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1、1. few, a few, little, a littleDont worry. Theres a little time left.Theres little bread left in the fridge. Youd better buy some.2. other, the other, others, the others, another, onethe other, any otherHong Kong is richer than any other city in China.Hong Kong is richer than the other cities in Chi

2、na.I cut the apple into two halves. One half is for my cat, the other half is for my dog.The jeans are too large, please give me another one.Students in Class 2 are playing on the playground. Some students are playing basketball, some are running, others are playing football, the rest are sitting on

3、 the grass.3. too, also, either, as well注意also在句中的位置:be动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前Tony can speak Japanese too. Tony can speak Japanese as well. Tony can also speak Japanese.4. say, speak, tell, talk-Who spoke at the meeting yesterday?-Mr. Wang did. He told us some important news.Can you say it in Chinese?He ca

4、n speak English very well.Ill talk to your father about your health.She told me her name.What did Mr.Wang say at the meeting yesterday?5. put on, wear, dress, in, onMy daughter is old enough to dress herself.The boy in red looks like my brother.Look! Mary wears a beautiful new dress today.Its cold o

5、utside. Youd better put on your coat.This yellow sweater looks pretty on you. I think you look nice in yellow.6. sometime, some time, sometimes, some times Sometime next week, my parents will come to see me.Would you like to stay with us for some time.Some students feel stressed sometimes.I have bee

6、n to America some times.7. look for, find, find out, discoverHe has looked for his dictionary for half an hour, but he hasnt found it.I discovered that she was a good cook.The teacher wanted to find out who had broken the door.8. spend, take, pay, costI spent 5600 yuan on this computer. I spent 5600

7、 yuan (in) buying this computer.It took me 5600 yuan to buy this computer.I paid 5600 yuan for this computer.This computer cost me 5600 yuan.We spend two and a half hours on homework every day.We spend two hours and a half (in) doing our homework every day.It takes us two and a half hours to do our

8、homework every day.It will take us at least one year to build the bridge.We will spend at least one year building the bridgeMy homework took me three hours yesterday.Watering flowers takes my grandfather a quarter everyday.9. a number of, the number ofA number of visitors come to China to visit the

9、Great Wall every year. The number of them is over one million.There are more and more students in our school.The number of the students in our school is (becoming/getting) larger and larger.10. borrow, lend, keep-Can I borrow your bike?-Sorry. I have lent it to Tom.How long can I keep the magazine?Y

10、ou have kept my English book for a month. You must return it to me today.I want to borrow the book for two weeks.11. on, over, above under, belowThe moon is now above the trees in the east.12. alone, lonelyI am alone at home, but I dont feel lonely.Sometimes I stay at home alone in the evening.13. a

11、ll, none, both, neither, eitherI want to buy some English magazines, but there is none left in the book shop.All students are in the playground, no one is in the classroom.Both of my parents hope I can get high marks in the English test.- Would you like tea or coffee? - Either is OK. I dont mind.14. none, nothing, no oneThere is nothing in the box. Its empty.15. every, eavh16. get to, reach, arrive in/at17. happen, take place18. hope, wish19. in front of, in the front of behind, at the back of20. look, look at, see, watch


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