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1、 Unit 9 Can you come to my party?学习目标1. 会使用“Can .?”发出邀请;会运用“Sure, Id love to. That sounds great!”等接受邀请;会用“Sorry, I cant. I must/have to .; Sorry. He/ She has to/must.”等委婉地拒绝邀请。2. 采用听力训练、小组对话、分角色表演、制作调查表格等方式来巩固日常用语;通过看图、找关键词等阅读策略培养阅读能力。 3. 通过学习本单元内容,了解英美国家举办聚会的习俗,了解举办聚会的基本步骤,以“学会生活”;通过送别朝夕相处的老师和朋友,学会

2、感恩老师、珍惜友谊。Section A (1a 1c)课时重点1. 学会说“Can .?”并用来邀请别人;2. 学习掌握相关动词短语表达拒绝的理由;3. 能够使用所学语言发出邀请,并恰当地接受或委婉地拒绝邀请。预习导学不看不讲一、填一填1. 来参加我的晚会 come to my party 2. 为考试做准备 prepare for an exam 3. 去看病 go to the doctor 4. 我很乐意 Id love to 5. 得流感 have the flu. 6. 与朋友见面 meet my friend二、译一译1. Can you come to my party on S

3、aturday afternoon? 周六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗? 2. Sure, Id love to. 当然了,我很乐意哦。 3. I have to help my parents. 我必须帮助我的父母。 4. I have to prepare for an exam. 我得为考试做准备。 5. I must go to the doctor. 我必须去看病。 三、想一想1.这节课我们接触了哪些生词? prepare, prepare for, exam, flu 2. 能把你常用的拒绝理由列出来吗(不少于三个)?Reason1: ; Reason 2: ; Reason 3 .3

4、. 能举例说说同学向你发出邀请时你的回答情况吗?同学:Can you go to movies with me this weekend? 你:Sorry. I . 合作探究不议不讲活动一:听一听要求:1.听课本1b的录音第一遍,完成1b的听力任务; 2. 听第二遍录音,写出三个同学的回答邀请。Tim:_Kay:_Anna:_Wilson:_活动二:先仿照例子编对话,然后与伙伴们一起练习对话。Sample conversation:A:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?B:Sure, Id love to.C:Sorry, I can

5、t. I have to prepare for an exam.D:Im sorry, too. I must go to the doctor.活动三:调查活动1.请对你所在组的同学发出晚会邀请,并记录他们的回应情况。完成任务所需的语言结构:A:Can you come to my party on Friday evening?B:Sure, Id love to.C:Sorry, I cant. I have to./ I must.2.填写表格,分享调查结果。NameAnswers3.做一个简短的调查报告。Like: This is our survey report. Im hap

6、py that A is coming to my party on Friday evening. But B, C and D cant come to my party. B has the flu. He has to go to the doctor. C must prepare for the English test. D has to help her parents at home. So I can have the party with A and my family. Thats all. Thanks!知识超市l Can you come to my party o

7、n Saturday afternoon? 周六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗?此处的Can you.?不表示能力,而是表示请求、表达邀请。它是英语中最常用的邀请方式。肯定回答常用“Sure, Id love to.”也可用“Certainly”,“Of course”取代Sure;当然,“Sure. That sounds great.”也是常用的接受邀请的方式。思考:请举例说说如何邀请别人参加你的生日聚会。Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow? 做一做:1. C you come to Jims birthday party this Saturd

8、ay evening?Sure. That sounds great.A. Do B. Does C. Can D. Must 2. Could you come to my house tomorrow?. D . That sounds good.A. Yes, I could B. No, I cant C. Sorry, I cant D. Of coursel Sorry, I cant. I have to prepare for an exam. 对不起,我不能去。我必须准备考试。这是一种委婉地拒绝邀请的方式。为了表达得更礼貌些,常用Sorry表达内心的歉意,然后附以简短的理由,

9、这样会使对方更容易接受。另外,也可用I must.说明理由。注意:有些理由不需要用must或have to, 只需直接说出即可。如:Sorry, I cant. I have the flu./ I have a fever等。思考:请尝试用英文拒绝别人的邀请。Can you go to the Christmas party with me tonight? Sorry, I cant. I have to help my parents at home. 做一做:1. I cant go to the party tomorrow because I B go to the doctor.

10、 A. has to B.have to C.can D.could2. Could you come to my house this afternoon, Jane? Sorry, I cant. C .A. That sounds great B. Im busy C. I have to prepare for the English test D. Id love to【知识链接】美国女孩喜爱的生日聚会创意多半女孩在心理上总是渴望浪漫、羡慕公主般的奢华生活,同时,她们的内心充满了与生俱来的善良和温柔。这些心理特点决定了她们喜爱下列主题创意的聚会:公主晚会(Princess Party

11、),花园晚会(Garden Party),睡衣晚会(Slumber Party),芭蕾晚会(Ballet Party), 仙子晚会(Fairy Party)。【学法指导】1. 听磁带之前,建议先看图并朗读所给语言信息,如动词短语,提前感知听力大意,以更好地理解听力内容。2. 回顾以前做学的can的用法,试比较can的用法区别。3. 在短语和句子中记忆和巩固单词,会取得“记住了,又会用了”的效果。【教学建议】1. 布置学生举例说说can表示能力的用法;2. 布置学生搜集或画出与课本内容相关的图片以备用;3. 做探究部分时,教师可以把对话模板用小黑板或大屏幕的方式展现出来,帮助学生更好地完成对话任

12、务。【备选问题】1. must和have to有什么区别吗?2. Can you come to my party?中的can能用could取代吗?导学测评不练不讲基础题A.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词。1. Whats Jim doing? Hes preparing (准备) for the math test.2. I have to go to the doctor. I have the flu. (流感).3. Its Saturday(星期六) today. Its relaxing time.4. We should often write to our parents (父母)

13、.5. Im really happy to meet (与. .见面)my old friends.B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。6. I go to a lot of parties (party) before the new year. It makes me happy.7. Gina has (have) to look after her sick mother at home.8. Can you come (come) to Johns party on Sunday morning?9. Id love to help(help) you, really.10. Sorry, I have to do (do) my homework能力题单项选择。11. B you _ to my house for dinner tomorrow evening? Sure. Id love to.A. Can; go B. Can; come


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