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1、六年级英语第四次周清测试卷姓名: 得分:一、按要求写单词. (15分)put on (反义词)_ teeth (单数) party(复数)_ lie (现在分词)_light(反义词)_buy(过去式)_wash(单三形式)_lose(反义词)_fast(比较级)_ sad(副词)_ beach(复数) sun(形容词)_leaves(单数)_ nine(序数词)_ teach(过去式)_二、连词成句。(15分)1. bike, riding ,is ,a, exercise 2.arent , for, you, good , they 3. will, what, you, do, sum

2、mer, this 4.lying, you, do, on , beach, the, like , 5. Does, that, cloud, like , look , what 三、从I栏找出与I I栏对应的答语。 (30分)( )1.How far is it to the store ? ( )2.Would you like to learn to play ping-pong? ( )3.Whats your favourite shape? ( )4.How many gifts do you need ? ( )5.How much is chicken ? ( )6.Wh

3、at did you do? ( )7.Do you like these or those T-shirt ? ( )8.Can you swim? ( )9.How s the weather today?( )10.What do you wear to swim? A .Five.B . Five yuan .C.I taught Li Ming to play basketball. D .I like these.E .Yes , I can .F.Its cold and snowy.G. I wear swimsuit.H. Its one kilometre.I.Circle

4、.J.Yes, I would.四、短语大练兵。(20分)( )1.a pair of runners A.洗脸( )2.be good for B.篮球运动员( )3.say hello to C.在飞机场( )4.work hard D.从星期一到星期五 ( )5.from Monday to Friday E. 在体育用品店( )6.wash your face F.去游泳( )7.at the airport G.向问好( )8.a basketball player H.对有益(有好处)( )9.at the sports store I.一双跑鞋( )10.go swimming

5、J.努力工作五、用所给的动词的适当形式填空: (15分)1 . Look ! My sister _ ( play ) with the toy cars . 2 . I _ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning . 3 . Do they like _ (swim) ? 4 . Toms mother _ (have) a nice jacket. 5 . Can you _ (make ) a paper plane for me ?六、以My Favourite Season 为题写一篇作文。(最少五个句子)(5分)友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编辑,期待您的好评与关注! /



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