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1、9上 Unit 1 Know yourself一.复习单词表A. 易错单词grammar 语法 praise 赞扬,表扬 general 总的,普遍的 connect 连接 miss 错误,过失 attention 注意,专心 standard 标准 carelessness 粗心 impatient 不耐烦的 fixed 固定的 lively 活泼的 divide 分开speech 演说 absent 缺席的B. 重点单词用法1. eat up 吃光 (ate, eaten ) eat sth. up eat up sth. eat it/ them up 2. neither(全部否定)“

2、两者都不”。作主语,谓语动词只能用单数。 neither of the+名词复数宾格, Neither of the twins has been thereeither 否定句,也 He isnt a teacher. She isnt a teacher, either. -I like PE.-Me,too. -I dont like PE.-Me, either/Neither do I . eitheror(或者或者,要么要么)就近原则 neither-nor -(既不.也不.) 就近原则 not only. but also ( 不但.而且.) 就近原则 There are man

3、y trees on either sideeach sideboth sides of the road-When shall we meet today or tomorrow?-Im free, either is OK./both are OK.3.praise(v.) sb. be praised as. ( n.) win high praise from sb.4. connect A to/ with BShe connected the mouse to the computer.Make sure the key-board must be connected to the

4、 computer correctly.Can you see the mouse connected to the computer.There is a bridge connecting the two villages .5. miss (n.) To us, a miss is as good as a mile. (v ) miss sb. very much miss doing sth.6. attention (n.) pay more/ no/ little/much attention to sth/ doing sth. The work we has paid att

5、ention to _( finish ) next sunday.7. standard ( n ) standards work to high standards The quality of the robot isnt up to standard.8.pioneer (n ) a pioneer The pioneer of Chinas space technology programme9. care (n ) take good care of ( v ) care about care for(adj.) careful, careless (adv.) carefully

6、, carelessly(n ) carelessnessHe failed in the exam because of his _.10. patient (adj.)耐心的 (n.)病人 impatient (反义词) patiently (adv)be patient with sb对某人有耐心,容忍某人 be patient of sth. 能容忍某事He is an impatient (patient) doctor 11. lively livelier 活泼的,热闹的,生机勃勃的 She is lively. / She is a lively girllovely (adj

7、.)-lovelier living (adj.) 活着的, 可做前置定语也可做表语 living people He is no longer living. alive (adj.) 活着的,做后置定语 people alive live 现场直播的(地)(adj/adv) a live TV show The football match was covered live on TV12. divide- divided / dividingdivide sth. - sth. be divided divide sth intosth. be divided into被分成 A yea

8、r is divided into twelve monthsThe teacher often divides us into four groups in class The earth can _be divided into two halves. (divide)13.shape (n.) in shape stand in different shapes ( v.) 使成形,塑造 shape your life and your future14.speak (v.) speak English speak in front of the whole school (n.) sp

9、eech- speeches speaker make a speech to a large group of people15. absent (adj.) 缺席的 be absent from school二. 重点短语及句型用法1.keep all her things in good order 使她所有东西保持井然有序 keep sth. in order2.All of us know that its necessary to pay attention to every detail.Its + adj. +of sb. + to do sth. = sb. be+ adj.

10、 + to do sth.Its + adj. +of sb. + not to do sth. = sb. be+ adj. + not to do sth.Its + adj. + for sb. + to do sth.= to do sth. + be + adj.Its + adj. + for sb. + not to do sth Its + adj. that +从句Is it necessary _( tell ) your father everything?Its important for them to do these things.Its important th

11、at they do these things3. To us, a miss is as good as a mile. We cant afford to make any mistakes.对我们来说,失之毫厘差以千里。我们承担不起任何错误。afford 与can/could/ be able to 连用 afford sth/ afford to do sth.He was so poor that he couldnt even _ the car fare. A. allow B. afford C. keep D. sell4. She has devoted most of h

12、er time to her work.她把她的大部分时间都用在工作上。devote sb / oneself / ones time / ones life / ones money / ones effort to sth /to doing sth,献身于,致力于,把-用于- be devoted to sth. / to doing sth致力于把专用于,全部身心倾注He has devoted his life _(protect ) birds5.As a doctor, you cant be too careful. 作为一个医生,再怎么仔细也不为过。cant . too.无论

13、怎样也不过分 A kid can never have too many toys.6.Each of them represents a lunar year. 它们中的每一个代表了一个农历年。 represent +名词Blue can also represent _( sad).7.They appear in a fixed order and the cycle repeats every 12 years.它们以一个固定的顺序出现,并每12年循环一次。every + 数词+时间名词 “ 每,每隔”8.Its you who shape your life and your fut

14、ure. Its +强调内容+ who/ that + 其他Its _ ( he ) who I met up with yesterday.Its Jim who _( watch ) TV at this time yesterday.9.We are writing to recommend David as our new monitor. 我们写信推荐David为我们新班长。recommend sb. as/ to be10.Its said that people born in the Year of the Tiger are brave.据说虎年出生的人很勇敢Its said/ hoped /reported that .Its said that he _ ( play ) football at 7 a.m yesterday.三.语法复习1


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