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1、GMDSS英语阅读500题单选题一第三部份英语阅读单项选择题1. IMO has decided that all ships over 300TGt must be fitted with a NAVTEX receiver _ .A. by 01 Feb 1992 B. by 01 Aug 1993C. between 01 Feb 1992 and 01 Feb 1999 D. before 01 Feb 19922. GMDSS is to provide _ with reliable communication .A. all large passenger vessels B.

2、freighters of more than 300gt in coastal waters C. all passenger ships and cargo ships engaged in international-voyages D. all passenger ships and cargo ships of 300gt upwards in open sea3. The complying vessels can transmit ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least _ .A. One means, whether satellit

3、e or terrestrial techniques B. Two means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniques C. Two separate and independent means, each using different radio communication services D. Two means, such as MF DSC and HF DSC4. The quality of the message can be affected by _ .A. climate B. sunshine C. human be

4、ings D. both a and b 5. Within the polar areas it is _ to see a satellite in geo-stationary orbit .A. impossible B. possible C. easy D. difficult6. The Inmarsat system is open for use by _ countries on a non-discriminatory basis .A. some B. lots of C. many D. all7. With the help of GMDSS _ can be al

5、erted to a distress incident as soon as possible .A. all ships in a large sea area B. only the sea authorities ashoreC. the SAR units ashore and at sea D. the port radios and the coast stations8. In areas covered by Inmarsat HF can be used as an _ to satellite communications.A. alternation B. altern

6、ate C. alter D. alternative9. When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will _ in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum delay .A. assist B. send a rescue vessel C. search the distress area D. reach the distr

7、ess position at once 10. In which year was the COSPAS-SARSAT system established ?A. 1980 B. 1981 C. 1979 D. 198211. It is quite _ for an SES operator to send a distress alert .A. easy and expensive B. simple and certain C. dangerous and stable D. difficult and compulsory12. Any ships fitted with SES

8、 can _ and _ through the satellite system when sending a distress alert .A. enter the system / contact an RCC B. access to INMARSAT / establish contact with a CES C. have absolute priority to enter the system / make contact with a CES D. enter the system gradually / wait for rescue 13. Whats the adv

9、antage when using the satellites ?A. The message can be directed to the desired location B. The message can follow the earths curvature C. The quality of message can not be affected by climatic D. The range of the message extend and the quality of reception is improved14. The DSC frequency for distr

10、ess alerting in Area A2 is _ .A. 2182KHZ B. 2174.5KHZ C. 2192KHZ D. 2187.5KHZ15. What channel is general communication used ?A. any appropriate channel except public communication B. any appropriate channel except for public communications C. any appropriate channel besides public communication D. a

11、ny appropriate channel beside public communication16. why do some stations keep silence ?A. Because they are not engaged in the distress traffic B. they will affect the transmission of the distress traffic C. The powers of these stations are very weak D. They are not in charge of search and rescue17

12、. General radio communications in the global system are those between _ concerning the management and operation of the ships and may have impact on their safety .A. SAR party and the ship in distress B. SAR authorities and the ship in distress and survival craft C. A ship station and any coast stati

13、on D. Ship stations and shore-based communication network18. It is required that ships proceeding at sea should keep continuous watch on _ .A. VHF channels 16 and 13 B. Appropriate DSC distress and safety frequencies C. INMARSAT TDM message channel D. VHF channel 70 and channel 819. The ARQ mode sho

14、uld be applied _ .A. when two stations communicate with each other B. in any radio system and at any time C. when one ship sends a message to another station D. for communication among some stations20. What information will a distress alert contain ?A. nature of distress B. type of assistance required C. course and speed and time at which the information was recorded D. A, B, C are all



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