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1、关于研究生的复试自我介绍带来了很多新颖的可操作的发展思路。202X年,我进入*公司,从事*工作。较强的逻辑思维能力和系统思维能力,使我在工作中能够正确处理*工作方方面面的问题。通过参加公司内部计划的制定,我对管理知识有了更深入的理解和掌握,因此,我有信心进一步学习管理知识,从事企业管理或相关研究工作。 之所以报考MBA,主要有以下三点原因:一是我对管理学有强烈的兴趣,希望能够深入系统的开展相关知识的学习;二是为了实现企业经理人的梦想,需要更深层次的自我发展,学习提高;三是为了指导实际工作,经过MA的锻炼,能够提升自已的管理能力,提高所在企业的管理水平。 最后我希望9月份能够以学生的身份出现在这

2、里,聆听各位老师的教诲!我的介绍完了,谢谢! 关于研究生复试自我介绍篇二Goodorn!Nice o mee you hee.pofessr. Firt of all, pleasealow me to epress maeciation for theoponi ttae patn to&qu; nterview.ThnI il mak a brief intoductinabou yelf. My ae is xxI&rso; 29 years old, I&o;m a nativeof ChngiggirlI graduted fr thConqig normal universiy i

3、n July,22X.y moinginounaism. Durine pas eveyears, hv ee wrken Chinailehngqinbranch and I was a secrtary.From last Octobr.Ihae been stuin in a B traning istteher I make my friends from al lks of e. nd now I m tain tisintrvieforthe fi reslt. hop can ssthe exam smothly and furtermy MBAtudy.Becae, f mpa

4、rt, MBerning willba part f m aaemic jurn ,and during tis coorfl jorny I wil eetdifferentkid o fiend wthwom I a erih y stdies and pesnal ivsboth. urermore a suran ar lot fmMBcourse, nd finish my tasks eter. Iti Iquo; n optimit, oen-mnded, hrdorkand respnsiblty erson. I will ry bst o doeverywo. wellIn

5、my ar tie, I likeraveling, surfingtheItenet. Becue hink they cnroade horizo(视野更开阔)Wh 7 yeaswrkinexpriences,Ihaveey underndwhate larnd as not enogh ory target so that i t reasn h I coose to rer my study wthth MBA degree. I thin ould bean exellent sdntof yo MBA program. Ok, tha is l, tank youfor your

6、attenion. 关于研究生复试自我介绍篇三 Go mrg. I am ga o be hre for tis tview. First let e itroduce sel My ame is *,4. Icomefom*,e caital o *rincI aduatd fro the * departmentof*niversity in July,20X. In t asttwo years Ihaveben preparing rthe postgrdate examinationwhle ave been techin *i NO. *midleSchol an I wasahe

7、-techer of a cs ijuior gradetw owal myhard work has go a reult since I hea chnce t be nterviewd by yo. I a p-minded,quik in thought nd ry fond of histry Iny spare tie,I hav broa interess like manthr youngers.I ik eadig bok,esecially thse bot *. Frequently I exhange other eople by akingcmmets inthe o

8、rum on ine. In additio,during y colge year, wa nc aNet-ba thi. So, va cmrtive good ommanofnetwrk pplicatin. Ia abletooerate the coputr el. I m skillfuli searcing fnformtin on Itrt. I a footba fa foryears. Itaan eam ismy favorteAyay,I elgreat ityfr ou countr's team. awas beleve ato will easilylag bein nles e eep leain. f cours,f Iamgiven a chance sud *ih famo Unvesity,I wll pare


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