课文B部分的新单词,并能用频率副词来描述自己的日常活动。2. 难点:掌握频率副词always, often, usually, sometimes, never的用法;能用这次副词描述自己的日常活动。三、教学准备单词卡片、

10、教学课件等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Sing a song 3. Questions:What time do you get up? What time do you have breakfast?What time do you do your homework?What time do you go to bed?4. ReviewStep 2 Presentation and drill1.情景引入,教授新单词be late for school, play chess, read a newspaper. T: We have

11、knew Katie yesterday. Lets know more about Katie and her friends. Katie is a good student. She always gets up at 6:30 a.m. She is never late for school.板书always-总是, 并进行带读和教学。“Katie 总是在六点半起床。”S: - Katie always gets up at 6:30 a.m.T:我总是在七点钟起床。S: I always get up at 7:00 a.m.板书 never -从不, 并进行带读和教学。板书be

12、late for school -上学迟到。 be late for work-上班迟到。T: Katie always gets up at 6:30 a.m. She is a good student. But her classmate Bob isnt. Bob often gets up at 7:30 a.m. And sometimes , he is late for school. 板书 often-经常,并进行带读和教学。 “Sarah经常在7点半起床。” S: Sarah often gets up at 7:30 a.m. 我经常在十点钟睡觉。 S:I often g

13、o to bed at 10:00 p.m. 板书sometimes -有时, 并进行教学。 有时,我会十一点睡觉。 S: Sometimes, I go to bed at 11:00 p.m.T:After supper, Katie often plays chess with her father ,but sometimes Katies father reads a newpaper. 板书 play chess - 下象棋,板书并进行教学。 我从不下象棋。 S: I never play chess. 有时,彼得会和哥哥下象棋。 S: Sometimes, Peter plays

14、 chess with his brother. 板书 read a newspaper- 看报纸,板书并进行教学。 我从不看报纸。 S: I never read a newspaper.2.单词游戏 read a newspaper, play chess, be late for school. 频率副词:always , often, sometimes , never.(1) 红绿灯游戏(2) 开火车(3) Clap and sayStep 3 Practise 频率副词 : always , often, usually, sometimes, never. 1. Ask and answerWhat do you always do everyday?What do you usually do everyday?What do you often do ?What do you sometimes do?What do you never do?2. Make sentences我总是


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